Resolution 085-1988 Commissioner John Stormont RESOLUTION NO. 085 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AN EXTENSION AND AMENDMENTS TO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH BAPTIST HOSPITAL OF MIAMI AND DIRECTING EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PERSONNEL TO EXECUTE PROTOCOLS WITH THE VARIOUS EMS SERVICE DISTRICTS AND LOCAL HOSPITALS TO AFFECT THE MEMORANDUM'S TEMPORARY RELATIONSHIP FOR SEVERE, TRAUMA-RELATED EMERGENCY HEALTH CARE IN MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida has previously entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Baptist Hospital of Miami for the providing of emergency severe trauma-related injury treatment, and WHEREAS, both Monroe County Board of County Commissioners l and Baptist Hospital of Miami have agreed on amended terms of the previous Memorandum of Understanding, and WHEREAS, both parties to the previous Memorandum of Understanding have expressed desire to extend for a six (6) month period the agreed upon modified Memorandum of Understanding; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of Monroe County, Florida, the amended Memorandum of Understanding between Monroe County and Baptist Hospital of Miami, a copy of same being attached hereto; and 2. The Emergency Medical Services Coordinator of Monroe County is hereby directed to make available to and to implement the provisions of the amended Memorandum of Understanding with the Emergency Medical Districts throughout Monroe County , their respective Medical Directors, and all potential utilizing hospitals within Monroe County immediately and upon completion of signatures thereto attached. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1bilday of February, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON~OE C~~,:Y ;..:LORIDh By fJ:;~1j~,.b/ Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk ~~2U6 ~~ 19.c lerk i Approved as to form and legal sUfficiency. MIlIIOJIa,1ID0II OF UJlDDS'rAIIDDG WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, finds itself unable to provide sufficient emergency trauma-related health care to its visitors and residents at certain time peri.ods of the year, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is continuing to attempt to address on-going severe trauma-related emergency health care on behalf of the public health, safety and welfare of its people by the establishment of an Emergency Service Committee and has entered into agreement with the Health Council of South Florida to aid in determining permanent solutions for such on-going severe trauma-related health care, and WHEREAS, the Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps and certain county officials have, in parallel actions, held discussions with Baptist Hospital of Miami, having indicated its willingness to aid Monroe County on a temporary basis in its on-going severe trauma-related emergency health care problems, and, WHEREAS, Mr. Lee S. Huntley, Vice President at Baptist Hospital of Miami, has indicated by letter of intent to Monroe County, Baptist Hospital of Miami's willingness and desire to enter into a temporary relationship with Monroe County for a period of sixty (60) days, effective December 1, 1987, and extended by a period of six (6) months beginning February 1, 1988 under terms modified herein, subject to cancellation notice by either party as provided below for accepting trauma patients from Monroe County on certain terms, to help alleviate seasonal pressures involving severe trauma-related emergency health care in Monroe County, A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING is hereby entered into between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, on behalf of the people of Monroe County, and Baptist Hospital of Miami as outlined in the November 25, 1987 letter of intent to describe a temporary relationship for severe trauma-related emergency health care, and amendments incorporated herein modifying the original agreement by deletions and additions, Page -1- pursuant to extension of such initial agreement, wherein both parties agree to the following: 1. Monroe County acknowledges that Baptist Hospital of Miami's primary function is to provide services for patients within its service area. 2. Baptist Hospital of Miami and its Medical Staff will do everything reasonably possible to make severe trauma-related emergency health care available to the visitors and residents of Monroe County, except that these same individuals acknowledge that, from time-to-time, demands for emergency or other critical services saturate Baptist Hospital's limited resources. At those times where Baptist Hospital of Miami's resources are saturated so as to prohibit patient acceptance under this temporary relationship, Baptist Hospital of Miami will attempt to aid in the placement of the patient in other facilities. 3. Under the provisions of 2. above, Baptist Hospital of Miami and selected members of its medical staff will accept trauma patients who are able to be transported by air or ground directly from the scene in such a manner as to arrive within sixty (60) minutes of injury to Baptist Hospital of Miami's Emergency Department. It is reinforced that the principal purpose of this agreement is for facilitating and aid in cases of severe trauma injury involving from-the-scene transport to Baptist Hospital Emergency receiving facilities within a time frame most beneficial to the patient. Both parties to this agreement understand that time frames are critically important in such severe trauma injury, but are subjective by nature, and therefore necessarily indicated to insure utmost patient survivability factors. Under no circumstances will this Memorandum of Understanding be automatically effective if prospective patient admission by Baptist Hospital of Miami is Page -2- beyond a twelve (12) hour time frame from occurrence of any qualified severe trauma related injury. (See Section 7) 4. Monroe County on its part will contact representatives of the state of Florida concerning this relationship and any conflict with EMS regulations to assure that this relationship would be allowed to continue under recently enacted regulations. 