Resolution 273-1988 , , Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 273 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE PURCHASING POLICIES FOR THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners directed the County Administrator to formulate a comprehensive set of policies for the purchase of goods and services; and WHEREAS, on April 19, 1988, the Board of County Commissioners adopted a set of Purchasing Policies for Monroe County Board Departments and all dependent districts; and WHEREAS, the County Administrator has found it necessary to make minor adjustments in the procedures used in purchasing in order to achieve maximum efficiency; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby adopts the amendments to the Purchasing Policies, a copy of same attached hereto, as recommended by the County Administrator and providing an effective date of July 5, 1988. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 5th day of July, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: g~/_j; It: RMAN (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, ClerK ..{;),..L ~ ~> ~,t. ilP/~'n ll': S 7 r:ORrY! ilf11f:."",/7 ..,11' 1!,JC:r. 'r/'c"" " __ ___ _'... ...<" ,'4, ",1".-..,. \, J.' ~ ,1 l"- .,,4 tr:"..I"r:,,,....p ():A.:..il'~,';'~ , ..)' COON1T 01' IOGOE OFI'ICE OF FISCAL IfANAGEHENT PURCHASING IV. DUrDS AND OBLIGATIONS(continued) 13. Shall assure written. notice to each suppli~r explaining the purchasing format. Vendors deviating from the purchasing procedure should be notified immediately that corrective action must be taken to comply. 14. Shall assure every effort will be made ~to effect prompt payment of claims and take advantage of discounts offered by vendors. IS. Shall develop an outside contracts filing system in conjunction with the' appropriate departments and Risk Management, whereby all contracts are reviewed on a timely basis for renewal, renegotiation, or competitive bidding. The RequestfDa Deparblent: 1. Is responsible for compliance with the purchasing procedures adopted. 2. Shall use the forms provided by the purchasing agent. 3. Shall provide adequate description. of items needed so the purchasing agent may assist in the preparation of specifications to procure the desired items and/or service. Descriptio~s shall include: (See Request to Purchase Form, Page 30) a. Description of item requested b. Quantity required c. Budget and line item numbers d. Recommended vendor (if any) e. Date f. Signature of requisitioner g. Department 4. Must justify the need for a special type of itemj the purchasing agent must evaluate the request for special supplies or services which only one vendor may supply. s. Must plan the purchase of goods and/or services by making written "Request to Purchase" to the Purchasing Office. (See Forms, Page 30.) 6. In the event of a B.O.C.C. declared emergency, the full cooperation of all departments is required to ensure that purchases made during said emergency are fully documented. Each department HOST secure original inVOicing on all purchases made during the emergency period. All original invoicing MUST be Signed by the required purchasing level authority, then forwarded to the Office of Fiscal Management _ Purchasing as soon as is ,possible. .,', ..,:,;.,--- ...............- 'I",. ~~:~.,_. . "~:i:~1tr~~~...~:~'... !~, .~:~:~~~-w'..~.....~...:-,. ;;.. -.,~"'~.;.'.'tl~.~;"".~.~ ."' Page 7 C(Qft r OF 1bm0l OFFICE OF FISCAL tWfAGEHENT PURCHASING V. I'URCBASIt ~S- Phase I I .. * * * IT IS TIll!: RlSPONSIBLILITf OF KAClI RlQUES'J."DC DlPAImIINr TO DOlI VJUUlmK TIll!: FUNDS ARE AVAILABlE WITRIN TIll!: PARTIcu.r.