Resolution 311-1988
(Department Name)
RESOLUTION NO. 311 -1988
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis-
sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set
up in the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year 87/88
apd to create new items under said budget, now, therefore,
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously
set up in the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year
in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from
the following accounts:
(Name of Fund)
Transfer from Board of County Commi~~innpr~
Item # 001- 010000-511451 - 0
The sum-oI $ 2,341.00
Into County Jail
Item I 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit,
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Account Name)
Transfer from County Attorney
Item I 001 - 030000 - 514451 - 0
The sum-oI $ 1,803.00
Into County Jail
Item #..Q.Q.L- 290500 - 523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
Transfer from County Admin.
Item I 001 - 080000 - 512451 - 0
The suiii()! $ 1,026.00
Into County Jail
Item I 001 - 290500 - 52331~
Me IntYre Sui t
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Account Name)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Ac ct. No.)
Transfer from Data Processinq , (Dept. Name)
Item I 001 - 080002 - 513451 - 0 , (Acct. No. )
The sulliO"f $ 198.00
Into County Jail , (Dept. Name)
Item 1...Q.Ql... - 290500- 523310 - 0 , , (Acct. No. )
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Fiscal Manaqement , (Dept. Name)
Item I 001 - 080003 - 513451 - 0 , (Acct. No. )
The suIDOf $ 351. 00
Into County Jail , (Dept. Name)
Item #..9.Ql..- 290500 - 523310 - 0 , , (Acct. No. )
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Personnel
Item # 001- 080100 - 513451- 0
The sum-oF ~ 635.00
Into County Jail
Item #~- 290500- 523310- 0
Me Intyre Suit
, (Account Name)
Transfer from Garaqe - Key
Item #001 - 090100 - 519451- 0
The sum-or ~ 125.00
Into County Jail
Item I 001- 290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
, (Account Name)
Transfer from Courthouse & Annexes
Item I 001- 090200 -519451 - 0
The sum-or ~ 10,566.05
Into County Jail
Item I 001- 290500 - 523310 - 0 j
Me Intyre Suit
, (Account Name)
Transfer from Other Admin. Buildinqs
Item # 001- 090300 - 519451- 0
The sum-or ~ 3,962.00
Into County Jail
Item I~ - 290500 - 523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Garaqe - Middle Keys
Item 1001 - 090400 - 519451 - 0
The suiiiOl" ~ 408.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001- 290500 - 523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Garaqe - Upper Keys
Item I 001 - 090500 - 519451 - 0
The sum of ~ 578.00
Into County Jail
Item 1...Q.Ql.. - 290500 - 523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Animal Shelter - Key West
Item I 001 - 091000 - 562451 - 0
The suIDro ~ 544.00
Into County Jail
Item #...Q.Ql- 290500 - 523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Animal Shelter - Mara~hnn
Item #.JJJll..- 091100 - 56245] - 0 ,
The suiil()f ~ 1,247.00 ,
Into County Jail
Item I 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
(Account Name)
Transfer from Animal Shelter
Item # 001 - 091200 - 562451 - 0
The suIDOf ~ 975. 00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
- Upper Keys
(Account Name)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Ace t . No.)
