Resolution 375-1988 Planning Director RESOLUTION NO. 375-1988 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 4, CUDJOE OCEAN SHORES BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 4, dated July 22, 1988, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of August, A.D., 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By gd~";1v Mayor C a1rman (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk L2L~f& C er RW/jh ~O: 6\1 9Z sn~ 5R APPROVED AS 70 FORr/ AND LEGAL SUFFICIEhC\'. 8Y A~6~~~*~ O~OJ3~ ~O.:J 0311.:1 ~.....:-. ~~ '-4 ~, \ MEMORANDUM DATE : July 22, TO : FROM: RE: Monroe on for Cudjoe Ocean Shores Block 2, Lots 1-34 Donald --------------------- ------------------------------------------ Backqround: In Resolution 087-1987, the entire block was designated IS although it was incorrectly identified as Cutthroat Harbor Estates, a subdivision' to the south and west. On February 5,1987, Thomas Pelham, Secretary of the DCA, informed Mayor Hernandez that Resolution 087-1987 had improperly changed the Land Use District maps. Recommendation: Move the SC/IS boundary from Privateer Drive to cudjoe Drive, including all of Cudjoe Ocean Shores, Block 2 in the IS district. Findinqs of Fact: 1. The designation of the above property as Improved Subdivision district (IS) rather than Suburban Commercial (SC) will be consistent with Section 9.5-213, Purpose of the Improved Subdivision District, and the uses allowed wi thin the district, Section 9.5-242. 2. The determination was made by the Planning Director and based on the following relevant data: On the zoning maps in existence before the Land Use Plan the property was RU-1. . Of the 34 lots in Block 2, there are 13 houses, one ~ouse under construction and 20 vacant lots. The property to the west, south and east of block 2 is developed with single family homes and duplexes. 3. An~lysis of the existing uses surrounding properties indicate, that the characteristics support the determination as IS. on the property and essential neighborhood to designate the area Attachments: 1. Current Land Use District Map 2. Aerial Photo 3. Zoning pre-1986 '" "" ~ , 4. Land Use District Map effective 9/15/86 (Pattison) 5. Strip Map J. \ ~ II --- 7 ,.- 'u_ ~. -- -- - -~ - - -Ir~ ~ I I I 10C I L_____________ ! 1 --------_-1.. I -------... 11 II . . -, tr 11 11 14 11 , . . . 7 . I I 4 1 1 1 I II .. 14 II II 17 U n ... .. .. .. .. 17 .. .. .. 41 41 _1'2 1 II-_~.. - - - - - --- -4:wo.... DRift - - - \;::\,~~. -___ _-..1 ~~~~~ ,. tr . . 14 ... 11 11 1~ ~ (~~ 7'" . 4 1 1 1 i ~~~~ ,.J .." h.r . . II 11 II U 14 . 17 U Ie .. at . I -t. ~-C L ~- - - - - - - - - - - PAt'M1II!IIR-DIt'" - - - - - - - - -- r ?~ t 1 . 4 I 7 . . 10~ 011 11 ... 14 11 . tr . 10 ~ H CANAL I II 10~ 1 ::I 1 I . I . 7 . . 111 11 11 'M 11 . tr . . II I . -==-1 I C _ti=;'l ~~'\\ ~ 1- Fa~ 3 IILACKIIl!ARD LAIMl! 1 . !n ~. ~~\ 4 ~" ~ II .. .. .. at 10 n II ~:i ~J: ~II ....' U .. 11 II 10 4 :I _ft . H ~~ ~ CANAL' I . "II!! 3 i - 4 . .: 1 4 . . 7 10~ 211 . I .1 . . 11 ... 'M 11 . tr . U 7 N Land Use District Maps ~ ~ Monroe County, Florida "4 " t Jaooary 19,1988 Cu{jJe.ct~qh ;Jr.:s ,. Panel or Sheet# 1/3? File # I.5/A I Lt>rs /-8 'I 6k ..{~ ' - - -- I f Appllc ant: 1-.200. Key: (f/UclJoe Mile Marker: ~ '3 - -- --- N I 1-.800' I 'A,4.. Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. -.2?Rb Edition, 19 ~7 Panel or Sh.et# Applicant: .5-hJ1r Key: ~cI)oe :3~ w;o~ D:-eol!M.5k"flo'.5 FII.# !!Ik~ J...0751-1'1 , Mile Marker: .:1..3 ..e . '-. " .- , 1 ~ 1. f ) : ',~." " Il jl I L~ft~-~ j , ' '--1. --f';'11~~-"< '~l [' rl~'l"" -:'-i~, :.'~f ~ uuu .. '. I -,~-,- ~~ l;:' ~; ~.rr -t: L.,~ f1;-r;i J-.IT~, 11' n-rl"~. 'l/~T,~ r/~\ \ ~ t-,-, ~ ~ '-" ~ '-; ITJ _ _ lv, .LL_ _L ~ ' ~~:= =lJ =S ~, ';t^'~' I' ~:,~J l-rr"~+~l~ [1'~ ~\ ~ ~~ =t- ;g' rt!