Resolution 431-1987 , ~- Honroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO.431 -1987 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHO- RIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: (I) AN AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND HAZEN AND SAWYER, P.C., AND (2) A MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING AGREEMENT #87-SR-45-11-54-01-001. WHEREAS, Article X and Section 3 of Appendix A of Agreement #87-SR-45-11-54-01-001 provide that changes and amendments are permitted to and appropriate for the Agreement document, and WHEREAS, any amendments are required to be reduced to writing and duly signed by each of the parties and are to be attached to the original of the Agreement, and WHEREAS, the Agreement between Monroe County and Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. for a Solid Waste Energy and Design Study was duly executed in conformance with Agreement #87-SR-45-11-54-01-001, and WHEREAS, Exhibit B (Scope of Work) to the above-referenced Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. agreement provided for Additional Assign- ments which Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. may undertake, at the request of Monroe County, Florida, with the approval of the Department of Community Affairs, and as a contract extension of Agreement #87-SR-45-11-54-01-001, and WHEREAS, one of the authorized Additional Assignments includes "Financial or Rate Studies of Various Solid Waste Options," and WHEREAS, Agreement tl87-SR-45-11-54-01-001 was properly adopted and executed by both parties, and Monroe County, Florida, now desires to make an addition to said agreement; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of Monroe County, Florida, an Amendment to Agreement between Monroe County and Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., a copy of same being attached hereto; and 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of Monroe County, Florida, a Modification of Agreement between the Department of Community Affairs and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, amending Agreement H87-SR-45-ll-54-01-001. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of November, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: g~, .? MAY HAIRMAN (SEAL) Attest :DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk L2.L. ~4r1"~.L ~ ~ V'. W cr 01:"' ;,",'v /lPPFiOVED AS 70 Fomi~ in SUFFlcfCfl,r;y. . ~ AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN MQtfRQ.Lml~TY AND HAZEN AND SAWYER, P.C. FOR SOLID HASTE ENERGY 11NO DESIGN STUDY OCTOBER 10, 1987 AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETMEEN tOIROE COUNTY AND HAZEN AND SAWYER. P .C. FOR SOLID HASTE ENERGY AND DESIGN STUDY Th is is an amendment to the Agreement between: I<<>NROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as alUNTY. through its Board of County Commissioners. AND HAZEN AND SAWYER. P.C., a New York professional corporation registered to operate in the State of Florida, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as ENGINEER. HIT N E SSE T H, in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises. covenants and payments hereinafter set forth, COUNTY and ENGINEER agree as follows: A. Scope of Hark On October 20, 1987 the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners requested that Hazen and Sawyer. P.C. submit a proposal to undertake a solid waste rate analysis as outlined in Exhibit 1 attached to this Agreement. Services which are related to the original Agreement but which are outside the Scope of Services for Phase I Assignment and are set forth in Article 2 shall be additional services for which ENGINEER must obtain the 'prior written approval of COUNTY if compensation is to be paid. ENGINEER agrees that COONTY shall have the option to require ENGINEER to perform additional services which are related to this Agreement. if