Resolution 040-1988
Art Skelly
Director of Airports
RESOLUTION NO. 040 -1988
WHEREAS, on October 20, 1987, the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, authorized the Mayor /
Chairman of the Board to execute a Joint Participation Agreement
by and between the State of Florida Department of Transportation
and the County of Monroe concerning a Noise Study at the Marathon
Airport, and
WHEREAS, the Board nows desires to ratify, by Resolution,
its action of October 20, 1987 to approve and execute the above-
referenced Joint Participation Agreement, now, therefore,
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby ratifies its action
of October 20,
1987 to approve and execute the Joint
Participation Agreement by and between the State of Florida
Department of Transportation and the County of Monroe, a copy of
same being attached hereto, concerning a Noise Study at the
Marathon Airport.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
Monroe C~unty, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
on the 19th day of January, A.D. 1988.
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Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk
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F.A. NO.
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of , 19
-, by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State
: Florida. hereinafter called the Department, and r.nllnt-y nf Mnn,-n".
Jreinafter called the Agency.
WHEREAS, the Agency has the authority to enter into said Agreement and to undertake the Project
reinafter described, and the Department has been granted the authority to function adequately In al/ areas of
propriate jurisdiction Including the implementation of an integrated and balanced transportation system;
NOW. THEREFORE,ln consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations herein, the
parties agree as follows:
1.00 The purpose of this Agreement Is to provide for the undertaking of
FAR PART 150 - Noise &tudy at Marathon Airport
~ as further described in Exhiblt(s) A. B. & C attached hereto and by this reference made a part
'eof, hereinafter called the Project, and to provide Departmental financial assistance to the Agency and state
1 terms and conditions upon which such assistance will be provided and the understandings as to the manner
Nhich the Project will be undertaken and completed.
4f.VV ~ccomp"'hm.nt of the P(' 'Ct:
. ,
2.10' General Requirements. The Agency shall commence and complete the Project as described In Exhibit "A"
with all practicabla dispatch, In a sound, aconomical, and efficient manner, and in accordance with tha provisions
herein, and all applicable laws.
2.20 PUrluant to Federal, State, and Local Law: In the event that any election, referendum, approval, permit,
notice, or other proceeding or authorization Is requisite under applicable law to enable the Agency to enter into this
Agreement or to undertake the Project hereunder, or to observe, assume or carry out any of the provisions of the
Agreement, the Agency will initiate and consummate, as provided by law, all actions necessary with respect to any
luch matters so requisite.
2.30 Fundi at the Agency: The Agency Ihall InitIate and prosecute to completion all proceedings necessary
including lederalald requirements to enable the Agency to provide the necessary lunds lor completion olthe Project.
2.40 Subml,,'on of Proceeding., Contract. and Other Document.: The Agency shall submit to the Department
such data, reports, records, contracts and other documents relating to the Project as the Department may require as
listed in Exhibit "C."
3.00 Project Co.t: The Total estimated cost of the Project is $ ] no, 000 . This amount Is based
upon the estimate summarized in Exhibit "B" and by this reference made a part hereof. The Agency agrees to bear all
expenses in excess of the total estimated cost of the Project and any deficits Involved.
4.00 Department Participation: The Department agrees to a maximum participation, including contingencies,
n the Project in the amount of $ I), 000 as detailed In Exhibit "B", or In an amount equal to the
)ercentage(s) of total project cost shown in Exhibit "B", whichever is less.
5.00 Front End FundIng: Front end funding (is) (Is not) applicable. II applicable, the Department may Initially
Jay 1 00% oftha total allowable incurred project costs up to an amount equal to its total share of partiCipation as shown
'l paragraph (4,00).
5.10 Retalnage: Retainage (is) (is not) applicable. If applicable, percent of the
Jepartment's total share of partiCipation as shown In paragraph (4.00) is to be held in retainage to be disbursed, at the
>epartment's discretion, on or before the completion of the final project audit by the Department.
6.00 Project Budget and Dllburaement Schedule:
. - - ..
6.10 The Project Budget: Prior to the execution pf this agreement a project budget, ExhIbit "B", shall be
repared by the Agency and approved by the Department comptroller. The Agency shall maintain said budget, carry
ut the project and shall incur oblfgations against and make disbursements of project funds only In conformity with
Ie latest approved budget for.the Project. The budget may be revised periOdically, but no budget or revision thereof
18/1 be effective unless and until the Department shall have approved the same.