~,I:J l,{: I-Dj~"i~ f:,T~r ;}~ \ !:3 =~ ~~ F 0 I ,. J7 I T I IJJ lZ_~l 1~~1~ ~ ~ 8= ~= f.f.nWT:Tr~ I' . .~~ ~ f-- >-- - -.. '~-T" .) -:,-",v-,..--r; r r ~ 1-- ~ ~,- ~ ~ I I, : ! . JU'Z' ill nll'l Z.O / )~~ ~ - ~ ~,- -~ """I, ...' I. ,,' ~e?f" ~.../ = -+-- ;::t:: -_t:= ~. rrn'-I'~.. 1---n-:-"4~ -.:-----:;.,~ ~ - ~ '-- --- ~. .1.1.,__L,L':_ _ ~.~ ~ ~:t~ i~ [j' . .., 'u ---. --UB~I'\~ ni 1,-.... .1.. > ~ _ j,r f' at ~.l;: . BU~ i <€: \ \ ~ .. I -=-:..IU.::Z.. U_S~ - r---. - : _ ~. , f . ~~ ' ..L' ~ __ __ ,- ....., -r-o; , 24 2s- '2,!ul"I,,' IIJ-;-II~ IlT 1 r I J ,:- l;;l I_;~ : ':---': --~ ." I '7 II ,r . I , . I : 'OU~t:;,,}.. I j ; .. ..- ~ 'oJ ~ I' n ~ Fnl, ~ ....~ ' ! I I, '~"I 1 I I ! ""~I~c",;'T (-L'L-. -- I &i s:l ~ = ~ -;-- .r ,.j , i i ....\ I 1 I i lu[ I ,. I' f'i ~ I 0. f"~ui: ~i. :'.7, ','JTn jf1'\J !.~ __. · L.!j~~ ~~.~Mr:; t::ii~ ":""" . j III,. 111,,1 I ~~ ,. .~ ~ - .. - 6 W I I I' , .; .~1'l ~--;; · ~ · 1..1 I I ..1 I I 1..1 . ......... L.~. ~ " ~, :;~".'..IIUII.I..; I, It-! ,.:;Tf.. .~ CUOJOf..OC!.ANS..QjlES " ,'\..., ..1 , 1,,1. r I ! I.. 'f I b, IJ ~ .~ I-- . ."'-, I ". i. 1.1 I ., L.. . ~r t 11'\ -rnIT2:- - .......... "'".. I ., r.t.' '. 17 / - !11//.Tf7T/TD '.lil/.!...:, ~ t...-n... n 1 " D A'\. }:: __,.. I. T ,. ItWA r J.lAP,80?. . " [STAT(S .. .,.... \ .'\. ;..i /. ~ ,'\.. ... :.~.'.: I. ~ !!t} - to 1R~r rr.- Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-Septembe'r 15,1986 N t~ ~....:..- ~ -; -0 f. t\ -- '-YI "'0- -- I / @"... -. . ; I Panel or Sheet# Appll cant: 5!tt.rr Key: (adjoe ~~ ~()e CKt!JUf S)al't'S Flle# .rlILdT51-3~____ 1'.600' ~ Mile Marker: :2 3 . I , \ I , J~ , ..\ , , / \/ \ ,~ S CUDJOE ~,---- ,\ - -- ...........- f . 101 / /1\E~ " I _ _ .N.A_ _ _,," ~ Land Use District Maps Monroe Cou~y, Florida . Approved by B.O.C.C., Februarv 28,_1986 c ~'~>JO~ aCc,#tIJ>/J~s Panel or Sheet# t, or 1?/ Flle# IJ/k~.' LdTS/-3'1 Applicant: 5I-e,{'f ' . Key: O.lIljlJf> Mile Marker: .g3 2. , ,0'. J' ":~~''''':'.'' t :: ' - . I \: ~'. " . ;.. .''; ~) " ~ ",. . ~ . ~ .... .:- . ~. . . .. .. " ~ ~'- ~'~i~~~~~ ~~~.~ ,-", -""..~~,.. .$;'" .' .~~":~.\-; -: ,..:lol--.." ~...' N 1-.600' I . . , .... @ ~ ... .0.. ..\..- . . ~ ti) hi ...... It- a _l. III z <( b..1 Ul- 00 l." I ..\'1 :""\ ll) \\ I ~ hI o ) CI co \_ ~ L\... ~~ .....) /).\ 1::- "- -~ N ~ N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. :()nd Edition, 19~-- 1" - !::1tui- Panel or Sheet# Applicant: Sl-a.fl Key: t...k(djt'Je ~'l Flle# 4.u:Qbe a. ~Il " SJ, Dre.J IJ/k -1.1...DTS /-g'L , -. I I Mle Marker:~_ Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 077-1987 A RESOLUTION 'APPROVING THE CORRECTION OF SCRIVENER'S ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN THE COUNTY'S LAND' DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 13-101(E) OF THOSE REGULATIONS. WHEREAS. the Board of ~ounty Commissioners of Monroe County adopted a Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations on February 28. 1986. and said plan and regulations became effective on September 15. 1986; and WHEREAS. Section 13-101(E) of the Land Development Regula- tions provides that the Board of County Commissioners may correct typographical and drafting errors in the. Regulations at any regular meeting without posted notice or public hearing provided that notice of such corrections are transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs within thirty days of the adoption of such corrections; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF . MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The land use district map designation of all t~ose parts of the following subdivisions shown as RU-I-M and RU-2 on the Monroe County Zoning Maps immediately prior to September 15. 