Resolution 127-1988 Sheila Malloy, Director Nutrition Program RESOLUTION NO. 127-1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, FOOD DISTRIBUTION OFFICE, AND MONROE COUNTY (NUTRITION PROGRAM) CONCERNING USE OF DONATED FOOD COMMODIITIES BY THE MONROE COUNTY NUTRITION PROGRAM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Food Distribution Office, and Monroe County (Nutrition Program), a copy of the same being attached hereto, concerning use of donated food commodities by the Monroe County Nutrition Program. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of March, 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, By,g~/~~ MAY CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Attes t: DANNY 1. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~ i H,o fk~ \.N'L-, Qc . ERK ( /,;PPROI/r;D AS TO FO!?f(J! AND .t.EG/I.L SUrTICfEr CY. _flJd ~ AU" [l(;{'t' {' Yir;A ~ ',:":' +~ ". .. l ".J; ~.i ., " (,; , :'1 A '1 ~ ~ ~ ,~ '1:___, FIDRIDA DEPAR1l1ENl' OF HEM-1m 100) mtABILITATIVE SERVICES F<XD DIS'ImBUTICN CFFlCE Daniel Building-Box 18 (SUite 514) 111 Coastline Drive, Fast Jacksonville, FL 32202 -3484 AGllmen' For Distribution and Use of Donated Camcdities in Eligible Programs In order to effectuate the p~ram of the United States Depa.rtIrent of Agricul- ture (USDA) for the donation of food camcdities, the Florida Depart:nmt of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Food Distribution Office, hereinafter referred to as the "Distributi.nq h(Jency" and: Monroe County(Nutrition Program Nane 0 recl.pl.ent agency 1315 Whitehead Street Street and Nunber I P. O. Box Nmber Key West City Monroe County Florida State 33040 Zip Code Hereinafter referred to as the "Fecipient 'Agency" do covenant and agree as follows: '!be Distributing 1v;Jency will distribute those donated food camr:Xiities nade available by the United States Department of 1lgriculture to eligible prugrams in accordance with SUb O1apter B - General Regulations and Policies - Food Distri- bution set forth by the United States Department of 1lgriculture. A cOpy of the BPS Food Distribut:i.on Fegulations for State of Florida Distribution is attached and made a part of this .Agreement. '!he USDA and the Distributing Agency reserve the right at any time to m:Xti.fy or 2Il81d any of the provisions of this AgreEm!!llt and the Regulaticms attached, upon giving written notice to the Recipient 1v:Jency and giving reasonable time to oonfcmn its operations to any such amendnents and m:Xti.fications . The Recipient h:}ency Cl\;JLee5 to accept donated food COllllOOities for use in ac- cordance with the hjI:eelneut., Fegul.ations, and any anendments and to carply with all the provisions and with any instructions or procedures issued in connection with this 1Igreercent. 'nrls Agreerrent shall becane effective on, the date executed and appr'O'.red and shall continue in effect until terminated as pro~.ri.ded herein. Either party may, by giving 15 days written notice, terminate this Agreerrent. H~, upon re- ceipt of eVrdence that the Recipient 'Pqency is not fully carplying with the terms ana ccnditions of the Agree!leIlt, the Distributing ~.gency may tenninate ~e /1..greement :i.mnediately by written notice to the E<ecipient Agency EXCEPT that any termination of this Agreenept for non-carpliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, shall be in ac:ccrdance with applicable laws and regulations. << ~'i ,1;,. f " Upon any tennination, the Iecipient Agency agrees to co:rply with instructions of the Distributing h;Jency in regard to transfer of all USDA donated u:Amcill.ties remaining in possession or control of the lecipient Agency. RECIPIENr AGENCY u;KJ:IFIES 'mAT IT IS OPERATmG A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE NCNPROFIT: / / A. School Lunch Program (including residential child care institutions, orphanages, juvenile detention centers, etc.) and is serving lunch to persons daily registered in high school grade or under and are prior approved by the DepartIrent of Education. DOE Agreement # . / / B. Sumner Carrp not participating in the S\.m1ter Food Service Program for children :of high school grade or under,. sel:Vi.ng an average of children daily 1 serving neals per child per day. (Canper Day schedu1esubnitted with Sumner Canp Application.) ~ of Canp Iocation of Canp (Give directions for locating canp site for field visits or truck deliveries) / / c. SUrmer Food Service Program for Children serving children daily for days. (Approved by the Department of Education) 'i ! / / D. Child Care Food Progxaru (non-residential) serving an average of lunches and/or _ suppers to eligible PersOns weekly/nonthly/yearly. xxi E. Nutrition Project for the Elderly, (certified eligible by HRS' Aging and Adult Services) serving an average of 250 persons daily 2 50 days per year for a total of 61.280 neals per year. / / F. Institutions which maintain an established feeding operation on regular basis as an integral part of their nonnal activities and serving an av- erage of neals to needy persons daily/lo.'eekly/nonthly/yearly who are unable to pay the full' charge for services provided to them. Population and meal statistics: Please co:rplete all blanks. This infonnation is critical to your having the nexinun entitlement for the next fiscal year. Your entitlement is based on the total rnmber of meals per year served to the needy by your agency. 