5. TRANSFER FROM ON-SCENE Paramedics and EMS personnel operating in or on behalf of Monroe County will be required to: A. Contact Baptist Hospital of Miami Emergency Department physicians, from the scene, prior to transport, to review the condition of the patient and the availability of resources to accept the patient. In those cases where EMS personnel other than paramedics are on-scene Monroe County Emergency Service respondents (Tavernier and Islamorada, until upgrading to ALS), such contact shall be by the nearest hospital facility. B. Initiate a Certificate of Eligibility form to be completed by Monroe County Officials and forwarded to Baptist Hospital within 72 hours. C. Prior to contact with Baptist Hospital of Miami Emergency Department, the on scene paramedic will verify: 1. Availability, if required, of Dade County Air-Rescue One, under Monroe County's agreement with Dade County, for transport of patient. 2. That the patient has trauma score 12, coma score 10, or evidence of shock at the scene with systolic BP 90. 3. Trauma victim has experienced amputation. Page -3- D. It is hereby reinforced rhat any official Monroe County clearance will be from the Monroe County Office of Emergency Medical Services or through his representation by an on-scene EMS personnel who shall certify transfer documents, as necessary. Such clearance from a Monroe County hospital whose service area may be served by paramedic technicians who are not part of the Monroe County Emergency Medical Services system shall only obtain clearance certification as provided in (6.' below. 6. HOSPITAL RELATIONSHIPS - CASE-BY-CASE The relationship herein described is between Monroe County and Baptist Hospital of Miami and does not extend to Monroe County hospitals, that relationship being considered to be beyond the scope of this temporary agreement. Therefore, any Monroe County Hospital from which transferal to Baptist Hospital is to be accomplished under this agreement shall be required to complete a Certificate of Eligibility form, to accompany the patient, which certifies that, under sending hospital emergency room physician signature, acting on behalf of that hospital: A. Verification of trauma score upon receiving such patient, together with trauma score, coma score, and other evidence of shock, as qualified in s.C. above, together with other information required by the Monroe County Office of Emergency Medical Services, upon release of such patient for transfer B. The expenses associated with the care of the patient being transferred for treatment by Baptist Hospital of Miami is being guaranteed only for Baptist Hospital of Miami by Monroe Page -4- -.d.-~-=-.' ,,,,-,,,,~o-",,.~.___~--,~,~~~_.~_.,,.._.,--~~-_.._-~-----~._..~~_.__.,_. .~--- County as outlined elsewhere in this agreement. Any failure by Monroe County hospitals to observe their required conditions of this agreement in respect to their participation in it may cause incurrment of patient liabilities on their part which Monroe County might have otherwise incurred, had there been no failure on their part. C. Initiate telephone contact with Baptist Hospital of Miami Emergency Department physician on call for verbal assessment of the patient status and ability for transfer. D. Agree to accept the return transfer of such patient when, in the opinion of Baptist Hospital of Miami, Medical Foundation of South Florida review, or other utilization review agency that such patient is medically stable shall be returned for further care beyond the terms of this agreement. E. Verification by signature of Monroe County Emergency personnel in charge as to severe trauma related injury justifications, Certificate of Eligibility, and other information as required. Telephone verification with the EMS Office shall be required during normal business hours of that office. After hours certification shall be by telephone beeper contact with either the Medical Director of the District or the Emergency Medical Services Coordinator. 7. HOSPITAL PROTOCOL It is acknowledged' that patients initially transported to ,'.,:mroe County hospital facilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis for transfer to Baptist Hospital of Miami, subject to consideration of the time frames described above; the receivin9 physician's acceptance of the patient; and the availability of Baptist Hospital of Miami resources, Page -5- and other stipulations required elsewhere in this agreement. In those cases first transported to nearest available Monroe County hospital to the scene, Baptist Hospital of Miami does require: A. Initial Baptist Hospital of Miami Emergency Department contact and notification to assure coordination of further stabilization and advanced trauma life support (ATLS) actions, so that such actions be consistent with Baptist receiving facility requirements B. Verbal review of the nature of the injuries of each patient with the Baptist Hospital of Miami emergency physician and trauma surgeons (see S.C) C. Communication with the Medical Director of Service, Dr. H. Richard Nateman (or) the Baptist Emergency Department physician on duty to assure the availability of Baptist's facilities and physician coverage D. Complete medical record transferred with the patient to include emergency room report, and clearance verification on records transmitted with the patient of the patient criteria in S.C. 8. METRO-DADE AIR RESCUE All relations with Metro-Dade Air Rescue One are to be handled at the scene by existing protocols utilized by Key Largo Fire Rescue/Metro-Dade Air Rescue. 