&R FUNDI BODGBT/LINI I'1'EH NUHBERs." -(., There are four (4) levels of purchasing authority in Monroe County: A. (1) Not exceeding $1,000 B. (2) Over $1,000 and not exceeding $10,000 C. (3) Over $10,000 and not exceeding $25,000 (Minimum of two (2) written proposals) D. (4) Over '$25,000 (Competitive Bidding Required) PHASE I CYCLE - With Computer Program to issue Purchase Order. PHASE II CYCLE - Will include computer program whereby Purchase Orders will be program printed from Departments. "Request to Purchase" electronically transmitted. PHASE III CYCLE - Central Stores ~:.~~-f~j .j: .'. . " :........ . .~.." .'/~ . .':" :.'_f..,' ,:,... ' _ ...y., ,:,' "'~~~~.~~"l+Jo..:t. ".''; .~ .;.;~ .....:.~.;. ~ r'~. ,':"";:--:::;~,.1I~.; Page 8 j .,_~,,,,~~c~.'"'~.,.W COUNTY OP lIONR.o~ FPlCE OP.-......~L:. . PURCHASING LEVEL nAn_ Total not exceeding $1,000.00 - All Items _ Department Head/Dlrector Authority 1. Call Purchasing Office and give the following information: Vendor Number b. Vendor Name Fund/Budget/Line Item Number d. Total Amount of Order ~, e. Contract/Proposal Number (If Applicable). f. Requesting Department Authority. g. Quantity, unit size, catalog or part number, description, unIt cost, and total cost of items. h. Total of all Items 1. Remarks - this is for further breakdowns in Fund/Budget-/Line Item numbers and any special "ship to" or "bill to" information. a. Il ..' '; c. 2. Receive Purchase Order number, order goods and/or services. ~7\Jt~j 3. Distribution of Purchase Order copies by the Purchasing Office is as follows: a. lvJ11-~-.IS (original) to Finance Department for - encumbrance budgeted monies, copy of white, . ~f necessary, to vendor. of :y~~;t: b. CANARY (copy #1) is retained in Purchasing Office. c. PINK (copy #2 - AUDIT) and GOLD (copy #3) are forwarded dally to .requesting department. PINK and GOLD copies are to be put into a departmental "suspense flle" - - Purchase Orders Outstandinl!. 4. ReceIve goods/serVices, review receiving proof (ie., delivery ticket, freight bill, packing slip, etc.), dated and siped by receiver, keep delivery proof with PINK (AUDIT) copy of purchase order, and retain in 'your "suspense flle". Keep PINK and GOLD copies together untll step #5 is completed. 5. Receive INVOICE for goods/serVices, review for price chan~s (see 'page 21, #k) tenter Jnvolce nUmM'I'(s) on PINK (AUDIT) cop~-<it no- invoice #, enter date of invoice and a brief descrl~n._oC .gCiiaiz:-- - services.) . Have PINK (AUDIT) copy AND INVOICE SIGNED AND DATED BY THE PURCHASING AUTHORITY. Pull PINK copy off GOLD copy, attach signed invoice (and any other necessary information) and forward to Finance. Retain the GOLD copy in your files. 6. If there Is a partial invoicing/del1very, make a xerox copy of PINK(with GOLD copy still attached) and in the remarks section, write in large letters .PARTIAL INVOICING Be DELIVERY", and follow #5 above using the xerox copy of PINK purchase order to send to Finance. Note on your PINK/GOLD copies that a partial invoicing/del1very (show $ amount) was made and date when sent to Finance. 1 ~i;ti Page 9 . t . '-.-"--" .... ,-. ~.~r1~~'~.~~~:=~4-..~; AS'" - . . ..- -'. ".....~.;~..:.,'~. ':', .' ~...<....::~~ . ' -- --. ""'-<' ..':dC~';~~~"~"'~v"",.",~'l'i"" ."...' ..-'....;...,...~~..~- '. _. - "'..... " COUNTY OF ManOE . OFFICE OF FISCAL MANAGEMENT PURCHASING V. PURCHASE PROCEDUREs (continued) LEVEL wBn - Total over $1,000.09 but not exceeding $10,000.00 All items- County Adb1J.i1istrator Authority or his designees (Designees - 5 A. a.A. 'so and Purchasing Agent) 1. Fill out a "Request to Purchase" Form and forward to Purchasing Office for approval. (Prior approval, see Step 2.) 2. Call Purchasing Office if prior written authority has been secured and give the following information: a. Vendor number. b. Vendor name. c. Fund/Budget/Line Item Number d. Total Amount of Order e. Contract/Proposal Number (If Applicable). f. Requesting Department Authority. g. Quantity, unit size, catalog or part number, description, unit cost, and total cost of items. h. Total of all items 1. Remarks - this .is for further breakdowns in Fund/Budget- /Line Item numbers and any special "ship to" or "bill to" information. 3. ReceIve Purchase Order number and order goods and/or services. 4. Distribution' of Purchase Order copies by the PurchasIng OffIce Is as follows: a. WlUTE (original) to FInance Department for encumbrance of budgeted monies, copy of white, if necessary, to vendor. b. CANARY (copy #1) Is retaIned in Purchasing OffIce. C. PINK (copy #2 AUDIT) and GOLD (copy #3) are forwarded dally to requesting department. PINK and GOLD copies are to be put into a departmental "suspense flle" --Purchase Orders Outstandinlr. 5. ReceIve goods/services, revIew receIving proof (ie., delivery ticket, freight bill, packing sUp, etc.), dated and simed by receiver, keep delivery proof with PINK (AUDIT) copy of purchase order, and retain In your "suspense flle". Keep PINK and GOLD copies together untll step #6 is completed. 6. Receive INVOICE for goods/services, review fOf' price changes (see page 21, #k), enter invoIce number(s) on PINK (AUDIT) copy (If no invoice #, enter date of Invoice and R brief descrIption of goods/ servIces). Have PINK (AUDIT) copy AND INVOICE SIGNED AND DATED BY TIlE PURCHASING AUTHORITY. Pull PINK copy off GOLD copy, attach Signed invoice (and any other necessary Information) and forward to FInance. Retain the GOLD copy In your files. " ".J Page 10 ;~";>:~'-:~'~-<V~:~"'- -'~-"~~l:~ ..... .." , -, , . ~~~'!~t~w~;"__~~f""""."f.:l' ..:..~;..:~ - ......-.-.'..., COUNTY OP IIONRoE OPPlCE OP FISCAL MANAGEMENT PURCHASING v. PURCHASE PROCEDURES (continued) 7. If there is a parti8I invoicing/delivery, make a xerox copy of PINX(with GOLD copy still attached) and in the refparks section, write in large letters .PARTIAL INVOIOING Ie DELIVERY., and follow #6 above using the xerox copy of PINK purchase order to send to Finance. Note on, your PINK/GOLD copies that a partlal invoicing/delivery (show $ amount) was made and date when sent to Finance. ~, LEVEL .C. - Total over $10,000.00 but not exceeding $25,000.00 All items - Board of County Commissioners Authority. 1. Purchasing Agent and department head formulate specifications and solicit a minJmum of two (2) written proposals from vendors (See Request for Proposals Form, Page 29). 2. Department head, in conjunction with the O.F.M./Purchasing Office, makes recommendations to County Administrator and upon approval places item on the agenda for Board of County Commissioners. 3. After board approval, a purchase order is issued 1:0 the requesting department and distribution of copies ,Is as follows: b. CANARY. (copy #1) is retained in Purchasing Office. c. PINK (copy #2 AUDIT) and GOLD (copy #3) are forwarded dally to requesting department. PINK and GOLD copies are to be put into a departmental "suspense flle" --Purchase Orders OutstandinJi[. 4. Requesting department orders goods or services. 5. Receive goods/services, review receiving proof (ie., delivery ticket, freight bill, packing slip, etc.), dated and slped by receiver, keep delivery proof with PINK (AUDIT) copy of purchase order, and retain in your "suspense flle". Keep PINK and GOLD copies together untll step #6 Is completed. 