authorized by the Commission, and for any such additional services COUNTY shall compensate ENGINEER in the same manner and on the same bas is as provi ded in 4710 Hwd:1004C/ll-10-87 -1- Article 3, except that. same shall not be subject to the I not-to-exceed total amount established in Article 3.1 (a). Except for additional servi ces performed by ENGINEER pursuant to Arti cl e 6.2, the parti es shall agree upon an additi ona 1 scope of work in a wri tten contract equal in di gni ty to thi s Agreement before performing such additional servi~es. B. Compensation COUNlY agrees to pay ENGINEER as compensation for servi ces a not-to-exceed total for Amendment No. 1 - Current Rate Analysis all allowable and allocatable cost that are incurred up to a cost ceiling of $98.901 in accordance with Article 3 provisions. Estimated cost to perform this work is attached in Exhibits 2 and 3. C. Time of Performance All work under this item will be complete by April 1, 1988. D. Subconsultants Peat, Marwick. Main & Co., the largest public accounting and consulting firm within the United States will be utilized by Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. for this assignment. 4710 Hwd: 1004C/l 1-10-87 -2- IN HITNESS HHEREOF, the parti es ahereto have made and executed thi s amendment to the Agreement on the respect; ve dates under each signature: MONROE COUNTY through its Board of County Commissioners. signing by and through its Mayor, authorized to execute same by Board action on the day of , 1987. and HAZEN AND SAHYER. P.C., signing by and through its Vice President, duly authorized to execute same. ATTEST: DANNY l. KOlHAGE. Clerk COUNTY t<<>NROE COUNTY. through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 8Y~)~' Ex Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of MONROE COUNTY. Florida ____ day of . 1987 Approved as to form and legality By AGREEMENT BETWEEN KlNROE COONTY AND HAZEN AND SAWYER. P .C.. FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO SOlID HASTE E AND DESIGN STUDY. HITNESSETH: By Pe er E. Robinson. Vice President ____ day of . 1987 f?Y . 4710 Hwd:l004C/11-l0-87 -3- EXHIBIT 1 Page 1 of 2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 - SCOPE OF HORK RATE ANALYSIS SOLID HASTE ENERGY AND DESIGN STUDY tIlNROE auTY. FLORIDA Task I - Current Rate Analysis Task 1-1 - Verify current rate structure information A. Confirm tonnage and yardage contribution assumptions according to sector (residential. commercial) and in relationship with individual franchisee. Calculate energy usage per ton. B. Recalculate tonnage and yardage contribution to waste stream by percentage by franchisee. across-the-scale (residential. commercial) weights. Calculate energy potential. C. Determine current generation by residential household in yardage and according to sector (single dwelling unit. apartment. condominium, trailer park. etc.). D. Confirm validity of calculation process and rate. amount for county share of rate charges for both residential and commercial sectors to i ncl ude any alternate methods utl1 i zed by others as app li cab 1 e. E. Determine validity of calculation process and rate amount for franchisee share of rate charges for both residential and commercia 1 sectors to i nc1 ude any alternate methods uti 1i zed by others as applicable. F. Analyze audit reports and other materials to determine appropriate financial information upon which franchisee rate of return (plus reasonable profit) is to be utilized in rate setting. to include f01"Jltulae to do determine (reference Public Service Commission analysis - to Stormont 9/16/86. 10/2/86). Determine modifications in franchisee audit procedure to include additional data required for appropriate rate setting. G. Determine composition of residential sector as to service by "dumpster" style pick-up, county and franchisee cost factors. numbers of entities and units. . 4710 Hwd:1051R/ll-10-87 EXHIBIT 1 Page 2 of 2 AMENlltENT NO. 1 - SCOPE OF HORK CURRENT ENERGY AND RATE ANALYSIS SOLID HASTE ENERGY AND DESIGN STIJOY OROf COUNTY. FLORIDA H. Prepare valid rate formula for various sectors for utilization under current rate charge system ("residential" vs. ucommercialU) and optional Usingle household", "multi-residential of more than four units under dumpster pick-upu (condominium. apartment. trailer park). "commercialu rate charge system. as well as recommendations for alternate charge/billing processes in all sectors different than those currently utili zed. if more efficient. Utilize rate formula for energy efficient recycling program with separate pick-ups. I. Verify against existing current charge system to indicate errors. inconsistencies and factors relevant to ramifications of conversion to charge system based on investigated and determined data in Task J. Identify legal issues and recourse if verifications indicate inconsistent current practice operations which occurred due to invalid assumptions 4710 Hwd:1051R/ll-10-87 EXHIBIT 2 COST SlNtARY - AMENDMENT NO. 1 HAZEN AND SAWYER. P.C. SOLID HASTE AND ENERGY Plfl.N IOIROE alJMTY. fI.QfUDL_ (A) Hazen and Sawyer. P.C. HQun on led la.1mL Re11Rbursables ExpenslL- Total . Cos t Task. !-la 180 $8.'100 $ 2.EOO $10.600 Task. I-lb 30 1 ,500 150 1 ,650 Task. I-1c 60 3.000 300 3.300 Task. 1-1d 20 1 ,200 1.200 Task. 1-1e 20 1 .200 1 ,200 Task I-1f 20 1,200 1 .200 Task. 1-lg 80 4.000 450 4.450 Task 1-1h 40 2 ,400 200 2.600 TaSK 1-11 20 1 ,200 1.200 Task. I-lj ---ZO 1 . 200 -Ll.QQ 490 $25,000 $ 3,600 $28,600 i6.L, Peat, Marw1d:. Main & Co. Total of TaSK D-J ~ GRAND TOTAL 1.194 S61.0~ $86.045 S14.25~ llQ~30J $98.901 $17,856 . 4710 Hwd:i052R/l1-10-87 III :; B 8 . I I :!& ~ .. i - 2 i Ii i i 51 i i ~I ... lO, ~ ! a it i'" & il I I I II i i i i - - - - III . fiI 8 . i i Ii II =1 . . . . . . , J:: - - - ! .. S Q It 4!1 B I I = fi i i Iii . . I I J! .n t: - - - i , 1 ~ I 8 .. . t -... , =1 lli i ! ! i-: '8 - .. l!s~. Iii~ I I I I I :; l! 'I II i : i ili - - - i'" ; ::. ~ r; 8 11 ...;!! :1 ..; i f i .. , .1 .. I " II :! l! :; = l! = = =1 ! roo ii - - - _B ii .. l:l :: 8 N ': II . -, ..; i ~ Ii :! .. '" '. - - M. i! . '::1 .! 0" B &1 li- t ~ j )1 "I! : 1 ri .... 1 i I::; ..1 . .. eM i~d . " 10_ ,"B, " il . = .. .. I ..- - I .. il:, =:~ Ii ,) l .. t1. ~ ! ,1 II: I " 1.- E - ..- :.. t i ~ '" Ii i j II to ~fcl II ... !U !i~ ~;i -= .. I ~ Ii -:iEj - I 1 .. i ,M. ; u 55 u..., f::i f &;: i t 8 H. If. -. .. A ld l!l "lb" '=11.. ; sJi '" ! 1., : I ..,& '" E! "i _ II t::: Ii b" J.. iI a.. l:',!1 i 1 "I .... ~ lJ .r. jl:'l~ .. f .. .: ! ~ Ii! _ II J'ii :: = _tJ . I ,; ..t= i: ... c .. I::. .. :; ... - f! i ~ ~~ il Ii.:: J j -. , .. J, r &~ &! ~ ! .. 8 .:\OC_ 0( _ 311 II : ~1S Ai " ... . MODIFICATION OF AGREEMENT Agreement 187-SR-45-11-54-01-001 is hereby amended to include Appendix C, to incorporate, as authorized under Article X and Section 3 of Appendix A, an Additional Assignment identified as Task I, dated October 10, 1987, per attached amendment to agreement between Monroe County and Hazen and Sawyer, P. C. for Solid Waste Energy and Design Study. All provisions in the Agreement and any attachments thereto in conflict with this Modification shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this Modification. All provisions not in conflict with this Modification are still in effect and are to be performed at the level specified in the Agreement. This Modification is hereby made a part of the Agreement. In Witness Whereof, I the parties have caused this Modifica- tion to Agreement to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Mayor Date: (SEAL) Attest: ~"-tlr:.n/',<:; 70 FC'":' , i '~'." ..,.,.j: ~;'rr:rlf'".'r:.~ ",... . .i~: ~~; .. .' ,..',. , ~..' , , .....-- ..... ''Ii'' ~_-.._ Clerk FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS By: Thomas G. Pelham Secretary Date: