Resolution 267-1994 ~~ ;/ 860358 OrF I RtC i"'\0C" " c' I v c_ \., PJ.6E1 I 56 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 267 -1994 C> c- '-.. N ...~- a: _c " .....L_ l.ll c= I ~.L I- U ~~, a W --- ~ L._ A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ANNULING AND VACATING IN WHOLE THE PLAT KNOWN AS THE AMENDED PLAT OF MARA- THON SHORES SUBDIVISION, AS DESCRIBED IN PLAT BOOK NO. THREE, PAGE FIFTY-EIGHT, AND AUTHOR- T31NG THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE APPROPRIATE ABAN- DONMENT DOCUMENTS. - ....>--- ':- - -'....:- 2: n L._ WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph Farrugia is the owner of real property described as all of the amended plat of Marathon Shores Subdivi- sion, Plat Book three, Page fifty-eight, and all of the Blocks 1 & 2, Beach Lot Park, (excluding bay bottom), Section I, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Tallahassee Meridian, Key Vaca, Monroe County, Florida, MM 50.8, Oceanside; and WHEREAS, the Amended Plat of Marathon Shores Subdivision, Plat Book No. three, page fifty-eight, was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on June 8th, 1954, and no improvements have been completed pursuant to the plat; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved a settle- ment agreement between Monroe County and Mr. Joseph Farrugia affecting the subject property on July 20, 1994, via Resolution #210-1994; and WHEREAS, item three (3) of the referenced settlement agree- ment stipulates plat abandonment or vacation within thirty (30) days of execution of the agreement; and r-- t.n WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission met on August 2nd, 1990, and considered the abandonment of the plat described; ~ and ~.: c... '_J-) ('....1 WHEREAS, the Amended Plat of Marathon Shores Subdivision, C>') u... c:.::t ...'-~ c.;;:;> &::;e: Plat Book No. three, page fifty-eight, does not contain property dedicated to Monroe County, does not contain or propose to con- tain public uses or convenient access for other persons, has not been developed pursuant to the plat, nor have any public uses co such as roads or parks become reliant on the plat; and If) M ~ WHEREAS, Section 9.5-93 of the Monroe County Land Development l.D OD Regulations and Chapter 177.101, Florida Statutes, require the approval of the Board of County Commissioners of the abandonment or vacation of a plat of land; so therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute this resolution annuling and vacating in whole the amended plat known of Marathon Shores Subdivision, Plat Book three, Page fifty- eight; and Section 2. The Monroe County Clerk is also hereby author- ized to forward two (2) certified copies of this Resolution and two (2) certified copies of the abandonment document, when record- ed, to the Division of Growth Management; and Section 3. The Monroe County Division of Growth Management co . \.J") ...... c:.t:t -,*= C"- 1,-,c 11.-,; , (". ("'" t..J- C.:3 L.t....... Lr"':! "-" ""'" CD If') C'> C) \..0 CO . ' 1S directed to forward one (1) certified copy of this Resolution and one (1) certified copy of the abandonment document, when recorded, to the Department of Community Affairs. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 21st day of September, A.D., 1994. Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Cheal Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich yes yes ye!=l YP.!=l ye!=l OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~ By MAYOR/CHAIRMAN (SEAL) ip. ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY'~~rH.MJ DEP Y C K ., MDCORHB4.02/TXTDR Resolution # (_.J ... ~ - ~ c. '.-3. !: ~ :.'t ::' ': ~ "'r-... c: ~ : . ,. ;: , f c,. '; I - '3 . t.,.., , , ""'1"- ~,- (, , ...' .~ 't ~ ~. . C. ~ ft", : . (". ~ " , . .. ),:or. ,~ c.' 1', - ..,; J" '"l) .."~." of · · 0.. ~ \l.. _., -< ; -:, c. . "t..... " '-- . l . : " o c ;t -~ i ;: , "' ii C" _ t, L 0'.. . - ) ~'''1 "", , ..- ".- 1:'00( . '" (~ I' 0 ~; ..~ :'. :.., . .. ...( :-} !:~ ~~ J>. '" J! ";t '&: ~..~ ~~. . \ VI L ;y;. c:~ \ :to ~~ I 1/\ I , ., )0 ..., "'" , o < ~ ... ... C , ., " n C .. ... I") o c: , .... .< v- i; , .. ... -< o ~ 3 o :> , o h I- i I. ~ p r 'T " Q. c.. ~ " ~ ~ to .. C VI 7" cp +~ '" - thL. \lO ~ . ~ ~ ]C 2. ~,...., C' -;:A_ -0. 1Il:J ~ ~: ~ ~ .. '::".<;:~ ~ "'. -" , -... 0:. OJ<... :?: ""lOCT > , to;;!" 7::1 '"0 ""., :lJo .., D .. " -t <" ~ D ~ ; D':"O-tO-t -.. 1"~ 'I7Zr "''':fl~VI~ ~ 0..: ":r::t J:: '" 0..... ~ .. 03 ~~ ~:.;. ~: :;: "'c.n~; VI; ...:-~:-~ ::;.: ;.~t.O~:!_~U1 ., .,..'" "tt.. 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