Resolution 176-1988 Fred Tittle, Attorney for Petitioner - Dain Income Properties, et al. RESOLUTION NO. 176 -1988 A RESOLUTION SETTING DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF AN IRREGULARL Y SHAPED TRIANGLE LOCATED IN MONROE COUNTY RIGHT-OF-WAY IN CROSS KEY WATERWAYS, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the streets, alley-ways, roads or highways described as follows: that portion bounded on the northeast by the southeasterly prolongation of the southwesterly right-of-way line of Churchill Downs; bounded on the southeast by a line, lying 120.00 feet northwest of and parallel with the centerline of U.S. Highway No.1; and bounded on the west by the arc of a 25.00 foot radius curve tangent to the two previously described lines; and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is neces- sary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That on Tuesday, June 7, 1988, at 3: 00 P. M., at the Plantation Key Government Center, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, the Board! will hold a public hearing to determine whether or not said Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as described hereinabove. 2. That the Clerk of the Board be, and he is hereby authorized to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of April, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA g~~'?~~~1 ,t By () ;' 1)0 Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~'~ ~b~ er ct"'.',." .c.:,.....AS TO rO''''<12,.II,17 'i;'_;G~ $:~nc(t~ I ~ l.. e.co...... -:. ..::..--< .. ._----~ . '" ,,'y' ,,,,,'. ~r " "',~ \:': '::i :\, ." !o"1>It .'r :~; ;;..,; . 'i~i :1 .;~ )..Jt ',j ;.~ :~i~ ..... '~: ; >.~ ji ,~ .#~ ~ ~I:....f) : ' ., ~.~!.'. " " ii :1 . 1 ';."i .~ MEMORANDUM , . ;1 Calvin Allen Asst. County Atto~ DavJd S.~l u-dL Ilesident Civil Engineer DA'l'E: March 31, 1988 'ro: FK:M: 1lE: Petitial for Road 1\bandorment for Dain Incxme Properties j .- .,,",~ to\' staff bas researched the xequest for abandaJnent en the above subject parcel of land. FUrther, Mr. Hoover bas had a ~ oanversatian with Fred Tittle of Tittle , Tittle, Inc. who are the legal xepresentatives of Dain IncaIe P%operties. After Mr.Tittle clarified the parcel of land, we find no problElll with this abandcrmmt. It will in no way confllct with any County read nor will it present a prdUen in the future for reed expansicm. If you have any questions oonceminrJ this matter, please feel free to contact this office. DAH/sjb cc: Dent Pierce David A. Hoover DAH'l'CAl ,.,,~~ . '1 t.., I'; :'1 w. ~1-e@m~W'[V~,: . II !~ '. '.. r t ;~".. '. ,.. APR 6 1988 .; "~"1 .1 . I .":J j . .~l I COUNTY Am. . ; ." _"'-'.'.l:'_.:~;""~~r_. I '<II~.:... ":'-'. .:..,"'T...._~-........- '. '-, ~. -'.~.. -:..~~...,,!"'"~ _._~', ...._-~~-_.- ~..,. " , i; ~..; , .,'~.~~\. ?f: .:~..~;.: '~ ~.- . .':"' ", ,'.'. ':'::.' .. i' . :.'%- , ~ 't' ,1 '.".. 'J I t j j J ; . ,....J..! 1 .~.,t .1 .,.... IJ \\ '~'- . . . --./~. ,..--- _- _ f.~. , ~,___ r~ . ::..'>"I;'t-,. ....... ~ ~ <.'.:. 'c ;.' ~ $It~:~l/.' ~~?(~.' "~'1..IS"-' ...... n. ~ .J~~~.g tt~ ~~~lY~~~~~E . IJO~\ .,;. 46.' ~. .J. /h.lc.r -\"1) HI tlcJn-f- . ~ ,.... Jl,~('" ~)c:... M E M 0 RAN D U ~ DATE: TO: March 3, 1988 Donald Craig Planning Director Cd vin J. Allen Assistant County Attorney Petition for road abandonment Properties. FROM: RE; . . B~ARQ_0~C9CJf\;J_vJ.Q,:~~.~:~5IC:.~_ Jerrv H.rnilndpl, O:strict 1 MAYOA Gene ly:lon. Dislr,CI 2 Wm. Billy Freeman. DiSlrict 3 Mayor Pro tem Mike PuIO. D,stllCI 4 John Stormont. District 5 il X r/' vI '\:P for Dain Income The County httorney's office would appreciate if your office would review the encLosed petition for road abandonment for Datn Income Properties. After said petition is reviewed, the County Attorney's office needs a recommendation from your office as to whether or not said road should be abandoned. ~~~~'\ Assistant County Attorney Enclosure CJAldls eel ~ 'l-2.1i "". -.. .','"'-~ ._~-....-....~ "'",,'.~""'-,," ~.~ ~--'.* _.,,,,,,,~.,:,,-' ........-. '........~"'... - .~- ,.!'-l!:'~-"_.~-,,,."..- . - .',If'::';I_.'.~"<<>"It',r: .~.. ci!." ,.' ~.~ :' ~ '1 ":"~ .{ ~ . J: , .;: : ~j :~ .' .;;) ',t . ;~~~ : .:'....(1,~.; .< " ..... "'~~ 's ... i."" . .'.1 '1 '":1 j . ~r~l;::' j ';1 , 3 qp' ( mm:C( ,o:;i\'!t'\~~ MAR 811:" 1 MEMORANDUM To COUNTY ;'.iT'r. From: Calvin Allen Assistant count~neC Donald L. Craig~ Assistant County Adm~ ator for Growth . Management Date: March 29, 1988 Dain Properties-Abandonment of Right-of-Way Re - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I have reviewed with Mr. Dave Hoover of the Public Works Depart- ment, the memo from your office dated March 3, 1988 in reference to Bian Properties. Dain staff has reviewed the site plan attached thereto in refer- ence to the County's Seven Year Road Maintenance Program, the County's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. These are our conclusions: 1. The abandonment is not in conflict with the principles and objectives for the County Comprehensive Land Use Plan. ~ . .J' 2. The abandonment does not appear to be in conflict with the County's Seven Year Road Maintenance Program. Therefore, as it pertains to the Growth Management Division and its juriSdiction approval to the proposed road abandonment is granted. dc/2 , , . ! 4fT ',' .L f'~~T'''''"'!"~'',''.~~~': . "~"'.n--~":"-""'" ...."'....".."..~_.....'--..rn&r1!,.:':'.~':-.; .~ .~ :j !j .~~ ':~ h' t,...... ',f ~~ ) .. ~ ., j 'I ! ~ 1 2 1 . ", ._______w ....; .". " " "c' I i ., '! .1 ;~j '~1 ''-1 'i1 .j .. ( ( ( I.AW OFFICES TITTLE & TITTLE. P.A. ""EO nT"l'LE C"A"LES P. TITTLE GuS H. CADWEL.L THOMAS DAVISON IV POfIT OFFICio; DRAWER l535 91780 OVERSEAS HIOIIWA V TAVERNIER. FLORIDA 33070 (305) 1l5lI-3_ (305) lI33-lI64a MIAMI {\ \ '\ " ' March 3, 1988 Calvin Allen, Esq. Assistant County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Rey West, FL 33040 RE: Dain Income Properties - 86 and Seaboard Centre Associates Road Abandonment Application Dear Calvin: ~. -.I ~ank you for being so prompt in responding to ~ request yesterday concerning the above matter. Mr. Proby wanted a lettexo explaining the details of why no utilities could possibly be involved in this little piece of Coun ty ROW. Three sheets are enclosed explaining in detail what we are talking about and why it does not involve any utility easements. You have in your possession, furnished with the application a full copy of the seal imprinted survey including the legal discription and plat but I wanted to highlight in green the attached copies to make this communication as explicit and explanatory as possible. Very truly yours, d.