6. Receive INVOICE for goods/services, review for price changes (see page 21, #k), enter invoice number(s) on PINF (AUDIT) copy (if no Invoice #, enter date of invoice and a brIef description of goods/ servIces). Have PINK (AUDIT) copy AND INVOICE SIGNED AND DATED BY TIm PURCHASING AUTHORITY. Pull PINK copy off GOLD copy, attach signed invoice (and any other necessary information) and forward to Finance. RetaIn the GOLD copy in your fUes. 7. If there is a partial inVOiCing/delivery, make a xerox copy of PINK(with GOLD copy still attached) and in the remarks section, write in large , letters .PARTIAL INVOICING Ie DELIVERY", and follow #6 above using r,,'" the xerox copy of PINK purchase order to send to Finance. Note on 'I you~ PINK/GOLD copies that a partial invoIcing/delivery (show $ amount), ,', .k:: I: was made and date when sent to Finance. .'.~t-":";'X';~" ,; ,< , ' ,_./f~. 'I -7"_... -Ai..~",'.',.""", ,,~ I .......,:,........- ... .._~.. COUNTY OF MONRoOE OFFICE OF FISCAL MANAGEMENT PURCHASING V. PURCHASE PROCED~ (continued) LEVEL .D. - Purchases over $2~, 000.00 - All items Competitive Bid, Boafd of County Commissioners Authority. 1. Requesting department, in association with Office of Management and Purchasing Agent, formulate specifications Section VIII - Writing Specifications) and receive approval to bid. ~ Fiscal (see 2. Specifications forwarded to County Attorney's tising to bid. A suggested mailing list shall be furnished to the County Attorney's Office. Office for of potential adver- bidders Exception: Where determined "Sole Source" vendor will not require bids but must have written quote per specifications for Board of County Commissioners approval. 3. After board approval, an authorized purchase order is issued to the requesting department and distribution of copies is as follows: a. WHITE (original) to Finance Department for encumbrance of budgeted monies, copy of white, if necessary, to vendor. b. CANARY (copy #1) is retained in Purchasing Ottice. c. PINK (copy #2 - AUDIT) and GOLD (copy #3) are forwarded dally to requesting department. PINK and GOLD copIes are to be put into a departmental "suspense tlle" --Purchase Orders OutstancUn.r. 4. Requesting department orders goods and/or services. 5. Receive gOods/services, review receiving proot (ie., delivery ticket, freight bill, packing slip, etc.), dated and slmed by receiver, keep delivery proof with PINK (AUDIT) copy ot purchase order, and retain in your "suspense flle". Keep PINK and GOLD copies together untll step #6 is completed. 6. Receive INVOICE tor goods/services, review for price changes (see page 21, #k), enter invoice number(s) on PINK (AUDIT) copy (it no Invoice #, enter date of invoice and a brief description of goods/ services). Have PINK (AUDIT) copy AND INVOICE SIGNED AND DATED BY TIm PURCHASING AUTHORITY. Pull PINK copy otf GOLD copy, attach signed invoice (and any other necessary intormatlon) and forward to Finance. Retain the GOLD copy in your flles. 7. If there is a partial invoicing/delivery, make a xerox copy ot PINK(wlth GOLD copy still attached)- and in the remarks section, write in large letters .PARTIAL INVOICING Ie DELIVERY., and follow #6 above using the xerox copy of PINK purchase order to send to Finance. Note on your PINK/GOLD copies that a partial invoicing/dellvery (show $ amount) ,,:>'~ was made and date when sent to Finance. , c....,,,. .,...,..:.'i~,. <~,~~ ~. .a.40:';:' .. " ~ . ~.-"...~'~)<~'t..;\. _.J.~.'~ .:._~.::~,... ~. . '. ",' -'-, . "':' ~ ~~;.!'OO". . Page 12../, 7J1":.J~"i..:""". ,.:-;>~'_ :'L.i.~".