Resolution 393-1988 >> . Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 393 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 297-1988 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A NEW CONTRACT BETWEEN SEDWAY COOKE ASSOCIATES AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNITY PLAN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Resolution No. 297-1988 is hereby rescinded and the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a new contract between Sedway Cooke Associates and Monroe County, Florida, a copy of said contract regarding the development of a community plan being attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of August, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By g~",-~ May a1rman (Seal) Attest: nANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk 4J.~~1~/f)~ ~a Oftf 6Z!IV .. AP.~ttTO FORM AN. . U tJ CIENCY. , ~ BY I Attorney's OHice ''il.:1 ')"HmO:J 30~NOW '1') HI:)' )4TJ J~\1H to\~ '-1 ,4'1\fO Uti03Jd dO-1 0311:J i" . ~j "~"""- , ., "-'~.'. . ,- J' 1 " , " -.' () L"d CONTRAqT ,'" ," -','.' '.~ ' , ,"/~L'fll~i \'_.'1..>.~~i~':J\)~4, .;:, THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this J'~~ day of 1988, by and between Monroe County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and Sedway Cooke Associates, 240 North Washington Blvd., Suite 313, Sarasota, Florida 33577, hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANTS". WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires to develop a Community Plan for Big Pine Key and the Big Pine Key Area of Critical County Con- cern hereinafter "COMMUNITY PLAN", regarding the development in the Big Pine Key area; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANTS represent that they are profession- ally qualified to produce such a plan for subsequent legislative adoption by Monroe CountYi and WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires to employ the CONSULTANT to produce such a plan; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the COUNTY does hereby employ the CONSULTANT and the CONSULTANT hereby accepts the employment with the conditions and covenants which follow. Article I - Financing Section 1. The ~unding for the services required' under this CONTRACT shall be provided to the CONSULTANT in .the amount of $70,600; $30,000 of that amount shall be provided by the COUNTY through Monroe County Growth Manage~nt Department's (hereinafter - . referred to as "DEPARTMENT") DCA a.ssis'tance grant; the remaining - $40,600 shall be provided. by the OOUNTY through DEPARTMENT . funds. All payments shall be made according to the schedules ... , . described .in Article III of this CONTRACT. However, the COUNTY shall not be obligated to compensate the CONSULTANT beyond $40,600 unless the additional funds are forthcoming from the Department of Community Affairs, and the CONSULTANTS hereby specifically acknowledge that the COUNTY's obligation for compensation to the CONSULTANTS under the terms of this CONTRACT is $40,600. The total payntent for the services and work products produced. by the CONSULTANT shall not exceed $70,600 except as a mutually agreed upon amendment to this CONTRACT for additional professional services not described in Article I I, Scope of Professional Services, or and as provided in Article V, Section 1, of this CONTRACT. Article II - Scope of Professional Services Section 1. The CONSULTANT agrees to provide professional services in accord with the following requirements a) Task 1.0: Project Organization. i) Task 1.1 Organizational Meeting. The CONSULTANT shall initiate a workshop with members of the project team and the staff of applicable County Departments. This meeting should include, but not be limited to representatives from the National Key Deer Refuge (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service), The Monroe County Land Authority, and Florida Game and F~eshwater Fish Commission. The meeting will serve the purposes of, but not be limited to: 1. . . Organizing and~tructuring the project team; 2. - . Scheduling work ~ssignments and production; Establishi~g operatiOnal procedures; 3. . 4. Establishing contacts for information 2 .. . E: .. .. .UOZ'poq .IV.A (oz) h~UeM.~ ~ .leAO pa~::>e[o.ld ha)! eu"{:cI D"{:g . -' .10J SlShlVU~ ~::>adw"{: ::>,,{:JJa.l~ a JO uOl~::>npo.lcl . Z .UOZl.loq .1aah h~UeM.