~ FT~lT/le Wi~~~ t-l"' . l&,"rf ~ l1'f, ,,"" " Enc: . I -~~..,.--........~~ ._---.. .-----.....--- ~.~--...._--.--.- .' r. ~ ~ _. .' - ~~ ';1' u. ~'-r .. : '. . .... .. ~'- ~'q -;-~~} I. ~:~~11~:- .J \\: ,--1- ~ , t. ~ g_>o o:-.=> ".~i ',;' ~ ~ I 1:d . f.'\tJ..."'_ -~. \ K~ 14.& . , I "1 ....;,;:.-~"..,--:'. \, ...~ \'~"'''\'~ .~ I, ,! I '-ra-~~:~,,_"L,-,. ~O,. L..\;. ...~--_., _._ NlCl...'\ ~'''''""i ~ :I'~ "i~' 1'W- I' 4' . . '. \ I T~ .'}...' ;; ~.~\W~~ r (.:'" ~ '8 :.fl/:'\If ,//"/.5 v~~Q riP.8$ r,y6' /1/.N: (~) r-: (~I _ .: ~~ ',' ' 8,I1N',4 Y ,~ v .s.~ ~ J S' S,Ar4A, ~__'- .' 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Key W.terw., Iltate., ~ct.1Gn Two, a' .hown oa t~e ,1" thereof rlat 110010 6, 'a.e 60 of ttle PubU. heod. of IIeilI'Oe COIItlt,; rlo..1... a- part icula..ly de.crtll" a. follov.,' . c, '. .;' ae.ln'.t the point 0' curVature of . 25 foot r~a clrcul.r curV. concav. to the aoutb .t the fto~,he~ly-eoat co~n.r of Trac ~ .. ..... oa eh. .bowa referenced plat, chence .Ionl eh. .rc of a.ld CU~VI J f.ac t.r08lb' caner.1 ...,. of 9(1000'00" '0 . point of cans.ncy wUh the IOU l.rl, ~Ipt of VI,.ltne of H.",.outh l.anl .. .boam on the alo~....tlon. orel ,lat I ch.nc. al.., a.id rl.ltt of W"Y line S )7.01'4'" " - 702.67 fll' to Inti tbeace 'a..ln. .ald aautl...ccarlll daht of way Uoe of MonllOU'h L.. sal.." I - 201.00 "at to a ;.lat of ID'U- .eclion wlch a line lylnl 70. t northYe.tarl, 0' ... ..callal wi.. t" c..ta.- line of u.s. Hl.hwa, 110. . . ... Sh tb.ace alem. aa." U_ II' 37-,,141" I . 102.61 fl'c to a pot curv.t,r. of . ct~cul.r curve. CODe.... to ,.. ...L, b..ln, tor its al...ntl ."lua of zs,oe f.., .... . ..at~.l ...,. of'~OO'~' chence alon& the .t ..ld curv.'39.27 f..t to. point of taae-ac, vltb ,,- .ouch..at.rly prolonl of the southvaa'.rl, ~llbt of va, llQl of Cbuichll\ ~I .. ,hova 00 the re..otlon." ~..cor' plat, theftc. aloftl ..... aout~lt.rly rlab' of way lln., I " _ al.,..... tbat port"" I>>ound.. .. ch. north,..t by the aoutbe..terl, ,roloa,.Cloo of tbe .outh..atarl, rl.b&-of v., line of Chllnlllll Dovn'. bNa," 00 elHl .,,''''Il b, . Una. 1""1 ue.GO fait "orchw.st of a.d ,.r.llal with tlHl ..at.~11D' 0' U.'. ......, ... I, ... ~..... em eh. vut lay the erc of a n.oo ,... I'Ml.. &Una t.....t to the two ,ntYloualy '.acrl"" !l..ne-,.,.I':" U..__ 'fi;iiaJ.J.MU ._~U-. l~ -,", (J '5' ~~ ~ ~., :~\~ -', .<q ci ~ ~ q ~ ! I 1..... 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INCOME PROPERTIES - 86 and SEABOARD CENTRE ASSOCIATES hereby the petitions Honorable Board of County Commissioner. of Monroe County, Florida, to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter deacdbedstreet, alley-way, -road or highway as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, a copy of which is attached hereto. DAIN INCOME PROPERTIES - 86 and SEABOARD CENTRE ASSOCIATES U/are the sole owne.:(s) of Lotes) see attached exhibi"- "B" Attached to this Petition and made a part hereof and marked Exhibit "A" is the map/plat/sketch of survey of Revised a8 is Survey of Seaboard Centre with the property owned by Petitioner outlined in black and that portion of Tract itA" adjoining Churchill Downs Road Petitioner seeks to have abandoned marked with diagonal lines. Petitioner seeks to have the above-described portion of the irregularly shaped triangular portion of Tract itA" abandoned as it is outli~e~ on the attached survey because: the petitioners own property completly surrounding the irregularly shap.!d triangular parcel on three sides. Petitioner certifies'that the abandonment of said road will not take away from other property holders' right of ingress and egress to their property, and t'1tat the 1986 tazes on the land owned by DAIN INCOME PROPERTIES - 86 and SEABOARD CENTRE ASSOCIATES have been paid. Petitioner agrees to be responsible for and p.)' for aU coata of_~dvertlsing and recordins !ees lncur.:.d relative to thl. request for the vacation. Petitioner further furnish.. this Board with letters of DO objection from the utility companies, attached hereto and marked bhibits MIA ., ...--.--..--.-..--.-- ....-.~..~..." -..... - ,~. . .;-j~1I1~ ..,..,... ~.".- ~i.-~~~ ~ '<11:0> ...,....., . _, .., . '.3'''' i."......:.~".:....,...,~.. ........ F~~~~"~ ..,,'1, ~. '~'1'~ .. '. .' - ;'" . .' ..-. ....:.. ..... .....~. ~""#:~'. ~,':~'r~ :'...~...' r. .~:.'~ ....:. '; ),. ':':~~::':;~~4:; ~\~~:; f:'i.~~.~1<t.,.~,.~'-f'''~:W:'''' . '.- , . ,~..,~. ._~' ':':.,'; '.~" _,~:~t-. .:'i:~ ':S!<'~t::~f~~~~~rf~;i~::~. -', ............ ''':;:':. ::~:~.::~/;~,:>;~~\~~~~~/. . /. and a list of th !s nnd addresses of lldj.1cent property o,""ers, a copy of which is attached hereto nnd Illllrked F:xM,.bi t N/A . . Petitioner agrees to grant any casement necessary for the furnishing .of utilities. including without limitation electric power. water. sewer. telephone,' gas. cable and other electric cODllDunication services to the same extent 8S is common within this area as to height. width and degree. upon request for such service or by the Board of County Commissioners through ita authorized agents. . WHEREFORE. Petitioner formally requests the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida, to grant this petition. ByJ~~ "'-""" e t t Attorney for DOlin Properties - 86 , Seaboa>>d Centre Associates STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 59 COUNTY OF MONROE ) BEFORE ME. the undersigned notary public, duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared FRED T~TTLE, ESO. who. first beinS .duly 'cautioned and sworn, deposes and states that he/she is the person described in the foregoing iustruaent and that he~ ha. personal knowledge of the facts and ..tter. alleged therein and that each of the.. facts and matters are true and correct to the best of his~ knowledge and belief. , , SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ~ day of september 1982-, in the County and State first ebove written. It.,>>i ,tlAA(~ o ary u c (SeAL) My Commiesiou expires, , IOUIY 'Jim suu or fUllJGI ' II\' (0..1$5101 [lP. arl 11...11 I lOaD 'IU "1t1A!. liS. ,_, J .. , 10':'" , . _ . -: -~- ':i," ~'~.' - ..-..- - ..;.l"l:." ',' l:::",~_..,,~....,~. 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