Resolution 055-1989 Planning Department RESOLUTION NO. 055-1989 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 22, LOTS 8 AND 10, SEC.l1, TWP.61S, RANGE 39E, MM 103.5 KEY LARGO BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 22 dated November 16, 1988, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17 day of January , A.D., 1989. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By //lI~~~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: DANNX 1. KOLHAGE, Clerk -/2i~#-~/&,~ Cler " Wl0:J.OBHOW ':... ~_ ~-j ~. "'l :) , h"iVO APPROVED A$ TO I'OIIM AND LEGAL SUFFIC1iI'l/illl. 88~~:r/;;lz -4IC~ Attorney'S O/flee 'I 9tr. 8\1 EZ NVr 69. U6UJ,H:J dU.J LJ31lj M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning by:Lorenzo Aghemo SUBJECT:Boundary Determination for Lots 8 and 10, Sec. 11, Twn. G1S, Range 39E M.M. 103.5, Key Largo, Florida MEETING DATE: December 20, 1988 Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes____No X Commissioners District Recommended Action:Denial Summary of Request/Report The owner applied for a boundary determina- tion to include its property in a "sc" District. Application does not meet the criteria for boundary change. Rezoning of the property should be through the procedure of a map amendment. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement Yes X No Attached Agreement/Contract - No. Approved by County Attorney as to Legality___Yes X N.A. Standard Form Approved by Risk Management___Yes~Not Applicable Approved by Office Fiscal Management Funding Source N/A Current Year Cost N/A Annual Cost N/A Budgeted___Yes___No Will Proposal Require Additional Personnel? N/A No If Yes State Number Permanent Temporary___ Other Board Policy(ies) Applicable Planning Commission Action Taken____Yes Alternatives:Apply for a map amendment. Attached Documentation X Yes No Date N.A. (30512944641 r"-- ~~v~~ ~"~~'~04~E _..r-~"=="'" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Mayor Pro Tem Gene Lytton, District 2 Douglas Jones, District 3 MAYOR Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 December 12, 1988 Mr. Freddie Castro 192 Loralane Place Key Largo, FL 33037 RE: Boundary Determination for 4.5 + Acres for Lots 8 and 10, Sec. 11r Twn. 615, Range 39E, M.M. 103.5, Key Largo, Flori- da Dear Freddie: At your request the Planning Department has reconsidered it's decision to recommend that the Board of County Commissioners deny your application for a boundary determination involving the dbove named property. For the reasons stated below, I have decided to affirm my original denial of the boundary determina- tion, and make this recommendation to the Board of County Commis- sioners on December 20, 1988. Attached is a memorandum to the Board of County Commissioners dated May 28,1988, explaining the boundary determination process and the criteria to be met for a positive determination of a boundary determination request. Your request regarding the above named property because: 1. An error in the drafting of the maps adopted by the Board of County Commissioners which illustrate the land use districts implementing the Land Development Regulations as of September 15, 1986, was not found. 2. The parcel is vacant, and no use of the land has been established prior to September 15,1986 which would be recognized by a boundary determina- tion. 3. No errors were found in the Land Use District Maps certified by the Planning Director and the Board of County commissioners in January, 1988. These maps were drawn at a scale of 1 inch equals 200 feet rendering a threefold increase in accuracy over the 1 inch equals 600 feet maps identified in item 1. above. 4. A review of the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners meetings indicates no errors were found in the translation of the Board of County Commissioners decisions regarding the property's appropriate zoning into the above named maps, the comprehensive plan, or the land use regulations. 5. The property is not within an Area of County Critical Concern, where a special study of this parcel would be merited, that could result in a boundary determination. You and your attorney, Mr. Thomes, made a possibly valid argu- ment that the parcel is not really properly designated IS (IM- PROVED SUBDIVISION), and should be re-zoned to SC (SUBURBAN COM- MERCIAL). You cited that except for a neighborhood of single family homes, all surrounding uses are commercial in nature. You also noted that the parcel is relatively large for this area @ 4.5 acres, and is not a single family subdivision lot. Final- ly you illustrated that the parcel is located with major front- age on U.S. Highway No.1. My decision to recommend denial is also based upon my analysis that while you may have valid criteria for the re-designation of the parcel to SUBURBAN COMMERCIAL, you are pursuing this goal through the conclusion the incorrect process. From its incep- tion the boundary determination process has never been per- ceived either by the Board of County Commissioners or the Divi- sion of Growth Management staff as a substitute for the re-zon- ing process. The proper avenue to pursue is re-zoning wherein you can emphasize to the points you made to me to the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners, following prop- erly advertised public hearings. At our meeting with you on December 5, 1988, I agreed to accept your application for rezoning the parcel because I felt that my staff's recommendation to me that a boundary determinations be approved, may have misled you. Although you admittedly recog- nized that staff's recommendations are not always not accepted by me, you relied on staff's verbal representation and missed the rezoning application deadline of November 15, 1988. In good faith response to your charge that staff misled you, with which I do not agree, and with the support of the County Administrator we will accept your application for rezoning, no later than January 15, 1988 for consideration in the third round amendments to the comprehensive plan. Finally, as you have requested I will forward a copy of my staff's original recommendation to me regarding the boundary determination to the Board of County Commissioners, along with the staff report and file copies of which are attached to this letter. Should you have any questions regarding my decision, please call me. Very Truly Yours, , /) 17/l~//!..._ ~ ~~ . ~~i~~~ AICP Assistant County Administrator Growth Management Division CC: Mr. Thomas Brown, County Administrator Mr. Robert Herman, Deputy Director, Growth Management Division Mr. Howard Tupper, Planning Official Mr. Lorenzo Aghemo, Planner ~, r.~ ~l"'J ~",- OHv~])' ~A~~~04~E (3051 294,4641 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jerry Hernandez, District 1 MA YOR Gene Lytton, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro tem Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 March 24, 1988 Ms. Maria Abada1 Department of Community Affairs P.O. Box 990 Key West, Florida 33040 Subject: Boundary Determinations--Charles Valois, Shrimp Culture Inc., Carlson and Novachek Dear Maria, With this letter the County is transmitting to DCA the fol- lowing: Boundary Determination for Ocean Reef Shores--Charles Valois Boundary Determination for Shrimp Culture, Inc.