Resolution 106-1988 Commissioner Michael H. Puto RESOLUTION NO. 106 -1988 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING U. S. SENATE BILL 10 AND U.S. HOUSE BILL 3133 AND REQUESTING THE FLORIDA DELEGATION TO USE THEIR BEST OFFICES IN SEEKING PASSAGE OF SAID BILLS. WHEREAS, there is presently pending before the U. S. Con- gress two bills, Senate Bill 10 and House Bill 3133, concerning emergency medical services and trauma care, and WHEREAS, these two matters are of great concern to the citizens of Monroe County for the preservation of their health, safety and welfare, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to wholeheartedly support the passage of these two bills, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Commission does hereby wholeheartedly endorse and support Senate Bill 10 and House Bill 3313, as said bills provide for the development of trauma centers, trauma care impr~vement~., and emergency telephone numbers telephone services. 2. Th~t said Commission hereby requests that the Florida '.-c dele~ation to the U. S. Congress support these bills and use ~ their'best offices to seek their passage. , ~3. That the Clerk of said Board is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the Florida delegation to the U. S. Congress. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1st day of March, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /)~ ~,f By~<' '~I b/ M C airman (Seal) Attest: DANNY 1. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~, ~.. D.c-;. erk I LCPJr/ 11F~;-:1)F) ..1 S "to rot;'.' ",~:7'(( ~\1J 1 '.:-=~~c~~~~ '