Resolution 446-1987 -<=- RESOLUTION NO. 446 -1987 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AND EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF MONROE COUNTY AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE PROPERTY APPRAISER, THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORI- TY, AND THE UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST (CITY ELECTRIC SYSTEMS) FOR THE PROVI- SION OF COMPUTER BASED MAPPING SERVICES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: The Mayor of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to sign and execute, on behalf of the County, an interlocal agree- ment with the Monroe County Property Appraiser, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority and the Utility Board of the City of Key West (City Electric System) in order to provide for a computer based mapping service, a public service of mutual benefit to all parties to said agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board, held on the ~ day of ~"e.~ ht!!.r , A. D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~~'_.t CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Attest: DANNY' 1.. KOLHAGE, Clerk L2L ~fj).~ 11PPROVED AS TO FORM ANDLEGALSUFRC~NCY. 8y~~?2f!:~ AtNYncy's OffLe INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 163.01, this Interagency Agreement is entered into on the day of , 1987, by and among MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY; the MONROE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER, hereinafter referred to as MCPA; the FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY, an agency created pursuant to chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, hereinafter referred to as FKAA; and UTILITY BOARD OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST,CITY ELECTRIC SYSTEM, hereinafter referred to as CES; the parties, hereinafter at times collectively referred to as AGENCIES, mutually agreeing and covenanting as follows: WHEREAS, the AGENCIES desire to provide an Information System that satisfies the need for graphic and relational data base processing; and WHEREAS, the AGENCIES desire to produce a Comput- erized Base Mapping System, (CBMS), of th~ Florida Keys, . including, but not limited to, property lines, subdivision, lot and block numbers, street names / and geographic Geographic I6formation System / boundaries, utilizing a (GIS); and WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires to digitize and update their Land Use District Maps; and WHEREAS, MCPA desires to digitize and update property lines and ownership data; and PAGE 1 WHEREAS, FKAA desires to digitize and update the locations of their water facilities; and WHEREAS, CES desires to digitize and update the locations of their electrical facilities; and WHEREAS, the AGENCIES agree that it would be beneficial to use a common CBMS; NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE AGREED that: I. An Executive Review Committee shall have overall administrative authority over the CBMS and the Administrative Manag~ment Team (AMT) and shall be comprised of the Monroe County Administrator; the Monroe County Property Appraiser; the Executive Director of the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority; and the General Manager of City Electric System. The Executive Review Committee shall be chaired by the Monroe County Administrator. Any of these members, including the chair, may appoint a designee to lawfully act in his place by notifying all others in advance in writing. . The Executive Review Committee Wi~ make decisions based on unanimous consent of all agencie~. Secretarial support for the Executive Review Committee will be provided by Monroe County. Addi tional agencies may be added to the system by unanimous approval of the Executive Review Committee upon such terms and conditions specified by them and upon approval or ratification by their respective agencies. PAGE 2 II. The AGENCIES agree to initially fund the CBMS to the extent identified in Addendum A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Addi tional funding for each year thereafter shall be determined, approved, and budgeted by the Executive Review Committee and submitted for respective agency approval. Additional funding will be for operations and maintenance, which will be apportioned as per the hardware and software assigned to each agencYi communication line charges which will be assigned to the incurring agencYi and other operating expenses which will be allocated in equal shares for the first year. Subsequent years funding of daily operations and maintenance expenses, should be apportioned, in whole or in part, on the basis of actual resource usage by each agency if unanimously approved by the Executive Review Committee. In the event that any next year's method of cost allocation for operations does not receive unanimous approval by the Executive Review Committee, the then current years method of cost allocation for operations will remain in effect until such time as anothe~ method of cost . allocation is unanimously approved by the Executive Review Committee. I ;' i I I I I. The AMT, shall become the interagency organization that will administer the CBMS. A. The AMT will report to the Executive Review Committee. PAGE 3 B. The AMT will be comprised of four (4) representatives with one (1) representative being appointed by each of the aforementioned AGENCIES. Said appointment for each appointee shall be for a minimum of one (1) year. Each representative shall be designated in writing by the appropriate Executive Review Committee member with copy forwarded to other said members. No person may serve upon the Executive Review Committee while acting as an AMT member. C. Each Executive Review Committee member may change their designated representative to the AMT at any time by written notification to the other agencies. D. All actions and recommendations by the AMT must be based on a majority decision. E. The Chair of the AMT will normally rotate on a yearly basis among the AGENCIES in the order specified in the opening paragraph of this document, and be responsible for providing secretarial service for that period. i . F. The AMT will review all modifications requested by the AGENCIES, and submit recomme~dations to the I Executive Review Committee for approval. / G. The AMT shall have the following responsibilities: a) Recommend policy, which may include operations, maintenance, and improvements of the CBMS; PAGE 4 ~'-----""''''"'''''''''--'''''''-'''"","",'~,""",......_,-.__.,~,~-.....,."",..,..",r.~"...."'~Ci_"C""'o..._,.._:"o&:.._""-",,,,,,,,-._ . ------ b) Supervise the operation of the CBMS in accordance with policy and procedures established by the Executive Review Committee; c) Recommend distribution of CBMS information within agencies; d) Recommend distribution of CBMS information _ other; e) Prepare annual report; f) Conduct long range planning and make recommendations; g) Prepare budgets; h) Prepare AMT expenditures report; i) Schedule AMT and/or Executive Review Committee meetings; j) Prepare staff recommendations; k) Recommend selection criteria for qualifying additional Agencies; 1) Recommend training requirements; m) Determine data base definition; n) Review requests and provide rec~mmendations . for additional hardware, software, maintenance and supplies; I i 0) Review communications networ~; p) Conduct impact studies; q) Prepare, review, and recommend Standard Operating Procedures (SOP); r) Review and recommend revision to the configuration as required, and s) Conduct other special projects as required. H. Any member of the AMT may request, in written form, the review of a special concern by the AMT as an PAGE 5 agenda item for consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting of the AMT or a special meeting of the AMT. Special meetings of the AMT shall be scheduled at the discretion of the AMT chair or at the direction of an Executive Review Committee member. IV. Operational Considerations A. The System Manager will be appointed by the Executive Review Committee to maintain the GIS CPU and related hardware/software and to coordinate invoicing to the AGENCIES for their share of operation and maintenance expenses. The System Manager may be an employee of Monroe County, and is responsible for keeping system operational, financial and administrative record keeping, and responding to the needs of the AGENCIES. B. The normal hours of operation will be 8:00 a.m. I 5: 00 p. m. Monday through Friday excluding agreed upon . holidays. During these times the AGENCIES will have access to the central computer system as per the rrescribed config- uration, attached hereto and made a part hereof. Special requests (non-emergency) for access to the system outside of these times must be submitted to the System Manager 24 hours in advance and will be scheduled by the System Manager on the basis of system priorities. C. The AGENCIES intend to use the CBMS during emergencies and wi II require access to the system twenty-four (24) hours a day. Compensation of personnel at PAGE 6 the CPU location working beyond the normal hours of operation will be the responsibility of the initiating Agency. D. Preventive Maintenance schedules must be announced at least 24 hours in advance, however, Preventive Maintenance does take precedence in the scheme of operational activities. E. System Backups are the responsibility of the System Manager. Comprehensi ve backup of the system/user data shall be prescribed in the SOP. All backups are to be scheduled such that the process does not conflict with on-going daytime ,user activities unless considered necessary by the System Manager. F. Error detection and correction up to the demark, which is initially set to include the remote Tl muxs, is the responsibility of the System Manager. Changes to the demark must be approved by the Executive Review Committee. Calls for service will be initiated by the :System Manager i , or his designee. . V. Should any of the agencies wish tojlmodifY or expand their use of the system to a degree tI1'at their use will adversely affect the system, that particular agency shall be responsible to upgrade the system and assume all costs thereof as approved by the Executive Review Committee. PAGE 7 VI. Data Modification A. The AGENCIES agree that modification of any data specific to an individual agency will only be made with authorization from that agency. B. The security subsystem of the GIS shall be configured such that unauthorized modification to a particular agencies data will not be allowed. VII. Audit Requirements A. The Syste~ Manager shall maintain adequate financial procedures and adequate support documents to account for the expenditures of funds under this agreement. B. These records shall be available during normal hours of operation for inspection, review, or audit. C. The System Manager shall also provide the AMT i I with the records, reports or financial statements upon . request for the purposes of auditing and monitoring the funds awarded under thi s agreement. TIe System Manager shall be responsible for all document I submittals. All correspondence concerning this agreement shall include copies to the members of the AMT. VIII. Public access shall be allowed to all documents, reports, papers, letters or other materials prepared or recei ved by the agencies in conjunction with this PAGE 8 agreement, subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida statutes. IX. Contract Term A. This agreement shall become effective upon execution and filed with the Clerk of The Circuit Court of Monroe County. B. The initial term of this agreement shall be for a period of three (3) years from the date of execution. During thi s initial period, this agreement may be terminated or modifi~d by unanimous consent of the AGENCIES. C. The agreement shall be extended for successive one (1) year terms thereafter unless written notice is given to all other parties at least sixty (60) days prior to the end of any term. During any extended term, this agreement may be terminated or modified by unanimous consent of the AGENCIES. . D. In the event one or more parties receive approval to terminate their participation under t?~S agreement, the remaining parties have the option i~ continue their participation under this agreement so long as proper documentation is received, approved, and filed by the Executive Review Committee. PAGE 9 x. Modification of this Agreement Modification of the provisions of this agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly signed by the AGENCIES specified herein, and attached to the original agreement. XI. Relocation The CPU shall be located at the Monroe County offices on Stock Island. If in the future, COUNTY desires to move the CPU to another location, it shall be moved upon unanimous concurrence of the AGENCIES. If such concurrence is not achieved, COUNTY can still relocate the CPU, provided COUNTY absorbs all costs caused by the move. XII. Terms and Conditions I A. Nothing in thi s agreement shall ~e construed to . require AMT performance on any of the tasks described herein if the funds specified available from the AGENCIES. in thi s a'greement i / are not B. This agreement contains all the conditions and terms agreed upon by the AGENCIES. PAGE 10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Gene Lytton MAYOR/CHAIRMAN DATE: ATTEST: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk MONRO~C~ -'~ _~PRAI~ER BY: ~ --~~~~- Ervin A. Higgs, C.F.A. PROPERTY APPRAISER ////.:r/ttY7 /' " DATE: ATTEST, ~.u kn~ FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY BY: Bernard L. Schattner EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: ATTEST: . / UTILITY BOARD OF.THE CITY OF KEY WEST, CITY ELECTRIC SYSTEM BY: / Robert Pa~on GENERAL MANAGER DATE: ATTEST: , 1< r~ .' ~) :7 . . ~'7, // . / . .' ..-:/ --+---7 . . ",'/' / Ie -7~~-;/?/ . 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