9. FINANCIAL ASSURANCES Monroe County agrees to guarantee Baptist Hospital of Miami and the participating Hospital-based physicians 80% of reasonable and appropriate charges for each patient. Where insurance or other coverage exists or the patient can defray such costs, Baptist Hospital of Page -6- _..._,~",,-----_..-,-,,-~-..~..~-"-'-; ,.."". ~.~...,--,,-.,~..~.- - '~'~';'Ji...._~...._.,~, Miami and its physicians will bill and collect from those entities. Baptist Hospital of Miami, on their part, will make every effort to assure that there is an early determination of insurance coverage status1 will assure that the Monroe County Office of Emergency Medical Services be made aware of and routinely updated on the charges of health care issues on a case-by-case basis1 and will work with Monroe County Social Services Department for funding source determinations for those eligible and requiring such aid. Should circumstances dictate that these funds are not collectable within ninety (90) days of service, Monroe County agrees to compensate Baptist Hospital of Miami and its physicians 80% of those reasonable and appropriate charges less any reasonably assured insurance assignments and payments rendered by the patient or other third party payors. Baptist Hospital of Miami and its physicians will, in turn, verify charges and, as necessary, assign insurance benefits to Monroe County in a manner acceptable to both parties. Should health or liability insurance coverage be less than 80% of the charges, Monroe County agrees to compensate Baptist Hospital of Miami and its physicians for the difference between collections and 80% of charges. 10. FORMS REQUIREMENTS A. Monroe County, to aid in the effectiveness of and as requirement for evaluation of this temporary relationship shall require its Medical Director of any District involved to implement criteria and protocols included herein, not to exclude reporting of patient on-scene score report, Air-Rescue One or land transport report, disposition of patient and follow-up of hospital Page -7- treatment logs and reports, to the County Administrator and Director of Emergency Medical Services for statistical and effectiveness determinations. B. As indicated elsewhere within this Memorandum of Understanding, Baptist shall require a Certificate of Eligibility from Monroe County, per S.B., or the local hospital, under 7.D., and complete medical record to include emergency room report transferal with the patient, if from a Monroe County hospital. 11. INCLUSIONS Monroe County hereby desires to include under the terms of this temporary relationship, the patient case of Linda Houston, previously transported at the request of Commissioner Stormont and authorized by the County Administrator. 12 RECOGNITION Monroe County further desires to retain designated appointees as further reviewers of the aspects of this temporary relationship extension the following individuals: G. Joey Elam, Douglas Cullen, and Doris Kemp all of Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance Corps, J. Allison DeFoor II of the Monroe County EMS Council, Commissioner John C. Stormont, and Howard Anderson of Mariner's Hospital. 13. CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT In the event that a thirty (30) day termination notice is invoked by either party, or other termination as indicated below, all obligations incurred on the part of Monroe County, under the terms of the original Memorandum of Understanding, or under any amen~nts thereto, prior to the date of termination, shall be fulfilled as per the terms of this Understanding, as amended. A. It is understood that, since this agreement Page -8- is between Baptist Hospital of Miami and Monroe County, and that other services being provided through Baptist Hospital, such as physician services by way of example, are not contractual beyond the terms of this agreement, immediate termination by Baptist Hospital of Miami is permitted when circumstances arise wherein those services not contracted for under this agreement are no longer available. B. It is additionally understood that since the committed financial resources by Monroe County for the implementation of this agreement are limited by nature, either Monroe County or Baptist Hospital of Miami may immediately terminate this Memorandum of Understanding. However, Monroe County shall remain liable for costs incurred during the period of the original Memorandum of Understanding, and/or amendments thereto. C. If Monroe County should cause to implement alternative trauma-related care plans as being developed by the Health Council of South Florida, that plan shall superceed the terms. of this agreement, except for Monroe County's financial obligations incurred under this agreement. 