Resolution 098-1988 - - James R. Paros, Director Emergency Services RESOLUTION NO. 098 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SITTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICTS I-A, l-B, l-C, l-D, 3, 4-A, 4-B, 5 AND 6 AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICTS I-A, l-B, l-C, l-D, 3, 4-A, 4 -B, 5 AND 6 AND DIVERSIFIED SYSTEM MANAGE- MENT, INC. PERTAINING TO BILLING AND COLLEC- TION SERVICES FOR USER FEES GENERATED BY THE DISTRICTS' EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES SYSTEM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SITTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICTS I-A, l-B, l-C, l-D, 3, 4-A, 4-B, 5 and 6 as follows: The Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Municipal Service Taxing Districts I-A, l-B, l-C, l-D, 3, 4-A, 4-B, 5 and 6 and Diversified System Management, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto, pertaining to billing and collection services for user fees generated by the District's emergency medical services system. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, sitting as the Board of Governors of Municipal Service Taxing Districts I-A, l-B, l-C, l-D, 3, 4-A, 4-B, 5 and 6 at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of February, A. D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, SITTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICTS I-A, l-B, l-C, l-D, 3, 4-A, 4-B, 5 AND 6 Bygy~~/ ~ C N (Seal) Attest :PANNX 1. KOLHAGE, Clerk /:8 70 F()Fi'l.,:~ ~eJ~it~ .fJc. CLERK ( .~~~. .:', -'.: ...., ".',.' '/' (.:. ::r/'-'~'I:: "'--.""""f'\,~...'- --~',,--=,..,..-"~..,'~',~~.,~.---"'m~~;w~~~.""'_~4Oi~~[_e;r~:"'''.~~'-~-.,-...._-___~-.__-____,.,__..."...___.~ AGREIIBJr 'Ibis agreement, 1IBde and entered into this 16th day of February A.D. 1988, bebJeen M.micipal Service Taxing Districts I-A, l-B, l~, l-D, 3, 4-A, 4-S, 5 and 6 of Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Districts., and Diversified System Management, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "D.S.M.., and \tbereas, the Districts desire to enter into an arr~t with D.S.M., to provide billing and collection services for user fees generated by the Districts emergency medical services system, and \tl1ereas, D.S.M. is qualified and prepared to render such services, beginning i lIIIlediatel y upon execution of this agreement, and desires to render such services to the Districts in consideration of the coopensation agreed to herein, and ~reas, D.S.M. possesses all the necessary licenses required to engage in the b.1siness of billinq and collection services in the State of Florida, now, therefore, Be it understood that in oonsideration of the DIltual covenants, premises and representation herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. 'lbat D.S.M. will provide the billing and collection of charges for emergency medical services on an ongoing basis during the term of this agreement. 'lbese services will be provided fran D.S.M. · s office in M::mroe COUnty, Florida. 2. '!bat D.S.M. shall create and 1Ill!lintain reoords of eech patient account which accurately reflect the charges made against and the paymmts IIIlIlde into such accounts fo~ emergency medical services. 3. '!bat D.S.M. shall provide to patients suitable for self pay and/or forwarding as necessary to other third party payon,statements of charges in custauary form which accurately reflect the services rendered by emergency medical servi08ll and the charges made for such services. D.S.M. shall al80 provide for the autaDatic electronic transmission of clau. to all .jor insutanoe providers through its CCIlpJ.ter billing system. D.S.M. understaDds that there will be a back log of charged tickets dating fraa awroxiDttely November 17, 1987. 4. '!hat D.S.M. shall __ four (4) atteapts within a 120 day period after receipt of charge tickets to bill for services rendered to patients as follows: Initial bill (within three (3) working days) First Noti~ (30 days hence) 5econd Notice (60 days hence) 'lhird Notice (90 days hence) 5. 