Resolution 312-1988 ~-;.........-'- -' TDC District 1 (Department Name) RESOLUTION NO. 312 -19 88 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year 1988 apd to create new items under said budget, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year 1988 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: TDC District 1 Fund 107 (Name of Fund) FUND Transfer from Third Cent Item # ~- 110504 - 559990 - The sum of $ 1000.00 Into Third Cent Item # -1QL - 110504 - 559576 Baseball Leaque , (Dept. Name) , Res. Special EVEV1t~cct. No.) , (Dept. Name) , Li tHe Conch (Acct. No.) (Account Name) Transfer from Third Cent Item # 107 - 110503 - 559990 - The suDi""OI $ 62270.00 Into Third Cent Item # -1Q..L - 110503 - 559342 Pier Enqineerinq Fees , (Dept. Name) ,DisLIBeachR&s.(Acct. No.) , (Dept. Name) , White Street (Acct. No.) , (Account Name) Transfer from Third Cent Item I 107 - 110502 - 559341 The suiii'Ci'I' $ 21236.46 Into Third Cent Item #...lQL.- 110502 - 559342 Tourist Information Center , (Dept. Name) , Tourist InformabiotAcct. No.) , (Dept. Name) , Key West ,(Acct. No.) (Account Name) Transfer from Promotional Item I 107- 110200 - 559485 - The s~ $ 2089.20 Into Promotional Item #...lQL. - 110200 - 559470 - Promotional Advertisinq , (Dept. Name) FI. St. Fair (Acct. No.) , (Dept. Name) , Reserves for (Acct. No.) , (Account Name) Transfer from Events Item # 107 - 100300 - 599414 The suiilOf $ 982.46 Into Events Item #!ll2- -110300 - 559471 Events , , K. W. Art Center, (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) , Reserves for , (Account Name) , (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) TDC District 1 page 2 , (Dept. Name) K. W. World Boat, Rc(a\cC t. No.) Transfer from Events Item # 107 - 110300 - 559431 - The sumof ~ 357.00 In to Events Item '-1.2.2..- 110300 - 559471 - Events , Reserves for (Account Name) , (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) , NPBA World Race, (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) Transfer from Events Item 1107 - 110300 - 559450 - The su.ID'OI ~ 87.84 Into Events Item #-1.2.2..-110300 - 559471 - Events , Reserves for , (Account Name) K.W. Players , (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) Transfer from Events Item # 107 - 110300 - 559492 - The su.ID'OI ~ 3274.01 Into Events Item # --1!21.. - 110300 - 559471 - Events , Reserves for , (Account Name) , (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) , Fantasy Fest "87 (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) Transfer from Events Item I 107 - 110300 - 559493 - The suiii"Ol" ~ 14918.07 Into Events Item 1-1J2l.- 110300 - 559471 - Events , Reserves for , (Account Name) , (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) , (Dept. Name) Friends M.C. Lii>r~Ct. No.) Transfer from Events Item I 107 - 110300 - 559495 - The su.IDO'I' ~ 534.41 Into Events Item 1-1.W 110300 - 559471 - Events , (Dept. Name) , Reserves for (Acct. No.) , (Account Name) , (Dept. Name) Cruise Ship COIllB\. (Acct. No.) Transfer from Promotional Item 1I~-110200 - 559495 - The sum 0.1. ~ 335.00 Into Promotional Item I~- 110200 - 559470 - Promotional Advertisinq , Reservlf. fO, , (Account ame , (Dept. Name) (Acct. No.) Transfer from Events Item #~- 11 0100 - ')')9471 - The sum of ~ 40/.1.35 Into F.vp.nts Item #-1.2.2..- 110300 - 559435 - Transfer from Third i:ent Item I 107 - 110504 - 559990 - The suIDro ~ 1000.00 Into Third Cent Item 1.-lQ! 110504 - 559576 - Baseball Leaque Transfer from Item D The suDiOI' ~ Into Item 1_ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of the Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds heretofore set forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~~ day of August , A.D. 1988 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: g~.? (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~..L~.[).,~. , .. APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DEPARTMENT HEAD 1?'" ". '.'.'.-".' "-"LL' '..'.'..',...-.... .~ . ".',,': -.', .'.'...... ." ,," t...' .: """. ,