Resolution 350-1987 Jeff Fisher, Extension Director Boating Improvement Fund Liaison RESOLUTION NO. 350-1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RE- SOURCES BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT APPLICATION FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS SIMONTON STREET BOATER'S PARK, LOCATED IN KEY WEST, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board hereby approves the State of Florida Department of Natural Resources Boating Improvement Fund Project Application, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the project known as Simonton Street Boater's Park, located in Key West, Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of September, A. D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA a1rman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~/b1.tb.~ ______.____________. --!.. _..____._... .......__.H._...._ <.-._.._..._._.. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating Improvement Program Project Application Project Identification 1. Types of Project: Acquisition Development x Planning For Office Use Only Launch 9i te X New Docking Facility Expansion Date Received Channel Marking Renovation Project Number Other (specify) Coun ty _ Monroe 2. Project Title: Simonton Street Boater's Park 3. Project Location: Key West, Florida 4. Brief Description of Project: to rebuild ramp, pave portion of parking lot and other items in specifications on Schedule A or phase I 5. Grant Requested: $ Source of Other Funds: City Key West, grant, court penslty $ (approx. ) Estimated Total Project Cost $ 200,000 (approxi. ) 6. Applicant Identification: Applicant County: Monroe Located in City of: Key West (if applicable) Liaison Agent : Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe County, Board Name of County . of County Commissioners Address: P. O. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33045-2545 Phone No. 305/294-4642 x 160 ,~..'"-_._---....- 7. Signature: Date: . , '" STATE OF FLORl::JA DEPAP.T~1ENT OF ~TATu~ ?2S0U?C:::S Florida Boati~g Dn?=ova~e~t ?=og=~~ Project Aoclication for Develo~men": , -' f"'\..""""".::-r;::--" ::<=:.;"'-~. \"",I.,"; ..__ _.._? c - - - -- . ?eae=al S'-"''''''' '-- -- L~c~l x ., - . To~al ~st~ated Cost: $ 200,000 3. ~y?e a~d :::st~atec Cost of ?roposed Developcent (3y Uniti: Facility Quantity and Unit of Measu=e Est':nated 1 Speci.:y No. a..'1.cj or Feet Cost I to complete portion of work known as Phase I I or Schedule A un Iier contract to I I To ino Inc. I I I pp , I I I , I I Con t:""'1.gency - % (IO~ maxim1JI!1 ) I I "'_'-::. 1 I I - l - - '--- , 4. Ty?e and Status of Required Pe~its, Easements or ~aases T"ne : DER/USACOE Status ok 5. ~equi=ed Attac~ents a. vicinity map enclosed ... b. site development plan enclosed c. copies Qf required per:nits, easements or leases 0= letters' stati:lg none are required enClosed d. proof of county/local ownership or o~~er fo~ of site control e. Pre-construction certification (if applicable) . *UNITS include: Boat Ramp Floating Dock Permanent Dock Slips Hoists Rest Rooms Parking Waterway Signs (Safety, Reg., Info., Channell Navagational Markings Dredging Nav.Channels utilities (Sewer, Elect.Water) Landscaping Access Roads Lighting eN?. 42-035 " -.--.-.---- . .-.-,. ..--'-'- ... ...._--~._...'. ,_.___..... ,_",,__,.",._~,.,___..... .",.".........--...._.~._.w_.,._.___.,,_~.. ...,..,.,- . FLORIDA liOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ..,upp1cmentary A~'pli.cant Ill[orm:ltion I/' 1. Is the project located at a public park? X YES, Park Name "Simon ton Beach Project" NO 2. Who administers the site where the project is located:_-f.ity of Key West 3. Please attach a road map and specific directions to the project. 4. Please specify: Project Senate District 39 proj ect House Di s tr i c t 120 5. If project is Acquisition, please fill in the following information: Land Acres Water Total Acres to be acquired. acres 6. If development, please check work type: X Waterway Signs Channel/Navigational Markings DTedging Navigational Channels Utilities (Sewer, Electric, Water) Boat Ramps Rest Rooms X X Dock Slips Hoists X X , Lighting parking x Landscaping 7. Do you wish to appl~ for a partial advance payment? X YES, in wha t amount $ 25000 * NO 8. please provide your Federal Employer ID Number 596000749 9. Please fill in the attached Inventory Form with information about the site where the project is located. 10. What is your Regional Planning Council number? 11 . This amount shall not exceed the expected cash needs for the project within the initial three months. .. . ,