--Joe Mountain Boundary Determination for Carl T. Carlson, Pine Crest subdivision, Big Pine Key Boundary Determination for Bob Novachek, Summerland Estates Boundary Determination process for all future boundary determinations to be made by the Monroe County Growth Management Division As you and I discussed on March 9, your office has agreed that the boundary determination for Mr. Valois and Mr. Mountain meet the requirements set forth in the Monroe County Comprehen- sive Plan. These determinations also conform to the boundary determina- tion administrative process which was also discussed, and which you approved in principle. The boundary determination process has the following notable components: 1. All boundary determinations require a standard applica- tion which pin points the reason for the boundary deter- mination request, and the specific history of land regu- lation on the property. 2. The attached flow chart illustrates the methods avail- able for consideration of a boundary determination. 3. Specific findings are made with each determination. 4. Each determination is accompanied by an aerial photo- graph and land use district map illustrating the bounda- ry determination. 5. Each determination is reviewed as a consent calendar item with the Board of County Commissioners. 6. DCA will be contacted at the initiation of the determi- nation process and will have 10 days for review and possible appeal of any determination, after it is heard as a consent item. The County intends to continue to utilize this Map boundary determination unless it is demonstrated that it is not consis- tent with the Comprehensive Plan. For the County, I extend a thanks for DCA's cooperation in arriving at this process which will implement a reasonable, ra- tional stet addressing citizens problems with inaccurate maps. Finally, the division intends to utilize this process for reviewing all the map amendments submitted by County citizens in the second six-month map amendment process with the goal of granting map amendments which are merely simple boundary determi- nations. Should you have any questions regarding this process or the individual map determinations noted herein, please tact me at once. Growth DLC/lc dc/bddet cc: Thomas Brown, County Administrator Lucien Proby, County Attorney Robert Herman, Deputy Director Growt Management Division :x: w ,... .... -,...0) :<z< WU "'~- 00...... wOe.. w -' 0.. Ui.oJe( 0> "'w~ 0.0- >- 0) o z W~o -0- ~ Vl --1- ....-U 0<'-' z:EO z o -'-' ....'-' <... z -Vl 0:E>- Za::< <,-,a. ...." Z'-'Z 000 (l'll>- )-j-- ~~~t3 wa::CJ,- ::;)02.....J o,u.~a.. wZOa.. a::-alc( N3ZI1IJ , ....z zo <- u'" ....U o..w 0..0 ..: '" oz ....- :E ",a:: '-'- ,...... ....z wo -IU f Vl '-' OU ....- '" ~ o.o~ ~~O =>.... OO)U '-'-- Vl",a:: -,....... >VlVl '-'-- a::00 '" Z a::z '-'0 0- Z.... 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U z 0 ZW -~I-W ...:::) -a. => 0 =>" C) -OwO O..J< :ra:: W O...J(f.ll.iJZa::. > a:o.:E >- a:W >-> ..J<C( >- )- ~ 00. a: 0.... a:: O-c( ...JZ!- U<Vl <omu <0 -a:: l.&J Ocr: ~ W => Ot-Xc( 0.... CQWv>Z>-w a::VlO ~W~~ z w <C(::I:-a::I-a.. w- =>Wo. >- a:::E<<0 - VlVl> O~W:z: O=>>- I- "'Oa:OI-O::: 3VlO) mozu "'0.... Z(/)l.i..WZwa.. a:: WWO ;:)Q..a::I-:::::lCl -U Oc(wwOWZ W >0 a:: uro....om>o :I: Wa:O ~ N .... a::o.... 0 T f f .:l.:l't'lS NOISIAIO :lJ08 lN3....Hi't'd30 ~Ol't'NIO~OOJ S3J~nOS3~ JO 9N INN't'ld 3Sn ON't'l lVlN3....NO~IAN3 .........OJ 9NINN'9'ld SS3:l0Yd NOI~VNIWY3~30 AYVONnOS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 16, 1988 TO Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald Craig RE Boundary Determination for Lots 8 and 10 Sec. 11, Twn. 61S, Range 39E M.M. 103.5, Key Largo, Florida ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background: This property was originally zoned GU; currently it is zoned IS. The extension of the SC boundary as to include the subject parcel will be consistent with the current land use of the immediate area, and will help accomplish one of the objectives of the Monroe County Code to concentrate commercial use of land (intensity) in contained locations. Recommendation: DENIAL Although the subject property does not meet the intent of the IS District, the application does not meet the criteria for boundary change. Rezoning of the property should be accomplished through the procedures of a map amendment. Alternatives: 1. Apply for a map amendment. 2. To leave SCIIS boundary as is because Section 9.5-242, permitted uses in an IS District, allows for commercial retail uses. Findings of Fact: 1) The designation of the above property as Sub Urban Commercial (SC) rather than Improved Subdivision (IS) will be consistent with Section 9.5-206, Purpose of the Sub Urban Commercial District, and uses allowed within the district, Section 9.5-235. 2) The determination was made based on the following: That the parcel does not meet the intent of the IS District in that it is a 4.77 acre tract of land that is not improved. That the parcel does meet the criteria of the SC District in that it can serve the needs of the immediate planning area in which it is located, and it is convenient and accessible to residential areas without use of US-I. MEMORANDUM DATE: November 15, 1988 TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald Craig RE: Boundary Determination for LOTS 8 and 10 Sec. II, Twn. 61S, Range 39E M.M. 103.5, Key Largo, Florida ----------------------------------------------------------------- Background: This property was originally zoned GUi currently it is zoned IS. The extension of the SC boundary as to include the subject parcel will be consistent with the current land use of the immediate area, and will help accomplish one of the objectives of the Monroe County Code to concentrate commercial use of land (intensity) in contained locations. Recommendation: Move SCIIS boundary from the center line of US-1 to the center line of First St. and the north property line of Block I, Lots 1 through 12, Oceana subdivision, to include subject property in the SC District. Alternatives: To leave SCIIS boundary as is because section 9.5-242, permitted uses in an IS District, allows for commercial retail uses. Findings of Fact: 1) The designation of~he above property as Sub Urban (SC) rather than Improved Subdivision (IS) will be with section 9.5-206, Purpose of the Sub Urban District, and uses allowed within the district, section Commercial consistent Commercial 9.5-235. 2) The determination was made based on the following: That the parcel does not meet the intent of the IS District in that it is a 4.77 acre tract of land that is not improved. That the parcel does meet the criteria, of the SC District in that it can serve the needs of the immediate planning area in which it is located, and it is convenient and accessible to residential areas without use of US-I. Attachments: 1. Application (With Proof of Fee Payment) 2. Staff Analysis 3. Current Land Use District Map 4. Aerial Photo 5. Zoning pre-1986 (if appropriate) 6. Land Use District Map effective Sept. IS, 1986 (Pattison) 7. Real Estate Atlas Strip Maps 23rd Edition. 