. "
. 6.20 Schedule of D..bur.ement.: The Agency shall provide the Department with a time-phased schedule of the
'partment funds to be expended on the Project. This schedule shall show estimated disbursements for the entire
rm of the Project by quarter of fiscal year in accordance with Department fiscal policy. The schedule may be divided
' project phase where such division is determined to be appropriate by the Department. Any significant deviation
lm the approved schedule In Exhibit "S" requires submission of a Supplemental Schedule by the Agency.
7.00 Recordl:
7.10 Eltablllh"'onland Malntonanco 01 Accounllng ROCOnll: The Agency shall esblbllsh lor the Project, In
nlormlty with uniform requi rements established by the Department to facilitate the administration 01 the linancing
>gram, separate accounts to be maintained within Its existing accounting system or set up independently. SUch
:ounts are referred to herein collectively 8S the "Project Account". The Project Account shall be made available
on requests by tha Department any time during the periOd of the Agreement and for three years after final payment
- (.
7.20 . 'Fund. Received 0 Avt..ble for the Project.: The Agency shall approprla _ _. ~ord In the Project
Iccount, a'nd deposit in a bank or trust company which Is a member of the Federal Oeposit Insurance Corporation, all
ayments received by it from the Department pursuant to this Agreement and all other funds provided for, accruing to,
r otherwise received on account of the Project. which Department payments and other funds are herein collectively
!ferred to as "Project Funds." The Agency shall require depositories of Project funds to secure continuously and fully
II project funds in excess of the amounts insured under Federal plans, or under State plans which have been approved
)r the deposit of project funds by the Department, by the deposit or setting aside of collateral of the types and in the
lanner as prescribed by State law for the security of public funds, or as approved by the Department.
7.30 Co.t. Incurred for the Project: The Agency shall charge to the Project Account all eligible costs of the
roJect. Costs In excess of the latest accepted budget or attributable to actions which have not received the
:ceptance of the Department shall not be considered eligible costs.
7.40 Documentation of Project All costs charged to the-Project,ln~udlng any services contributed by the
~ency or others, shall. be supported by properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers,
"dencing in pro~r detall.the nature and propriety of the charges. .
7.50 Checks, Order., and Voucher.: Anycheckororderdrawn by the Agency with respecttoany item which Is
wlfl be chargeable against the Project Account will be drawn only In accordance with a properly signed voucher
en on file in the office of the Agency stating In proper detail the purpose forwhich such check or order Is drawn. All
,ecks, payrolls,lnvoices, contracts, vouchers, orders, or other accounting documents pertaining in whole or In part
the Project shall be clearly identified, readily accessible. and, to the extent feasible, kept separate and apart from all
,er such documents.
7.60 Audit Reports: The Agency shall provide for each of Its fiscal years for which the Project Account remains
en, an audit report prepared either by Its official auditor or audit agency or an independent certified public
countant, reflecting In detail the use of the funds of the Department, the Agency, and those from any other source
:h respect to the Project.
8.00 Requl.ltlon. and Payments:
8.11 File with the Department of Transportation, District
(1) the date ttte Agency acquired the property,
(2) a statement by the Agency certifying that the Agency has acquired said property and
(3) If the requisition covers the acqulsttlon of real property, a statement signed by the Agency
Attorney certifying that the has acquired said real property.
(3A) a statement that two Independent appraisals were obtained
(4) actual consideration paid for real property.
8.12 Submit a statement that It has complied with all applicable provisions of this Agreement.
8.20 The Department'. Obligation.: Subject to other provisions 'hereof, the Department will honor such
uisitions in amounts and at times deemed by the Department to be proper to Insure the carrying out of the Project
I payment of the eligible costs. However, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, the Department
I elect by notice In writing not to make a payment on Project Account If:
8.21 MI.repr...ntat'on: The Agency shall have made misrepresentation of a material nature In
Its application, or any supplement thereto or amendment thereof, or In or with respect to any document
of data furnished therewith or pursuant hereto;
8.22 Litigation: There is then pending litigation with respect to the performance by the Agency
of any of its duties or obligations which may jeopardize or adversely affect the Project, the Agreement,
or payments to the Project.
.8.23 Acceptance by Department: The Agency shall have taken any action pertaining to the
Project which under this agreement requires the acceptance of the Department or has made related .',
expenditure or incurred related obligations without having been advised by the Department that the
same are acceptable.
( . (
8.24 Conflict of Inten /lere nas been any violation of the conflict of Il}terest provIsIons contained herein.
8.25 oetault: The Agency' has been determined by the Department to be In default under any of the provisions ot
the Agreement.