(Dept. Name)
, (Ac ct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Ac ct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
(Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
(Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Ace t. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
(Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
Transfer from Parks & Beaches
Item # 001- 092000 - 572451 - 0
The suiilOf ~ 561. 00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 -290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
(Account Name)
Transfer from East Martello Art Gallery
Item :I 001 - 092300 - 564451 - 0
The sumc>1' $ 777.00
Into 'County Jail
Item # JUU..- 290500 - 523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from West Martello
I t em I 0 0 1 - 0 9 2 4 0 0 - 5 6 4 4 51 - 0
The suDlOI $ 748.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0'
Me Intyre Suit
Transfer from Liqhthouse Museum
Item # 001 - 092500 - 564451 - 0
The suDlOI $ 198.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
, (Account Name)
, (Account Name)
Transfer from Veterans
Item # 001-120000 - 553451 - 0
The sum-or $ 317.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 - 290500 -523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Disaster Preparedness
Item I 001-140100 -525451 - 0
The sum of S 567.00
Into County Jail
Item #001 -290500 -523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from EMS Coordinator
Item # 001-141000 -525451 - 0
The suDlOI $ 1,451.00
Into County Jail
Item #~- 290500-523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from EMS Communications
Item # 001-150000 - 526451 - 0
The sum-oI $839.00
Into County Jail
Item 1001 -290500 -523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
(Account Name)
Transfer from Welfare Administration
Item I 001 - 180100 -562451 - 0
The sum-of S 884.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
(Account Name)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Ace t . No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
(Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
(Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
(Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
(Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
J (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
Transfer from County Home
Item I 001 - 180300 - 564451 - 0
The suIDOr ~ 459.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
Transfer from Transportation
Item I 001 - 180700 - 564451 - 0
The suIDOr ,~ 7,953.00
Into CountyJail-
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
, (Account Name)
, (Account Name)
Transfer from Extension Service
I t em I 0 0 1 - 230 0 0 0 - 5 3 7 4 51 - 0
The suUi""OI' ~ 181. 00
Into County Jail
Item I.QQL - 290500- 523310- 01 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Marathon Airport
Item # 001 - 240000 - 542451 - 0
The suUi""OI' ~ 408.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 - 290500- 523310 - 0
Me Intyre Suit
, (Account Name)
Transfer from Clerk to the Board
Item # 001 - 020100- 513451 - 0
The sum-o! ~ 1,168.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0 ,
Mc Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Clerk Circuit Court
Item I 001-020200 -513451 - 0
The sum of ~ 1,831.00
Into County Jail
Item #~-290500 -523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Clerk - Micrifilm
Item 1001 -020300 - 513451- 0
The suUi""OI' ~ 317.00
Into County Jail
Item #001 -290500 -523310 - 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Clerk County Court
Item I 001- 020400-513451 - 0
The sum-oI ~ 1.060.00
Into County Jail
Item #~- 290500- 523310- 0 ,
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Clerk- Data
Item I 001-020500 - 513451-
The sum-or ~ 1.831.00
Into County Jail
Item # 001- 290500- 523310- 0
Me Intyre Suit
(Account Name)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Ac ct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acc t . No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
, (Dept. Name)
, (Acct. No.)
Transfer from Property Appraiser , (Dept. Name)
Item # 001 - 040000 - 513451 - 0 , (Acct. No. )
The suiii"'C)'f ~ 3,991. 00
Into County Jail , (Dept. Name)
Item #~ - 290500 - 523310 - 0 , , (Acct. No. )
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Tax Collector , (Dept. Name)
Item I 001 - 050000 - 513451 - 0 , (Acct. No. )
The suIDOr S 4,325.00
Into County Jail (Dept. Name)
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - 0 , , (Acct. No. )
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Supervisor of Elections , (Dept. Name)
Item i 001 - 070100 - 519451 - 0 , (Acct. No. )
The suDi"'"OT S 1,060.00
Into County Jail , (Dept. Name)
Item # 001 - 290500 - 523310 - (} , , (Acct. No. )
Me Intyre Suit , (Account Name)
Transfer from Elections , (Dept. Name)
Item # 001 - 070200 - 519451 - 0 , (Acct. No. )
The suDi"'"OT ~ 1, 003 . 00 (Dept. Name)
Into County Jail ,
Item 1001 -290500 -523310 - 0 , , (Acct. No. )
Me Intyre Suit (Account Name)
Transfer from , (Dept. Name)
Item I (Acct. No. )
The sumor S
Into , (Dept. Name)
Item # , (Acct. No. )
- (Account Name)
Transfer from , (Dept. Name)
Item II (Acct. No. )
The sum of S
Into , (Dept. Name)
Item I , (Acct. No. )
- (Account Name)
Transfer from , (Dept. Name)
Item # (Acct. No. )
The s uiii"OI' S
Into , (Dept. Name)
Item # , (Acct. No. )
- (Account Name)
Transfer from , (Dept. Name)
Item # (Acct. No. )
The sumoI' S
Into , (Dept. Name)
Item # , (Acct. No. )
- (Account Name)
Transfer from , (Dept. Name)
Item U (Acct. No. )
The suIDOf S
Into , (Dept. Name)
Item I , (Acct. No. )
- (Account Name)
Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action
to effect the transfer of funds heretofore set forth.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of
Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
on the
day of
, A.D. 198
/7 ?, /7
BY: V.L-~~a.~/ b/
-..12/;, ~.~ B/