~ ~ .leAO ha)! aUld 6la ul sU.la~~~d pu~ spua.1~ q~M.O.1D JO s"{:shlaua uOl~::>ero.ld ~ JO uOl~::>npO.ld .1 :s~a.1~ ~::>npo.1d ~.10M. (t) .lnoJ DUlM.OIIOJ eq~ o~ ~u~Aale.l a.la q::>lqM. a~~p elqall~Aa ll~ eZlll~n llaqs ~NV~~nSNO~ a~ 's~ueweAo.ldw"{: IV~lde::> pue 'uo,,{:~~ln::>.ll::> ::>lJJ~.l~ 'snsue::> uO,,{:~~lndod 'h~"{:suep pu~ sU.la~~~d ~uewdolaAep '(ep~w-u~w pua aA"{:~~u q~oq) suol~,,{:puo::> 6u"{:~slxe '.le~::>a.laq::> h~"{:unwwo::> '~a~ -"{:qeq .1eep le::>,,{:~l.l::> 'seull .la~eM. pu~ ::>"{:.l~::>ela JO a::>ua.l -.1n::>::>o 'h::>u~dn::>::>o JO sa~~::>lJl~.la~ JO a::>u~nss"{: 's~"{:w.1ed 6ulPl"{:nq 6u"{:u.1a::>uo::> a~~p pUnO.1D~::>~q ~u~Aele.l 'so~oqd Ie "{:.1ee 'sdew es~q alq~ll~Aa pu;~ DU1~s"{:xa ll~ JO uo"{:~ -::>ello::> e~ .1oJ alqlsuodse.l aq 11,,{:M. ~NV~~nSNO~ eq~ .slVl.Ie~ew 6Ul~slx2 JO uOl~::>ello~ :Z.t ~se~ (ll .aslM..1eq~o ae~~lwwo::> leoluq::>e~ eq~ e~'8e.1::> o~ uOl~~61lqo ou .lepun sl .LNV~'lnSNO~ eq~ ue~ '~::>ero.1d slq~ JO Sl~OD pue seA"{:~::>e~qo eq~ eA.1eS ~ou IllM. ee~~lwwo::> slq~ JO uo"{:~ea.l::> ~~q~ eu"{:w.1e~ep h~uno~ eq~ Plnoqs 'u~ld eq~ JO ewo::>~no pue senssl eq~ ul ~se.1e~UI U'8 eAeq q::>"{:qM. sel::>ue6e snol~eA eq~ ueeM.~eq UOI~V.1edooo 1'8U01~::>"{:psl.ln~.le~Ul pue l~~UeWU.leAOD.1e~Ul e~e~lll~eJ o~ .lep.lo Ul aa~~lwwo~ le::>luq::>e~ ::>oH-PV UV }O UOl~'8e.1o aq~ ul ~slsse 11eqs ~NV~'lnSNO~ eq~ '" .senssl .10~VW DU1SSe.Ippa ~noqe seepl 6Ul~l::>110S 'S PUV ~e6ueq::>xe 3. Production of a property tax impact analysis for Monroe ,County as it relates to Big Pine Key and the acquisition of lands on that Key for con- servation purposes. 4. Production of an analysis of the need for in- frastructure and capital facilities improvements for Big Pine Key projected over a twenty (20) year horizon. The CONSULTANT will work with County staff to organize the information gathered into a coherent comprehensive library of relevant data on the Big Pine Key area. This will be formatted in accordance with library facil- ities already established with the County. iii) Task 1.3: Preparation of Project Area Base Maps. The CONSULTANT shall identify appropriate project area base maps using available information provided by the County and other sources. Each base map shall be developed at two scales; one scale appropriate for public presentation and one scale appropriate for promulgation in working papers, planning documents, and the final product adopted into the Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations. The CONSULTANT will be principally responsible for the professional preparation and finishing of these maps; the COUNTY will provide appropriate information for this process. iv) Task 1.4: Establish Public,Participation Schedule. Before, during or upon completion of Task 1 (Arti- cle II, Section l(a) the CON~mLTANT will establish in - . cooperation with County staff a schedule and target dates for public w.orkshops \..Ihich will be an integral . part of this project and the requirements of this 4 . CONTRACT. The framework of this schedule will establish the intent and focus of each public workshop contemplated. v) Task 1.0 Summary of Work Products 1. Organization Workshop with County staff; 2. Creation of Resource Library of Existing Materials; . 3. Project Area Base Maps; 4. Community Participation Schedule and Framework. b) Task 2.0: Inventory and Data Preparation. 1) Task 2.1: Overlay Mapping. The CONSULTANT will prepare a series of overlay maps prepared to identify existing characteristics of the Big Pine Key study area. These shall be prepared as overlays to the area base maps, and, shall be provided in composite blackline mylar for the purpose of promulgation in the various working papers, planning documents, and revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. The individual overlays will be designed to be placed di~ectlY on the appropriate base map in order to provide a visual composite of baseline conditions. The overlay map series will consist of the following: 1. Existing Vegetative Conditions; 2. Existing Land Use Conditions; 3. Critical Deer Habitat A~eas; 4. Community Character; 5. Comprehensive band Use Districts (existing and proposed); 6. Existing S~bdivision.~ . 7. Percentages of Developed Lands; 5 . 