8.30 olaallowed Co.t.: In determining the amount of the financing payment. the Department will exclude all
project costs incurred by the Agency prior to the effective date of this Agreement or prior to the date of a Letter of No
Prejudice, costs incurred by the Agency which are not provided for in the latest accepted budget for the Project. and
costs attributable to goods or services received under a contract or other arrangements which have not been accepted
in writing by the Department. A Letter of No Prejudice provided to the Agency by the Department may provide that
expenditures related to the project may be recognized from the date of said Letter as part of the total Project prior to,
and subject to, the effective date of the Joint Participation Agreement.
9.00 Termination or Su.pen,'on ot Project:
9.10 Termination or Su.pen,'on: If the Agency abandons or, before completion, finally discontinues the
"roject;or if, by reason of any of the events or conditions set forth In paragraphs 8.21 to 8.25 inclusive, of Section 8.20
1ereof, orfor any other reason, the commencement, prosecution, or timely completion of the Project by the Agency Is
'endered Improbable,lnfeasible, impossible, or il/egal, the Department may, by written notice to the Agency, suspend
lny or al/ of its obligations under this Agreement until such time asthe event or 90ndition resulting in such suspension
las ceased or been corrected, or the Department may terminate any or all of its obligations under this Agreement.
9.11 Action Sub.equent to Notice of Termination or Su.penslon: Upon receipt of any final termination or
uspension notice under this Section. the Agency shall proceed promptly to carry out the actions required therein
Ihich may include any or all of the fol/owing:
(1) necessary action to terminate or suspend, as the case may be, project activities and contracts and such
other action as may be required or desirable to keep to the minimum the costs upon the basis of which the
financing is to be computed;
(2) furnish a statement of the project activities and contracts, and other undertakings the cost of which are
otherwise Includible as project costs; and
(3) remit to the Department such portion of the financing and any advance payment previously received as is
determined by the Department to be due under the provisions of the Agreement. The termination or suspen-
sion shall be carried out in conformity with the latest schedule, plan, and budget as accepted by the
Department or upon the basis of terms and conditions imposed by the Department upon the failure of the
Agency to furnish the schedule, plan, and budget within a reasonable time. The acceptance of a remittance by
the Agency or the closing out of Federal financial participation in the Project shall not constitute a waiver of
any claim which the Department may otherwise have arising out of this Agreement.
10,00 R.mllllon of Project Account Upon Completion of Project: Upon completion of the Project, and
ter payment, provision for payment, or reimbursement of all Project costs payable from the Project Account Is made,
e Agency shall remit to the Department Its share of any' unexpended balance In the project account.
11.00 Audit end In.pectlon: The Agency shall permit, and shall require Its contractors to permit, the Depart-
'nt's authorized representatives to Inspect all work, materials, payrolls, records; and to audit all books. records and
counts pertaining to the financing a~d developm~nt of the Project. .
12.00 Contract. of the Agency:
12.10 Third Party Agreement.: Except as otherwise authorized in writing by the Department, the Agency shall
t execute any contract or obligate Itself in any manner requiring the disbursement of Department joint participation
Ids,lncluding consultant or construction contracts, or amendments thereto, with any third person with respect to
I Project without the written concurrence of the Department. Failure to obtain such concurrence shall be sufficient
JSe for non-payment by the Department as provided in paragraph 8.23. The Department specifically reserves unto
tlf the right to review the qualifications of any consultant or contractor and to approve or disapprove the employ-
nt of the same.
'2,20 Compliance with Con.ultants' Competitive-Negotiation Act: ft Is understood and agreed by ihe parties
eto that participation by the Department In a project with an Agency, where said project involves a consultant
Itract for engineering, architectural or surveying services~ Is contingent on the Agency complying in full with
visions of Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act. As a further condition, the
incy will involve the Department In the Consultant Selection Process for all projects. In all cases, the Agency's
)rney shall certify to the Department that selection has been accomplished In compliance with the Consultant's
"petltive Negotiation Act.
. .
, 12.3Q. Minority BUlln.,'prl( "'BE) Policy and Obligation: .r
12.31 MBE Polley: It is the policy of the Department that minority business enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part
!3 shall have the maximum opportunity to participate In the performance of contracts financed in whole or in part with
lepartment funds under this agreement. The MBE requirements of 49 CFR Part 23 apply to this agreement.
12.32 MBE Obligation: The Agency and its contractor agree to ensure that Minority Business Enterprises as
lefined in 49 CFR Part 23 have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and this
\greement. In this regard, each agrees to ensure that minority business enterprises as defined in 49 CFR Part 23 have
he maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts under this agreement. In
his regard, all recipients or contractors shall ta ke all necessary and reasonable steps in accordance with 49 CFR Part
~3 to ensure that Minority Business Enterprises have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform contracts.
teclpient. and their contractors shall not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, national origin, or sex in the
lward and performance of Department assisted contracts.