8. Existing Conditions Map, July 2, 1985 9. Proposed Boundary Change STAFF ANALYSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION Fee paid x Date 10/13/88 APPLICANT Freddy Castro PHONE # 451-0337 ADDRESS 192 Lonelane Place Key Larqo KEY Largo MM 103 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Oceanside SUBDIVISION N/A PLAT BOOK 1 PAGE 68 BLOCK N/A LOT(S) 8 and 10 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) Section 11, Township 61~__Ra~e 39E REQUEST CHANGE FROM 1. BACKGROUND DATA: IS TO SC A. PRESENT LAND USE DISTRICT: --1mproved Subdivision B. CHARACTERISTICS OF SURROUNDING AREA: Predominately commercial on both sides of US-1i but has an area of IS, partially built-out, south of subiect parcel. C. ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS: SITE Tropical Hardwood Hammock which is either low or moderate in quality. This wQuld require an H.E.I. to determine the O.S.R. SURROUNDING Small stretch on S.W~ is Hammock, surrounded by roadways and built env~J~nment~ STAFF ANALYSIS OF LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Freddy Castro PAGE 2 D. PRE-SEPT. 15, 1986 ZONING: General Use District E. LAND USE DESIGNATION ON FIRST DRAFT PREPARED BY LAND USE CONSULTANTS: 1. S. F. ACTION ON "E" IF ANY: Decrease in density as 1.S. allows 1 unit per parcel vs. G.U. which was 1 unit per acre. G. LAND USE DESIGNATION OF MA,PS ADOPTED SEPT. 15, 1986: Improved Subdivision H. HAS PARCEL BEEN REZONED OR PROPOSED FOR REZONING SINCE SEPT. 15, 19867 x NO ________ YES. DETAILS: 2. RECOMMENDATIONS: Extend bounda~_ of SC from across US-1 to include subiect J::la~cel~_________ 3. FINDINGS OF FACT: That the parcel does not meet the intent of IS as it is much greater in size th~~th~pical IS lot. That the boundary should be redrawn~q_jnclude this parcel as SC. That the parcel meets all criteria_:fQ!:_SC land use district designation. DATE lQL26/88 DATE 10/26/88 STAFF REVIEWERS: PLANNER Lorenzo ~gb.emo BIOLOGIST Robert Smith . " ~ ." ." ~. ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ",1~I~ ~~~I::" AVIINUI!. Ia'\\ru ~ 1=>'" a al "...,'- ~ l - \ \ V ~./' eiJAT 1 # 1/ BASIN V' , ~ 6/ " ~ ~/~ ~ \ ,./fiij , ~... / O. , ~ /~ ) EY L1A --~- crlfJ //". i \ '0" ) Sl" // i I 0.1/ i ' ~ /' I , i ~, / / ~, / / I \ /( 1//"- v~ ~/ \ /~ ~II I~~l/)'" I i I i I ~/ / a / 1 1 4 1 _I..... ._......u N I I I ! ~ . II=- Il!!D Il!!D ~ ~ .. 4 I . II=- .. 9'" ., . . . u a1 a. 'It 11 17 . . > Il!!D U cC ~ Ii IF- ~ .. 9'" t. 11 ~ · l1li cC "10 11" ~ II=- I!!: _"" (\\r\' .. ~ rP:!~14<@~ ~\j':.\: It ~ '\:::lWU 11 I!' 11 . ..., ~ ~ ~ ~, .", -R ~ .- ~ . . ~ . > . ., . 1 u 1 a a1 a . u ~ . IBII l1li 4 11 " 4 ~ .. 1 11 1 a . 17 Z . " ., 11 ., ~;,.~~~ 11 .. 11 ~ 11 ~ 11 Il!I I . ., . . ... 11 12 11 ~M 11 11 17 11 'It aD 11 uui: COCI!A~A ilL VD 1"\ fr\\ce,~~~~ 'f"" tIl'. 17 . 1 t Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida JaNJary 19,1988 I Panel or Sheet# \\\ (' \\1- , Appllc ant: fee A ~~-t C(J\2\~CJ Key:-Ke-~ ~r~('J \ ~ I 1"" 200' I . 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I Panel or Sheet#-.91 Applicant: Vr<... o~--\ Ca<..-\-'m \ Key: (I e'< ., ( :) I , , '-- SI +-, .... lAIOO I ~~ ;,AT' / / N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# It- of Z \ Fne# ApPII,cant:_F :0 Ai (,,,,<:\-<o Key:~ bC\c$ Mile Marker: m-n_- @ I 1"- 600' I <C z C?: t- <C ....,. ~ ~w o d" ~ 0...::- tJ) 0... ti a ~:' :\ '.." - - .~~, ~ ~l. " \, ,:\(, .fl!", rLI<< I r , I I I q-r0 N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 2?::> Edition,1988 1 1"2_ Panel or Sheet # A.. \2 Applicant: Jre..AAi ~s.tY'o Key: ~ L.o..ro... 0 ~ Flld x..