Resolution 174-1988 ~ Mayor Gene Lytton RESOLUTION NO. 174 -1988 WHEREAS, the Secretary of the Department of the Interior is again proposing the inclusion of portions of the Florida Keys in the Coastal Barriers Resources System, and WHEREAS, the designation as barrier islands would forever and in perpetuity preclude the issuance of flood insurance in those areas so designated, and WHEREAS, the designation as barrier islands would forever and in perpetuity preclude federal disaster recovery fund expenditures in those areas so designated, and WHEREAS, the areas contemplated for designation do not in any way whatsoever conform to the established and accepted definition of barrier islands in the scientific community, and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys are not isolated and barren but in fact contain a thriving community of approximately 70,000 citizens, and WHEREAS, over 92% of the land mass in Monroe County is in some form of public ownership with an extremely large portion of that majority in various forms of preservation, and WHEREAS, Monroe County has enacted very stringent Land Management Regulations that impose extreme open space ratios on the miniscule percentage of land mass remaining in private ownership, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners does hereby reaffirm its total and absolute opposition to the designation of ANY PORTION of the Florida Keys as barrier islands. 2. That the Board of County Commissioners does hereby seek and implore the Honorable Governor, State of Florida, its Legislative Delegation, the Honorable Larry Plummer and Ron Saunders and its Congressional Delegation, the Honorable Lawton Chiles, United States Senator, the Honorable Robert Graham, United States Senator and the Honorable Dante Fasce11, Member of Congress to actively and publicly oppose the proposal of the U.S. Department of the Interior to designate portions of the Florida Keys as barrier islands. 3. That copies of this Resolution be spread to the individuals indicated in Section 2, above, and to the Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior, and the Chairman of the Coastal Barriers Study Group - National Park Service. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of April, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By:g~/ '" MAY CHAIRMAN (SEAL) Attest :DANNX 1.. KOLH.AGE, Clerk "f ;;ppp "V'?!J AS 'TO ro:?y AND L,: ::/lL SUs'T1CN7." 1.1. l"'1. L f..'"'-l! '-1' ( ^'}1'~:"r'"^'.';It',.. ~.f'f'/'...,~ . I .t"~ t., ,',', r..~'" ,. l,~:'., '.1:"; 2