Resolution 251-1994 COr~Ut1ITY SERVICES DIVISION RESOLUTION NO. 251 -1994 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTI COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF A GRANT APPLICATION WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF SAME BY THE PROPER AUTHORITIES FOR THE EMERGENCY REMOV~L OF DV091653 LOCATED OFF OF OHIO KEY '-,; ~ ,..J"";: 5 BE~T RjS~VED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Mon- r~ cmiity ,:"El~rida, as follows: 0:: -::: e::: :z :L 1. g Tha623said Board has been notified of the availability of fU:i?ds ~om,t;~Florida Department of Environmental Protection, B~tin~Im~~ment Fund. LL.J Z 0::: ~... :z ~: 2. fit T~t ~the COIl11'nunity Services Division acting for Monroe County has received preliminary approval for the submission of a grant application to remove DV091653 for which a grant of $1,600.00 will be sought. 3. That said Board hereby directs the execution of this application by the Marine Projects Coordinator. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of ~t , A.D. 1994. MAYOR Jack London COMMISSIONER A. Earl Cheal COMMISSIONER Wilhe~ina Harvey COMMISSIONER Shirley Freeman COMMISSIONER Mary Kay Reich yes yes yes yes yes (Seal) Attest: DANNY 1. ~OlailAGE, ClerJt SknLd (!. &x1~ CLERR r, /f?rJc-; --2=--~' r{ v( OHIO.RES/TXTCURRI