13.00 Re.'rlctlon., Prohlb"lon., Control. and Labor Provl.lon.:
13.10 Equal Employm.nt Opportunity: In connection with the carrying out of any Project, the Agency shall not
lacriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race. age, creed, color, sex or national .
"Igin. The Agency will take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated
uring employment, without regard to their race, age. creed. calor, sex. or national origin. Such action shall include.
ut not be limited to, the following: Employment upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment
dvertislng; layoff or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including
pprenticeship. The Agency shall insert the foregoing provisions modified only to show the particular contractual
Ilationship in all its contracts in connection with the development of operation of the Project. except contracts for
tandard commercial supplies or raw materials, and shall require all Its contractors to Insert a aim liar provision in all
ubcontracts, except subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. When the Project Involves
lStallation, construction, demolition, removal, site Improvement, or similar work, the Agency shall post,ln conspicu-
us places available to employees and applicants for employment for Project work, notices to be provided by the
lepartment setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause.
13.20 Tltl. VI. Civil Rights Act of 1964: The Agency will comply with all the requirements Imposed by Title VI of
18 Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Statute 252). the Regulations of the Federal Department of Transportation issued
,ere under, and the assurance by the Agency pursuant thereto.
13.30 Prohlblt.d Neither the Agency nor any of its contractors or their subcontractors shall enter into
ny contract. subcontract, or arrangement In connection with the Project or any property Included or planned to be
,cluded in the Project, in which any member, officer, or employee of the Agency orthe locality during his tenure orfor
ne year thereafter has any Interest. direct or indirect. If any such present or former member, officer, or employee
lvoluntarily acquires or had acquired prior to the beginning of his tenure any such Interest, and If such Interest is
nmediately disclosed to the Agency. the Agency with thaprior approval of the Department, may waive the prohibition
ontained in this subsection: Provided, that any such present member, officer oremployee shall not partiCipate in any
ction by the Agency or the locality relating to such contract, subcontract, or arrangement.
The Agency shall Insert In all contracts entered Into inconnection with the Project or any property included or
lanned to be included In any Project, and shall require Its contractors to Insert In each of their subcontracts, the
)lIowing provision:
"No member, officer, or employee of the Agency or of the locality during his tenure or for one year thereafter
shall have any Interest. direct or indirect, in this contract or the proceeds thereof".
The provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to any agreement between the Agency and its fiscal
.posttorles, or to any agreement for utility services the rates for which are fixed or controlled by a Governmental
13.40 Int.r..t of Memb.ra of, or O.,.g.... to, Congr...: No member or delegate to the Congress of the United
tates shall be admitted to any share or part of the Agreement or any benefit arising therefrom.
14.00 Mlacel/an.oul Provlllonl:
" . ~
14.10 Envlronm.ntal Pollution: All Proposals, Plans and Specifications for the acquisition. construction. recon-
truction, or Improvement of facilities or equipment, shall be presented to the Department for acceptance. In
Indering such acceptance, the Department shall take Into consideration whether such facility or equipment is
.signed and equipped to prevent and control environmental pollution.
C. (
1.4.20 Department ,nga.. to ThIrd PartIes: The Department shall Jlot be obll9l:uua or liable hereunder to
. any party other than the Agency.
14.30 When RIght. and RemedIes Not WaIved: In no event shall the making by the Department of any payment to
the Agency constitute or be construed as a waiver by the Department of any breach of Covenant or any default which
may then exist on the part of the Agency, and the making of any such payment by the Department while any such
breach or default shall exist shall In no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the Department in
respect of such breach or default.
14.40 How Contrect Affected by ProvIsIons Selng Held Invalid: If any provisions of this Agreement is held
invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected. In such an instance, the remainder would then continue
to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law.
14.50 Bonus or CommIssIon: By execution of the Agreement the Agency represents that It has not paid and, also,
agrees not to pay, any bonus or commission for the purpose of obtaining an approval of its application for the
financing hereunder. ;~
14.60 State or Territorial Law: Nothing in the Agreement shall require the Agency to observe or enforce
compliance with any provision thereof, perform any other act or do any other thing In contravention of any applicable
State law: Provided, that if any of the provisions of the Agreement violate any applicable State law, the Agency will at
once notify the Department in writing in order that appropriate changes and modifications may be made by the
Department and the Agency to the end that the Agency may proceed as soon as possible with the Project.