1. '!he '!UrAL rnmt>er of clients being served rreals daily by your agency. (Do not coont-staff.) 250 clients. ):~~ ,}~ i':J, i~ ;:-6 ';",' " .~ " " ~; " ~ ~. A t:i i I j , H j ,~ .f ,1: .,"j ;~ "I' Ii __ 2. How many of the above clients are considered needy? ('!hose unable to pay for services, i.e. those receiving ~~icaid, Title XX, or othendse indigent.) 169 needy clients. 3. Nl.mi:ler of needy clients being served daily at each rreal? Breakf~st Lunch 169 Dinner 4. Do any of the above participate in free or reduced lunch at school? Yes No How many? N/A 2 .' , \~ '.~ 1] 'il< ;; ~l: c~t ;'~: ~1;'; ;';:~ ., .f.'" ~ ~'f- .:.~~" '.;.... ;,;~A '~;,-; '<r: 5. Nlmber of days per year n-eals are se%Ved by your agency are: 180 days ( ) 365 days ( ) other ( 250 days) 6. Are rreals sm:ved on weekends? Yes No X (only on emergency referra Are neals served 00 holidays? Yes X- No - (on long holiday weekends) - - Adult Cor.rectional Facility, serving an average of i.mrates the majority of which are afforded the opportlmity to participate at least 10 hours each per week in a rehabilitative pIuy"am which IIEets the standards of the American Correctioo Association. (See Section 26. (Pg. 9) of the attached Guidelines.) i..nnates are actually participating 10 hours each week in a rehabilitative P~LCI&U. Youthful offenders hmder 21 years of age) are enrolled in an educatia1al prVI;J~am and are approved by the Deparbrent of Fdncation to '. participate in the School Iunch Program. DOE ~"C=lent * / / H. amER (Describe) / / G. " ,- " 'oj; / / I~ ~ DISTRIBUTIQq SYSTEM '!be Recipient 'A1gency (R/A) agrees to accept the donated u;tI&,OOities through ale of the folladng optioos: / / 1. RIA certifies that they are ~le to receive full railcar/full truckload of any given single \..'UlL&C&..Ai.ty and the RIA further agrees that acceptance of the full railcar/t.ruckload shiprent will be used without waste and ca%J!fully stored accordinq to USDA requirements. 2.'1be RIA chooses to use a mixed system of camercial distribution and direct shipleht. Cleek one or llDre of the following in each category : /X! Ccmrercial Direct ShiptTEIlt DRY Q1rT.r .F.I"'l FR:>Z!N X / xl 3. '!'he RIA agrees to accept all shipnents of USDA \,.;\"lIl&lOOi ties iran a camercial. distributor and further agrees to pay the State approved price . 3 4dF ".i ~:~1- U; " . ~\:; ;~ i I I 4. The RIA through its SChool Board agrees to enter into an individual contract with the State a~ ccmrercial distributor at a price no greater than the State approved price. 5. '!he RIA agrees to use the cc::rmercial distributing systan, but will provide for their own pick-up and delivery and will pay for the service charge by the carnercial distributor. 6. The RIA agrees to act as primary direct consignee for other RIA's which are listed here: ~.~' ~f ..~. , / I i .'~ I / ., (i .:.!! ,'. 'I .,;\ , 1- (1) (2) (3) '\1 . In order to allow for full railcar Itmckload shipnents said sec:ondal:y receiver RIA's unloading site. Ixl 7. The RIA agrees to be a secondary receiver under the prilnary consignee listed here: t' ~. ... ,- .:~ G.A. Food Service. Inc.. St. petersburg~ In order to allow for full railcar/truckload 'pteIlts said sec:ondal:y receiver RIA will pick up imnedi.ately at the prinary RIA's tmloading site. Inclusive dates of operation (if not open entire year) toes the School/institution/program maintain adequate facilities for storing and utilizing USDA donated foods? YES Ixl NO I I Is a food service catpany employed to conduct your feeding program? YES /x/ NO I I (If!ES, a copy of the food service contract nust accatpany this agree- 1lY!I1t.) see Sections 21. (a) and 21. (b) of t}-I.e Guidelines attached. DI5'l'RIB\11.'IN: AGa."CY APProJED BY: Jm:IPIEm' 1GFN:i APProJED BY: DEPI'. OF HFM.TH M\1D REHABILITATIVE SERVICES Foylen L. Bryant, Chief Food Distribution Office By: Authorized Signature and Title By: DATE Date Signe~ AGREE}.1EN!' No. Date (Inclusive Dates) Phone 305-294-8468 HRS-FD-300 :Rev. 6/85 (SEAL) Attest: / IiPPRO'/,:D AS 70 rO~M Clerk . "n , <,0" '" ,^~!"'f. 'J / \ '# _.I _.". t \.... '.I;' U4tdJ-!1- ~ _,. ~ :'" I' -,' ," }/~e-. r.tfI 4 . '~J~':\'.n),-':~~~-~r,'."- v _ ::'-'-;V:":' ~,,~"._~~~,:.:.., .~-.:~_"t".'.,~- .""'u':~: