Resolution 101-1988 Public Works Department RESOLUTION NO. 101 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COJ:.ft.lIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PETITION- ING THE 1988 FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TO AUTHORIZE COUNTIES TO ADOPT THE VOTED GAS TAX BY MAJORITY PLUS ONE VOTE OF THE SEVERAL LOCAL GOVERNING BODIES; DIRECTING THE CLERK TO FORWARD COPIES HEREOF TO THE MONROE COUNTY LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION, THE SENATE PRESIDENT, THE HOUSE SPEAKER AND THE GOVERNOR. WHEREAS, under the provisions of resolution 129-1985, as amended by resolutions No. 260-1986 and No. 092-1987 of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, the Monroe County Public Works Department, with assistance from the County's Consulting Engineers, has completed, during calendar year 1987, an overall field inspection and update of the nearly 500 mile Monroe County Road System Inventory and project priority analy- sis, and WHEREAS, such update has resulted in the development of a recommended seven year work program for construction and recon- struction of Public Roads which form a part of the Monroe County Road System to be implemented by the Public Works Department as funding becomes available with both internal forces and outside contractors, and WHEREAS, the pre-design statement of total probable costs, in 1988 dollars, to implement said recommended seven year roadway work program totals some $12.2 million dollars and presently anticipated combined revenues from the Constitutional Gas Tax, the County Gas Tax and the Local Option Gas Tax, as defined by ~206.4l, ~206.60 and ~336.025, Florida Statutes, respectively, in terms of the portions thereof not already otherwise committed for normal Departmental operations and routine minor maintenance projects, only total some $10.15 million dollars, leaving a deficit of $2.05 million dollars in unidentified revenues for roadway construction/reconstruction proj ects only that will be required to implement, in 1988 dollars, the said roadway work program, and WHEREAS, this projected deficit would be increased by some $1. 76 million 1988 dollars to $3.81 million dollars over the seven year roadway work program period if necessary structural repairs and maintenance to the 29 secondary bridges (title to which remains vested in the Florida Department of Transportation) located on the County Road System as previously identified and prioritized is implemented with County funding as may be required after joint County - F.D.O.T. review of ~335.04(3), F.S. and related statutes and actions concerning maintenance responsibil- ity, and WHEREAS, the voted Gas Tax as defined by ~336.021, Florida Statutes, consisting of an additional 1 cent per gallon (formerly known as the 9th cent gas tax), if levied in Monroe County would yield approximately an additional $1.63 million dollars over the 7 year work program period and would greatly assist the County in closing the deficit in needed anticipated revenues identified above, and WHEREAS, the Florida Association of Counties in its 1987 legislative program and policies statement has recommended that the Florida Legislature remove the present referendum requirement from the voted Gas Tax as required by ~336.021, F.S., replacing same with a majority plus one vote of the Board of County Commis- sioners in order to authorize the levy of the additional 1 cent gas tax; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The 1988 Regular Session of the Florida Legislature be and the same is hereby petitioned by this Board, acting by and through the Monroe County Legislative Delegation, Representative Ron Saunders and Senator Larry Plummer, to authorize the several Boards of County Commissioners to adopt and levy the voted gas tax as defined by ~336.021, F.S., by majority plus one vote of said governing bodies in order to materially assist local govern- ments in providing for improvements to and maintenance of the Transportation system component of their infrastructure. 2. The Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Monroe County Legislative Delegation, the President of the 2 . . Florida Senate, the Speaker of the Florida House of Representa- tives and the Governor of the State of Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of February, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By &~~n.? (Seal) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~e~~\OC . tf/"\; /'..~:--; 'ri) J'.1S 70 FORlA ... ...: c..; ....',. ("'rrl"f ".. ,f'.'~ . .....,.'v, ,-,d.I.".. ;. . ,.j -_.~~~;~~:-.~ 'cC:;:~ ~jl J 3