1986. are hereby designated as ISM and ISD respectively: STOCK ISLAND Maloney's Subdivision. Stock Island - Block 48, lots 2, 3, 4. 5, 18, 19, 20 and 21 RU-2 BIG COPPITT Coppitt -Subdivision - Block 2, Lot 14 - RU-2 . Johnsonville Subdivision - ~lock 14, lots 16 - 19 Block IS, lots 5 & 6 Block 16. lot 4 - RU-2 Similar Sound - Section A, lot's 2 - 4 arid Part Tract A - RU-2 Boca Chica Ocean Shores - Block 17, lots 18 - 32 Block 16, lots'l - 15,20 - 34 - RU-2 Porpoise Point - Block 8, lot 8 - RU-2 ROCKI..AND Rockland Village - Block 2 - RU-2 BAY POINT Bay Point First Addition, lots 1 - 5 - RU-2 ,- Bay Point Amended Plat ~ Block 4, lots 1 - 8 - RU-2 CUDJOE KEY Cutthroat Harbor Estates - Block 9 - RU-2 Cutthroat Harbor Estates - 1st 'ddition - Block 7 - RU-2 RAMROD KEY Breezeswept Beach Estates - Block 1, lots 1 - 11 - RU-2 MIDDLE TORCH Amended Plat - Middle Torch Key Estates - Block B, lots 1 - 16 and 42 - 58 - RU-2 LITTLE TORCH Jolly Rogers Estates - Block 1, lots I - 12, 14 - 16, 18 - 29 Blocks 17, 18, 19 - RU-2 BIG PINE KEY Port Pine Heights 2nd Addition - Blocks 23, 24, 25, 26 - RU-2 Port Pine Heights - 3rd Addition - RU-2 Pine Channel Estates - Section 1 - RU-2 Eden Pines Colony - Block 1, Block 18, lots 3 - 5, 15 - 24 - RU-2 Block 19, lots 1 - 25 on Narcissus Avenue Eden Pines Colony - 1st Addition - Block 6 Block 4, lots 3 & 7 - RU-2 Eden Pines Colony - 3rd Addition - Block 26, lots 14 - 31 - RU-2 Tropical Bay - RU-1-M Tropical Bay - 3rd Addition - RU-1-M Tropical Bay - 2nd Addition - Blocks 1 & 2 - RU-1-M .. . Tropical Bay - 2nd Addition - Tract "c" - RU-2 Big Pine Shores - Block 1 - RU-2 ! NO NAME KEY Bahia Shores - RU-2 MARATHON R & R Subdivision - Block A (less lot 1) Block B (less lot 1) - RU-2 Sombrero Subdivision No.4 - Block 7, lot 4 - RU-2 \ Sombrero Beach Village - :Slock 1~ lots 1 - 12 - RU-2 Woodburns Subdivision - Block B, lot 10 - RU-2 Shery1s Subdivision No. 2 - Block C, lot 5 - RU-2 2 . Puerto Del Sol Subdivision - Block B, lots 1, 3, 15, 17 Block C, lots 1 - 8, 13 - 16 Blocks D, E & F - RU-2 Sea Aire Estates - Blocks I, 2, 3 Block 4, lots 1 - 6 Block 5, ,lots 1 - 10 Block,6, lots 1 - 9 Blocks 7 & 8 - RU-2 Key Colony No.2. Lots 3 - 6, 9 - 12, 19, 20, 23 - 28, 29 - 34, 39 - 41, 42 - RU-2 Key Colony. No., '. - Blo~k 2 t lots I, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Block 3, lots. 2 - 6, 9 - 11 Block 4, lot" 3 Block 5 - RU-2 Hawaiian Village - Block A Block B, iots 1 - 5, 7 - 10 Block C, lots 2 - 6, 10, 12, 13 Block E, lots 1 - 3 - RU-2 Flamingo Island Estates - RU-l-M COCO PLUM Coco Plum Beach - Block 8, lots 12 - 22 Block 9, lots 1 - 10, 13 - 22 Block 10, lots 1 - 11, 13 - 23 Block 11, lots 1 - 11, 13 24 Block 12, lots 1 - 12 Block 15, lots 13 - 19 Block 16, lots 1 - 6, 10 - 15 Block 17, lots 1 - 5, 9 - 12 Block 18, lots 1 - 3, 7, 8 Block 19, lot 1 - RU-1-M DUCK KEY Harbor Island Amended Plat - Duck Key - RU-1-M Plantation Island Duck Key r Section 3 - RU-I-M Yacht Club Island - RU-1-M Center Island - Block 2, lots 63 - 77 - RU-2 Center Island - Block 1 Block 2, lots 1 - 37, 39 - 62 Blocks 3 - 17 - RU-I-M LOWER MATECUMBE White Marlin Beach - Block C, lots 2 & 3 Block E, lots 26, 28, & 29 - ~U-2 Lower Matecumbe Harbor, lot 12 - RU-2 Port An~lgua, lots 1 - 36, 50 - 144, 151 - 200, 204 - 325 - RU-I-M Safety Harbor - Blocks 2 - 6 Block 7, lots I, 3 - 23 - RU-1-M Mar Celest, lot 2 - RU-2 '\. UPPER MATECUMBE Grove Park - Block 7, lots 1 & 2 - RU-2 Islamorada Subdivision, lots 14, 16, 17 - RU-2 3 " ' 'Russell Estates, lots 13 & 14 - RU-2 PLANTATION KEY Bay Ridge, lots 1 - 11, 19 - 38 - RU-I-M Indian Harbor - Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 7, 8 Block 6, ,lots 1 - 22 - RU-1-M Plantation Beach - Block 5, lots 1 - 10 Block 6, lots 1 - 11, 16 - 26 Block 7, lots 1 - 12, 17 - 28 Block 8. lots 1 - 12, 17 - 