14.70 Use and Maintenance of Project FacUltle. and Equipment: The Agency agrees that the project facilities
and eqUipment will be used by the Agency to provide or support pUblic transportation for the periOd of the useful life ot
such facilities and equipment as determined in accordance with general accounting standards and approved by the
Department. The Agency further agrees to maintain the project facilities and equipment in good working order for the
usefullife of said facilities or equipment.
14.80 Disposal Of Project Facllltle. or Equipment: If the Agency disposes of any Project facility or equipment
during its usefulllfe for any purpose except its replacement with like facility or equipment for public transportation
use, the Agency will comply with the terms of Office of Management and Budget Circular A-102, Attachment N,
relating to property management standards. The Agency agrees to remit to the Department a proportional amount of
the proceeds from the disposal of the facility or equipment. Said proportional amount shall be determined on the basis
of the ratio of the Department financing of the facility or equipment as provided In this Agreement.
14,90 Contractur.' Indemnity: The Agency shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the Department and
,/I of its officers, agents or employees from all suits, ~9tions, claims, demands, liability of any nature whatsoever
Ifising out of, because of, or due to breach of this Agreement by the Agency or Its Subconsultants, agents, or
!mployees or due to any negligent act or Occurrence of omission or commission of the Agency, its subconsultants,
.gents or employees. Neither the Agency nor any of its agents will be liable under this section for damages arising out
)f injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the sole negligence of the Department or
lnyof its officers, agents or employees.
15.00 P!.::ln:; anu Cp"cUic:otlons: In the event that this contract Involves the purchasing of capital equipment or
he constructing and equipping of facilities, the Agency shaft';submlt to .the Department for acceptance of all
.ppropriate plans, specifications And certifications, listed in E~hibit "C" if applicable. Tho.:s plans and speciticadons
equired by Statute to be sealed by a Registered Architect, Engineer or Land Surveyor shall be 80 sealed. The
'epartment will review these plans, specifications and certificates and will provide the Agency written comments or
acommendations 8S deemed appropriate. After resolution of all applicable comments and recommenda_
ons to the Department's satisfaction, the Department will Issue to the Agency written authorization to proceed with
ortions or an 0/ the Project. Fanure to obtain thla Written concurrence shan be sufficient cause for nonpayment by the
'epartment as provided in Paragraph 8.23.
16.00 Agancy Cartlllcallon: The Agency will cartily In writing prior to project closeQut that the project was
,mpletad In accordance with applicable plans and speclllcatlons, Is In piace on the Agency Facility, that adequate
tie is In the Agency and that the project is accepted by the Agency as suitable for the intended purpose.
17.00 Multl-Ve.r Commitment: In the event this contract is in excess of $25.000 or has a term for a period of more
In one year, the provisions of Chapter 339.135 (8) (a), Florida Statutes, are hereby incorporated:
"(a) The Department, during any fiscal year, shall not expend money, Incur any liability, or enter Into any
contract which, by its terms involves the expenditure of money in excess ofthe amounts budgeted as available
for expenditure during such fiscal year. Any contract. verbal or written, made in violation of this subsection is
null and void, and no money may be paid on such contract. The Department shall require a statement from the
comptroller of the Department that funds are available prior to entering Into any such contract or other binding
commitment of funds. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the making of contracts for a period exceeding 1
year, but any contract so made shall be executory only for the value of the services to be rendered or agreed to
be paid for In succeeding fiscal years, and this paragraph shall be Incorporated verbatim In all contracts of the
Department which are for an amount in excess of $25,000 and which have a term for a period of more than 1
18.00 Explrltlon of Contract: The establishment of a time period for completion of the Project (Is) (Is not)
,licable. If applicable. the Agency agrees to complete the Project within 1 ggg calendar days from the
e first shown In this contract. If the Agency does not complete the Project within this time period, this contract will
>ire unless an extension of the time period Is granted to the Agency In writing by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of
:nsportation District Six . Expiration of this contract will be considered termination of the Project and
procedure established in Paragraph 9.00 of this contract shall be initiated.
19,00 Agreement Format: All words used herein In the singular form shall extend to and Include the plural. All
'ds used in the plural form shall extend to and include the singular. All words used in any gender shall extend to and
,ude all genders. '
20.00 Execution of Agreement: This contract may be simultaneously executed in a minimum of four counter-
ts, each of which so executed shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts together shall constitute
I in the same instrument.
WPI I 6826652
'WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents ~e executed, the day and year first above
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