8. Density Distribution; 9. Traffic ,Circulation Patterns (based on relative numeric values in trip generation); 10. Existing Infrastructure and Capital Facilities. County staff shall provide the information for these maps; the CONSULTANT shall be responsible for modification of information, refinement for mapping, and professional preparation. The number and content of the overlay maps may be altered dependent on need and by an amendment to the CONTRACT where addi tional costs will be involved. ii) Task 2.2: Population and Housing Units The CONSULTANT will identify both seasonal and residential population values for Big Pine Key. They will provide housing unit type as a part of this analysis and assess household make-up. In addition to other sources, the CONSULTANT shall use existing census information, Comprehensive Plan, planning area data, and building permit data to assess this portion of the project. iii) Task 2.3: Nonresidential Development. The CONSULTANT will compile information concerning commercial and industrial development on Big Pine Key. This information will be summarized by type, square footage, land area, floor area ratio, and zoned vacant/undeveloped land. Exi s~ing nonconforming uses will also be Other non~residential developments ide~\~fied; 'including utilities, will be noted. government buildings, churches and recreation areas. .. .' iv) Task 2.4: Transportation. 6 . The CO~SULTANT will consider the following major arteri al and access roads: U. S. Highway 1, Key Deer Boulevard, Wi lder Road, Watson Road, Ships Way, Yacht Club Drive, Avenue B (Palm Villa Subdivision), Old County Road 4A, and Matthew Road during all phases of the transportation study. The CONSULTANT will consider key intersections for each road. These will include intersections at U.S. 1, Key Deer Boulevard and Wilder Road, U. S. 1 and Ships Way, U. S. 1 and Industrial Avenue, U. S. 1 and State Road 940, U. S. 1 and Watson and Key Deer Boulevard, Watson Road, Matthew Road and Avenue B (Palm Villa subdi vi sion) , Key Deer Boulevard,Miami Avenue, and Big Pine Street. The CONSULTANT will collect available traffic data and counts from the COUNTY and Florida Department of Transportation. The CONSULTANT will provide an inventory of the physical character of identified arterial and collector roads in Big Pine Key to document the pavement type, width, condition, and right-of-way width. The CONSULTANT will quantify travel by mode, and provide average daily and peak hour traffic counts on the identified arterial and collector roads as it relates to seasonal and peak hour use. Since traffic data taken during the months of the study will not represent seasonal use, the CONSULTANT will be required to review available seasonal counts or provide a basis for estimating such counts through quantification of seasonal' water and electric use and ~unicipal Service District "tipping'" fees. The COUNTY will assist in tbe collection of any additional traffic counts and turn movements deemed necessary by the CONSUt-!1'ANT and' the COUNTY to fulfill - . the requi rements of thi s CONTRACT. It is anticipated that as many as tw.enty (20) -..additional traffic counts .. 7 . and six to eight (6-8) turn movement analyses wi 11 be required. v) Task 2.5: Property Tax Data. The CONSULTANT shall collect existing tax data, including, but not limited to, assessed property valuation, Municipal Service District assessments, and special taxing. district assessments. Millage rates will be identified. The CONSULTANT will calculate existing property tax revenues on private properties within Big Pine Key based on the ad valorem tax rate for the most recent year. Data will be compiled by property type (unimproved, improved, undeveloped, developed, and use). vi) Task 2.6: Infrastructure and Capital Facilities. The CONSULTANT will collect information and create an inventory of existing capital and public facilities. Current constraints on water and electricity will be identified. Location and concentration of septic systems and capacity and treatment type of all package plants shall be inventoried. Available water quality data will be compiled. Public buildings and facilities such as schools, libraries, fire and sheriff stations, civil defense shelters, park and recreation areas, animal shel ters, and community centers shall be inventoried and their general characteristics and capacities established. vii) Task 2.7: Interjurisdictfonal Coordination. The CONSULTANT wi}~ establish an inventory of all , . public, semi-public, and nonprofit organizations that . have an interest in the Comtl\uni ty Plan or that have . some level of regulatory control over all or part of 8 .. the Big Pin~ Key area. Their positions on how the Big Pine Key area should be managed will be documented, their regulatory powers and programs affecting the area will be summarized, and their assigned responsibilities relative to the area will be identified. The principal reasons for this are to insure that the Community Plan complies with the legal requirements established by other governmental entities, to identify existing or proposed programs, and to help secure the approval of these agencies as improvements and management plans recommended by the Community Plan are implemented~ viii) Task 2.0 Summary of Work Products. 