Resolution 235-1994 r.ommunity Services Division RESOLUTION NO. 235 .-1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPEALING TO THE ~RIDA \.Q J::>,. CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION, THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF THE NAVY, ;:=: AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITES STATES TO ALLOW JOINT ~ MILITARY AND CIVILIAN USE OF THE NAVAL AIR STATION KEYV; WEST (BOCA CHICA) AND REQUESTING CONTINUED COOPERATION AND ASSISTANCE FROM THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WITH -0 .~ A FEASIBILITY STUDY AND COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS CONCERNING ~. g -.., ;' I r~ '-' 1.._) , ,~ WHEREAS, Key West International Airport is severely limited the size of aircraft and number of commercial flights it accommodate, and ... to can WHEREAS, the City of Key West has now become fully developed around the Key West International Airport, and ... WHEREAS, due to environmental facility for Key West International Airport and.. . constraints, a replacement is no longer feasible, WHEREAS, in 1940 and 1941, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners planned for a county airport on Boca Chica Key, held a successful bond election to secure funds for purchase of the 1,000 acre property and had begun construction on the airport, then known as the Key West Municipal Airport Boca Chica Key, and ... WHEREAS, with the United States entry into World War II construction of the airport was accelerated and the airport was taken over by the Army then on July 8, 1942 it was transferred to the Navy, and WHEREAS, when the military took over the airport, there was a prov~s~on that after the end of the war emergency, the land and all improvements would be returned to the county, and ... WHEREAS, at the end of the war, the Navy paid Monroe County $60,000 for the airport with a prov~s~on that the best interests of the Government will be served if title is held by the Navy with rights to the County of Monroe and State of Florida for use of the subject air facility for commercial aviation, in addition to the Navy use, and WHEREAS, there are other examples of successful military and civilian joint use facilities in the United States, and ... WHEREAS, joint military and civilian use of the Naval Air Station Key West (Boca Chica) may result in economic benefits to both the Navy and Key West community, and ... WHEREA.S. the Board of County Commissioners of Florida has committed $64,315 of Airport Funds feasibility study and cost benefit analysis for joint Air Station Key West, the scope of work for said attached, and Monroe County, to conduct a use of Naval study is hereby WHEREAS, recently, cooperation between Local Naval Personnel and County Staff has been excellent, however, said study would be incomplete and severely flawed without the full and complete continued cooperation and assistance of the Department of the Navy. THEREFORE BY IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida hereby appeals to the Congressional Delegation, the United States Secretary of Defense, the United States Secretary of the Navy, and the President of the United States to allow the joint military and civilian use of Naval Air Station Key West (Boca Chica) if feasible, and respectfully request full, complete and continued cooperation and assistance in a feasibility study and cost benefit analysis. PASSED AND ADOPTED by Monroe County, Florida, at on the 21st day of the Board a regular July of County Commissioners of meeting of said Board held , A.D. 1994. MAYOR Jack London yes COMMISSIONER A. Earl Cheal yes COMMISSIONER Wilhelmina Harvey yes COMMISSIONER Shirley Freeman yeS COMMISSIONER Mary Kay Reich yes COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. XOIiHAGE, Clerk' ~~/~//)'(!,' CLERK APPRO..V. ~'. ,.,.....~r.... ~r{.' "'>'7 By ------ _ Ar~ey' t!Jlf Data 7 I - .. SCOPE OF WORK FEASIBILITY STUDY AND COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS FOR JOINT USE OF BOCA CHICA NAVAL AIR STATION KEY WEST Prepared for: THE BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS COUN1Y OF MONROE, FLORIDA Prepared by: Greiner, Inc. , April 28, 1994 SCOPE OF WORK FEASIBILITY STUDY AND COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS FOR JOINT USE OF BOCA CHICA NAVAL AIR STATION KEY WEST PHASE I - STUDY DESIGN TASK 1.1 PREPARE SCOPE OF WORK The consultant will prepare a Scope of Work and budget estimate for a feasibility study and cost benefit analysis of the joint use of Boca Chica Naval Air Station Key West (Boca Chica NAS) in accordance with applicable sections of FAA Advisory Circulars 150/5070-6A and 150/5300-13. Specific subtasks include the following: PHASE II - MOBILIZATION AND INVENTORY TASK 11.1 MOBILIZATION MEETING WITH COUN1Y Upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed from the County, the Consultant will begin work on the study. The first step in the process, mobilization, consists primarily of the Consultant working closely with County to: 1) review the Scope of Work; 2) ensure key issues have been identified; 3) establish a review process, to include a technically oriented interface between the Consultant and the County, 4) schedules, and 5) deliverables. TASK 11.2 DATA COLLECTION (KWIA) Following the mobilization meeting with the County, project data will be collected from the sources identified by the County. Data collection will include existing reports, operational statistics, drawings, and financial information including the KWIA airpor~ master plan, environmental assessment, and terminal area plan. TASK 11.3 FACILI'IY INSPECTION/ASSESSMENT (KWIA) The consultant will make a visual inspection of KWIA facilities to assess their current description, apparent capacity, and space requirements as a basis for determining space requirements at Boca Chica NAS under joint usage scenarios. Monroe County. SOW, 4-2K-94 TASK 11.4 WORKING PAPER (INVENTORY KWIA) The consultant will prepare a working paper summarizing the findings of data collection and facility inspection/assessment for review and comments by the County. TASK 11.5 MOBILIZATION MEETING WITH NAVY The consultant will meet with representatives of Boca Chica NAS in a mobilization meeting to be arranged by the County. The consultant will discuss the scope of work for the study and identify needs for data collection and inspection/assessment of certain types and areas of Boca Chica NAS facilities. TASK 11.6 TOUR OF BOCA CHICA NAS The consultant will tour aviation related facilities and areas of Boca Chica NAS that may be considered for joint use civilian/military operations. In addition, the consultant will look at facilities and/or undeveloped land areas that may require development for civil operations and support separate from Navy operations. TASK 11.7 DATA COLLECTION (BOCA,CmCA NAS) The consultant will collect Boca Chica NAS aeronautical operational data applicable to the potential joint use of Boca Chica NAS. Specific data collection will include: existing and future levels of aircraft operations; flight tracks; identification of NA V AIDS and lighting systems; and restricted or contaminated areas. Operational data of particular interest are high priority operations such as low fuel status returns and high speed take offs/landings. TASK 11.8 ASSESSMENT OF AVAILABLE FACILITIES The consultant will assess the availability, capacity, and condition of Boca Chica NAS facilities and areas that could be shared for joint usage. Areas available for development of new facilities will also be assessed. Requirements for modification of certain military systems such as airfield lighting and NA V AIDS to meet civil operational standards will be discussed. TASK 11.9 WORKING PAPER (INVENTORY/BOCA CmCA) The consultant will prepare a working paper summarizing the findings of Boca Chica NAS data collection and facility inspection/assessment for review and comments by representatives of the County. Munroe: ('fJUnly, S( )W, 4-2K-94 2 PHASE III - ACTIVITY FORECASTS TASK 111.1 REVIEW EXISTING KWIA AND BOCA CHICA FORECASTS The consultant will review existing KWIA and Boca Chica NAS activity forecasts to verify that their level of breakdown is consistent with levels of detail necessary for this study. The goal will be to utilize existing activity statistics and forecasts to the maximum extent. No new forecasts will be generated. TASK 111.2 COMPILE INTO SCENARIO LEVELS The consultant will compile KWIA and Boca Chica NAS forecast data to arrive at composite forecasts for each of the joint use operational scenarios. TASK 111.3 WORKING PAPER (FORECASTS) The consultant will compile a working paper complete with derivation of composite forecasts for each joint use operational scenario to be considered. The working paper wrn be submitted to the representatives of the County and Navy for review and comments. TASK IliA PROGRESS MEETING WITH COUN1Y INVENTORY) (FORECAST & The consultant will meet with representatives of the County and Navy to discuss the working papers on inventories and forecasts and comments received from the County. Working papers will be revised to incorporate applicable comments. PHASE IV - DEMAND/CAPACITY, FACILITYREOUIREMENTS, AND ALTERNATIVES TASK IV.I DEFINE SCENARIOS The consultant will define and examine three operational scenarios. The scenarios to be considered are described as follows: · Limited Joint Use - Joint use of Boca Chica NAS facilities l?y commercial charter aircraft. · Full Commercial Joint Use - Joint use of Boca Chica NAS facilities by both scheduled and non-scheduled commercial air carriers. · Unlimited Joint Use - Unlimited joint use of Boca Chica NAS facilities by commercial and general aviation aircraft. MOil"'" Counly, SOW, 4-28-94 3 TASK IV.2 SCENARIO DEMAND/CAPACITY ANALYSIS (KWIA AND BOCA CHICA) The consultant will calculate demand capacity relationships for joint use of KWIA and Boca Chica NAS. They include forecast traffic and facilities to identifY deficient and surplus capacities for airfield, airspace, NA V AIDS, building areas, support facilities, and airport access. TASK IV.3 FACILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR SCENARIOS (KWIAAND BOCA CHICA NAS) The consultant will identify facilities required to balance future activity forecasts and future facilities for each of the operational scenarios considered. TASK IV.4 PREPARE PRELIMINARY OPERATIONAL AND PHYSICAL ALTERNATIVES The consultant will correlate operational and physical requirements to develop preliminary detailed descriptions of operational characteristics and physical layouts for each of the scenarios considered. Preliminary physical layout drawings will be prepared. TASK IV.S WORKING PAPER (DEMAND/CAPACITY, FACILITY REQUIREMENTS, AND ALTERNATIVES) The consultant will submit a working paper describing the findings of demand/capacity and facility requirements tasks and the development of alternatives for the County's review and comments. TASK IV.6 WORKING MEETING WITH COUN1Y The consultant will schedule a working meeting with representatives of the County and Navy to review demand/capacity, facility requirements, and the preliminary alternatives. TASK IV.7 REFINE WORKING PAPER FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION The consultant will refine the working paper on demand/capacity, facility requirements, and alternatives and develop presentation boards for each of the three alternative scenarios for presentation at a public information session. TASK IV.8 PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION #1 The consultant wiJI organize a public information session at a time and location scheduled by the County where the consultant will be available for one-on-one questions and answers. Monroe (:ounty. S( )W, 4~2H'-94 4 Attendees may submit written comments in addition to the one-on-one question and answer opportunities. The County will be responsible for advertising the public information session. PHASE V - REFINE ALTERNATIVES TASK V.1 REFINE ALTERNATIVES (INPUT FROM PUBLIC RECEIVED) The consultant will refine scenarios and drawings of proposed alternatives to include County and Navy comments and public comments received during the public irlformation session as directed by the County. Revised drawings of the three alternative will reflect the comments. TASK V.2 PRELIMINARY COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS The consultant will prepare a preliminary cost/benefit analysis based on financial data collected from the County, operating cost estimates collected from Boca Chica NAS, and order-of-magnitude cost estimates of additional facilities required for each of the three alternatives. Cost/benefit analyses will include the effects of property ownership reverter clauses and the potential availability of FAA and other funding. TASK V.3 WORKING MEETING WITH COUN1Y The consultant will meet with representatives of the County and Navy to refine cost/benefit analyses. TASK V.4 FINALIZE COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS The consultant will finalize cost/benefit analyses based on the preliminary analyses and comments received from representatives of the County and Navy. TASK V.S WORKING PAPER (COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS) The consultant will submit a working paper incorporating the derivation of the final cost/benefit analyses for review and comments by representatives of the County. TASK V.6 MEETING WITH COUN1Y The consultant will meet with representatives of the County and Navy to finalize cost/benefit analyses prior to their being made available in public information sessions. TASK V.7 PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION #2 The consultant will attend public information session at a time and location scheduled by the County where the consultant will be available for one-an-one questions and answers. MOllrot: (~(Junfy, sow, 4-2H-!J4 5 ,,. Attendees may submit written comments in addition to the one-on-one question and answer opportunities. The County will be responsible for advertising the public information session. PHASE VI - FINAL DOCUMENT TASK VI.1 PREPARE FINAL DOCUMENT The consultant will refine the working papers and drawings of proposed alternatives to include County and Navy comments and public comments received 'during the public information sessions as directed by the County. The results will be incorporated into a final document with exhibits of the final versions of the alternatives. Large drawings of the alternatives will accompany the final report document. TASK VI.2 REVIEW MEETING WITH COUN1Y The consultant will meet with representatives of the County and Navy to discuss comments on the final document. TASK VI.3 FINAL PRESENTATION TO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The consultant will present the final document and drawings to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. Monroe ('4)lJnly, S( )W, 4-2H-94 6 C oK~~rY of ~gR~A~3g~ (305) 294-4641 r - ..---- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR, Jack London, D,stict 2 Mayor Pro Tem, A Earl Cheal, DistrICt ~ Wilhelmina Harvey, Dictrict 1 Shirley Freeman, District 3 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 July , 1994 Dear (Congressional Delegation, Secretary of Na~~, Secretary of Defense, President of united States) The following Resolution was passed by the Board of County Com- missioners of Monroe County, Florida at their most recent regu- lar meeting in Key West, Florida. The resolution addresses joint use of Naval Air Station Key West at Boca Chica, an issue which has become very controversial in our community. We believe there is a strong possibility that both civilian and military aircraft could utilize the Boca Chica facility to the benefit of both the-Navy and the Key West commu- nity. As the Resolution states, Key West International Airport is a very small field which is literally bursting at the seams with tourist related commercial air traffic. There simply is no room for expansion of the airport at its current site and a replace- ment airport in the Lower Keys is out of the question because of severe environmental constraints. We have petitioned the Department of the Navy many times in past years for joint use of Naval Air Station Key West (Boca Chica) and the answer has always been no. This is very difficult for my constituents to understand given the relatively tranquil con- dition of world affairs and the news of base closures and mili- tary down sizing in other parts of the Country. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County is willing to devote $64,315 of Airport funds to finance a comprehensive feasi- bility study and cost benefit analysis to explore in detail the joint use issue. We feel that such a study with input from the public, the Navy and Monroe County is the only fair way to re- solve this issue. e OU1- study is currently under way, and the local Commanding Offi- cer of NAS Key West, Capt. Jay Munninghoff, and his staff have been extremely cooperative and helpful. Therefore, on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, I appeal to you to help us work with the Navy to explore the joint use issue to its fullest. Sincerely, Jack London Mayor cc: Capt. Jay Munninghoff