Resolution 102-1988 ... - . Public Works Department RESOLUTION NO. 102-1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; DIRECTING THE MONROE COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO IMPLEMENT A 7 YEAR, WORK PROGRAM FOR MONROE COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND RECON- STRUCTION PROJECTS AS FUNDS BECOME AVAILABLE; ESTABLISHING A PRIORITY LISTING OF SUCH PROJECTS; ACKNOWLEDGING THE NATURE OF PRELIM- INARY PROBABLE COST STATEMENTS THEREFORE; AND DIRECTING THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO MAINTAIN A CASH FLOW MONITORING PROGRAM AND REPORTING SYSTEM IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, under the provisions of ~206.47 and ~336.024, Florida Statutes, 1987; ~16, Article IX of the State Constitution of 1885, as amended, and ~9, Article XII of the revised 1968 Constitution of State of Florida as amended, Monroe County will receive the 80% surplus portion of the County's pro rata share of the Constitutional Gas Tax (formerly known as the 5th and 6th cent gas tax) to be used in this County; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of ~336.01, ~336.02 and ~336.023(2), Florida Statutes, 1987, the expenditure of such funds shall be as prescribed by regulations of the County, subject, however, to the uniform minimum standards provisions of ~336. 045, Florida Statutes, 1987, and pursuant to an adopted resolution by this Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, Monroe County will receive the proceeds of the local option gas tax pursuant to ~336.025, F.S., as adopted by County implementing ordinance and under inter10cal agreements duly entered into with the three municipalities within the County, with some 40% of the portion thereof accruing to the County for use within the unincorporated area being available for construction/reconstruction of public roads forming a part of the Monroe County Road System; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Monroe County Resolution 129-1985, as amended by Resolutions No. 260-1986 and No. 092-1987, the Monroe County Public Works Department has submitted a 7 year plan of work for the construction and/or reconstruction of publicly dedicated roads and streets which form a part of the Monroe County Road System; and WHEREAS, such 7 year work program was carefully developed by the staff of the Monroe County Public Works Department in consul- tation with each member of this Board of County Commissioners and with the assistance of Professional Engineering Consultants after a comprehensive field inspection, review and analysis/update of the inventory of the nearly 500 mile County Road System, with evaluation of individual roadway projects based on an objective point system and other appropriate weighting factors; now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Monroe County Public Works Department is hereby directed to implement the proposed 7 year work program, as funding becomes available and consistent with the cash flow monitoring requirements of paragraph 3 hereof, under established design/bidding/contracting/payment procedures and pursuant to ~336.41(3)(b), F.S., 1987, utilizing the aforesaid Constitutional Gas Tax portion of the Monroe County Transportation Trust Fund as established pursuant to ~336.022, F.S., 1987, and utilizing the approximately 40% portion of the County's share of the local option gas tax adopted pursuant to ~336.025, F.S., 1987, which is available for construction/reconstruction of roadways by County forces or by contractors, as appropriate. 2. The priority listing of projects shown in "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof and entitled "7 Year Roadway Construction Plan-Monroe County, Florida" consisting of 33 sheets including Sheet 1, summary of cost by district, Sheets 2-15, the Entire Program Listing, Sheets 16-18, FY 87/88 Proj- ects, Sheets 19-21, FY 88/89 Projects, Sheets 22-24, FY 89/90 Projects, Sheets 25-26, FY 90/91 Projects, Sheets 28-29, FY 91/92 Projects, Sheets 30-31, FY 92/93 Projects, Sheets 32-33, FY 93/94 Proj ects , shall be implemented in the sequence and scheduling shown by the Monroe County Public Works Department unless and until this Board of County Commissioners and its successor Boards may amend such priorities and/or add or delete projects there- to/therefrom by amendatory resolution hereto at some future time and inasmuch as it is acknowledged that roadway conditions change ') L.. ~ '" - continually, it is the specific intent of this Board that the adopted work program will be updated periodically. 3. It is acknowledged by this Board of County Commission- ers that predesign/prebid order-of-magnitude statements of probable cost for individual proj ects as shown on the attached EXHIBIT "(A)" will be adjusted up or down once construction contract bids are received and prior to the County's execution of construction contract documents and issuance of notices to proceed to contractors and to this end the Monroe County Public Works Department is directed to maintain a continuing cash flow monitoring program for the overall management of the Monroe County Transportation Trust Fund with appropriate periodic reports thereon being submitted to this Board of County Commis- sioners. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of February, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /7~ 4 By ~<':.,. 'I.. b/ a or a1.rman (Seal) Attest :DANNY 1. KOLHAGE, Clerk -- . r-"'" ~\ZU7y~1&l1~ Ill. AP~'R AS TO FORM AN. EG~L SU,,!ICI;~';() BY L.Lf..~ ~/tJ AtMrney's Office I 3