1. Progress report providing concise and coherent compilation of baseline data and an assessment of deficiencies. 2. Presentation of the overlay map series (ten {10} overlays anticipated and required) c) Task 3.0: Analysis and Evaluation. i) Task 3.1: Growth and Development Patterns. The CONSULTANTS will provide an analysis of historical growth patterns, rate of growth, composition and distribution. ii) Task 3.2: Transportation. Based on a review of the assembled data and inventory information requ'ired in Tasks 1. 2 and 2.4 (Article I I , Section 1 a) -ii) and b) iv) respectively), a methodology st~tement will be prepared by the CONSULTANTS to identif;i additional data needs, traffic projection ',methodology, and analysis techniques. - .. The future .traffic projections will rely on current local qnd regionaJ. assessments of traffic . and on projected growth trends within Big Pine Key for 9 . the alternative land use scenarios required in Task 4.1 (Article II, Sec~ion 1 d) i)) Upon acceptance of the methodology, an analysis of existing and future year traffic conditions will be completed. The analysis will include an assessment of existing average and peak season daily and peak hour capacities and levels of service for each of the arterial and collector roads and critical intersections wi thin the study area. These were identified in Task 2.4 (Article I I, Section 1 b) ii)) of this CONTRACT. the CONSULTANTS will limit the future year assessments to the fifth, tenth and twentieth year time horizons. The previously proposed "Big Pine Arterial Access Road" will be reviewed in the first five year time horizon for analysis purposes. Future traffic projections for U.S. 1 (average annual and peak season) will include an estimate of through traffic growth based on historical counts available from Florida Department of Transportation and any projection models available through that department, as well as, regional traffic assessment information available from the COUNTY. Traffic growth associated with future growth on Big Pine Key (average annual and peak season) will be based on ITE trip Generation data for the proposed future land uses to be identified in the alternative land use plans to be developed as required in Task 4.1 (Article II, Section 1 d) i)). Since the product of the transportation ~nalysis will be a traffic impact analysis working paper for use in continued plan~ing efforts, it will be necessary for the CONSULTANTS .to provide a preliminary analysis of traffic "associ~ted wt th each of the projected land use scenarios at each of the time horizons identified.in this section. . iii) Task 3.3: Tax Impact Analysis. 10 . The CONSULTANTS will undertake an analysis of tax impacts respons~ve to each of the growth scenarios prepared as a part of Task 4.1 (Article II, Section 1 d) i)), The analysis will recognize future projected rates of development for residential and nonresidential land use types. The CONSULTANTS will assess the current and future impact of development on capital facilities costs as well. The CONSULTANTS wi 11 take into account any other addi ti ve or offsetting County costs (such as resulting from projected changes in capital outlay costs) which would be anticipated to increase or decrease as a result of public acquisition. iv) Task 3.4: Infrastructure and Capital Facilities. Based on the inventory required in Task 2.6 (Article II, Section 1 c)), the CONSULTANTS shall identify the character of these facilities and evaluate their adequacy. The analysis will include a measure of existing capacity and deficiencies in each facility, and will identify the improvements needed to bring these facilities up to recommended service levels. Utility and facility plans and maps will be analyzed. Capital improvements plans will be reviewed. Level of service standards will be determined through interviews with County staff, through research or standards applied in other jurisdictions, and through application of generally accepted service standards for each utility or facility. The Infrastructure and Capital Facilities