\\!~~ ... C Mtl~rk....r~ \ \~~_lQ~ t, \. ~~,,\. ''--.'-........ '" N Existing Land Conditions Maps Monroe County, Florida July 2,1985 Panel or Sheet# G o~ ;: Applicant: Fr-e Ac\,--\ GQ\5.-\; Key:~ 4(~o 3'fI 11"=2000.1 " / / / . ..11 " ~~~~~~\ ~~~ I, \ \ \\ I', \ \ 11',1" I ~ \ " \ I I ", I \ ......-<., '" ........ , ',) , , .... L NA 4 / /' / / / / J--- / .. / ~.// #// "' / ,./ I~ ./f#' ".. ~. ~#/~ o / ~ // I / ~~/ I ../ I .:)./ // I · / // i · / ~ . // I · / . / ~ , / / ~ .... .... .... .... . , .. . " " " " " " " " " " " " " .... .... .... .... I I I . I 11 . II c . ! . . It . . . . . . .. . ~ . 17 I . 17 , ,. P.......nt to Section '.5-24(a)(2)(h) of the Monro. Cou"" Code, the boundarl.. of the Land u.. DI.trlet Map ar. Int.rpreted to be located a. Indicated above and briefly de.erlbed u: Add boundary line down center of 1st Street. N ~ I I I I S " II ;1 Director, Growth Management Sh.et # III Ke, Largo Date .oce R..olllllon 1"'" 200' . t v -- -. TO' - . 'u,.,_ II . ,1 . . U . c l- I . . .: ~ .: (Q)M~. I .. ~~ . I- ~ r .... '. . , 11 4..r ~ - - - - I . I . c . . ., . . . 11 . . ... . . . . . II / t I", I OC.ANA ... YD tR\<e.~~~\r I / .... I t ~. "I I / . c . . ., . . . tI . . .. . tI' . t I . C I 001 II ~I DOLPH" A~ #1 ~ , ~ I . . ~ ~ . . ., . . c . I t 11 ~I I ~Ii - ~ I ~ - . . , . . tI' . . . It . . .. . . If . ~ . . .. . t' " ( y/--...... . ..if IIONITO A~ ~ # , af . . .. . . tI . . . ., . . c . . , ! tI . . . . IlJ .. , tI' . . . It . . It . . If . . . It . . . M . N ,~,........... 4' ~~ ( ) ( . A.1lA.C~A IlL. YO ) L_~ U' ~ ~;(~ .....\\ \'e.~ I~ ~t'O""" . . , . . .. . . tI . . . ., . . c . t 11 . . . - ~ N ~ ., . . . 11 ,., . . .. It .. II It II II .., II II . It II . . M 11 - PW'UIInt to Section t.5-2C(aH2Hh) of the Monroe eounty Code, the boundarle. of the Land o.e DI.trlct Map are Interpreted to be N located a. Indicated above and briefly described u: ~ Delete section of SC/IS bo\ll1dary line. Continue SC bo\ll1dary ,l1ne along the Northern property line of BLOCK 1, LOre 1 through 12, Ocoana subdivision, continue SC lx>\ll1dary line throuqh center of 1st St. I I Director, Growth Management Date 1"= 200' Sheet # II ~ Key LarQO BOCC Re.olutlon • ' ; , a• wrYa, .. ., ° '..,,it--n` . . '�'�'--:its.... *. litt rY" k w « . +w' a ,,,,i.UR v/':17. ♦ r` h• IP ,wry .ram yyrrrr t rn i 'rdFr s aT ka 1.y .-' • � w• itr! Lis.�,' '?";7t u,.' ♦L *d s.ji+s Y k i i�r i w, f r rJ . t _� 4 # +t` , I. T4rO° R' t.1'Q ' •P 4 a r.I :. + ..,, rr `"Be; • 111ttt,11Q'h!e •k.: c,--S .-,r-,S g °•1, r 'T.':&K•q1. v ''', i rw ;'- - •."-■'.. / �S.i - 4� T T ;•.•�{ i �,L A'- � .f rix i.� er ` ��` . g E ° r q 0$ T.! t ( +{ ••7•.. ,' ,m,,3••- s-sr `may ' 6Yk--4,, .♦ , 1.4 • '` ,7!t.: *�+ iDr`' 'r ri, 0. `. 1. •- „T' .r� �,r ,4 . -', {� ,. • ram;"#s *"D: , .i w' y '! ' +'K`'Z' ° •�, Z' .+r'C' i f •'A^ It r. ''+ .'-i 1 l r ft'-1,‘..25 �yk•�it"", t'p �*`. _a+.-i " - fir" , . _ :- g:. • 1,r A A_ GF Ste`, r. �a ",' rr it Q m ,4 • ni • i +. SST ...I.A Y' '-Xr.� • �.. - 'S•In.Wag - •• -. T• QT.R'O`iR`F,�i VTR •�' • "�:,y \*�'c9°,•.• ' 1 �..r.. ° � .... jp• r' {rf"". „�"{,°� I rant g '` +,� . r3t, ate•' K • ' % ,aEdy...^- ..- `-'•'�"4 • ..rr r- A,„t,,, : r d.+lw - , . 7�',F,.t T-44. tree .: st: • �-err. ` .e'tl„ ,'^ ,�,,`,, ,�, ' $' •�.. ,ca.,:,{Y' .� SSY .. - I• ` _ °„� 1 e 7e . l - _wlr+lr.`'..,- N• • ,.,,.,, • ,S4`�S''t I ' .. r 4...L. - ,. ?.^3,. --ul?' ��. •. � ay'�• - : A~ -+•2 r • ; 4t Si r . ',�' -_ _ s �"-.Pt4•-^ys 1- • 'A� trNi`, •'"'.r ,,*, •ate`a •Yam,.. '* i, ti; R )., `ypcIV). . : w" y A .w. Ate. - a� Ir`" "f£" r.