Resolution 323-1987 .,. - ....... . Jeffrey A. Fisher, Director Florida Cooperative Extension Service RESOLUTION NO. 323 -1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE EXTENSION DIRECTOR OF THE FLORIDA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE TO MAKE APPLI- CATION FOR A DERELICT VESSEL REMOVAL GRANT. WHEREAS, derelict vessels exist in the Florida Keys due to continuous boater activity; and WHEREAS, derelict vessels pose a navigational problem along with environmental and/or aesthetic degradation; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Extension Director for Monroe County of the Florida Cooperative Extensive Service is hereby requested to make appli- cation for a Derelict Vessel Removal Grant. Said grant being administered by the Florida Department of Natural Resources. 2. Jeffrey A. Fisher, Extension Director, is hereby named contact/liaison person for this application for Derelict Vessel Removal Grant. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of August, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE ~ ( Seal) Attest :DANNY 1.. KOLHAGE Clerk , -I2L,f~J/J./. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. BY ~LJ Attorney's Office - . ~li*-16 .30 .'"Form: AppHc '.' ... --: '-S t . for Derelict vessel Removal Grant FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Application For Derelict vessel Removal Grant Part I - July 27, 1987 Date Name of Applicant: Monroe County 1 M.aili~q~~~s,~ .: P. O. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33045 ~elephone t (305) 294-4641 x 160 Contact Person: Jeff Fisher Total Amount of Requested Grant Funding: $ unknown Population: 70000 No. Registered vessels: *No.Derelict Vessels: 21+30 '(5t Projected Completion Date of Program. 1988 .* Attach a copy of the Florida Marine Patrol Derelict Vessel Report for each vessel to be considered for removal with grant funds. (Copies of these reports may be obtained from the local FMP District Office.) . Proposed method for nandling the removal and disposal of the designated Derelict Vessels: C1 tiJ Use of contractual services: not known - will advertise for competitive Specify proposed contractor, if known bids Use of own resources l part II Designated Derelict Vessels To Be Removed FMP I. D. t of Vessel Length of Vessel Est. Cost per Linear Ft. projected Total Cost of Vessel Removal/Disposal Designated Disposal Site (Specify Artificial Reef Site or Landf ill Location) 1 (see attached) $700 per vessel * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 lA *figure provided by City of Key West Port and Transit Authorit~ Director 15 . .. .....' . Part IV As duly authorized by T. Brown, County Administrator , I hereby make application on behalf of the applicant for a Derelict Vessel Removal Grant pursuant to 16N-16.29, F.A.C. I certify that the above supplied documentation is correct to the best of my knowledge and that the grant applicant agrees to the conditions specified in this application. %a~ 'j)i'~~ F'~,~J~\CL ~itle 1-78-07 Date ~ry;;- -d-. 9 V - If bY I X I b 0 Telephone No. DNR 20-232-FMP 2-86 --- Derelict Vessels always exist in the Florida Keys due to the continuous boate~ involvement. The Keys will always have derelict vessels. Some pose a navigation problem, while most represent an environmental and/or an aesthetic degradation. None appear to threaten public health. We have enclosed two lists for which we have DV Reports from the Florida Marine Patrol. One list includes reports primarily from 1982, with one from 1983 and one from 1980. We have supplied a second list which includes FMP Reports from January/February 1987. We have no reports from the 5-year period from 1982-87. None of the vessels on the newer list would be suitable for artificial reef construction. They are all relatively small and made of either wood or fiberglass. In addition, all reports are from the community harbor area of Tavernier. All of these vessels would need to be placed in the land fill. Judging from the dates and centralized location of the FMP Reports, it is felt that a substantial number of derelicts have not been investigated or the reports are not in our possession. Since the application must be based on FMP Reports with attendant I.D. Numbers, we can only submit what ~..,r:.' havf? Cost of removal is another difficult subject. Until we have a bid, we cannot really know the cost. We cannot ask for bids and let contracts until the grant is approved. Also, since the rules require that each DV be treated individuall",/ 21.',-:; to (1) [JE"!rmitting, (2) legal removal, (3) disposal, and (4) documentation, it is felt that we cannot submit a "blanh::.'t" grant pr"oposal. Our application is in essence a vessel-by-vessel proposal. Monroe County will write and advertise the job specifications, let contracts for dollar amounts on a case-by-case basis, monitor the disposal in the landfill, and make payment to the contractor. It is understood that reimbursement fol16ws from the DNR. FMP DERELICT VESSEL REPORTS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1987 FMP 1.0. 1=t- Length of VessE.'l Potential Disposal Sitf"~ ------------------.-------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 09,-609 18 landfill 608 20 landfill 610 ~!.o landfil 1 603 landfill 607 16 landfill 606 16 landfil 1 605 2() landfill 60,4 <=" landfill ..! *60:3 27 landfill 602 36 landfill 601 ~2() la,nd'fill ,:;)00 18 landfill 599 20 landfill ::59El 35 l-::inclfill 5'=1-;' 30 1 <:Hldf i 11 ~j'?~ 40 lanclfi 11 r:Qt=" ..,.-., li::\ndfill ,J .T_l 0.) ;" '594 30 landfill 593 "-1 II lancHill .I::.....r <="qr:, 3() landfill --J I.':" 591 :2:3 landfill *report incomplete FMP DERELICT VESSEL REPORTS Fl"lF' I. D. *" - Length Possible Disposal Site D,3.te of Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------.------------------------------------------- 09169 36 landfill 9/28/81 170 l"'"'\C::" landfill 9/2E3/81 "::"w 222 20 landfill 4/28/82 218 (016) 18 1 and'f ill 2/17/80 :22() (002) 2() landfill 2/2/82 221~ 21 landfill 4/20/82 :.::::.:::/ 18 landfill 4/20/82 228 ~:;O landfill 4/20/82 22Cj 40 landfill 4/20/82 23() r~o:::- landfill 4/20/82 "::"w :232 26 landfill 4/20/82 :2~;:7 2~7 landfill 4/20/82 :238 30 landfi.ll 4/20/82 ~2!::..() 17 land'fill 4/20/82 ~,262 43 lEH"ldfill 4/20/82 264 21 landfill 4/20/82 269 18 landfill 4/20/82 ~? -/7 71 r;:' (art. reef) 4/25/82 278 7-. lanclfi 11 4/20/82 .":1"::- 351 17 landfill 3/18/83 ~V+5 :~:5 landfill 11/28/82 326 "'11:"': 1 and.f i 11 4/30/82 .&::'__1 329 40 landfill 6/2/82 -:'"77 16 landfil 1 6/5/82 ,_",_"_, ~:.37 31 landfill 9/23/82 338 24 landfil 1 8/15/82 ~;;42 24 landfill 11/27/82 343 29 1 ,,:,melf ill 11/27/82 :344 31 landfill i 1/28/82 ... 346 18 landfill 11/7/82