Analysis will be structured to identify thresholds at which ma~or capital improvements ~re required. In this analysis, consideratio~\'will be provided for the growth scenarios required in TasK 4.1 (Article II, Section I, d) i)) of this CONTRACT. . _. The need for water and . wastewater improvements will identified as a part of 11 .. " " the work ef;ort in this section. The identification of transportation improvements will result from the transportation analysis which will serve as input to the Infrastructure and Capital Facilities Plan Analysis. The analysis will indicate whether improvements are needed a primary result of Big Pine Key area development or whether all or a portion of an improvement is' required as a result of growth in adjacent communities. The CONSULTANTS shall carry out a wastewater treatment analysis which compares existing sewage treatment methodology with that of a centralized system and other reasonable alternatives. The wastewater facility analysis will assess the cost and feasibility of constructing a centralized sewer treatment facility to replace individual residential and commercial package plants on the Key. Assessment of alternatives should include a consideration of individual sewage treatment units which may act to minimize septic leachate while providing an economic basis for private construction and maintenance. A second component of the wastewater analysis will be the assessment of wastewater production projected from future growth projections. Thus, the facili ty required to accommodate the twenty year horizon goal should be anticipated to have sufficient capacity to accommodate projected future growth. Include in the analysis will be an estimate of t>btential water demand for each of the proposed land use scenarios identified as ,required in Task 4.1 Ar~icle II, Section 1 d) i). Water main extensions and the associated costs o~ the system wi thin Big Pine Key will be provided. Th~ wastewater section of the CONTRACT requiremen.ts will ioclude an estimate of the . plant capacity required to accommodate existing uses 12 . and the estimated additional capacity required to serve future land use plans. Cost estimates for the collection system and the proposed plant type selected by the COUNTY will also be included. The need for timing and cost of future roadway improvements will be based on the results of the transportation analysis and generalized roadway construction estimates avai lable from the Florida Department of Transportation. v) Task 3.5: Community Workshop. At least one community workshop will be held for the purpose of presenting the working papers and the overlay series for Task 2.1 and Tasks 3.1 through 3.4. The workshop will be designed to encourage community participation in the preparation of the draft plan and to identify key issues or concerns that can be incorporated into the Alternative Concept Plans of Task 4.1 (Article II, Section 1 d) 1)). vi) Task 3.0 Summary of Work Products. 1. Working Paper on Growth and Development Patterns 2. Working Paper on Traffic Impact Analysis 3. Working Paper on Property Tax Impact Analysis 4. Working Paper on Infrastructure and Capital Facilities 5. Attendance at at least one (1)' community workshop d) Tabk 4.0: Alternative Land Use Pla~ and Draft Plan. i) Task 4.1: Alternative Conoept Plans The Consultant wil\ develop' three (3) alternative . concept plans based on the inventory and analysis . conducted as a part of Tasks..2. 0 and 3.0 (Article I I, . The concept plans will be Section 1 c) ) . 13 b) and . designed to ,fit the overlay series required in Task 2.1 (Article II, Section 1 b) i)). Special emphasis will be given to protecting the habi tat of the Key Deer at the same time accommodating expectations of growth and development. the concept plans will reflect differing arrangements of projected land use and development patterns, protection of environmental resources and habitat, traffic and transportation improvements and capi tal faci li ties and infrastructure needs. Explicit in each alternative will be varied assumptions concerning: 1. Overall growth and development; 2. Potential impact and growth on the Key Deer; . 