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Resolution 210-1988
RESOLUTIOO NO. 210-1988 A REOOLUTICN CCNCERNlliG SUPPLEMENl'AL BUDGET. WHEREAS, it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.03, Florida Statutes, to increase the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COONTY CCMITSSIONERS OF M:MmE caJm'Y, FIDRIJ:lA, that a Public Heari.ng" was conducted on May 17, 1988 at 5:00 P.M., to increase the Municipal Service District Budget by $1,547,772.00, and to adopt a supplarental budget amendment as follows: Iblicipal Service District Adopted Prqx>sed Prqx>sed BIxlqet C1langes Revised Bldget RF.VmUES 'lbtal Franchise Fees 1,079,729 (279,729) 800,000 104-000000-313700 'lbtal Federal Payment in Lieu of Taxes 4,000 ---- 4,000 104-000000-333999 Charges for Services U:>cal Service Fee 4,616,903 521,053 5,137,956 104-000000-343400 Penalty Interest 30,000 10,000 40,000 104-000000-343402 Tippi.ng" Fees/Camercial 259,740 807,260 1,067,000 104-000000-343420 Lien Filing Fees 25,000 5,000 30,000 104-000000-343430 Revenue fran other U:>cal Units 14,000 (2,000) 12,000 104-000000-337310 Misc. Interest Incane 220,000 80,000 300,000 104-000000-361103 Sludge Disposal 85,000 ----- 85,000 104-000000-369901 SUb-'.1'ot:al 6,334,372 1,141,584 7,475,956 Less 5% (RequirErl by Law) (316,719) (57,079) (373,798) 104-000000-389001-0 Balances Brought Fo:rward (Cash) 4,190,000 ---- 4,190,000 104-000000-389002 DCA Solid Waste Stwy 343,035 ----- 343,035 104-097901-334320 TOrAL REV.mtlE 10,550,688 1,084,505 11,635,193 amicipal Service District Adopted Proposed Prq>osed Bmget Olanges Revised Bmget APPRJPRIATIaf Administration 566,521 586,728 Salaries - Overtime 207 104-097000-534140 Medical Expenses 50 104-097000-534316 Office SUpplies (50) 104-097000-534510 Advertising 1,000 104-097000-534515 COOmissions and Fees (10,000) 104-097000-534516 Refunds - Prior Year 9,000 104-097000-534543 Capital Fquipnent 20,000 104-097000-534640 Hazardous Waste 82,342 82,523 Salaries - OVertime 181 104-097001-534140 Franchise Operations 2,264,184 2,147,616 Contractual Services (116,568) 104-097010-534340 Plant ~ations 279,521 289,670 Salaries - OVertime 9,649 104-097200-534140 Clothing 500 104-097200-534529 Cudjoe Key Volume Reduction Plant 646,247 672,516 Office SUpplies 500 104-097300-534510 Gasoline, Oil & Lubricants (500) 104-097300-534521 Clothing & Wear Apparel 2,400 104-097300-534529 Salaries - Overtime 23,869 104-097300-534140 Lon;J Key Volume Reduction Plant 674,831 708,663 Salaries - Overtime 31,832 104-097400-534140 Gas, Oil & Lubricants (500) 104-097400-534521 Materials (350) 104-097400-534522 Tools & Small Dnplements 500 104-097400-534524 Clothing 2000 104-097400-534529 Capital OUtlay Fquipnent 350 104-097400-534640 APPIQ?RIATICfi Key Largo Volune 660,972 Reduction Plant 621,648 Salaries/Non-payroll 384 104-097500-534130 Salaries - OVertime 36,540 104-097500-534140 Materials other than Road (3,484) 104-097500-534522 Clothing & Wearing Apparel 2,400 104-097500-534529 Captial OUtlay Equipnent 3,484 104-097500-534640 Pollution Control 382,849 751,369 Salaries 182,818 104-097600-534120 Salaries - OVertime 2,871 104-097600-534140 FICA 13,731 104-097600-534210 Retirement 23,746 104-097600-534220 Group Insurance 18,375 104-097600-534230 Workmens Carp 11,729 104-097600-534240 Unenployment Carpensation 250 104-097600-534250 Contractual Se:rvices 6,200 104-097600-534340 Travel 3,000 104-097600-534400 Rentals 23,800 104-097600-534440 Maintenance of Bldgs Imp of Grounds (9,000) 104-097600-534461 Maintenance of Equip. 20,000 104-097600-534462 Gasoline 8,000 104-097600-534521 Capital OUtlay Equipnent 63,000 104-097600-534640 Budgeted Transfers 1,859,001 2,677,125 Transfer to R&R Fund 105 818,124 104-910200-581915 TCYl'AL Non-o]?erating Disbursements Contingency 104-920000-584990 436,399 (10,000) 426,399 Closure 104-920000-584992 1,080,000 (105,533) 1,080,000 Salary AdjustInent 104-920000-585992-0 94,789 94,789 Rese:rve Cash Balance 104-920000-585992-0 1,103,788 -------- 1,103,788 DCA Solid Waste Sttrly 343,035 -------- 343,035 104-097901 TO.l'AL APPRlPRIATICfi 10,550,688 1,084,505 11,635,193 Mmicipal Service District Adopted Prc.plSed Prc.plSed Budget Olanges Revised lDlget RESTRICTED FUND REVENUES Transfers fran Fund 104 1,859,001 818,124 2,677,125 105-000000-381000 Balance Forward (cash) 1,116,758 (354,857) 761,901 105-000000-389002 T01'AL REYmUE 2,975,759 463,267 3,439,026 ------- ----- ------ Mmicipal Service District Adopted Prc.plSed P.tq>osed Budget Olanges Revised Budget APPRJPRIATIaI Reserves & Transfers R&R Reserve for :Larrl Acquisition 500,000 231,633 731,633 105-920000-584991 Reserve for Sludge Plant 300,000 --- 300,000 105-920000-584993 Reserve for Cudjoe Key :Larrl Fill 1,273,391 (368,366) 905,025 105-920000-584994 Perimeter Road ------- 175,000 175,000 105-920000-584995 Incinerator Rehabilitation ----- 425,000 Key Largo -------- 130,000 105-098200-534620 IDng Key ------- 165,000 105-098200-534622 CUdjoe Key ----- 130,000 105-098200-534624 Non-operating Disbursenents 2,073,391 463,267 2,536,658 Debt Service 902,368 ----- 902,368 Principal payrrent ----- 105-098100-582710 Interest on Bonds ---- 105-098100-582720 Paying Agent Fees ----- 105-098100-582730 T01'AL APProPRIATIaI 2,975,759 463,267 3,439,026 !i BE IT FURl'HER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED by the Board of County Comnissioners of ~nroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of May, A.D. 1988. roARD OF COUNTY CCM-1ISSIOOERS OF r-mIDE COONTY, FIDRIDA Byg~/.? Mayor ainnan (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~#'1,~.L APPROVED AS TO ForuVi \ AND lfEGIIL SUFFlCfff,rC~:/ _ i ( / '-;<,~ ~ U:~/_A ...~ l flY Ol~ U Attome{$ _,I ice