Resolution 334-1987 -.. Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 334 -1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF SAID BOARD TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION AND MONROE COUNTY FOR MEDICAL EXAMINER FUNDS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby authorizes the Mayor/Chairman of the Board to execute a Contract by and between the State of Florida Department of Law Enforcement Medical Examiners Commission and Monroe County, a copy of same being attached hereto, for Medical Examiner Funds. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1st day of September, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ( Seal) Attest: . .......... #..L~, j~ -,.., .~ -'" !;r.-~".>" .1_0)1,(1~/,-..,., .q.:~ ;R ti I' ....,J '....~ \ '. ^ . '..-" , .., .....~ _~,.. "::,l, .~cz ! r ,..,~.1 \,...;Y ~' CON T R ACT Between STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF I.AW ENFORCEMENT MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION AND MONR..Q~_ COUNTY for MED I~AL __~XA~ IN~lLflllif)~ This Department hereinafter subdivision through its EXAMINER. Contract is entered into between the State of Florida, of Law Enforcement, Medical Examiners Commission, referred to as "COMMISSION", and Monroe County, a political of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred as "COUNTY", Board of County Commissioners, and the DISTRICT MEDICAL Any reference in this Contract to Examiner District XVI as established Commission under Chapter 406, Florida Statutes. "DISTRICTS" by the shall mean Medical Medical Examiners WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, Chapter 406, Florida Statutes, Administrative Code, authorize the COMMISSION to State funds for medical examiner services distribution of State Funds for said purpose, and Rule disburse and to llG-4, to the Florida COUNTY the oversee NOW, TIiEREFORE, in the provisions, terms, COMMISSION, the COUNTY and as follows: consideration of the mutual understanding and and conditions hereafter set forth, the the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER mutually agree 1. COUNTY agrees: A. To comply and act in accordance with all proV1s1ons of Chapter 406, Florida Statutes, and implementing rules of the Medical Examiners Commission, where applicable, B. To use funds provided to the COUNTY under this Agreement only for medical examiner related expenses, said uses to include, but not be limited to, the following: .. -1- \" , '-.Y ~; (1) Salaries and/or fees for service (2) Transportation (3) Facili ties and equiprent (4) Laboratory services (5) Administrative costs (6) Other related expenses C. 'Ib pay directly to vendor or provider, "lmder line i tern categories "Capital Oltlay Equipnent" and "Contractual Services, Other" , for Capital equiprent purchases, funeral hone services, or services requested by outside agencies. D. 'Ib provide the a:::MrrSSION with: (1) A Cbtmty Annual Expenditure Report on fonns to be provided by the (XM.USSIrn identifying total funds expended or enClIDlbererl and budgeted, for medical examiner services during the 1986-87 County Fiscal Year. (2) A copy of the budget adopted for rredical examiner services for the current 1987-88 County Fiscal Year. (3) A copy of the financial audit report (including a management letter) required by Section 11.45 (3) (a) 2, Florida Statutes. E. To catply with requests fran the CCM-tISSIrn for information regarding expenditures for support of rredical examiner activities prrsuant to Chapter 406, Florida Statutes. 2. '111e COUNTY and the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER agree: A. To cooply with Title VI and VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 tEC 20000), Executive Order No. 11246, entitled "Ek}ual Employment Opportrmi ty", as suppleIrented in Depar1:Jrent of I..abJr Regulations (41 CFR Part 60), and Federal Regulations concerning nondiscrimination because of mental and physical handicaps. B. To meet the standards of accormtability of Rule llG-4.06, Florida Administrative Code, which include the following: .. -2- ""~,,,,,~, ~ " (1) Each County shall use an accounting system which meets generally acceptod accountlng principles, (2) Each county and each district medical examiner shall maintain such records and accounts as are necessary to properly account for state funds disbursed by the Commission (3) All records relevant to this rule shall be retained for n period of not less than three years, unless otherwise provided by law, (4) Records and Rr.connts necessary to justify the use of state funds for medical examiner services shall be open to inspection for audit purposes to the COMMISSION, the Department, and the Auditor General. (5) Funds received from the COMMISSION shall be used for the provision of medical examiner services. 3, In the event of COUNTY or DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER'S noncompliance with any provision of the Contract, the Contract may be terminated or suspended in whole or part by the COMMISSION upon thirty (30) days written notice to the COUNTY and DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER. 4, The COMMISSION Agrees: A. To pay the COUNTY a total sum of $ semiannual payments of $~. to be paid in B. Payment shall be made on a semiannual basis, Payment for the first two quarters shall be made upon execution of this Contract and after the commission has received its 2nd quarter allotment of General Revenue Funds, approximately October I, 1987, The second payment shall be made when the documents outlined in Item I(C) above are provided to the COMMISSION and after the COMMISSION has received its 4th quarter allotment of General Revenue funds, approximately AprH I, 1988. 5, This Contract is effective for the State Fiscal Year July I, 1987 through June 30, 1988. 6. The Contract is subject to the availability of funds, and the determination as to such availability rests solely with the COMMISSION. If funds become unavailable, the COMMISSION may terminate this Contract on twenty-four (24) hour notice, .. -3- .,'.~-. ~."" ~ d Y 7. Any alterations, variations, modifications or waivers or provisions of this Contrnct shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly signed and attached to the original of this Contract, The parties agree to renegotiate this Contract if State revision of any applicable laws or regulations make changes in this Contract necessary. 8. The COUNTY and the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER shall be independent contractors, and not the agent or servant of the Department and shall not be entitled, as a result of this contract, to any benefits granted employees of the State of Florida, The COUNTY and the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER shall have complete supervision and control over their own agents, servants and employees. 9. The Department shall not be deemed to assume any HabUity for the acts, omissions to act or negligence of the COUNTY or the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER, their agents, servants, and employees; nor shall the COUNTY or DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER exclude its own negligence to the Department or any third party, 10. This Contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. Any items incorporated by references are physically attached, No other agreements, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Contract, shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. .. .. -4- .....;Y IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on thf' rf'1'lpoctivn dnt.MI lIndor flnr.h R f ~nltturo; Monroo COllnty through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, signing by and through its Chairman, authorized to execute same by Board action on the _____ day of , 19~) the DISTRICT MEDICAL EXAMINER, and STATE OF FLORIDA, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT, MEDICAL EXAMINERS COMMISSION, signing by and through its staff Director, duly authorized to execute same, and by the COMMISSIONER OF TIlE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT, State of Florida, Medical Examiners Commission Staff Director Date Date State of Florida, Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Date Chairman, Board of County Commissioners (1) ~9-~rpe County, Florida Date District Medical Examiner (2) ~V~ District .,' '., ....'.-~ "0' .... ..... ......-.-_-.-____.-...-......... ,...;." ~ APPROVED AS TO FORM ;:. I BY Afl-ND ~G~~FFIY. ' t Atrorn'''l''s Off' " >. ."i ~:. .". . . ., '. .-.. . -......... ..::, "}'",".-" ~fI,.I"l, . ." .;"",..~l ......,..,... .. -5- --.,-'.'......"...,....... --~"'-.._'.~ ,m'.__.. U ~ -0'. .".c.~._'::~.,. ..~..,._'__.'..::__~.~.: ..~.'''_ ...:.:.-..,,;..~..... .~"'~__. '. .0.......""'" .-O<,:i...', ,,""~'.-..c.,"~_ .,'...."'-.."".,.....~,'-..=-,..,._....~- pUDGET REQUEST FORM MONBPE COUNTY BOARD OF..J~PUNTY C_OMMISSIONERS Department: Medical Examiner For the Fiscal Year Endin~: September 30. 1988 Function/Activity Account Department Number 1300 - 527 Amount CON'l'RACTUAL SERVICES $105.200.00 CORTRACTUAL SERVICES,. O'1"BBR $ 1I.250.00 CAPITAL OU'J.'LAY BOUIPMBJrr $ 5..000.00 TOTAL REQUEST $121.450.00 ..