28 Block 9, lots 161 - 21 Block 10, lots 19 - 46 - RU-1-M . . Indian Waterways - Blocks 4, 5, 6, 7 - RU-1-M Venetian Shores - Block 3, lots 11 - 16, 21 - 24 Block 4, lots 19 - 24 - RU-2 Tavernaero - Blocks 1 & 2 - RU-1-M Plantation Key Colony - Blocks 1 - 8, 10 - 16 - RU-I-M KEY LARGO Port Largo Fifth Addition, ,lots 492 - 518, 453 - 480, 385 - 424 - RU-2 Largo Ocean Shores - Block 3, lots 18 - 23 - RU-2 Port Largo, lots 129 - 144, 149 - 164, 170 - 185, 190 - 205, 14 - 27 - RU-2 Port Largo Fourth Addition, lots 212, 312 - 320 - RU-2 Port Largo Third Addition, lots 258 - 311 - RU-2 Port Largo Second Addition, lots 233 - 257 - RU-2 Largo Sound Park - Blocks I - 15 Block 16, lots 1 - 10, 14 - 19 Blocks 17 - 19 - RU-1-M South Creek Village - Blocks 1 - 11 - RU-I-M Pirates Cove - Blocks 3 - 20 - RU-l-M Sunrise Point - Block 1, lot 3 Block 5, lots 4 & 5 - RU-2 Key Largo Beach - Block 1, lots 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40 Block 2, lot 6, Tract H - RU-2 Key Largo Park Northern Tract - Block 1 Block 2, lots 1 - 10, 18, 19 Block 3, lots 6 - 8, 12, 13, 15 - 18 - RU-2 Bahia Mar Estates - Block 3, lots 12 & 13 - RU-2 Ocean Isle Estates - Blocks 5 & 6 Block 7, lots 24 - 37 Block 8, lots 1 & 34 Block 10, lots 2 - 22 \ , lots lots lots - RU-2 Abode Casa Court - Block A, Block B, Block C, 5 - 7 15 - 26 5 & 6 - RU-2 4 . . Section 2. This Resolution correcting scrivener's errors and omissions described in section one shall be construed nunc pro tunc to February 28, 1986. Section 3. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby dlrected to provide notice of tne adoption of this Resolution to the Department of Community Affairs within thirty days of adoption, and the correction be appropriately noted in the permanent records of Monroe County relating to the Land Use Plan and Maps. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of January, A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) ~ ,f Attest: ~~f)~ \ , AS TO r~::~ II)~' 'AL SvrF~r.II';)::..... AIt,,,,,,,,', 0"". //-4 ( IIY 5 ------ ~l. 1J9annp i.. J{olbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON. FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 13(5) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY.WEST. FLORIDA 33040 TE~(305)29~641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TE~ (305) 852.9253 March 10, 1987 Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 i-\ECEIVED { CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED and ~'AR Q,"l1987 "" rmROE COUNT~ :./ ;. :!Nlf'lG DEl")'r Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 Dear Sirs: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on March 3, 1987, the Board of County Commissioners of. Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 133-1987 reseinding Resolution No. 048-1987 which was passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on January 6, 1987 and which concerned scrivener's errors and omissions in the County's Land Development Regulations. Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk \, Board 0 County Commissioners Enclosure cc: County Attorney c9Unty Administrator ~~nnin9, Buildi~9 & Z~'ling Director ..l"~ . . Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 133 -1987 RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 048-1987 WHEREAS, Resolution No. 048-1987 concerning scrivener's i errors and omissions in the COUl'~ty' s Land Development Regulations was passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on January 6, 1987; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 048-1987 is no longer needed or necessary, in that Resolution No. 077-1987, passed and adopted by said Board on January 20, 1987, more efficiently covers the matter concerned; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That Resolution No. 048-1987 be and the same is hereby rescinded. 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to provide notice of the adoption of this Resolution to the Department of Community Affairs within thirty (30) days of adoption and the rescinding of this Resolution be appropriately no~ed in the permanent records of Monroe County relating to the Land Use Plan and Maps. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 3t1h day of 1II~i.cH , A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) Attest :DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Cleri \. /f I '.. .JJ ,ft ~~~.y.,(', er ' -- --- p .~ / ! ~ :..~;r' ,.', ~;..~ I~".h -~~, ~~i \"'~ OJ.'. \~~l.lo.. ':"..;00.;. : \....i.;;,.~~~!-:' . " .', ~ ]/1'1'_' .-....~~..!_~4....,.. jII.. - . .~. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMtvlUNITY AFFAIRS 2571 EX E C UTi V E C E N T ERe IRe l E, E A ST. TAL L A.i AS SE E, f LOR IDA 323 .f9 BOB !'.ARTINEZ ~ , 87THOl-lAS G. PELHAM Feb:-uary 25, -19 S~crrl.ry Honorable Jerry Hernandez Mayor, Monroe County Board . ot County Commissioners 310 Fleminq street Key Waat, Florida 33040 Dear Kayor Hernandez: . The Department has received numerous Resolutions of the Monro. County Commission relative to changes in the Monroe County Land Development R~gulations. The Resolutions are termed "A Resolution Approvinq the Correction of scrivener's Errors and Omissions in the County's Land Development Regulations Pursuallt to Saction 13-101(E) of Those Regulations." Many of these Resolutions are i~appropriate uses of section 13-101 (E) and the Dapartment would like for the Commission to reconsider its use of the uScrivene:c's Erl.'orll provision and to take corrective action regarding some previous Resolutions. Durinq 'our consideration of the county's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations, Section 13-101 (E) was a~ended to-delete the authoritY'of the Commission to'make changes in Land Cse District Hap designations. If changes in the land use classification on the Land Use District Maps are necessary then they should be made during the six month review of the. regulations (including the Land Use District Haps) which is required by the Comprehensive Plan itself. Accordinqly, the Department requests that the County Commission reconsider the Resolutions identified as improper map chanqes on the attachment to this letter, rescind the Resolutions and initiata the changes as part ot the six motath review process. \, IMUCENCY MANAG(MENT . HOllSINC Ap,jO COMMUNITY DEVHOI'MENT . RESOURCf PLANNING .\'40 MA/liACfMEM --.......~... _----...~-'....~.. ....;......... ........-- . --- --- , ,. , .. , Honorable Jerry Hernandez February 25, r987 Page Two The Department is also unable to accept the county's characterization ot several Resolutions, which do not involve -. changes in land use classification, as typographical or drafting errors DeCaUGe ot the nature and extent of the changes. Those Resolutions are identified ori,the attachment to this letter. I would ask that the County reconsider these Resolutions also and take corrective action. It would be useful for the Department and the county to . reach, an aqreement regarding the use of Section 13-101 (E), as Goon as possible, to establish criteria regarding documentation of errors and procedures for coordination with Department staff tor review and approval of proposed uses of the section prior to adoption of Resolutions thereunder. An understanding regarding the correct procedures for changing the land d~velopment regulations would benefit property owners, developers, citizens, as well as the County Commission, because the legal status of such changes demands certainty. The Department is unable to approve Resolutions pursuant to section 380.0552 (9), Florida statutes (1986), when they are not adopted in accordance with the procedures in the County's land development regulations as ' &pproved by t~e Department and the Cabinet. Please feel free to discuss this matter with me personally at your earliest opportunity, since it is of great concern to the Department and a!fects many landowners in Monroe County. The Department is committed to proper implementation and enforcement ot the regulations and of Section 380.0552 Florida Statutes (1986), and 'does not desire the need for enforcement of the regulations through litigation with the County or llith affected landowners. - Sincerely, ~~1~~~ Thomas G. Pelham Secretary ,,:. TGP/rbf \ , ......~r w- ... ._.-..............................,l4-'...~' -. . .: ........4.n/.... ---- ~ I ~ .". ~........... \ Honorable Jerry Hernandez ATTACHMENT 1. Re~olutions tr.at iUlprcperly c'!1ange the Lanc.f' U~e District Maps: 349-1906 351-1986 391-1986 048-1987 07~/-l~8 7 087-1987 088-1987 089-1987 2. Resolutions that change the text of the Land Development regulations but that are not considered to be typographical or draftinq errors. 350-1986 377-1986 383';'1986 , .. , \ = " '---':4 _._. _. P..............-....;~.......dr...:=J. ._-... .t .........c-..... . --~ \. - cP 1J9annp 1.. ltolfJagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON. FLORIDA 33050 TEL. 13061 743-1031 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294.4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. 13061 852-9263 February 11, 1987 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Howard Building 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 RECE\VED and FEB 1 11987 \IIol'l!lOE COUHlY ::;'y ;>t...6.NNING OE~~ '!!' Department of Community Affairs ~ost Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 Dear Sirs: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on February 3, 1987, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 087-1987 approving the correction of scrivener's errors and omissions in the County's Land Development Regulations pursuant to Section l3-l01(E) of those Regulations regarding the land use map designation of Cutthroat Harbor Estates. . Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. Very truly yours, Danny L. Ko1hage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of County Commissioners \ by: Rosalie L. C Deputy Clerk Enclosure cc: County, Attorney ~anning, Building File \._--=-~~ --- . .'.; . .....1~ . .:';~-:~':~~.~. ~".~ . . .....:....'.. '. >: :.~.~-~.~:::~~.~~r~~!~~ .' 'p. ~... < .~.' .", :. .~.......:~:..:~~~~;: .;;:< ~ ,.::,., .. ..~;: '." r.~' ',. L. ..... ;;''': _.. ~ _. .. _ _.. .....__.._" __. _.. ~ _._ __.. ._<_,~. .:'_'.:'~".f:,:";;'._";i "......&_..--. ...... .-...., .,-~-..,;...,. - ",. ", .--"-ro.............~.~;...~~ ~ .;.) & Zoning Director J '. I , RESOLUTION NO. 087 -1987 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CORRECTION OF SCRIVENER'S ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN THE COUNTY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 13-101 (E) OF THOSE REGULATIONS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted a Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations on February 28, 1986, and said Plan and Regulations became effec- tive on September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, Section 13-101 (e) of the Land Development Regula- tions provides that the board of County Commissioners may cor- rect typographical and drafting errors in the Regulations at any regular meeting without posted notice or public hearing provided that notice of such corrections is transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs within thirty days of the adop- tion of such corrections; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The land use map designation of Cutthroat Harbor Estates, Block 18, lots 9 through 15, currently shown as SC are hereby designated IS-D. Section 2. The land use map designation of Cutthroat Harbor Estates, Block 2, lots 1 through 34, currently shown as ! SC are hereby designated IS. Section 3 . This Resolution correcting scrivener's errors and omissions described in section one shall be construed nunc pro tunc to February 28, 1986. Sectio~ 4. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby direct- . ed to provide notice of the adoption of this Resolution to the Department of Community Affairs within thirty days of adoption, and the correction be approp,iately noted in the permanent " records of Monroe County relating to the Land Use Plan and Maps. . ;.:.:.;.t,;:o; ., .;,,' '.J , - .....;..- ~ 1: _, ....~_.. _+..;.....I~_. ,; ,.ii-:"',' .'l .:< . '::._..;i;~J: '. ", ~.. . - , -. - .., ....If... . . ...(......;ni,,~......~...:-~-:....~.::~... ......:...-I.ir ... ---a4"~i1 'r. " . .. ") , PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~t"tL day of ~~b"'t.l_."'j , A.D., 1987. i ;, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA g --... t " ." "'.~~ ./} " B ~;;"~/~-""/ .;.. ;/ y v ..I MAY0P PRO TE~ (SEAL) D ~8t' ANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk L R ;:'.rr!1~ f).~ .~ Cle /\/"'['('(;''.'1:D AS TO FORI'!': Af.'~l .r. ;j,~l. sur:r!~..!B"C~'. -~ IJL' t','Y ~ 1 . -.. --.... . ,f..l,"Jr,'I:)~~.:': 0.',,1;,', . .... . " , '.-:.:= _..~ .-'~ .r .;... ....."'i ,. . . .., ~".-: ~.'_:"i..... .; . M';~;;1L~~'~~:~..~..-... _~~~~'~ ,'~~";~'~1 '.' -~ ......... - , Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 048-1987 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CORRECTION OF SCRIVENER'S ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN THE COUNTY'S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 13-101(E) OF THOSE REGULATIONS. . . WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted a Comprehensive Plan.and Land Development Regulations on February 28, 1986, and said plan and regulations became effective on September 15, 1986; and WHEREAS, Section 13-101(E) of the Land Development Regula- tions provides that the B~ard of County Commissioners may correct typographical and drafting errors in the. Regulations at any regular meeting without po;ted notice or public hearing provided that notice of such corrections 'are transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs within thirty days of the adoption of such corrections; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The land use district map designation of all those parts of subdivisions shown' as RU-I-M and RU-2 on the Monroe County Zoning Maps immediately prior to September 15, 1986, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby designated as ISM and ISD respectively. Section 2. i This Resolution correcting scrivener's errors and omissions described in section one shall be construed nunc pro tunc to February 28. 1986. Section 3. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to provide notice of the adoption of this Resolution to the Department of Community Affairs within thirty days of adoption, and the .correction be appropriately noted in the permanent \ records of liont'oe County relating to the Land Use Plan and Maps. -:: "" ,~ . " PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 6th day of January. A.D. 1987. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SEAL) } Attest: . L21.. ,;(/~, ~L CLERK r ; ":,,,,: ,~ BY \ , 2 .... , ./ ."" ~ .~ SlOCX IstMl Hlloney's Subdivision Stock Island- Part Block 48 loti 2.3, 4, 5, 18, 19. 20. and 21 ~Z BIG ClJIPITI Si.llar Sound - Sect. A - lots 2 - 4 and Part tract A IU-Z Boca Ch'ca Ocean Shores Blocks 17 & 16 ~Z IIDUNJ Rock 1 and V, 11. Blodl Z RIJ-Z DAY miNT ~y Point. AMnded Plat. RU-Z Bay Point ANP~ded Plat Rlock 4, lot.s 1-5 ~z onJJE kEY Cutthroat Harbor Estates 1st ^ddltlon Glock 7 RU-Z Cutthroat lake Estatp.s RU-2 stJMJUII) kEY .~ Unidentified subdlvtslon north of It1ghway - Sunnerl,nd.~ey - · located in S26, 166, R 28 (2nd and 3rd St.reet) RU-Z IWIIIJ IFf Breezeswept Beach Estates Block 1 10-2 BUi '111: KEY Port PIne "Ight.s 2nd Addtt Ion Block 24 RU-Z Port Pine Heights 3rd Addition RU-Z MlIII.E -..al ~nded Plat - Middle Torch Key Estates Block Blots 1-16 and 42-58 ~2 . BIG ,.. KEY Pine ~1 Estates Sect.. Onp. RU-l Koems Subdivision Block 1 Rl)-2 Eden 'Ines Block I, Lots 15-24, Block 18-19 ~Z EXHIBIT "A" \ .' , , . .~'. I::.',. I, . ' Troptca' R.1y AU-Z Trap tealS., 3rd Add I t I on AU-I"" Tropical Bay 2nd Addition RU-Z Refuge Potnt (Unldenttfted Parcel) 519, T66. R30 nu-Z . - Jolly Rogers Estales Blocks 17, 18, 19 RU-Z Btg Ptne Shorp.s Block 1 RU-Z II) IWI: KEY ,i a.h t a Shores A.ended au- Z NMATlD PropP.rty off of SR 931 In Marathon 521. T66, R32 RU-Z Sa.brero SubdivIsion Alack ^ MM ~8 1/2 .RU-Z Soabrero Beach Vlllaga Block 1 l.ots 1-12 RU- Z Puerto Cell Sold SubdivIsion RU.Z Sea At,.e fstAtes Blocks 1. Z, 6, 7. 0". 1,W-2 1Ft Via Flalltngo Island Estates Rt)-l-M m CDlJICY ~ Key ColmlY No. 2 Block 2, (lots I, 2, 3, 6. 7 - 10) Block 3, (lots 2-6 and 9-11_ Block 4. (lot 3) K~y Colony No. 4 Block Z, (lot! 3-6, 12-9) Block 3, (lots 19-20 and 28-23) iY".tt.., 'Jt1lage RU-Z men Pl.... Cocb Plum Beach 81or.ks 8, 9. 10, 11. 16. 17. 18 ~1~ GRASSY KEY r~assy Key - unldPntlffed property MM S8 1/2 RU-Z -.. . lID KEY Harbn,. Island - Duck Key RU-I-M \ . ,01 !, ,..;. . '.:..-.....: ..... , . . '., . . ':...;~... ::\. .,:"," :,~'~;.. . . ' Plantation Island Duck Key Section 3 RU-l~ 1.a.tR MATEa.tBE Unfdentfffed property HM 73 3/4 S20. T 64 R36 RU-l~ , - UnldentfffPd property MM 74 S20. T&4. R 36 ~1~ VIta fY KEY HH 85 1/2 524, T63 R 37 RU-Z Pl ANT AT Ult KEY Indfan Harbor blocks 1.2,3.4, RU-l~ Indfan Walp.rways blocks 4, 5, 6. 7 RU-l~ KEY UJG) Port Largo Fifth Addftion RU-Z Part of largo Ocean Shores RU-Z Port largo fourth Addition Lot 212, 312-320 RU-Z Part of Port largo Fifth Addition Rd-Z Port largo Fifth Addition RU-2 lar,go Sound Park RU- t-M South Cr~k V f 11 age RU- t .... \. '. . \ .~.. . ;'.. --.'or : ~"': . . ~ .. . . '. ",~. 1J9annp 1.. Itolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 743-9036 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294.4641 BRANCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 379 PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-9253 August 26, 1988 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Department of Community Affairs Post Office Box 990 Key West, Florida 33041 Q '1"z..C\. '0,3", ~ Dear Sirs: At a Regular Meeting in formal session on August 16, 1988, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Resolution No. 375-1988 confirming the Administrative Boundary Interpretation of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 4, Cudjoe Ocean Shores. ,- Enclosed please find a certified copy of said Resolution. .. Very truly yours, Danny L. Kolhage Clerk of Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk Board of ounty Commissioners by: Rosalie L. C Deputy Clerk Enclosure cc: Mayor E. Lytton County Attorney County Administrator Asst. Co. Admin. - Growth Management File P 7 2 9 8 7 3 7'. I. RECEIPT FOR CERTIF.. IL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PAOVIDEO NOT FOR INIERMIITIONAL MAIL "(See Reverse) Sent to De t of Carom. Affairs Return Receipt showing to whom and Date Delivered qo Return Receipt shQ'Nlng to whom. Date. and Addressof Delivery TOT AL Postage and Fees E ... o u.. 1Il ll.