3. Distribution of population, housing units, density and land use; 4. Generation and distribution of future traffic; 5. Investment expectations of property owners; 6. The extent of public utility and capital facility improvements; and 7. Potential TDR transfer and receiver sites. Accompanying each alternative will be tabular summaries of the level of growth and descriptions of the key features of each alternative. The impact of the alternative land use plans on the habitat and population of the Key Deer will be assessed. The relationship of the plans to other planning efforts of ~he County and the public, semi-public, and not for profit agencies will be explaineQ. ii) Task 4.2: Administrative Draft Report. The CONSULTANTS will prepare an Adm1nistrative . Draft Report for review by ..the County staff. This . report will present the alternative land use plans in 14 .. qualitative and quantitative terms. The report wi 11 not recommend the selection of a particular alternative. The selection will be determined through workshops with staff and the community. A principal or senior associate in the firm of Sedway Cooke Associates, preferably Paul Sedway, shall be responsible for reviewing the final plan for consistency and. adequacy. iii) Task 4.3: Community Workshop. The Administrative Draft Report and alternative land use plans will be presented to the community at a workshop by the COUNTY and the CONSULTANTS. Land owners, residents, and interested citizens will have an opportunity to review the report and plans and to recommend which plan they prefer. Comments and recommendations will be incorporated by the Consultants into the Community Plan noted in Task 4.4 (Article II, Section 1 d) i v) ) . iv) Task 4.4: Draft Community Plan. Upon selection of the preferred alternative plan and based on comments received from County staff, the CONSULTANTS will prepare the Draft Community Plan. The Draft Plan will incorporate the inventory and analysis conduct'ed in Tasks 2.0 and 3.0 (Article II, Section 1 b) and c)). Recommended goals, objectives, and policies will be formulated to provide the framework for decision making.. Interagency and jurisdictional management approaphes will be identified which insure close cooperation and establish responsibility implementation. for \, plan coordination and Impleme~tation. strategies or programs . will be identified. for public and capital facilities, . acquisition areas, TDRs, land assembly funding. 15 . The pertinent traffic and transportation findings and improvement ~egulations for the preferred land use plan will be summarized by the CONSULTANTS. This document will include summaries of existing and future roadway and intersection volumes, capacities, and levels of service. Based on these data, the Consultant will make recommendations for both current and future year roadway improvements. Recommendations regarding the need for new roads and location of bicycle and pedestrian paths will be included. A principal or senior associate in the firm of Sedway Cooke Associates, preferably Paul Sedway, shall be responsible for reviewing the final plan for consistency and adequacy. . v) Task 4.0 Summary of Work Products. 1. Three (3) Alternative Concept Plans 2. Administrative Draft Report 3. Attendance at one (1) Community Workshop 4. Draft Community Plan e) Task 5.0: Public Hearings. i) Task 5.1: Public Hearings. The Draft Community Plan, supporting documents and the selected land use plan will be presented by the COUNTY and the CONSULTANTS to the Development Review Committee, Planning Commission, and the Board of County ~ommissioners. Two (2) public hearings will be held to solicit community input, respon~ to questions raised by the public, property owners, .and interested citizens, and to receive Sug~~stion~ for modifications or . revisions. .. . ii) Task 5.0 Summary of Work Products 16 . 1. Pr~sentation to Development Review Committee, Planning Co~ission, and County Commission. 2. Attendance at two (2) public hearings (The possibility exists that one of these will be shifted to provide additional attendance at public workshops) f) Task 6.0: Final" Plan. i) Task 6.1: Final Plan. Based on the public hearings and comments received, the Final Plan will be prepared by the Consultant, incorporating the changes and modifications recommended by staff and the Board of County Commissioners. A principal in the firm of Sedway Cooke Associates, preferably Paul Sedway, shall be responsible for reviewing the final plan for consistency and adequacy. ii) Task 6.0 Summary of Work Products. 1. Preparation of Final Big Pine Key Community Plan for adoption into the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations. Section 2. Notice to Proceed The CONSULTANTS shall commence rendering those professional services described as Tasks 1 through 6, Article II, Section 1, upon exe<;:ution of this CONTRACT between' the COUNTY and the CONSULTANT and upon execution of any. and all subcontracts between the CONSULTANTS and Greiner,. Inc. or Laventhal and Horwath. If such ~ subcontract'S are not executed within a . reasonable time and prior to ~ugust 15, 1988, the COUNTY reserves the right to void this contra~. . 17 . Section 3. Work Schedule. The CONSULTANTS shall adhere to the following work schedule: a) Completion of Task 1.1 (Article II, Section 1 a) i)) shall be no later than August 15, 1988. b) Completion of Task 1.2 (Article II, Section 1 a) ii)) shall be no later than August 22, 1988. c) Completion of Task 1.3 (Article II, Section 1 a) iii)) shall be no later than September 15, 1988. d) Completion of Task 1. 4 (Article I I, Section 1 a) iv)) shall be no later than September 15, 1988. e) Completion of Task 2.1 (Article II, Section 1 b) i)) shall be no later than September 15, 1988. f) Completion of Task 2.2 (Article II, Section 1 b) ii)) shall be no later than September 15, 1988. g) Completion of Task 2.3 (Article I I, Section 1 b) iii)) shall be no later than September 15, 1988. h) Completion of Task 2.4 (Article II, Section 1 b) iv)) shall be no later than September 1, 1988. i) Completion of Task 2.5 (Article II, Section 1 b) v)) ,shall be no later than September 15, 1988. j) Completion of Task 2.6 (Article II, Section 1 b)vi)) shall be no later than September 21, 1988. k) Completion of Task 2.7 (Article II, Section 1 b) vii)) shall be no later than September 21, 1988. l) Completion of Task 3.1 (Article I I, Section 1 c) i)) shall be no later than October 21, 1988. m) Completion of Task 3.2 (Article I I, Section 1 c) ii)) shal~ be no later than October 21, 1988." n) Completion of Task 3.3 (Article.II, Section 1 c) iii)) shall be no later than October21, 1988. 0) Completion of Task 3.4\, (Article , II, Section 1 c) iv)) - . shall be no later than October .28, 1988. . p) Completion of Task.3.5 (Arti..le II, Section 1 c) v)) . shall be no later than November 3, 1988. 18 . q) Completion <;>f Task 4.1 (Article II, Section 1 d) ,i)) shall be no later than November 30, 1988. r) Completion of Task 4.2 (Article II, Section 1 d) ii)) shall be no later than December 15, 1988. s) Completion of Task 4.3 (Article II, Section 1 d) iii)) shall be no later than December 21, 1988. t) Completion of Task 4.4 (Article II, Section 1 d) iv)) shall be no later than January20, 1988. u) Completion of Task 5.1 (Article II, Section 1 e) i)) shall be no later than March 31, 1988. v) Completion of Task 6.1 (Article I I, Section 1 f) i)) shall be no later than April 30, 1988. The above described work schedule may be updated periodically as neces~i tated by any factors that occur which materially change the conditions affecting the work schedule and are beyo~d the CONSULTANTS' control. The above described work schedule shall only be amended by the written approval of the County Director of Planning. Failure on the part of the CONSULTANT to adhere to the above described or amended work schedule, whichever is applicable, shall be sufficient grounds for ~ermination by the COUNTY. Any amendment to the scope of services, however, shall re- quire the approval of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. Section 4. Reviews. To assure that progress on the work schedule is acceptable to the COUNTY before the CONSULTANTS incur unnecessary expenses, the CONSU~TANTS shall submit to the COUNTY,'when so requested by the County Planning Director, two copieE\ of a report outlining the progress on any of the tasks described in this contract. \, Section 5. Project Manager. Unless otherwise noted in the not~e to proceed, the COUNTY . contact and project manager shall be the Planning Director. The 19 . CONSULTANTS' contact, and project manager shall be Paul Stewart. Ei ther party shall promptly notify the other in writing when circumstances require a change in project managers. Section 6. Subcontracts. The CONSULTANTS shall not enter into any subcontracts for the work described in this CONTRACT without the written consent of the COUNTY except that the professional services of Greiner, Inc. and Laventhol and Horwath may be utilized by the CONSULTANTS without any further consent, written or otherwise, from the COUNTY. Article III - Payment for Services Section 1. Total Payment. In consideration of the performance of all the services de- scribed in Article I I of this CONTRACT, except as provided in Article I, the COUNTY shall pay the CONSULTANTS $70,600 in the individual amounts specified below which shall constitute full and complete payment for all services required to be performed under the terms of thi s CONTRACT. Such amount shall also include payment for all reimbursable expenses. Section 2. Partial Payments. a) Upon completion of Task 1.0 and submission or completion of the required work products the COUNTY shall pay the CONSULTANTS $3,000. b) Upon completion of Task 2.0 and submission or completion of all required work products the COUNTY shall pay the CONSULTAN1S $21,000. c) Upon completion of Task 3.0 and ~ubmission or completion of the required work products the. COUNTY will pay the CONSULTANTS $20,100. \. , . d) Upon completion of Task 4.0 and submission or completion . of the required work products the COUNTY will pay the . CONSULTANTS $20,500. 20 . e) Upon complet~on of Task 5.0 and submission or completion of all required work products the COUNTY will pay the CONSULTANTS $3,500. f) Upon completion of Task 6.0 and submission or completion of all required work products the COUNTY will pay the CONSULTANTS $2,500. Section 3. Method of Payment Following the completion of a task, the submission to the COUNTY Planning Director of any work product(s) required by the task, and the acceptance by the Planning Director of the work product(s) and services rendered as meeting the requirements of this CONTRACT's scope of services, the CONSULTANTS will submit an invoice in the amount appropriate according to the above schedule for the task to the County Planning Director. The CONSULTANTS may provide invoices for payment on a monthly basis if they desire. Payments for that month will not exceed payment requirements for each task submitted to that date. Payment by the COUNTY shall be made within 30 days of the submission. Section 4. Accounting and Records. Records of the CONSULTANT's direct personnel payroll and reimbursable expenses pertaining to this CONTRACT and records of accounts between the COUNTY and the CONSULTANTS shall be kept on a generally recognized accounting basis and shall be available to the COUNTY or an authorized representative during regular business hours. Reimbursable expenses shall include general travel expenses, hotel expenses, meals, and long distance tele- phone exp!!hses. Article IV - County Responsibilities Section 1. The COUNTY wi 11 fur~i sh the CONSULTANTS, when feasible, at no cost to the CONSULTANTS,. the following informa- tion or services: .. . 21 . Copies of any available maps, records, contracts, policy statements, land develop~ent regulations or other ordinances, comprehensive land plan sections, resolutions, existing relevant studies in the COUNTY possession, or other data pertinent to the work, and all other available information data relative to COUN- TY policies, standards or criteria. Where the COUNTY staff undertakes traffic studies or other field related assessments in compliance with the CONTRACT requirements, all work shall be at the expense of the COUNTY. Sites for traffic counts and/or turning movement assessments shall be agreed upon beforehand. For clarity, the COUNTY shall provide written notification to the CONSULTANT as to the number and location of each traffic count or turn movement assessment. The COUNTY staff shall be available to the Consultants' during normal working hours for advice and consultation on matters relating to tasks in this Contract's scope of services. The COUNTY staff shall also schedule, set up and notice the public hearings which are its responsibility under tasks 3.5, 4.3, 5.1 and 6.1 (contract paragraphs Art. I I, Sec. 1 c) 5) , d) 3 ), e ) 1 ), and f) 1 ) ) . Article V - Curtailment and Termination. Section 1. Modification of Project. Additions to, modifications, or deletions from the scope of services outlined in Article II may be made by the COUNTY, and the compensation to be paid to the CONSULTANTS may be adjusted accordingly by mutual agreement of the parties. Change orders, excluding, 'completion date changes, will not be effective until approved by the Board of County Commissipners of Monroe County, Florida. It is distinctly understood .and agreed that no claim . . for extra work done or materia-Is furnished by the CONSULTANT will be allowed by the COUNTY except as provided herein, nor shall the CONSULTANTS do any work or.~urnish any materials not . covered by this CONTRACT unless such work is first authorized in 22 .. writing by change order. