Resolution 115-1988
Sheila Malloy, Director
Nutrition Program
RESOLUTION NO. 115 -1988
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is
hereby authorized to execute a Contract by and between the Board
of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and G.A. Food
Service, Inc., a copy of the same being attached hereto and made
a part hereof, concerning Title III-C Nutrition Program for
congregate sites in Key West.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
on the 1st day of March, 1988.
BY'.e~ ~
Attes t: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk
", .~..'"
~ '
day of
1988, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE
COUNTY, FLORIDA, a body corporate and politic existing under the
laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the SPONSOR, and
G. A. FOOD SERVICE, INC., a Florida corporation whose mailing
address is 12200 32nd Court North, St. Petersburg, Florida,
hereinafter called the CATERER.
WHEREAS, the SPONSOR desires to utilize the food preparation
facilities of the CATERER for the purpose of providing meals for
senior citizens participating in the Older Americans Act Title
III-C, Nutrition Program, hereinafter called the PROGRAM, and the
CATERER is willing to provide for said services upon the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and
obligations to be performed by the respective parties hereunder,
the parties hereby agree and undertake as follows:
1. The CATERER hereby agrees to furnish meals, in accor-
dance with Attachments "A" , "B" , "c" , "D" , and "E" of this
Agreement, and at the. prices therein specified, to citizens
participating in the Older Americans Act Title III-C, Nutrition
Program, such meals to be furnished at each of .the cGIlgregate .itea in
P' _. c,",. ~. \.
2. The SPONSOR agrees to reimburse the CATERER for meals
served according to the aforesaid schedule, payment to be made to
the CATERER nor more than thirty (30) days after receipt by the
SPONSOR .of the CATERER's claim. Claims for reimbursement shall
be rendered as promptly as practical
after the 10th day of each
3. The meals to be provided by the CATEREJ. pursuant to
. this Agreement are to be in accordance with Attachments "A". 1t.1t.
"C", "D", and "E". The CATERER may, upon request of the SPONSOR,
make substitutions for the items of the regular menu.
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4. It is aareed that the SPONSOR sust in fora the CAT!lEl of individual
service site orders no later thanPriday which vi11 cover the delivery two
weeks from then. It is further aareed that deliveries of the fro.e. .e.1s
will be made to the Key West storaae site at the Harris ~choo1 walk-in unit
5. It is agreed and understood that the nusber of which the
CATERER is obligated to provide shall not exceed 25% above the maxi.. estimated
number. If the SPONSOR desires to have the CATERER provide additional ..als,
the CATERER shall be notified accordingly in advance. In such event, the
CATERER may, but shall not be obligated to, furnish such additional ..als.
6. The ~ he..~y a..... te i.....i'7 ... ~el. ha.-le..
from and against any and all liability which ..y at
claimed by any person, natural or otherwise,
Ila out of or 1. cOllMct1on
pursuant to this Aare...nt or la c....ct-
ion with the
except for the CATEREI'S failure to ethere Co
. See Attachment "A" 11 and 18.
7. If additional services are requested by tbe SPORSOll, tM perU.e. ....11
mutually negotiate for the additional services, inc1udina cost of ,rev141_,
same to be paid to the CATERER.
8. The obligations of the CATERER under this Alreesent are subject to
the availability of funds lawfully appropriated annually for its purpose. by
Monroe County, Florida and/or the availability of funds throulh co.tract or
grant programs.
9. A reasonable effort will be made by the CATERER to provide ..
agreed upon and the SPONSOR will be liven thirty (30) day. notice of tera1..cioa
of the Agreement if meals are n~t provided .s specified herein ... la Attacb-
ments nAn, nBn, nCn, and "n" aDd,"E".
10. This Agreement shall contiDue in effect froa J....ry 1, 1911 to ...
including the 31st day of >>eceaber, 1988.
11. This Agreement .., be tenduted by either part, ., .1.... wi.c.
notice to the other party of ita iDte.tion to do .0 th1rt, (JO) ..,. ,r~
to said termination. This Agreement is aot aa.iaaab1e to .., ..~..., fir.
or corporation and sub-contracts .hall not be e.tere. wit"" ~
written approval of the SPONSOR.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ the parties hereto have executed this Agreement
the date and year first above written.
/tPpnO\/t:O AS TO FORM
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(Annexed to and troade a part of Aareeaent terminating December 31, 1988, between
the Board of County Commissioners o~ Monroe County, Florida, and GA Foods, Inc.
Relative to GA Food Service, Inc., providing lunches for the Senior Citizens at
congregate sites except Key West and home delivered meals in Key West the fol-
lowing items are agreed to:
1. Insurance
A. The Contractor shall carry General Liability insurance including Products
Liability with a combined limit of liability of no less than $500,000 for
bodily injury and property damage, naming the County as an additional
insured. The Contractor shall also carry Automobile Liability insurance
with the same limits of liability, and Workers' Compensation insurance as
required by Florida law. The insurance companies must be licensed to do
business in Florida.
B. Prior to the commencement of operations, the Contractor shall furnish the
County with Certificates of Insurance which clearly indicate the clas-
sifications applicable to the operations to be performed, and providing
for no less than 30 days notice to the County in the event of material
change or cancellation.
C. Caterer shall be required to furnish a bond in an approximate amount equal
to 60 days of food service to guarantee performance over length of
contract if said caterer has not previously contracted with Monroe County.
2. Inspection
That MCNP, Area Agency on, Aging and the Department of Health and Rehabili-
tative Services may inspect the food used in meals to determine compliance
~ith all specifications and to reject food not meeting said specifications
and that any food rejected for failure to meet specifications shall not be
paid for by MCNP. Caterer must provide MCNP with copies of all health in-
spection reports within 7 days of receipt.
3. Federal and State Regulation: State Licensing Standards
A. To conform and comply with the requirements of Title III-C of Federal
Regulations, Chapter 13, Part 1321 and all amendments thereof. and the
current edition of "HRS Manual 140-1 Older American Act Program," and all
amendments thereof. and any relevant regulations of the State of Florida,
Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services.
B. To comply with all applicable accrediting standards and any other standards
or criteria established by the Aging and Adult Services Proaram Office to
assure quality of service.
C. To comply with all fede~al, state. and local laws and reculatio.s governing
the preparing, handling and transporting of food, to procure and "keep 1n
effect, all necessary licenses, permits, and food baDdl.r'a card. ..
required. .
4. Audit and Records
A. To maiittaiJi 'financial records' and reports of fund. pald "el' the ~tcact
and submit reports to the MCNP.
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B. All records of caterer' bearing upon food purchase, storage, food prep-
aration and transportation directly related to the meals or other food
delivered under this agreement including records of receipts, storage
and use of Government donated co-.odities, shall be made available to
the MCNP or its authorized representatives upon request.
C. The MCNP and other authorized representatives of the State Examiner or
Public Accountant .and the auditors of Area Agency on Aging, the
Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. General Accounting
Office upon request, shall have access to all such records for audit and
review at a reasonable time and place.
5. Retention of Records
A. To retain all books, records, accounting records and other documents
relative to this agreement for such a period of 5 years after the date
of submission of the final quarterly report of accountability for the
budget year, and in the cases of audit exception, until such exception
has been cleared or resolved to the satisfaction of the Department of
Health and Rehabilitative Services and the Federal Government.
B. Records' for non-expendable property acquired with federal funds shall be
retained for 5 years after its final disposition.
C. Federal auditors, ~he Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United
States, the Department of 3ealth and Rehabilitative Services, Area Agency
on Aging, and any persons duly authorized by the Department shall have ~ :
full access to, and the right to examine any of said materials during said
6. Monitoring
A. To permit the MCNP, the Area Agency on Aging, the Department of Health
and Rehabilitative Services and Federal, State and County personnel to
monitor the aforementioned service program according to applicable
regulations of the state and federal governments and to audit and review
all records required to be maintained.
B. Such monitoring shall consist of, but shall not be limited to the in-
spection at any time, of the Caterer's food preparation. packaging and
storage areas, and the food containers and automotive vehicles used in
transporting meals and other food to the program sites to deteraine the
adequacy of the Provider's food handling, cleaning, sanitation and
maintenance practices.
7. Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VI and VII
A. That there will be no discrimination ~gainst any employee or person
served on account of race, color, sex, religious background, ancestry
or national origin in. its performance of this cont~act.
B. That" Caterer' shall comply with." Title VI of the Civil Riahts Act of 1964
<.42 USA 2000d) in regard to persons served,' and the reculations asued
pursuant there to (45 ~FR,'Part 80).
C. The Caterer shall comply with Title VII of the Civil Biahts Act of 1964
(42USC 20003) in regard to employees or'applicants for ..,loymeat, ...
any regulations issued pursuant thereto.
D. It is expressly understood that upon receipt of evidence of such dis-
crimination, MCNP, Area Agency of Aging, the Department of Health ...
Rehabilitative Services shall have the right to teraiDate sa14 eoatract.
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8. Idemnificatlon
That caterer shall act .s an iRdependent contractor and not .s an employee
of the SPONSOR in operatinl the aforeaentioned service. Caterer shall be liable
and agrees to be liable for and shall iRdeanify, defend, and hold harmless, the
SPONSOR, Area Agency on AliRl, ..4 the Department of Health ..d lehabllitative
Services, for all clst.8. ..its, j"l.-ents or .risin, from the
operation of the .for....tioned services durinl the course of the alreemeat
including all costs aDd reasonable attorney's fees.
9. Bid Specifications
Caterer hereby further alrees that .11 .pecificatioas, .yst..., equipment.
supplies, obligatiOlls, etc., which .re de.cribed in the 'd.. pecka.e submitted
to me "on 11/05/86, which are not uccms1ateat with the sped.fie require_ts
called for under this Agree.ent, are hereby incorporated by reference as part
of the Agreement as they were specifically set forth.
10. COllDOdities
In the event caterer obtains bonus commodities such aa butter, cheese,
nonfat dry milk, etc., from the United State. Departaeat of Aariculture
for use in preparation of meals for the Elderly Nutrition Prolram through
the efforts of KCNP, it is agreed the price of .aid ..ala USUI such
commodities shall be reduced accordingly to reflect the savinls in costs
generated through the use of commodities in the meal.
It is further agreed that any commodities received shall iRure only to
the benefit of the meals purchased under this agreement and caterer shall"
keep books and records pertaining to the bonus commodities and its use in
the meals for a period of three years from the close of the federal fisc.l
year to which they pertain for inspection and audit by representatives of
the Food Distribution Office, USDA, Area Agency on Agial, lIS and MCIP at
any reasonable time and place.
The caterer also agrees to pay the USDA. file price for COIIIIlDdity cheese
of $38.48 minus a fee for 'service of $3.71.per case Wdch result. in .
price of $34.77. per case minus . storage and transportat:l:m ehaqes.
This price will be in effect between Jmuary 1. 1988 to ~r 31, 1988.
Record keeping DUSt :include:
(a) Meal production records; U.S.D.A. foods..t be cltatiJ1F.tlhed ~
, each other and fn:m purchased foods.
..' .
(b) Perpetual imwltory syst8 recording~. ~ty, data aceiwd. data
. usea, trmsff;%red or lost and balance en hmcl..
(c) Quarterly physical irMItntory ~red to book _W- an .....
(d) Book inventory shoulfd bel kept of focxt. .tored m ..,..... f8cl111:1
and periodically recmctled apinst a ,physical caunt. .l
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A. DEFH:liIO~J Or: 5ER'/IC~,. A eo....
. h tor o'''::lr - -.-.......I....t"
gre::a:e m-ealls a c l',_ ~.._.v... u '"
nutritionally t:i:ll~r.ced meal that mc:'~:s
one.third of the current daily Reccrn.
menced Dietary Allo'.':ances'(RD~) servpd
in a s:rate;:::ally loca:eo center to older
8. GOAL 0;: SERVICE. To provide eligible
persons. pilnicularly those in greatest
social and eccnomic need. ':lith 10'.'1 cost.
nUlri:ionall'! sound meal:; served in
Sir<:i :e;icJ.lly located centers sucl1 as
sc~=ols. c~u:c~es. com:r.unity centers.
senior centers. and other putli"c or private
faciliiies where the,! can ob:ain other
social and reha::lilitClti'le ser'/ices.
Eeslces oror::ciing better health among
the clear se;r:1en: of the po=~lation
thr:;:.;;:,! i/":':;:rc'/ec. nutrition. sucn Ll pro.
~r<im 15 alme~ at reducir.g the isolation of
ol~ ~~e ane c;:erir.g older per~ons tne 0;>'
p?r::.;n::'! to li'/2 tl1air j'ears in
C.:.~r::I:.1 U :.i 5ER'IIC=: 5T At~DARDS. .'
. (a) Meal service should be pl~ilned
so that fooo is available for at Il!ast one-
halt hour after serving time begins to
enable individuals '.'Iho may not arri'le at a
specific timl! to particip:lle in the meal.
(b) The special needs of the eld-crly
must be considered in all menu planning,
food selection. and meal prepClr;:ltioil.
(C) t.1enus must be: .
(1) PIClnned in ad'l.lncc tor a
minimum of rour wee~:s in Ll format ~ro.
vic:co by the ~'oc;tafn Cpice.
(2) Celtlfiat! in writing as pro.
vidang a mlnlfnutil 01 one.thud of the cur.
r.nt Rocommence:] OielLlry Allowances
(ROA) C$t~i::lis~~d t',' t~c Foed Clnd Nu:r:
tion Board of t~e t!~tlon;:ll ACJ.cemy c
Sciences. National ?esenrch Council b:
the dietitiCln or nU:iitionist wnose se:"
vices are utilized c,! the project.
(3) S~b~iile~ for re'/ie'.'! and ap.
pro'/al by the! AAA Nutrition Consultant a:
re~st four weeks prior to use for nutri.
tional acequac'l and inclusion of USO':'
donated fCOd. if Cl:;;licCl~le. Menus mus:
be transmitted to the AAA to arrive on thE
first of thl! month four weeks prior to their
anticipated use. An approved cycle mene
may not be repeated tor more than six
a. Revisions may be required
by the AAA's Nutrition Consultant based
upon the review. Appropriate comments
will be returned to service providers.
Copies of corrected menus must b!
resubmitted to the AAA within one week
of receipt 01 ccmments.
(() Dated and posted in a Con.
spicuous location in each congrega:e
meal site as well as the preparation area.
(5) Fill!d. 3S served, tor a periOd
01 one year both by service provider anc
the AAA for pur~oses of audit.
(6) Adhered to, subject to
seasonal availability ot food items, as"
well as availability of USDA donated
foods, if applicable. Substitutions for the
approved menu must be minimal and ap.
proved prior to use by the Provider. A list
th;:lt includes the date ot SUbStitUtion, the
original menu item, and the subslituUon
ma"de must be submitted to the AAA a,
the end ot each monttl.
(7) PIJnned .....ith consideration
for tho following:
a. Special needs of the eldol-
lYe ~uCh ;:lS the re~lrio::etJ use 01 SUOAl.
SLllt and sa:ur01:ed '01:5.
b. Relt~io&:s. ethnic, e"flul".
and leGlona' Che.ary j)13CUce. 01
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preferenccs or the PCHlicif:;:1nts, if
re~sona:::~ .an.::: feasibfe,
c, Fcc: items \'/It:.;n the m~o:l:,
\'e~e:ab:e. fr~i:. and dessen grcups shall
be varie:::: '....i:~in the week and no:
reCe<ited on the sa~e days of COn.
seC~ti"e '::eeks.
d. Variety of (oCd ane ;;rC;Jar<i'
ticn me:~::ds inCI~eing Color. ,Combin;:1.
liens. tex:~re, size, Shape, :;:1s:e and ap.
e. Seas:nal
availability of
f. Available equipment for
fcoe pre~aration. '"
(c) ~ac~ ~eal served must provide
at leas~ c~e,third of the Reccmmenced
Dier4lri' Allowances, Therefore, the
(0Iio'::in9 meal pattern requirement~ are
(1) · ~ - . - O!:) , . - · - I' L- - - 'I . __
' h.::h I It '~l t:k I M I ::~I' 1'\ I ;::
G~OU? Threo: e:.:nces ot cooxec. edit~a
PC:::cn of mea i. tis:;, fO'::I, e:;;scr
' c::c>ese. An eC:':;'lale!1t amcunt ot meat
alternates, inCiviCt:o:lll~' CC:ii::;:nation,
mai' be ussG oCCaSIC:'lJl/y tor vari~ri'.
t.~eat al:e:~ates inc::.::e CCc%e::i drie~
beans. pe.::s. len:;~s. nuts or nut bulte~.
Alternates ror :tie ;:rctein in O:;e ot.:~ca cf
ccckec lean meat inc!uee:
a. One-ioUfth cup Cottage
b. One Ounce chedcar cheese.
c~ One egg.
d. One-half cup cooked dried
beans, peas or lentils. (Garban:os. lima
beans, black.eyed peas, P.into beans; red
beans, etc.) . ..
e. Two tablespoons peanut
.:. bur:er.
GnOUP. Two different one hult ct.:j) Scr',.
;n~s ((our ounc.cs dfjjned WQi!;:H):
~. Otie.h~1I ell:) serving of c1
.j:~mlO A ,ic~ ;oe<J ~h.i1 be se'"eo a I
, ,
'/!.IIe:1 J I. 1 ~~ 1
0# minanlum 0: thr'1e rirr:~$ per \'leek. A
/. Vli4i:~1I1 ;.\ Ik~ :coa i~ cefinlJd u:; Cl singh~
too a ::':1t =rO'IICC:; a mln.m~u::n of
I. or.e'i~ird c~ the RO'; fe: :::;:: ifUrnc!1t. or a
"ccmoina:ion of no mcre t;'~n two ene.half
cU:J Se!'vincs a: the same meal whiCh'er pr~vide at least cne-third of the
.RD,; fer that nutrient.
b. One.halt Cl.:~ serving ota
'l/i!.:;min C ric~ toed must ~e served daily.
A 'Iittl;";1in C riCh fCOd is defined as a
sinCle (cOd se"/ing that provides a
minimum of one.third of the ADA tor that
nutrient, or a combination ot no more
than' two one.haft cup servings at the
same meal which tooether provide at
Icast one.third ot th-e ADA lor that
nutrient Vitarr:in C riCh fOOdS inclucQ raw
or ccoked citrus fruits or juices,
tomatoes, melons, bl:!rries. dilrk green
leafy vegetables, etc. Fortified full
strencth jUices are defined as "fruit
jUices that are 1CO percent natL:ril! jUice
WIth vitamin C aCced." Partial strenS:h or
simulated fruit -jUices or drinks. even
Wj'cn fOrtified, may not cCt.::1t as vitamin
C so~:ces.
c. It is noted that:
1. Rice. s~a~netti, macaroni and
nooafes arC! not vegetables but
"bread illternates". Potatoes. s\'Ieet
potatoes and yams are conSld~ted
2. Vegetable soup may be used 10
fulfill one portion of lhe,vegetilbJe
and fruit requirement it the soup
Contains at least one.hal, cup ot
. vegctables. per Serving 01 souP.
3. Dried peas, be~ns, or lentils mil)'
be used to fulfill the fruit and
vegetable! requilement. HOwever' if
usc~ :0 lultilllhis req~jlornent they
CJnnot SimuU:1ncously 'um" th.
protein r~Quirerncn..
.:. . Concea'ed $:1'.1cJ 1ft.1i' be ulecJ to
fullII' one POUlon 01 the ve~(Hc1blc
and Irult rcc;uucment il rhe S61'41C1
. .
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CO~:.Ji~s Jt le.:1sr or.e.h()J: CI::J 'cf
ve~~:.:l:!es o~ fr~;: per ser'lir:; cf :I~e
sala=. .
5 ,..-,.... uc:~'" .::5 a dessert m~''I not-be
. . w., __~_
cct.::::c~ :o'::ard the required two
ser':Ir:cs of 'Ie~etaoles anc :ruits~
- 8~-'D 'LT-~'
(.,' = =::":0 OR ~.t:r\ A ::~.
w, .....I_r-l .
a. One serving .....hole gr~in cr
enric~ed b:-e2.c. biscuits. muffins. rolls.
sailc.....ic:l buns, como:-ead or other hot
b. Bread alternates may 'in.
cluce .enriched or whole grain cereals or
cereal prcc:.:c:s such as 3'paghetti,
mac~reili. C~mplings, pane<l};es, wattles
~'ld :crtil!as.
C. \Nhen aVClilabla ar.d ai).
prcpriate (e.g.. ethnic preferences) yams.
p!an:.:llns. an~ s'.'/eet potatoes may be
St.;::s:i:utcc ter the bread rec;t.;irement.
HO':Je'/er. "...oen us;c to fulfill the bread
reG~iremen:, they cannol be
simultanr!cusly used to fulfill the
vec=!~:!e 2!':: truit requirement.
, d. 'Nt':enever POssible, enrich.
ec er .....hole pain flour or'meal sho:.:!~ be
usej in ;:!ace of t.;ni'!nric~~d lIeur or ~enl.
MARG;"'?INc:. One t~aspoon.
, (5) DESSERT GROUP. One half
cup serving. All fruits anti simple
desserts .such as puddings. gelatin
desserts. ice c~eam, ice milk and Sherbet
may be Used. Cake. pie. cookies and
similar 100ds are also inclUded but
should be limited in use,
. (6) 1,lILK GROUP.
a. Eight ounces ot 10rWied
whole. skim, 10'." toJl milk and buttermilk
or the calcium eauiVillcnt.
b. All millt ;H1d fluid mil~ ;:ro.
duct:: tot aflnkln~ P~t;:cses shall be r.ur. .
chas~d Jnd S12r"~a in INc individu.:l1 c:ri.
tainer In ,,',h,Ch :hc'l '.'Ioro P~Ck~~Cd .1t :h\!
milk plJnt, (;r r.~&;1I cc ser'/Cd tram iln C!:
proved bul!~ mil~ cis:}enscr of SClnita:
design, con5t:~e:icil. anc operation.
c. It a culturClI or ethn:
preference preclucas the acce~tance c
milk \'/itn the men', the may t
substituted for eioht ounces of milk.
1. One and ene.half cups cO::i:
2. One nnd or.e.half Oune
American cheese.
3. One and one.hall cups ice milt.
ice cream.
4. One and one.half cups Custare.
5. One cup yc;urt.
(e) Coffee. tea, decafteinale~
bevcrages, 50ft crinks. and fruit flavorec
drinks may be Used. but not as a
substitute tor milk.
(I) Vitamins or mineral sup.
plements may not be proviC!!d with TiUs;
III.C tunes.
(g) Nu:rition service pro\'ider:
ShClll provide special menus. where leasi.
ble and appropriate, to mCt!t the par.
ticular dietary nce~s 3rising from the
health requirements, reliOious belie's, 01
ethnic backgrounas 0' eJi~j:'le in.
(1) Menus for mOdified diets may
be provided for health reasons.
(2) A wri:ten or document.doral
order must be on record for each in.
dividual on a modified diet. and the order
must be reviewed annually v/ith the Pili-
ticipant's physician. .
(3). Modified or therapeutic
menus must be planned and preparecs
under the Supervision ot a re;istered
dieti tian.
(4) A current di\1t mClnual ap.'
~ro'lcd by the FOAA NuUilion C~ns"';':ant
must be used JS the b~:;.s for U'U~'apeuuc
or'moCJ,licd menu plJnnang.
. (5) In dCtermlOlng1eaSibiJilY and
.Jp;Jropnatcne:;s. lhe prOVIder mUSt Use
II .1
.;.....-. i
. ~,..>.
. . ~I'~:.t t.:,J,1
. :
the 101l0...:in;] c:i:~riii:
a. Whe:ner thc:~ (:r~ Su::i.
ci:?nt nu~:ars et ;:~rs~n::; .....ho nee~ :hg
S;:=ci~l menus to make ::'eir ~:~':isio:1
b. \""hether the :~oc ai:::: skills
no""oc:c:::../ t... ""~":':j.") tho sno"":al 'i"=n"s
- -"'---'. v,...,. ....-- _ ..... !"",,_W '11__ "-
are a'laiI2~la in the planning ane,se:'Jica
2. FeeD ;::~CC:JRE:'.H:i'!T. .
. .
(a) All feoe ~:ocuremen: mUSt c=
trc.~sac:e~ in accc:d \'lith policies and
procecures set fonh in HRS,....155.1 and
"Federal Food Services Contract PrO'/i.
sions" herein. '"
(b) ;'" foeds prccurec 5~a" be of
GCc~ Quality' and 5hall be obtainac frem
SOu:ees '''/hien contorm to Feceral, State
ar.c local regulatery s:anca:cs tor Guali.
:y, sanita:io;'!, a;'!d satety. Focdfrom.
unla:eled rusty, leaking, breken Con.
tai::ers or ca;'!:) ',,':ith sice seam dents, rim
ce:::s e:' s'..Jells s:-:all no: te used.
3, FOOD F?2?AnA non.
Ca) When nu:::tion service is
cesl;r:eo to ser'/~ r.iea:s a: more than one
C:::::;re~ate meal sileo effcrts sncu:d be
mece to ~a'/e all meals preoarQd a: one
fac:li:'! ane than cel;':ered to ine various
s/:es. For !r:e most eCC:1omical celivery ot
meals, the duplication in statting and
. equipping fOOd preparation facilities' at
more than on~ congregate meal sHe
should be minimized.
(b) State and local tire. health,
sanit~tion and safety regulations ape
plicable to. the par.ticula, t,'pe ot fOOd
preparation and .meals delivery sys,em
Used by the pro'/ide, must be adhered to
in ull stages of lOad service operations.
(C) All stejtf \yorl<inf/ in Inn P:c::~r~.
lion 01 100d rril1~f be unC~r tt:e Sl;:er':t.
sian at a &;cr::;Or1 ;.'/hO ~'.'II/ insure l;ie ~p.