'Ihat D.S.M. shall provide aocounti.nq, statistical, and follOw-up data for patient accounts. D.S.M. shall provide to the Districts the following custallary financial reports on a weekly, IIkmthlyand yearly basis as specified: Daily journal. of tr-.etions S~ry of monthly and year-to-dtte billings and collections by district and in total coqbi lied with other districts S~ of llCXX>lUlt8 by individual debtor 9....ry of aged aooounts receivable, aged as follows: 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and 120 days or older 6. 'Ihat D.S.M. agrees that all ~iate records will be open for inspectj.on by de4ignated i.ndi vidual or firm representi.nq the Districts' interest during *>I1IIll business hour.. .. .~~--"~'7'-"':':"I?'-~-""'~'-- -'-"""'~:JJrnl'l-~~--:~~?'''''lf'Illlft\_IllU!lIJ--1l':i'~4IIIOJI!I!"~ J!!lll ~"";;;~~"_.","""-",,,,,-,~~~,,\,.et't"l":.;o;:'~~:"~oor~~..,,,....~,",~, 7 . '!bat the Districts will arrange for a lock-box collection system at a financial institution providing these services: cost of services to be borne by D.S.M. 8. '!bat D.S.M. agrees to provide office facility and telephone for timely response to patient iB;Iu.iries regarding aa::ounts subject to this agreement. 9. '!bat D.S.M. shall make requests for reconsideration and aweals of adverse determinations by third party payors as may be sul:llli.tted in good faith. 10. That the Districts agree to pay pralptly to D.S.M. upon subnission of proper invoices, on a bi-weekly basis, fees in the ala>unt of 13-1/2% of gross dollars collected on patient's accounts for the services described in the preoeedinq,sections of this agreement. 11. At the conclusion of 120 days fran date of initial billing, D.S.M. will ~ third party collection agency prooedures, through Diversified System MiJnagementls collection agency division. In ooopliance with POCPA and awlicable state and local laws and regulations, the agency will oollect the bed debts of the Districts' emergency medical services system. 12. '!he Districts agree to pay prooptly to D.S.M. upon subnission of proper invoices, fees in the ala>unt of 22% of gross dollars collected on patientls accounts through D.S.M.'s third party oollection agency procedures. 13. '!hat D.S.M. agrees to engage the services of an i.ndependant certified public ~ccountant to provide an annual audit report to coincide with the fiscal year of the Districts. '!he cost of same will be borne by D.S.M. 14. If and when there are postal increases over the existing rate, the parties will renegotiate the rate. 15. '!he Districts agree to provide to D.S.M. IS office, charge tickets of services rendered on a weekly basis and in condition suitable for entry into D.S.M. IS cooputer billing system. 16. '!his agreE!ftmt shall be for one (1) year, call1lencing on the date in which it is executed by both parties. Either party can canoel this agreement without cause by giving 30 days written notice to the other indicating their desire to terminate BillIe. 17. Upon termination of this agreement, D.S.M. shall have the right to the applicable percentage of gross dollars collected on patient' s accounts for a period of 60 days after the last action was taken on a patient account. . 18. Upon teI1l)i.na.tion of this agreement, an audit by an independant certified public accountant shall be provided and D.S.M. shall have the duty to prooptly turn over to the Districts its OCDplete records relevent to the accounts under this agreement after settlE!llll!mt of any JOOlli.es due. Such records shall be in good business order and current to the date of turn over. 19. '!he provision of this agreement will be reneqotiated if and when M;)nroe County desires to expand the billing and collection services provided under this agreement to other than antlulanoe user fees generated by the Districts' eaergency medical services system. ... 7;:_~~'~~~~' ,~:":;';'"~".~.~~:'~:~ ...,.....,..--- In witness whereof, the parties hereto executed this agreement on the 16th day of February , 1988. l-tmicipal Services Taxing Districts I-A, I-B, 1-C, 1-0, 3, 4-A, 4-B, 5 and 6 ~nroe CoWlty, Florida &<'? " By: ~- /~ 6v' Mayor Chai IBte: r-.? - f to - <{6 (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE Cl , erk ~~o ~w.--" f(t. Clerk { Diversified System ~~' Inc. By: ~ Af'1! u/~ · r' Pr~ Late: ~0' Attest: ~ e Td9 Ai~:;fjiE!;~S ~i:l.~!'~:~:::' v A"r ~"Ur:;- ,'. ~'~.n~;; "./'r orfi(;'n