Resolution 309-1987 - . 1 Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 309 -1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A CONSENT TO LEASE CONCERNING THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES LEASING TO CITY FISH, INC. A PORTION OF BAY BOTTOM WHICH CONSTITUTES PART OF ITS BOAT BASIN WHICH IS ADJACENT TO AND ENCROACHES UPON LAND OWNED BY THE COUNTY OF MONROE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby approves and authorizes the Mayor of the Board to execute a Consent to Lease, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources leasing to City Fish, Inc. a portion of bay bottom which constitutes part of its boat basin which is adjacent to and encroaches upon land owned by the County of Monroe. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of August, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk I ,1' I. ///~ ... ~ ~,{J~.~~ ERK ' APPRO D AS 10 FO~M AN AL SUFFICIE' . , SY Attorney's Office Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 309 -1-987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OJ' COUWTY CQMl(IS~ SIONERS or MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AfflQvt~9 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE BOA-ID TO EXECUTE A CONSENT TO LEASE COltCERRIRG THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMDT or NATURAL RESOURCES LEASING TO CITY FISH, INC. A PORTION OF BAY BOTTOM WHICH CONSTITUTES PART OF ITS BOAT BASIN WHICH IS ADJACENT TO AND ENCROACHES UPON LAND OWNED BY THE COUNTY OF MORROE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby approves and authorizes the Mayor of the Board to execute a Consent to Lease, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning' the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources leasing to City Fish, Inc. a portion of bay bottom which constitutes part of its boat basin which is adjacent to and encroaches upon land owned by the County of Monroe. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of August, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~ " If,._ //w" {211',{J~~ co_ ~ 'l'O LIMIB COUITY OF MONROE, by and through the undersigned authority, hereby consents to the State of 'lorida Department of Natural aesources leasing to City 'ish, Inc. that portion of.bay '-ttom Which constitutes part of its boat basin which is adjacent to and encroaches upon land owned by the COUNTY OF MONROE, as shown on that certain survey perfor.ed by Phillips & Trice Surveying, Inc. dated May 29, 1986, Page Two, a copy of which is attached hereto. IN WITMESSWREIEOF, the said corporation has caused this document to be executed in its name, and its seal to be hereunto affixed, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the ~ day of ~, 1987. JOAIlD OF IlOIIIIOE c~r COMIllS~~S iH 4-''''''",,<< ~ · J rry ...ez yor'Chatraan of the Board (COUNTY SEAL>DANNY It. ltOIJIAGE, Clerk ATTEST: AI'MOWDAl1O FORM AND UML SUFFICIENCY. "Jk2!::t.1tr;-1 < PHILLIP;- ~ 'rRICE SUN.VEYIl'iG, IN ~\ ~ JACK M. PHILLIPS. P.L.S flOMIOA CERTIflCATf NO. 1410 Profes!.ional Land Surv~yors 1204 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 204-4747 JOE M. T'l.ICE. P.LS fLORIOA (ERT";(" H NO. Z 110 ! I @ J a eo (:) I-Iw....... 1." .. jj::;:)IC:)' UP!.. Jo...IJ D c::>ft U l!. Po. : ...a F.-.....w l<.." ~"""'~r..IE.. M~AO &eO - ":$ -r"!a. 'iJ-T. GOl..F M~--T"O~ I Fi... ' .. ..."...., ' "..".."ZJ ...*,,' . . "Il5.ap' "$'To. 51100 .e...,' ... 4"'~"a: I:. .&St+'.,". ~I.~' t-1 ~._'5. &'to? \...l I~- '-\d .,." eo' ~ S "7..... fIIl>' ~ ...' ~ LJ I..~-H -...0'.". .. ...... ... ......... ..... A.I_,..~~; ~, ( " 'tr/ U ."T. 4.Ut.' "!15>' 'fo4 C; ,I . "!.Z.' _ U 2'&-...'oc.""" ~ L.J<.-.cn ' I . l .:~. .t. .~ 'd . . J l)tl\,kt.,JD QNUEF\: U"t6' 60-"- ~ Jl.,. 7QC) ..,.. Qri" , Gou...F", r;I\.........~, ~i... ~ ..-to' ....If: -'0."'" · jt/l> I tf" P. S I; bI '-' G jt/ C I! "III Co II m (.,..J -I- , ~.,",.w l-I IS':.,'-" . 1W". ....' f.J 72.0 I . ...~ c:...&i . lit. .. . ~~.G.' "- \oJ 62." 01i. 'ea'&.. ~ '4~ .-ra I II. 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