Resolution 230-1994 Monroe County Mayor Jack London RESOLUTION NO. 230-1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA REAFFIRMING THE DECLARATION OF POLICY THAT PROVIDES THAT MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. WHEREAS, equal employment opportunity promotes a work environment that is devoid of illegal job discrimination in employment policies and practices, and ~, ~ ;~ ,r-r~ WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida population is~aiveESe in that it consists of people of different sexe~, raCiS, national origins, religions and colors, and~ ~ WHEREAS, equal employment opportunity 'laws prohibi ~.:. employment discrimination based on race, co];or, se}t, ,". national origin, religion, age, or qualified indi~ual~ with a disability. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as follows: Monroe County, Florida reaffirms its position, as stated in resolution No. 500-1987, that it is an equal employment opportunity employer. Furthermore, it shall continue to be the policy of Monroe County to protect and safeguard the rights of individuals who are job applicants for county employment. It is the pOlicy of Monroe County to comply with federal, state, and local equal employment opportunity laws in hiring, promoting and conditions of employment. Equal employment opportunity shall exist in the county's workforce by aggressively promoting equal employment opportunity laws. Equal employment opportunity applies to all employment practices such as advertisement, recruitment, selection, transfer, promotions, training compensation, benefits and terminations. Affirmative action makes equal employment opportunity truly available to all members of society. It is the implement tool for hiring women and minorities. Affirmative action requires a conscious and deliberate commitment by the employer and its workforce simultaneously. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 21st day of July, 1994. 'Mayor London Mayor Pro Tem Cheal Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich~ yes yes ~s yes yes BY~~AI) eput. C er Mayor C a1.rman (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLEP~ pers./EOE -2-