Resolution 268-1988 .- / Jeff Fisher, Director Extension Services RESOLUTION NO. 268 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RATIYFING THE EMERGENCY EXECUTION BY THE MAYOR OF AN AMENDMENT TO PROJECT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND MONROE COUNTY CONCERNING BIG PINE MODULAR REEF. WHEREAS, due to bad weather the Big Pine Modular Reef project could not be completed as scheduled, and WHEREAS, an emergency a~endment to the project agreement to extend said agreement was executed by the Mayor of the Board in order for said amendment to be returned to the Department of Natural Resources before the June 25, 1988 deadline, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby desires to ratify the emergency execution by the Mayor of the Amendment to Project Agreement between the Florida Department of Natural Resources and Monroe County in order to extend the completion date allocated for the Big Pine Modular Reef project, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby ratifies the emergency execution by the Mayor of the Amendment to Proj ect Agreement between the Florida Department of Natural Resources and Monroe County, a copy of same attached hereto, in order to extend the completion date allocated for the Big Pine Modular Reef project. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 5th day of July, A.D. 1988. (SEAL) Attest: DANNX L. KOLHAGE, ~lerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:&~~'_~ ay al.rman &.,gIJ~,O~ IlP?;1l0lM l) AS 70 FOr?M AN. L AL SUFFICII'NCY. (i (J~' ,'l . ,'>" '-.. ~ ' "/\ > I BY ."" '--. I Attorney's Office r~~tract #C-4772 ~ndment 1 AMENDMENT TO PROJECT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORI DA DEPARTMENT OF tJATURAL RESOURCES AND MONROE COUNTY THIS AGREEMENT, dated this day of A. D. , 198 , by and between the Florida Department of Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and Monroe County hereinafter referred to as the Local Government, serves to amend certain portions of the Agreement between the Department and the Local Government, such Agreement dated October 13, 1987 and pertaining to the Monroe County artificial reef project. The Department and the Local Government hereby agree to the following changes: Extension of the expiration date to July 31, 1988 because foul weather has delayed completion of the project. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. This amendment must be attached to the original ,Agreement and shall become effective upon execution by all parties and approval by the Department's Legal Counsel. &:~ 17. By: J & Contra or (S' ture') By: Executive Director or Designee Department of Natural Resources 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 rf? o. B OX ;).5 ~ r;;- Address Ci~~~t0l~rt cfL 33ov. ~.J~~or Approved as to form and legality: A;/;,/~14--- ~ Department of Natufal Resources Attorney " ,+.::Jt Virginia Vail Department of Natural Resources ~~~;n:t~~e~erVices .~~- EXTENSION OF BIG PINE MODULAR REEF CONTRACT ~~~r: k~~'~OA~E (305) 294.4641 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 23, 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Jerry Hernandez, District 1 MA YOR Gene Lytton, District 2 Wm. Billy Freeman, District 3 Mayor Pro tem Mike Puto, District 4 John Stormont, District 5 Enclosed are the two original contract extensions. Mayor Lytton signed these due to the emergency nature of the problem. cc: D. Kolhage, Clerk of Court ~. Proby, County Attorney G. Lytton, Mayor, County Commissioner T. Brown, County Administrator