+,• f;¢1 t r i'�4 6. , .- ....-. . .•. . r. . .... i ._,_,.:, •; • .... ,.,-,.r,..-4,..70. .. • -. -- •`S" • yx* . ` ^! N'"R . m_ es,0.-' ," `"f'p*+f•. �� t 4 +T. •Y! J. {. tr.. ✓' r T si. _..# ":*, Mr''pl"r.. d � ,. r••* ",',r 2y,. 1 �j'+i: `R• tY ` t r Y) +.`+ F a(+ �'',I,y ` k`� sw�T 'a` �i111"lr -7104 L. e Ar ' F> 4.q _ !.: r . '''-•G Y \. --a•t -r, .# ,.,, 5 „ti+\o-�\, «r_ p P .r 4J • f� r ! :,'f�Jy CIO a'� r y 't' t, •-s la. • �t .alp 1► ,�ri .,: +s -••SAY f� �f` �,\ •4 �, MIAMI•OE\... R CHICAuur .4. ' ! us' liciiia. �v 0101.. w r- UALL N FRANCISG(3 P. . 4446 S AuC t, rs •BrOkOrs AUCTION Ce ANY LICENSE NO t • (�'' -* Corpor�•_Headquarters g ' • Ne , Odd Tower t # a• , orth Hest,_a,e Boulevard.23rd flour {' * a ' ` ?Ala;, londa 33132 • a • , '�G , r- (30 577.3322 s ..--,L�,, O' ' __ ' . mow"x, p °' � JI .J .j 0 :..;, i.l ..J REel U 0' l'Auclj lJ b U WA'RRANTY DEED INOIVIO. TQ INDJVID I 1his ~arranty ]Deed ;\fml" If,,! R. STUART HUFF, as Trustee I ~~ ~) clCI)' of ~~ 06V RAMeD F'DRM ~v(ll 1\, f), JC)88 by and Individually II(!re>i1IUfl('r calle>c/ Ill(! WCllllor, 10 JOHN BAIAMONTE wlwsl' fJoslofficl' adrlr('ss is l04000 Overseas Highway, Key Largo,F1 33037 IIC',eiIlClftl'r callNI 1/1e> fJra11 leC' : (Whcrr"rr ,,\C'd htr~jn ,hi' Ie'rm... "lI(ralllll,." and "\(rantt'c'. include all the parties 10 this inUfumcnt and Ihr hC'in., IClo;aJ rt)Jn-\Clllali\'('s and a!ro~il,(m (If indi..iduals. and Ihc IUCctUI1n anu auj~nl of corporations) ~Hnesselh: T/IClI lIlt, Wlllllor, for amI il1 considl'rClIiOl1 of IIII' sum of $lO.OO and ollll'r pallwl,lc' cUllsir/c'r(dions, r('('('ipl wl,,'re'of is 1,,'re.I,)' ocklloll,I"rlffC'rl, ',,'r(",)' fJrClII/S, IlllrHaills, Sl'lls, a!il'lIs, ,e, mi51's, r('!"C!,H?S, CO'II1C')'5 afl(l cOllfirms 111110 Ill(' o'allll'(', all I I III I c(',tClill Imlcl silllo/l' in Mo nroe Coullly, Florida, I'i::: All of Lots 8 and lO lying East and South of the Florida State Highway No.4-A, in Section 11, Township 61 South, Range 39 East, according to the survey made by P.F. Jenkin~ C. E., and Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 68, of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. The property is not the homestead of the grantor nor is it contiguous to the homestead of the grantor. The grantor resides at: 636 Blue Road, Coral Gables, Florida 33134 J ogether wisa oppar/aining. 10 Maue and to ~old, wilh all Illa lenamants. hereditaments and appurtenances thareto belonging or in any- the same in fila simple forever, flnd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is l<iSfulh; sei%~ of sc::i2 land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and latvful authority to sell and ~v~ saidcrand; ~t the grantor IICral)y fully warrants the IiIle 10 said land alld will defand the same a~{p?t~Jle l~ul cfcifms of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances. except JgXbs,accrulJig subs.5ctuent to December 31, 19 88 g2::;..~ ~ ~.o :z: ::0 I:) :.0 -i ,.. ''1 :-<~ ~., ""OJ ...,..,'::- W c:> r ':;') ~ ."'U ~ !'''~ \0 r:J In ~itness 1illfhel'eof, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year (irst above wri/len, ~i9~~~'"'.,,:~'.,,. 7:~~ s' eeJD .......~~.~........... ................ .....':'~.?..i..n.~.i.y.:i.!>.!:'':'.~}y......... ..... ..............JD ~ SPACE BELOW fOR RECORDERS USE STATE OF Florida .) _ , d COUNTY OF Dade ~ P" {'l~.'il.~ ;...",~.~;:..: ' .._- I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day. b~{ore me, an officer duly ',~: ':;'-~.'.l.'