Resolution 393-1987 Commissioner Puto RESOLUTION NO. 393 -1987 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO COMPLETE THE NEW WIDENING AND IMPROVEMENTS ON U. S. 1 IN MARATHON AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE; SETTING FORTH THE REASONS WHY SUCH WORK SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED QUICKLY; INSTRUCTING THAT COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION BE SENT TO THE GOVERNOR AND CABINET, THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND MEMBERS OF THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE. WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation is now engaged in a widening program and improvement program of U.S. 1 through the Marathon area; and WHEREAS, there is cause and dire need to complete said widening and improvement program. Consequently, Florida Depart- ment of Transportation should be requested to accomplish as quickly as possible the completion of this project; and WHEREAS, the health, welfare, and safety of all persons residing and living in the Greater Marathon area are at risk because of this project and the same will be enhanced greatly by the completion of this project; and WHEREAS, the next tourist season is fast approaching and the condition of the widening and improvement of U. S. 1 through Marathon is in such a state at this time that serious problems will exist and continue if said project is not completed with the utmost haste because of the increased demand on U.S. 1; and WHEREAS, problems exist at the present time and will contin- ue to exist caused by this program such that all kinds of emer- gency vehicles and school buses are unable to move about in the Greater Marathon area on U.S. 1 with any facility because of this road project; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The Florida Department of Transportation is urged to conclude with deliberate speed the widening and improve- ment program now being engaged in in the Greater Marathon area on U.S. 1. Section 2. All efforts be made by the Florida Department of Transportation to conclude the completion of this project as quickly as possible because of the various difficulties created by its being done, such as the slow down and inability of emer- gency vehicles, such as fire trucks, ambulances, and also school buses to move about as is required and needed for the health, welfare, and safety of the people of the Greater Marathon area. It is hereby observed that this can only be resolved by a quick completion of the widening and improvements on U.S. 1. Section 3. The business community of Marathon has suffered and will continue to suffer until such time as this project has been completed. It is, therefore, the sense of this body that until such time as this project has been concluded and finished that businesses will continue to suffer business inter- ference and that the Greater Marathon area will continue to experience a definite economic slow down until such time as this widening and improvement project of U.S. 1 has been completed. Section 4. Because of the efforts of certain groups to delay the completion of this project, it is necessary and this Commission is of the opinion that copies of this resolution should be sent to the proper officials of this State who should be made aware of the urgency of this road widening and improve- ment. Consequently, the Clerk is hereby directed to send copies of this resolution to the Governor and the Cabinet of the State of Florida, to the Florida Department of Transportation, and all members of the Legislature of this State. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ,J~tA day of aGtl>l~tl.r , A.D., 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA L7 ? .,-" ~ ~_b' ayor a-Tem (SEAL) 2 ~mAS TO''''CP,:~;'', ,t.' ''/ LE '.i'i, ::";,"",';iC,z:!"C~'. (W~~~t.~ AUomey's Office , I A tte s t :pANNY 1. KOLHAGE, Clerk -./2L. 4~...../f lP. -t.