Resolution 305-1988 , - ENGINEERING Department Name RESOLUTION NO. 305 -198 8 RESOLUTION CONCERNING RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS '~EREAS, it is necessary to increase items under the Capital Projects Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 19 87 88 to account for unanticipated funds received from Actual Fund Balance Forward Amounts as of 10/01/87 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF , now, therefore, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Capi ta 1 Projects Fund of the Monroe County Budget for the year 19~- ~ be, and the same is hereby increased by the sum of $ (51,142.00) as follows: (1) There is hereby created under "Revenue" in the Capital Projects the year 19 87 Fund of the Monroe County Budget for 88 , item(s) to be known as: Item #~- 000000 - 381106 0 Transfer from General Fund Tax Collector Excess Fees: which said item shall contain the sum of $ 410,411.00 Item #~- 000000 - 389004 0 Fund Balance Forward, Higgs Beach Donations: which said item shall contain the sum of $ 3,453.00 Item #~- 000000 - 389006 - 05115 Fund Balance Forward, Federal, Revenue Sharing: which said item shall contain the sum of $ 1,917.00 - Fund Balance Forward, 1981 Bond, Proceeds: which said item shall contain the sum of $ 2,251.00 Item #-3.QL - 000000 - 1Rqnn? o Item #~- 000000 - ~Rqnn? which said item shall contain the sum of $ (469,174.00) o Fund Balance Forward Other Item 11_ w~ich said item shall contain the sum of $ Total Revenues: (51,142.00) (2) (or decrease) The following increase is hereby authorized under "Expenditures" in the Capital Projects Fund of Item I~- ~)(104 -572622 ccount No.) the Monroe County Budget for the year 19-RL- _ ~: A&E-04- Gun Mounts, 701.08 $25,101.00 Account Name Amount A&E-04-701.05 Envir. Permit/Rep.Pier$(11,159.00) Account Name Amount o Hi ggs Beach I Item # -1Q.L - 092104 - 572621 (Account No.) o Hi~gs Beach lItem # 301 - 092104 - 572643 0 (Account No.) Item #~ - 092104 _ 572648 0 (Account No.) White Street Pier Item #~ - 092105 - 572621 0 (Account No. ) Item #~ - 092105 - 572622 0 (Account No. ) Harry Harris Park Item # 301 - 092106 572622 0 - (Account No. )--'-~.. Item # 301 - 092106 572627 :.. 0 - (Account No. ) ttem # 301 - 092106 - 572990 0 - (Account No. ) Criminal Justice Bl dg. Key Westtem # 301- 383002 - 523620 - 0 - (Account No. ) Key West Jail 3rd Floor Item # 301- 380012 - 523620 - 0 - (Account No. ) Item # 2Q.!.. - 38.0012 - 523622 - 0 (Account No. ) Item #~ - 38001.2 - 523990 0 (Account No.1 Library Item # .1QL - 390001 "'- 571620 0 (Account No.) Big Pine Key .; Item #2QL - 402100 - 573620 - 0 (Account No. ) Courthouse & Annex Renovation Item #2QL - 410100 - 519622 - 0 (Account No. ) Item # .l.QL. - 410100 - 519620 - 0 (Account No. ) Item # .l.QL. - 410200 - 513621 0 (Account No.) Item #.1QL - 410200 - 519620 0 (Account No.) Item # -1QL - 410000 - 519990 0 (Account No.) Clerk1s Fireproof Storage Item # 2Q.L- 410101 - 519623 0 (Account No.) Item # .2QL- 410101 - 519990 0 Sheriff,Substation (Account No.) Cudjoe Key Item #~- 410002 523622 0 (Account No. ) Item #.2QL- 410002 - 523623 0 (Account No. ) Item # 2Q.L- 410002 - 523620 - 0 (Account No. ) Item 1..l.Q.L - 410002 - 52~630 0 (Account NO'". ) Donations Pier Restoration, Account Name Local Funds $ 3,453.00 Amount $1.1n7 .400.00 ount p}rr Rp~tor~tion ccount ame A&E-04.701.14 Envir. Permit, Account Name A&E-04-701.06 Rehab.Design Account Name A&#-04-701.07 Grant Application & $(254;00) '~"AccounERaine'P'l a ris Amoun-i- Response to Agency Comments ,A&E-04-701.1~ 19,280.00 Account Name Amount $ 1 ,404.00 Amount $ (5,000.00) Amount Project Reserves $ (15,000. 00 ) Account Name Amount Construction $ (2,000. 00 ) Account Name Amount Construction $ 132,300.00 Account Name Amount A&E,-04-017.00 $ 15,022.00 Account Name Amount Project Reserves $ 5,700.00 Account Name Amount ~O~dL~F88e~~~1 $ 2,251.00 Account Name Amount Animal Shelter, FRS $ 1,917.00 Account Name Amount Clerk,Booking Rm., Judges Chambers &Ct. Rooms $ 31,005.00 Account Name Amount Construction $ 301,783.00 Account Name Amount Conversion & Space, Supv. of Elections:A&E,04-017.33$ 2,000.00 Account Name Amount Construction Account Name $ 375,517.00 Amount Project Reserve Account Name $(727,000.00 ) Amount A&E Study,04-017.32 Account Name $ 3,700.00 Amount Project Reserve Account Name $(3,700.00) Amount A&E,-04-017.20 Account Name $ 18,850.00 Amount Geotechnical Service Account Name $ 1,525.00 Amount Construction Account Name $223,000.00 Amount Landscaping Account Name $ 30,000 Amount Item #~ - 410002 _ 523990 0 Project Reserve $ (197,525.00) (Account No.) Account Name Amount Plantation Key Jerry Ellis Buildin~ $ (20,000.00) Landscaping Item # 301- 700100 _ 513630 0 (Account No.) Account Name Amount Plantation Key 2nd Floor Item #~ - 700102 - 513623 - 0 A&E,04-016.81/88 $ 150.87 (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Plantation Key Treatment Item # 301- 700103 - 513620 - 0 Construction $ 186,810.00 Plant - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount - Item # 301- 700103 - 513622 - 0 A&E,04-016.91/92 $ 1, 517 . 00 - (Account No. ) -ACcouri't"""Name~" . AiilouilF~ Item # .l.QL. - 700103 - 513990 :.. 0 Project Reserve $(177 , 680.00) (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Southard/Whitehead St. Property Item # 301- 700200 - 513720 - 0 Interest Payment $ 487.51 - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # 301- 700200 - 513990 - 0 Project Reserve $ (493,009.00) - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Capital Project Fund Reserve Item #~ - 920000 - 584994 - 0 Reserve for Contigency $ 1,011.62 (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # "'- $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount .; Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item # $ - (Account No. ) Account Name Amount Item I ~'P $ - (Account Ner. ) Account Name Amount BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds heretofore set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of Julv , A.D. 198~_ : ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By:g~,. t- RMAN (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -LJ-L ,f~.~ APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROV~~ ~~;~;~RM A1t~NCV. BY "- Attorney's Office