~,,::"'.!.., ~-'U, "'1'.' authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County a{or~said' to take D" _F,:" :(/~: ':~c.\).i>~."~' >:.fV7~_ ." . acknowJedgmeonu, personally app,'ared ~..{..&.~. R. STUART HUFF, as Trustee f .\' .," ", to m~ known to be thl' p~rson" described in and who executed the Coregoing instrumc;ol,,::'~~d',., h~' acknowledged before me that he '*' .,-.... ; L.... ;, 1':'Cccut,'d tha si\.~... .. J ~', "'-'"' .. ..... . \:' ,.. WITNESS, my hand ,and official s~al in the Counly and :: ~.... N09fAa t al.oi1.ia~'this 1~H1 day o{ i;"~' f /;; ~.....~,. -: ",' A, D.... 'I 9, 88 NotarY' P'u~,"'slJ.i.~: ..,.~~; , C ~ ':~.. - ...;). 1 My ..om~Il~n.. c;xpsre31- .'.. " "....,...., ........ ,........." ......,,'............... BOIi~ Ihr.u..tli3,.W~..f?~lN--~' This InsIJ;qlit,{tfj1f/PI}ff.d;,bj:' LEE HUS ZAGH, ESQ. '.'. . -, ,1ddmJ 33'0 Al,tia:fnbra Circle, Coral Gables, Florida 'J(,;! , ,.",,',j ~~*U" '.::n~b~~~.'c ,< "I. : ~'-~ \" \~8 Q C\ QEt>\. pU\ ~~GO\\J\S\O~ \.J\\,'D 33134 O'l - ..;. iJ~~ -..- .~ ~ '<t ,~.~ - .. 1 "- '" J)annp JL. lKolfJage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 13051 743.9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 29404641 January 23, 1989 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY. FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (3051 852.9253 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ~ 0\ i CO\ fa .., \"'2... and Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 ~ <!) \""\ t2>\b i\ ~ Gentlemen: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on January 17, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 055-1989 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 22, Lots 8 and 10, Sec. 11, Twp. 61S, Range 39E, MM 103.5, Key Largo. , Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. ( t Very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board 0 County Commissioners , ~ by: Rosalie L. C Deputy Clerk Enclosure cc: Mayor M. Puto Commissioner E. Lytton County Attorney R. Ludacer County Administrator T. Brown Diviaion Di~8gtQ~ D. C~~i9 Fi"le r r I; I, II . ~: Compl4lte Item. 1 .nd 2 wh.n .ddltlonal s.rvlcas .r. d..lred, and compl.t. It.ma 3 one! 4. Put 'f!lIir add....~~..RE"TURN TO:' Sp.co on tho r.v.r.. ald., Failure to do thl. will pr.v.nt thl. el"lI""" belnO ........... to you. ,. I ,. will revl . 0 h. nlm o!tM or.en d.llv.r ~For. . . 0 ow ng aerv ces are Bva 8 8. Qnsu t postmaster_ .. for addltlonll ..rvlco") requI..ed. ... ,. W to _ del verod. d.... Ind odd,....... addr.... 2. 0 R.strlcted O.lIv.ry (Ectra _) (Ectra c/lar8e) 3. AftIcle Addf88lecl to: 4. Artlele Number ""CP- ~~&l. ~ 1 ~ lA\.0)( i1 0' s.rvlc.: 7-'!l"\\ - ~ ..~."....... ~ Rog'atored 0 Insured e.v. e> . . t..c ~ c.rtlfled 0 COD M 0 Retum R8Celp.t -t \.\. ~ lit ~ ExPrs.S.n for M.rahsn_l.. ~ O. ~ ~ 1', ~"2. 'IS 0 , Alw.y. obt.ln "gnlturs of .ddraooo. or agent and DATE DELIVEREO. Add,." 8. Addr....... Add,... (ONLY If requested ond fu poid) , ' , ! ,..p'.,j ~ i'lI.V~ ,.' .".', DoMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT P8 _ 3811. Mer. 1988 . u.s.G.P.O. 1888-212-885 .,,-"-"'- " _..,,,....---~.-.-.- - p 017 816 712 r 4;$) ~ I ~ 1 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE CllVHli\GE PAOI,IIOED NOI~IONAlMAll (See Re~erse) postage certitied Fee Special Delivery Fee Restncted Delivery fee Return Receipt snowing Q to whom and Date Delivered t showing to whOm, re Delivery '" .. 0> J~ ~ [j ,..----------- ~ l . ~ J ;~ Jj ~ ~ P 017 816 713 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDEO NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered Return Receipt Date. and ~