P'iCJf/Cn of hygieniC; recnnICt;C:i' .in:: I
pr;,cilcCls in footJ h:1nctinC), ;:rC::u(c1:,cn
ana ser'lIce. Thi::; su::~r''''sorl person ::1.111
.., ... t..:.... .
-. -. ----..-- ..-.
. .
.' .'
" ..',,,:
. ..
. .. ;":"-=1&
:.:.~IC:t 31. 1~.;1
I C~ jj SlJ I t wi III : ~~ ;:: v'jie!';:' ~ i1l,.:: ri:;c:1 COn.
sun~nt. .
(C) -I r..s'~'" ,.,,~-.;,., r="'-:'Is "d
t,,; l~w '1w......., 1 --.we.;. u .
'jus:ed to yield tt':e nl.:~:::r cf ser'lings
nee!:ed. must be USEd to aC:'ie'/e the con.
.sis:~nt and CC$ir~vl; qU:::i,y anj C;l.:antity
Of meals.
. (e) All to~cl::; mus: ::e pre:ared and
ser'.'(?c in a m<Jnner to :::&serve o;Jtiiilum
f1il'lor and ap~eaiance, ',';hile retaining
nutrients and lace '/alue.
(I) Hot fOOd must be ser'/ed at a
minimum of 140 eF. Neu:ral loo=s Should
be served ~t a neutral tem:erature. Cold
food must be served at a maximum of
~o · F.
(g) More thCln one me~1 per day
may be prO'lided. If a sec:i':C ~eal is ~ro.
videe, the combination at :he t".:o meals
must provide at least t',':C'ihircs of the
RDA if these are to ce re~one~ as two
meal service- units.
4. FOOD SA;:~T'(.
(a) AU fOod:; used in a nutrition sere
vice must meet stanca::::; 0: C;t:aJity,
sanitation and satsty a~;::!.ing :0 fooes
tha t are processed comme!::allj' and pur.
Chased by the Provieer.
(b, No food prepared, fro.::en or
.canned in the home may be used in meals
prO','ided by a service financed through Ti-
lle "'.C. . .
(c) Only commercially processed.
frozen Or canned food, or a~~:oved by the
USDA and the FDA, may be Used.
Gre~ate meals prcgrams shull take sUc~
steps as necessary to assure that max.
imum numbers of olecr persons 'Within
the SerVice ~rca benefit frc:n the USOA
feod as~istJncc pre~rJm. E.1:::' re\::jJient
01 an :lW;lr~ :;hall:
. (~). Provide the O;:;lorr~:1lry I~r. anj
J:;::iSt .111 nutrition PJrtIC:::.:nts Who
cC::;lfe toed s tamps to a~~'i' fer Sucn
. .
-,~........'-'- '
, . It.... ....
,I .
. .
. .... .
,.,'''-:-..,c-::::i:::-:' "',"
:,'~t(l' ~1. 1:::il
... 'd ,..~ C-.-_....~I.... 'JI"II. 'n
(l'-' _'l"\t'l ~ ....... ,..,,,~..w...... l..... . "
.....} I . w' .... .
d. , . " --=":'1'5'0 "0:- I.........
1'1:::::':;:15 recelvmg II.:,..;.. . "'_:: h...... I
'. ......'.1""... to"'":,,, .o.", ,
stamps ~s ,..,er. cen.. UJ"" ...... ..c.;... "......
1 .1 h.. "'.'/ln"" 'h" C.,...';.....r ,
cost 01 i~::! me.:. ....,"~ ~.I....... ......;; I
cent:iec :=r recei:::t cf ~Qc':: :;::l~:5. I
. 1._. ,....,.r4~.... 10" ;;~"",,-
(C) ....11::r Ind ?rv.lI.owr 1~ C... 11...._. ..r
recei:t ot teet s:~m;::s. it ~u~: ,a~e S:~-:5 I
10 assure t:'~:: ;:1/ pro'lisicns'rcIClt~~ :0 :he ,.
..; h - "";nc of '0...... S'" -"'s ,.s
Use an.. I....r..... 'J I..... ......... ,~
P':3C -.;h~.... ..... UC:: ~':) '''/'11 'co --'IO~ I
'Ili;._w..-..__ ___I ""_.ll'. _. _..
6. U,I LIZ'; 710N OF e;\IS7i ::G
(a) A ser'/ice provider must make
e'l'!.ry ettcn :0 utilize the e:<is,in~ sa:::al
ser'llee resQurces prO'/ided C'l a~~r:c:~s
suc:, as r.~a::~ ana men:al heaH~. :u:!ic I
assis:.1i:ce. r~:ccicaid. Soc:al ser...:c:;s. I
fo...,.oj . -... .. -.; -... tit. -'" - "on" ;es '0 .. .... "":3 ,
,-,,,,,,,, QH.... c:........ 'v"". wi,;;;; ~::J""" ftwa , P"" w. .'""_
the S"---"'r.'" ~:"'I'C~S I
. W,....""'lt..':J__......
(hI c:::.,_.. -':C"S 5.....111...-1......0 j,.;.... "
w,...... .... ""'.. :: a, '" .,~ " "". t..... _ ,.........
P'.n-i"''' S--....,. O. inl"r-:1'i"':1 _..... I
.~, "."::-' "~""~ · IV ~I''''l.'",:. ~.....:
n~~:::aLjC~ c; ac;ree::;en:s ror JCI~: :~n. I
d:n; ar.c C:::,:LCiI 0: ;:rC~iamS :::i :~C I
7 :::'.-':: =: II 1-'( =1;'" j ~IQ " n C'I"/I";" ": 's
. --'''-'-'-'' . ... .~.'- -. ""....c.;.
.r" .hCS:3 ...-,<:......S \"r.o "r:") -cr-.,.; ::.- or I
co :.. ... ... ...::. w"," " ... t; co_ _... ..oJ
o' ai:~ t::e ~:Cl.:S~S ct'::;~C:i incr..ic:.;;:ts.
8. T ';'=:G =; FO?ULA TiON. Nu:miciI
Ssr'/ices Ui:Cef ::is Oleer AmeriC;:lns ;;ct
should ~e rcser'lcc for those individuals
in the lar~et population who have been
identified as being in greatest eConomic
or social need, Factors which ShOUld he
considered in estabJishing'pricrity in.
elude those oleer persons who:
(a) Cannot afford to eat acequ~te.
I~ '.
. (b) l~ck the skills or l<noWle~ge to
selec: anc p:c:are nouriShing and .....ell.
balanced mcals: .
