Resolution 206-1988 "/ Finance Department RESOLUTION NO. 206 -1988 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1987-88, and to create new items under said budget, now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1987-88 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: IMPACT FEES, PARKS FUND #311 Transfer from District III Reserves, Item #3l1-920000-572993-0, Reserves, The sum of $7,540.00, Into Park Improvements, Item #311-092107-572631-0, Tennis Court Improvements - Coral Shores GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Clerk of the BCC, Item #001-020100-513462-0, Maintenance of Equip., The sum of $30.00, Into Clerk of the BCC, Item #001-020l00-5l354l-0, Dues and Membership Transfer from Electronic Recording, Item #001-020600-516120-0, Salaries, The sum of $100.00, Into Electronic Recording, Item #001-020600-5l6140-0, Overtime Transfer from County Court, Item #001-020400-516230-0, Group Insurance, The sum of $5,500.00, Into Electronic Recording, Item #001-020600-516230-0, Group Insurance Transfer from County Court, Item #001-020400-516240-0, Workmens Comp., The sum of $267.00, Into Electronic Recording, Item #001-020600-516240-0, Workmens Compo Transfer from Clerk of the BCC, Item #001-020100-513462-0, Maintenance of Equip., The sum of $50.00, Into Clerk of the BCC, Item #001-020100-513542-0, Subscriptions Transfer from County Administrator, Item #001-080000-512340-0, Contractual Services, The sum of $6,500.00, Into Data Processing, Item #001-080002-513640-0, Capital Equip. Outlay Transfer from Elections, Item #001-070200-519210-0, FICA, The sum of $1,500.00, Into Supv. of Elections, Item #001-070l00-519l30-0, Salaries Transfer from Elections, Item #001-070200-510220-0, Retirement The sum of $3,000.00, Into Supv. of Elections, Item #001-070100-519130-0, Salaries Nonpayroll Transfer from Elections, Item #001-070200-519230-0, Group Ins., The sum of $1,000.00, Into Supv. of Elections, Item #001-070100-519130-0, Salaries Nonpayroll Transfer from Elections, Item #001-070200-519230-0, Group Ins., The sum of $1,000.00, Into Supv. of Elections, Item #001-070100-519260-0, Medicare tax Transfer from Reserves, Item #001-920000-584990-0, Contingency, The sum of $3,500.00, Into Guardianship Program of Monroe County, Item #001-060500-516450-0, Bonds Transfer from Reserves, Item #001-920000-584990-0, Contingency, The sum of $1,500.00, Into Guardianship Program of Monroe County, Item #001-060500-516510-0, Office Supplies Transfer from JTPA Liaison, Item #001-340602-55l120-88100, Salaries, The sum of $1,869.00, Into JTPA Liaison, Item #001-340700-551240-82608, Workmen's Compensation MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT Transfer from Reserves, Item #104-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adj., The sum of $207.00, Into Administration, Item #104-097000-534140-0, Overtime Transfer from Reserves, Item #104-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adj., The sum of $9,649.00, Into Plant Operations, Item #104-097200-534140-0, Overtime Transfer from Reserves, Item #104-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adj., The sum of $181.00, Into Hazardous Waste, Item #104-097001-534140-0, Overtime Transfer from Reserves, Item #104-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adj., The sum of $23,869.00, Into Cudjoe Key Vol. Red. Plant #3 Item #104-097300-534140-0, Overtime Transfer from Reserves, Item #104-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adj., The sum of $31,832.00, Into Long Key Vol. Red. Plant #2, Item #104-097400-534140-0, Overtime Transfer from Reserves, Item #104-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adj., The sum of $384.00, Into Key Largo Vol. Red. Plant #1, Item #104-097500-534l30-0, Salaries/Nonpayroll Transfer from Reserves, Item #104-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adj., The sum of $36,540.00, Into Key Largo Vol. Red. Plant #1, Item #104-097500-534140-0, Overtime Transfer from Reserves, Item #104-920000-585992-0, Reserve for Salary Adj., The sum of $2,871.00, Into Pollution Control, Item #104-097600-534140-0, Overtime TAX DISTRICT #706 Transfer from District 6, Item #706-920000-584990-0, Contingency, The sum of $534.96, Into District 6, Item #706-001000-5135l6-0, Commission & Fees TAX DISTRICT #7l1 Transfer from District l-A, Item #7l1-920000-584990-0, Contingency, The sum of $694.10, Into District l-A, Item #7Il-000l00-5l35l6-0, Commission & Fees TAX DISTRICT #716 Transfer from Planning, Item #716-100100-515130-0, Other salaries, The sum of $29,000.00, Into Planning Commission, Item #7l6-100104-5l5120-0, Salaries Transfer from Reserves, Item #716-920000-585992-0, Reserves for Salary Adj., The sum of $10,000.00, Into Code Enforcement, Item #7l6-100500-524140-0, Overtime TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Transfer from Promotional, Item #107-ll0200-559470-0, Res. for Prom. Adv., The sum of $1,632.00, Into Promotional, Item #107-ll0200-55944l-0, Fall Promotion Transfer from Promotional, Item #108-lI0200-559470-0, Res. for Prom. Adv., The sum of $288.00, Into Promotional, Item #108-ll0200-559441-0, Fall Promotion Transfer from Promotional, Item #109-110200-559470-0, Res. for Prom. Adv., The sum of $480.00, Into Promotional, Item #109-110200-559441-0, Fall Promotion Transfer from Promotional, Item #110-110200-559470-0, Res. for Prom. Adv., The sum of $320.00, Into Promotional, Item #110-110200-55944l-0, Fall Promotion Transfer from Promotional, Item #111-110200-559470-0, Res. for Prom. Adv., The sum of $480.00, Into Promotional, Item #111-110200-55944l-0, Fall Promotion BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of the Board of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinafter set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of May, A.D. 1988. (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By &rfJ!f:::' · f., MA IRMAN ..30\J"~O&\~ [.Dc.-- BY \lIItA.t.P~ ~_.. Attornol"s C/fhe