~...:~ COUNTr 01' Ib1ROI OFFICE OF FISCAL KANAGEHENT PtJRCllASrm IX. EXCEPTIONS AND EXCWSIONS TO PORCllASING PROCEIJURES - Phase I There are certain expenditu~es for which the processing of a purchase order is unnecessary. The ''following should be made without purchase orders, but audit approval must be attached to invoices before being sent to the Purchasing Depar~ment, then to Finance for payment: ....: 1. Contracts for personal services (Fla. Statute Chapter 287)- any encumbering should be on the basis of contracts and an approved "blanket" purchase order is issued for auditing purposes. Aggregate cost for a current budget year will be noted for information only. 2. Employee expenses such as conference expenses, mileage and other reimbursable expenses in performance of day-to-day duties. ( See Travel Voucher Form, Page 34.) 3. Utility bills. 4. Service contracts for a fixed monthly or annual amount will be encumbered on the basis of the contract and approved blanket purchase order issued for auditing purposes. S. Interdepartmental charges - for instance J billings for specific office repairs, fuels from bulk storage, County vehic~e maintenance or repairs, etc. 6. Contracts for a unit price with a specified time frame shall be encumbered by a blanket purchase order amount, based on a quantity or dollar value estimated by the requesting department, with the Purchasing Agent, County Administrator and/or Board of County Commissioners t approval. (See Levels of Purchasing Authority, Page ~ - 12.) 7. Partial payments of encumbered funds under a "blanket" Purchase Order will require that the invoiced department attach a copy of the blanket Purchase Order marked PARTIAL PAYMENT to the invoice before forwarding to the Finance Department. 8. In the event of a dedared emergency (B. O. C.C statement of need to meet conditions) Purchasing Procedures are waived during the period of said emergency 9. State and Federal Grant monies are not subject to normal purchasing procedures. They are usually subject to conditions specified in the award of these monies. ...; 10. Vendors holding State or Federal contracts are exempt from the competitive bidding procedures. T' '-4 '._ ..Ji.O... '''", ,'..;-." <.". ,,~.... .,.:,'t.~);o,.i';.~.' -".. ~,,. ~f:a.\~.'.... ':';.7. '..' Page 19,..., . .... .,~ ._".,.,-..,~~~~~i~n._~~'~:~ Q.>f"r.'i ',':' ", ".. , . MONRU~ (;lJtJNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMJ'-1'-110NERS " PURCHASE ORDER/A"tJ'DJ:T VENDOR NO.: UftInftn. W&;;nUUft. . INVOICE NO.: DEPARTMENT PURCHASING AUTHORITY by: PURCHASE ORDER NO.: DATE: - AJND-BUDGET-LINE ITEM NO: TOTAL NIlUNT: $ CONTRACT/PROPOSAL NO: REQUESTING DEPARlMENT AUTHORITY by: QUANTITY UNIT CATALOG DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL PART NUMBER COST : " I . -., , - . . .. .'....- TOTAL $ REMARKS:Further breakdown in Fund/Budget/line Item numbers and/or shipping/billing/terms. SALES TAX EXEMPT NO.: 03-00021-03-54 White - r'nance/Vendor Canary - PurchasIng ore. "nk - r'nanee,(Aud't): Gold - RequestIng Dept. , . " '!:. APPROVED: ." Purchasing Agent ';M_~rr. ce', or _.F hce' Mngt., Purchu' ng . ~ri,~Ubllc.,!!~VI,,-~: B I.dg., Wing II, 'R. 2~~ ':"-~!~i.!.,.~" ...{1:-".:;i;..~3!~~..." . ,,' '~~;./. Lt~,C!~J.,,~~S~~L.!'.Ch~3~. o~.. 2332.1. ' ..<:~E.~'i .,',~~~ ~.; . ~'~~~~ :.;i:i ....- ~,. ~ . c' . ,,'" . ' .;.( .~;:~t:;,]j:",,~,'i.: '.' 0" . '.,., "..,.. '. ",.. ,..:,":-:,<~~;;.<,iJ!. 'r:';, ~.~ ' ..~...~-"'~~.," .,- .~..., ,,""""-'""'-.'''''.....,...v...''-'........,_''"'..............., " __""*"'1\.....4.'~~~.loII:'\- ........,.."..""........".........._:;0;.1....._,'.... ,~..,,~...__~............~.....~_'. ~......-' ...~......?~;! r