CC) HJ'/c limited mCh,lil'l ....'nIC!l
may imp~jr :helr c'::;:;:lClti' 1"0 sr.C;) JioC
ccc~ tcr 1tiemsel'/es: or
(":) H~';'~ h~~IJt1ljs 0: rCjcc::O:l "r.cJ
IOr.clinl'i~S '.'/nl::1 (;cs:rCi' Ih~ jncc~:I','a '
nCCCS:iu:y to ;; ana CJt a m~J' ,
C1'C~C., .
.-: ,~
I .
cr.I'N o! :::':'.'~
If.~~~.: 1.:~
--'-'e.' C".,SUL-. -'O~J
9. NU . :-..1 I .. ....". I r. II I.
Ca) ;... r:11~i:m;r:1 ot ci{;:H ~ot.:::; o'
C::::1Sul:J:iC:1 ~er rr.:ioth bi' a re::;is,ere:-
Cicti:ian or c:tier Gl;alified person \'Ih:'
hilS been a::rO'lea by the AAA Nutritio::
C.:nSlJl:arlt i$ raquired for each Title w.e
Nutrition Pro'liaer. A re~ume tor the Nutri.
tion Consu!:~nt must be incIuced in th~ 1
~er'/ice p:C':ieer a~:lication or sub~i:t;~
':lI1en there is a new person hired in lhi~
POsition. .
(b) The Nutrition Consultant must
be either a provider employee or an in.
cependent consultant hired bi' the pro.
ject (paid or in.kino).
(c) :.linimum responSibilities of the
Nu:ritian Consultant must inclu:::e:
(1) t.10nitoring ot tocd service to
include measurement of face
:e:-:-::::eratures ane pcn:on sizes. assess.
~e:1: of toed c;ualitYI and aCherencc 10
c~:::ract s:s::itic~:icns.
(2) c:: · I I ". f
~.all trammg In areas 0
nutri:ion. (cc~ service mana~ement. anc
(3) Assessment of par:ici;:~n:s'
satis:ac:i:Jn ~nd ::reterence.
CO:) :.~enu review ana ap~roval.
(e) lncivicual ciet counSeling with '.
partic!pant~. if provided, should be done
only by persons with approved training in
theraoeutic ciets.
. . (&1) Food' service contracts .r,
defined as contracts fer the purChase 01
meals or porticns ot meals Of for ,oc~
preparatiori. .
(b) AU service providers mUll
n(!:l~rc to il!l :;:ar.d;1rd: S~l 'Orth herein in
HRS:..1 1.:0.1, HRS:.1 55.1 ;\nd H~SM 115..
in P:'~p;:l(ino c::nrr;1cts. .
eC) \.'/utrcn :;Pccilic3lions 'et '0"''''
· b ..,'"
!;C{','iC? . cont:~et~ mus, ~ ilPP:'O"ea by
1I1~ AM" pl'lor 10 SOflCllJllOil of bids lor
sue:: COnlr.::&c:s by the Title ffI,C gr,'lnlees.
II. ,
. ':'.'
. .
· , .. kl1';:.1 ,.:" J
(d) CCr.:;:;;titi',~ t:icC:;~G for fe::;
servIce c:~::C:C:5 must ta C~~C:1c:e: a
minimum of every t.....o ye.Jrs. The CC:.,
trac:s must not ta si~nec :cr l\:ln;~r rh<:r.
one i'~ar cu: ma~' ::a extenccc :orCln ac::i.
lional year as <:i "C;::::tinuation clausc" i:
included ana bOHl pa::ies are ag:eea:J:e
to terr:1s and conc::i\:lns.
(e) S;'}Cci:ications for bits ar.::
terms anc cc:-:ci:icns at :he ~:e;:Cse~
cen:r41C:s mUSt esta:!ish rr:etr.ocs 0:-
res;:onsibili:ies :0:' each of lhe fOl/owing:
. (1) OE:~IVC:nY.
a. Transportation: 'trucks.
b. Delbery sites: num:er and
c. O~!i'''e:'y SChedule.
1. NUi:':t:er at ca:/s eaCh week.
2. Ho~: 0: celi':er,! tor eac:, site.
d -I ......::. ....t l""r ~UI!..
. 1,., -...., ........,~ ...... l\.i fail .\
fee:j c e Ii'/e ry,
e. i/;:e cf c~:;:ai::a:'s :C: in.
ci'/icual ser'lice.
f. R2!~:n cf c::-::aine:'s.
1. HO~'l an~ bi' ':.:nC:-:1.
2 C""' nC."I''''n ('",- c: ..,o~' S' - r"l'-- r"l
. v,., v . a.-....._.. .;:... L.::_.
(2) :.1::;'.!US.
a. V/ritten by whom.
b. A;Jpro'/ed by whom.
c. Compliance ~.,i(h Title lfI.e
meal paUern:alld other standards reo
quired herein.. '.
d. Menus submiaed 10 project
director at least live weeks in advance of
. e. Ap;n~)'/al ot SUbstitUtion on
· menus.
(3) SANJT A TrOil. .
a. Cc~pliancc wil:l Feccual,
Sl~le and ICCJ.1 re~~!iliicns. .
b. Food precaijrlon fnclliti' i:1.
S;:cC:ion willun jjfCNious Six tncnH1s,
G. Ctl/ivcuy .'''''C:'''c:s,
t. Terr.;:eratur!! t":'lJIOtcnJr..:e.
,., : ': :.: .:~ ~ i ~::- '.:...
-- -.--'--.-.-
.' .
. .
(1'...,.: :;4:( of ~~".
l.~.1I ell J I, 1:l:: I
:. 2. S.::;:;: ;:::: C~n(!I::~:"5.
I C, I~;:=~:::icr: c:I lOOd ~r!!para.
I,;"'... ---:,-........ -:..... ro......,,.n "'rea~ h,! the
. .1"".., ~(..~....:_....... WI'\" "",\wI.&,..:",_ U ... J.J
I - -
. "'.-.n,....
,.... "',- - ,-
," -""''''D
(~) :-.""~ .
, (1. UU~:~r of mCJls.'
J~. 1. FrC':lsior: for fle:cibilily.
. 2. Tir.i~ liml:s for crdering amOUnts
/. of face. .
3. Dis;:csi:O:1 ct unconsumed meals.
b. C\:ls: SChecule. .
c. FOOd purchas(!d by Whom.
d. FOOd prO',ided . entree,
ve~:?!~ble. truil. milk, dassert. juice.
saia=. be','era~e, c:eam {or SUbstituteJ,
c~~::::mGr.ts. bu::er or marr.arine.
I e. S:cra~e anc handlir~g of
US:,; co:;a:e~ feoes.
I. It iced Coes not meet proper
S:~C:;ica:icr.5. :~e project will not be reo
11"....::... '", ~_'/
'1"".' -.. ,..., ,..c: .