14. MONROE COUNTY REQUIREMENTS In order to clearly establish those Monroe County governmental contractual patients under the terms of this Understanding, Monroe County protocols shall provide that Emergency Medical Services personnel in charge shall certify, as representatives of the Office of Emergency Medical Services, on the Certificate of Eligibility, that such patient qualifies under the terms as indicated in (S., 6., or 7.) above, as applicable. It is hereby reinforced that such personnel, acting on behalf of Monroe County Emergency Medical Page -9- Services Office shall be the certifier that the patient is a "Monroe County Government Memorandum of Understanding patient" for the effectiveness of this agreement, even when transferred from a Monroe County hospital. IS. PATIENT REVIEW /CASE MANAGEMENT This Memorandum of Understanding presumes to serve the interests of patients in severe trauma-injury status. By such assumption, it is recognized that certain critical care may lead to other long-term care or rehabilitation care which is beyond the scope of this agreement. Therefore, the following patient/case review procedures are instituted: A. For all existing and future cases under this agreement, Monroe County will, on its part, separately contract with a third party utilization Review agency to interface with Baptist Hospital of Miami, its medical staff and administration in order to oversee and guide medical and social needs of the patient and to be able to effectively utilize available resources of Monroe County under this agreement. This review is mandated in that this Memorandum of Understanding exists between Baptist Hospital of Miami and Monroe County and does not extend to various staff physicians and all other specialty related services which may be required by the patient. B. Such Utilization Review shall be automatically performed in those cases extending beyond 10 days and/or when a threshold of hospital incurred costs exceed $lS,OOO.OO. c. Additional independent review may be initiated by either party to this agreement with the Medical Foundation of South Florida, with Page -10- costs being borne by Monroe County, for medical/social determinations as to when the purpose of this agreement terminates in respect to patient care. D. Representatives from either Monroe County (and/or their designated review agency) or Baptist Hospital of Miami may request prompt medical/social/financial case discussion with the principal representatives and physicians to discuss the finances of a particular patient, the proper use of Monroe County and Baptist Hospital of Miami resources or funds, and any other issues which might arise. 16. PATIENT TRANSFERABILITY A. In certain cases under this agreement where it becomes apparent that the patient is eligible for certain health care benefits (e.g. Veteran's, welfare or other), and it is apparent that such benefits may be utilized by the patient, either party to this agreement, upon notification to the other party and concurrence of the patient or his representative, the attending physician, may effect transfer of the patient to other receiving facility for such above benefits, and thereby terminate obligations beyond those incurred as part of this agreement. B. The Social Services Departments of Baptist Hospital and of Monroe County will independently and jointly seek available resources for those patients identified by Baptist Hospital of Miami which require or are eligible for other financial coverages or treatment facilities during hospital admission procedures C. Any such transfer to alternate facilities shall be mandated under this agreement when medically appropriate, subject to 16 A. above. Page -11- D. Other patient transfer/return to sending hospital, as per the Certificate of Eligibility accompanying the patient when transported to Baptist Hospital, shall be effected by Baptist, via Monroe County Emergency Medical Services Ambulance Services, when in their judgement or in the judgement of the utilization Review agency and the attending physician, continued care can be handled by the hospital initiating original transfer to Baptist. 17. AGREEMENT IMPLEMENTATION A. Contact persons for agreement implementation for Monroe County are to be as follows: 1. Overall coordinator County Administrator Capt. Tom Brown Junior College Road - Stock Island Wing II Key West, Florida, 33040 (30S) 294-4641 ext. 100 2. Emergency Medical Services Coordinator Reggie Paros EMS Coordinator 10600 Aviation Boulevard Marathon, Florida, 330S0 (30S) 743-6619 3. Billing submission for clearance Reggie Paros (Above) 4. Payment (after clearance) Clerk of the Commission Mr. Danny Kohlage SOO Whitehead Street Key West, Florida, 33040 (30S) 294-4641 ext. 314, 31S S. Social Service aid Monroe County Social Services Dept. Louis LaTorre B. (30S) 294-4641 ext. 506-509 Contact persons for Baptist Hospital of Miami are as follows: 1. Overall coordinator Page -12- Charles Sperrazza Administrative Director Emergency Services S96-6S56 2. Baptist Hospital of Miami Medical Services Dr. H. Richard Nateman Medical Director Baptist Hospital of Miami Emergency Services 596-1960 ext. 6292 3. Billing Information Mr. Tim Wagoner Patient Accounts Supervisor 596-1960 ext. 6225 4. Social Services Sandra Bell Director - Social Services 596-6578 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties below have caused this Memorandum of Understanding and amendments therein to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Mayor/Chairman Date: ( Se a 1 ) Attest: Clerk BAPTIST HOSPITAL OF MIAMI By: Page -13- Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. Date: P-U'~~.~ BY:'~--:'~ .:..e:~';'( -~: _~" .. Attorney's OffiC~ Page -14-