Resolution 234A-1994 RESOLUTION 234A -1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BET\VEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGE~CY (FHF A) Ai'D \10NROE COUNTY FOR U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOLJSING A~D URBAN DEVELOP~fENT (HUD) HOMEOWNERS HIP INVEST!\1..,.ENT PARTNERSHIP (HOME) FUNDS AND DIRECTING T~., ~ EXECUTION AND IMPLEMENT A TION OF CONTRA(;! ~AND ::>=> PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION DOCUMENTS BY THE-" ~ APPROPRlA TE COUNTY AUTHORITIES. .- x o U1 ::z;::: 1.0 WHEREAS, County of Monroe has applied for frrst-time n()meown~hip acquisition federal HOME funds for low-income residents in accordance with Resolution 255-1993 through the Special Programs Office of the Monroe County Housing Authority under governmental interlocal agreement~ and WHEREAS, the Florida Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has issued a funding award letter to Monroe County in the amount of $1 ,499.750 for HOME funds~ and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Land Authority Advisory Committee and the Land Authority have approved a resolution authorizing the participation in FHF A's frrst-tirne homeownership single-family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program~ and WHEREAS, on behalf of Monroe County and in support of affordable housing, the Monroe County Land Authority AdvisOl)' Committee and the Land Authority have approved a resolution authorizing payment of administrative fees for the Homeo\\nership Assistance Program (HAP) for closing cost assistance and deep subsidy zero percent second mortgages being made available by FHF A to the county in conjunction with the HOME and Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs~ and WHEREAS, the program design for fIrst-time homeownership activities in Monroe County will require all eligible low income recipients to meet current fmancial market underwriting criteria to obtain a fIrst mortgage~ and WHEREAS, FHF A has submitted a proposed HOME funding agreement (contract) to the county for execution~ and ~O\\'. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of (ounty Commissioners of Monroe County, in support of affordable housing. hereby authorizes: I. The Special Programs Office. Monroe County Housing Authority, pursuant to the HOME grant application and Governmental Interlocal Agreement, to administer the HOME and associated Mortgage Revenue Bond and HAP Programs. 2. The County Administrator and/or Chainnan, Board of County Commissioners, are authorized to execute any required documents on behalf of the county as the State of Florida's sub-recipient of federal HOME funds. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Commission, by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~of ~A.D.1994. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By:,k~ " . , ' I", . )~ ~ (SEAL) ATTEST: Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Commissioner Freeman Comm.issioner Harvey Commissioner Reich YES YES YES YES YES ~~~ J)e.--. Danny K age, erk 0 the Court ,.....