I '. I' · h . , oJ J'
I C. I .,.e ca.~rer .al s to ~e Iver
i a ~:;I c: an,! ~C:[icn ot a meal, the pro.
I ;ec: ','IIl! :;:=C~:'e 'f~od trom O:her scurces
at :~e ca:erer's C;'::~:'I~c.
/0 ?U=S. Nac}:ins. table cO'.'e::ngs. home-
ce!i':e!'Q-: meal Ccntainers. paper towels,
:ta::::e service (plates. cups glasses, Silver.
a. Sales tax exemption.
b. Caterer'S financial records
open fer audit purposes.'
C. 5u:Jt:'Y information for
nUtrition reporting on:
1. Labor costs.
2. Raw fOOd costs.
d. rnsur:1nce CO\'cr~ge.
e. QC:1cir.g.
t. Fco:J cest Ch~n~~s.
g. Te:' of conStacl
h. 0.1:a5 :lna limes of Conlr~cl
pai'm~nr::. ro ccnt;ac:cr. _
i. Ap~u~'/i11 by POA",. .
" II
, 0... '.
. ...
. ..
...... ..
. '
. .
. .
1,-:-:-:.1 ~..:~:.::.:- ..~:..
. .
'. .
(:-.)ct~ SC::"'~n ct S~Y~l':,
;. HC!iC:!!,S ~~C C~:;5 .....:l~n
meals are not to == ~=r"'e~.
. It. i(ainJ~g 0: si:e :=r~onnel.
(I) · 'I ~''''-'"'S:''' ,--~ <:"'r";c'" ..,......
,..." fJ'''-' _w '''''v~ _._ ., \,OJ .....""'..
trilC:S ','lI(n P:O:i:.making O:;il~IZ3Iic~5
m"e" h~ s.,......J..~,.. 'e. ...r;~. -:--.0....' ~.,
I ....H '-- ........., H\:.. , . t"'''V' .c.;t"'... ";' ...,
the Area .~cenc'l. . .
1 1. NC'jJ.OISC?I:.lIN~ .IO:-J O:.J n-:::
BASIS OF.HANCICA? Accc~s :0 ~~n~tits
andser'/ices tor hanCicc::p;:;ed p~r.
tici::mnts will be assure:! pursuant :0 Sec.
lion 50.: of (he Rehabilitation Act 011973
(45 CFR S~).
12. INSURANCe. It is st/ongly recom.
me'nded that service ~rO'lid=rs have aCe.
Quate. liability insuran~e coveraae. in.
elUding ~rC::Jct liability. -
13. Ri:C?U1T:..-iENT. Ser'/ice pre.
viders w;/I prO'lice. sut:;ect :0 their ment
Sysiems. a o:eterence :0 :ersons aijec cO
or over tor any stat: ;:031:ic~s (tua or pan.
time), ':me:::;r ~ai: C: '.'Ci!.:..:;er.
. .
It. .
, .,.. .
(Annexed to and made a part of Agreement terminating December 31. 1988.
between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida and the
G.A. Food Service, Inc., St. Petersburg. Florida.
Both Parties agree that:
1. Program meal sites and/or storage sites may be added or eliminated from
this agreement, as approved by MCNP and Area Agency on Aging. In addition,
levels of service may be increased or decreased during the contract based
on reductions in funding or demands for service.
Each meal provided will contain a ainuaum of 1/3 of the daily recommended
dietary allowances for adults aged 51 and over as established by the Food
and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Science-National lesearch
Council. Meal patterns.ahallconp~y with Title III-C Standards as noted
in Appendix I and Appendix II.
Caterer agrees that:
I. To submit 5 week cycle menus to MCNP at least six weeks prior to expected
date of implementation. Menus shall state portion sizes and fulfilled
RDA requirements. To review eating preferences and to submit for MCNP
approval, at least six weeks in advance fo adoption, any revision to adjust
for seasonal availability of iood and for emerging patterns of clientele
prefenence. (See Appendix III for sample menu).
2. Carerer will observe ethnic, religious and seasonal preference of specified
foods in consultation with MCNP Director.
3. Caterer must work with MCNP Director and Nutritionist to update and change
menus and meal procedures to assure acceptable meal content and quality.
4. Site Supplies
a. Caterer shall supply for each site all site supplies to be utilized
with meals including but not limited to:
Serving trays. plastic ware, napkins, straws, cups, squats, lids,
stirrers, sandwich bags, garbage bags, plastic gloves, liquid detergent
and sanitizing agent.
b. Such supplies shall be furniched in accordance with MCNP policy.
c. Equipment that has been installed by the Caterer shall remain the property
of the Caterer until such time as the Agreeed upon per cost has
covered the cost of the equipment. At such time the equipment will be
owned by the MCNP.
d. MeNP equipment shall be clearly marked and remainche property of the
program and shall be returned in good condition at the conclusion of
the contract, normal wear and tear accepted.
5. Caterer is responsible to train MCNP personnel in the proper method of
special serving, receiving bulk foods. container clean up specific to
caterer's equipment.
6. Caterer.agrees to provide, as agreed by both parties, therapeutic ..als
at no extra charge to MCNP.
7. Caterer agrees to notify Program Director of any radical food cost chanles
Monroe County Nutrition Program agrees to:
1. To provide personnel qualified and capable to manage and supervise
handling and distribution of meals at projuct sites in keepinl with
agreed sanitation standards.
2. To assure the aqailability of personnel for special instructions by
(AIUlexed to and made a part of A b
gre_eat terainatina Dece.ber 31, 1980, betwe_
the Board of County Co.ais.ioners of MOnroe County, Florida and the GA Food
Service., Inc.
A. The Caterer agrees:
, '
To supply approximately 21,815 frozen unitized preportioned entreel
vegetables components over the duration of the contract at a cost of
2.23 per meal.
To supply approximately 21,815 portions of acco.pany1na coaponenta
(such a. bread, butter, .ilk, dessert, salad, juice) over tbe durati..
of the contract at a cost of 2.23 per meal.
That all frozen meals must be packaged to allow beatinl in ovens _d/or
toaster ovens.
All frozen meals must be identified so participants CaD follow ...u plea.
In addition, all printing on packaling aust be labeled clearly witb
letters large enough to be read by viaually impaired.
S. All frozen .eals delivered by caterer's drivers ~.t be tr..sported 18
aucha manner to insure receipt by storale facilit, or .lte ......1'
point at O. temperature.
6. Payments will be withheld on all meals including allY .torale or delivery
charges which do not meet the prescribed requir..-nts .. .cated 18 MCN'
Meals Standards (Attachment "!") and/or delivereel defro.ted 01' d_I_.
