Resolution 303-1987 ,,'-- -- ... Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 303 -1987 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, FRED E. SNOWMAN AND FRANCES M. SNOWMAN, AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONCERNING SETTLEMENT OF THE APPEAL FILED BY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, IN RE: MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-87. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby authorizes the Mayor /Chairman of the Board to execute a Settlement Agreement between the Florida Department of Community Affairs, Fred E. Snowman and Frances M. Snowman, and Monroe County, Florida, a copy of which is attached hereto, concerning settlement of the appeal filed by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, in re: Monroe County Planning Commission Resolution No. 10-87. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of August, A. D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE S OF ROE COU~Yp FLORIDA <P(4 Jf. a~rman ..' ::.; (Seal) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -./2 L~ ~_~.~ (': r ' APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. rJ~~~ Attorney's Offu:e BY STATE OF FLORIDA LAND AND WATER ADJUDICATORY COMMISSION IN RE: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. lO-U7 ISSUED TO FRED E. SNOWMAN, JR., AND FRANCES M. SNOWMAN IN AN AREA OF CRITICAL Sl'ATi~ CONCERN. . ,....~(., " .~ .... ,. " . - " j . ',b.' ! ,. , ;' "'''' ,,' . ; , I \ ~ : " \,'.. :" r - .- t' ..: ,. , ;.. I ' , ~,J, JUN '2S l'il [1[; /\.,' ~ j . COMlvll:i'"i i ," ,,;,:;~ Kl::/~_; (~i: ir c\ SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT_B~~~~~~_~~~_!~Q~!Q~_Q!~~~~~!~!_Q! ~-~~iiijii~i-i~iiii~~_~~~Q_!~_~~Q~~~~L_~~Q_!~~~~~~_~~ .. .--- -- ~-S-N-OWM-A-N-;~~~Q_~2 ~~Q!_~Q!!~! !L_!~Q~!Q~ - - _.. .-. -- ._- -..- .-- THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT made by and among Monroe County, Florida, a political subdivision of the state of Florida ("Monroe I : ,) II n t y" ); the F lor i daD e par t men t 0 f Com rn u nit y A f f air s, a nag e n c y of the State of Florida ("DCA"); and Fred E. Snowman and Frances ;'j. S n 0 \, !:\ a n (" the S now man s" ) . WHEREAS the Snowmans are owners of Lot 63, Section "A", :'1 ate cum b p 0 c e a n B e a c h 0 n Lower 1-1 ate cum b eKe y I I 0 cat e din S e c t ion ll, Township 64 5, Range 35 E, Monroe County, Florida, further described in Exhibit A which is attached hereto and made a part hereof (the subJect property). WHEREAS, a controversy has arisen between Monroe County, UCA and the Snowmans regarding Resolution 10-87 which is marked EXhibit B and is attached hereto and mad~ a part hereof. 'iJ]jEREA:J, DCA ha~, filed a petition with the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission from Monroe County Planning Co Ii: ~ i s s ion He sol uti 0 n No. 1 0 - 87 w her e b y the den i a I for a va ria nee to the 50 foot setback requirement established in Subsection 9-dll.L.G. Monroe County Land Development Regulations for the subject property was overturned by the Planning Commission ("the ? ,. c ~ t ion" ); and WHEHEAS, all parties are desirous of amicably resolving tne controvery and establishing the setback from the beach berm co~plex to be allowed on the subject property and to identify wher~ on the property the structure may be placed. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants enterd into between the parties hereto to be made and performed, d 11 d J n ,: 0 n f.; ide rat ion () f the b e n e fit sac c rue d t () e a c h 0 [ the respective parties, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, it if.; convenanted and agreed to as follows: Section 1. f~~~~E~~~~!~~-~~~~~!~~~~~~' The above leprescntations are hereby incorporated by reference and are acknowledged to be true and correct. Section 2. ~l~~',/~~~ . A copy of a survey of the sUbject property is marked Exhibit C and attached hereto and made a part h0reof, Tl1e survey ~,hows the mean high water line on the subject pro p (' r t y . No structure shedl be located \~ithin (SOl feet of the mean high water line on the subject property as it is reflected on Exhibit C. Section 3, Execution. This agreement will take effect upon the signing of it by the last party. Section 4, Dismissal. Upon execution of this Agreement th~ Department will file its Notice of Voluntary Dismissal with the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission dismissing its appeal of Monroe County Planning Commission Resolution No. 10-87. s (~ c t ion 5. ~~f~~~~~~i!!~~_~!_~~~~!~~~~!~~~~~~~!~!. Enforcement of this Agreement may be in equity against any parties or persons violating, or attempting to violate, any proJision hereof. The Department may also enforce this Settlement Agreement pursuant to Section 380.11, Florida Statutes. The prevailing party in the action, or suit, shall be e~titled to recover, in addition costs and disbursements allowed by law, such sum as the Court may adjudge to be reasonable for the services of his attorney. Section 6. ~~~~~~!~2' This Agreement shall be filed of record among the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, at the cost of the Snowmans. EXECUTED this day of 1987. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 'di':nesses: By: -~~--------------------------- ... Mayor Attest: County Clerk -2- STATE OF FLOK~uft SS: COUNTY OF SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this 1987. day of Notary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: \'1 i t n e sse s : FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS By:____________________________ Thomas G. Pelham, Secretary ~TMTE OF FLORIDA SS: COUWI'Y OF LEON SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this 1987. day of Notary Public State of Florida at Large 1'1y Commission Expires: \J i t n e sse s : ------~i~~-~~-~~;~~i~~-Ji~----- S ? A '1' E 0 F' F LOR I D A ss: COUNTY OF SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this 1987. day of Notary Public State of Florida at Large 1'1 Y Com m i s s ion E x p ire s : 1"1 1 t n e sse s : Frances M. Snowman -3- STATE OF FLORIDA ss: COUNTY OF' SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this 1987. day of Notary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: ~t> -4- {!P;:':',- -:c,e.<!;'f ;~1i '/) ...", <'Ii,,;, i;?Y ~_w__,_-/ { /.:". ':.:.,.~.....