7. All condiments and beverages .to be included in coat quoted.
8. Menus
a. To submit for approval at least two weeks in advance of u.e, .ub.titute.
to be made in the approved frozen entree menu.
b. A sample of all frozen meals to be served shall be liven to MCNP in
such a time frame as to allow MCNP to test said ..ala to insure quality
control prior to serving and to replace said meal, if nec....ry. if
quality standards have not been met.
B. Both parties agree:
1. That MCNP is not responsible nor liable for 1088 of or breaka.e to
caterer's equipment left at sites.
2. Upon delivery of meals to each site, an authorized .ite ...,re..cacl" 01
HCNP shall sigo a rec.ipt in triplicate evidencin. receipt of euc_ ......
one copy to be returned to the _d two copi.. to M ...ta.... -,
.ite repres..tative. .
3. Components for the frozen .eals proar.. may be deliver" 'ally at ....lec
.ite hours Monday through Friday. No deliverie. will H accepC" - ........
ends or Holiday. .tated herein.
4. All. fro~ea meals must be .packa.ged to allow heatinl Sa ~. ...,... c~..
5. All meals delivered in a defrosted and/or d.-aged .tate .hall ..c .. pal'
for by MCNP including any delivery charles. . All meals .ust be .lgse4 for by
MCNP Staff or Designee. Those meals damaged or defrosted must be eo not.. Oft
the delivery invoice by the person signing. Meals signed for with no notation
will be considered frozen and undamaged and shall be pald for.
6. All costs incurred by Mq4P due to unusable food shall be cove..ed ~ Cat.cec~
7. All such meals must be transported in such a manner to insure receipt by
sites and/or storage staff at O. temperature.
t .' ,.-
'..j .
. .
A"f"YO. ,.u~!
- .
The special needs of the elderly must be considered in all menu planning,
food selection, and meal preparation.
~~nus, approved by caterers, dietitian/nutritionist and rrogrGm Director
shall be submitted to Program Director no later than 6 weeks prior to service.
Menu changes discussed by Program Director will be made as needed to reflect
participants meal acceptance/preference.
The food items within the meat, vegetable and fruit, and dessert groups must
be different for the same days of each week, thus providing a variety of food
and nutrients.
Project menus must follow the meal pattern,set forth below. Each group or
its alternate, makes a special contribution toward the objective of providing
at least one balanced meal daily. (See Attachment B HRS Guidelines for
further details)
1. Meat or Alternate: 3 oz. cooked edible meat serving or its protein
equivalent of approximately 3 oz. of cooked, edible meat include:
6 ounces of eggs (3 eggs), 3 ounces of cheddar cheese, 6 ounces of
cottage cheese (3/4 cup), 7 ounces of cooked dried beans, peas, or
lentils (1-1/2 cups), 3 ounces of peanut butter (6 tablespoons).
This applies to ~ixed dishes, meat substituted dishes, and ca.seroles~
Examples: Chili ( 2 oz. beef, 2.5 oz. beans, aacaroni and cheese
(3 oz. cheddar cheese), lasagna (1 oz. pork, 2 oz. cottage cheese,
1 oz. cheddar cheese).
2. Vegetables/Fruits: 2-4 oz. servings:
Any combination of vegetables or fruits ..y count toward _eting the
2-4 ounce servings in the "Menu Pa1:tern." The 2-4 ounce servings of
vegetables and fruits represent the drained weight of the food. White
potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin. squash, dried beans, peas and lentils
may be included in this food group category.
Four ounces (drained weight) of vegetables or fruits must be included
in any stew, soup, casserole, gelatin or other combination dish if
it is identified as meeting a "Vegetable/Fruits" serving.
Vegetable or fruit sauces (i.e., tomato sauce on spaghetti) may not be
identif ied 2.S a "Vegetable/Fruits" serving. Rice, spaghetti. macaroni,
and noodles are not vegetables. . A juice or drink which is not full
strength but is Vitamin A or C fortified cannot be identified as a
"Vegetables/Fruits" serving.
3. Bread or Alternate: 1 se!:'Ving
All breads. cereals or baked goods used in this category must be whole-
grain, enriched or restored. Breads and their recommended servinl sizes
include: 1 slice of bread; 1 roll, muffin or biscuit, 1 sandwich bun;
1 piece of cornbread (2-1/2" by 1-1/2"); 5 saltine crackers; 2 Irahaa
crackers; 1 tortilla; 1 dumpl1Rg.
4. Fortified t-~rgarine or Butter: 1 teaspoon with bread or bread sUbsitut..
Fortified margarine is served in the "Henll Pattern."
5. Dessert: 1 serving
The serving size of the dessert will clepencl _ the ,... ..1ect" aM it.
contribution to the total nutrient contect of the day's .-au.
All fruit, full strength fruit juices, puddinls, custar4., tee creaa
sherbert, cake, pie, cookies and other stailar foo" are tDe~ 18
this group.
6. Miik or Milk Product1 8 fluid oz. servinl or it. calc1.. equlvaleat.
The 8 ounce serving or fluid milk must be Vitamin A ..4 Yita~ .
fortified, low fat milk.
Cheese used in meal preparation cannot .be 1aitation cheese.
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Food Preparation and Delivery
A. State and local fire. heAlth. aan1t3tion, and safety regulations
applicable to the particular types of food preparation and meal
delivery system used must be adhered to in all stages of food service
B. All staff working in the preparation of food shall b. under the
supervision of a person who will insure the application of hygienic
techniques and practices in food handling preparation and service.
C. Tested quality recipes, adjusted to yield the number of servings
needed, ~ust be used to achieve the consistent and desirable quality
and quantity of meals.
D. All foods must be prcpared and served in a manncr to present optimum
flavor and appearance, while retaining nutrients and food value.
Ill. Meal Planning
A. re "Special needs of the Elderly"
(1) All meals are to be low sodium (to average 1-1/2 crams sodium/meal
for a given week). No single meal i. to exceed 2 grams sodium ~
an acceptable optional menu item will be offered.
(2) Requires creativity and adaptability of cook
Use of alternative herbs, seasonings and salt substitutes.
Knowledge of food and condiment content.
(3) Requires knowledge and assurance of food content from food
A. Menu planning should take into consideration the low-sodium
and low sugar intake.
B. Incorporate seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables when possible
within budget restrictions.
IV. Meal Cooking: For Home Delivered Meals Program Onlv
All frozen meals. whether unitized or packed as separate entrees/vegetables
must be identified so participants can follow menu plan. In addition, all
printing on packaging must be labeled clearly with letters large enough to
be read by the visually impaired.
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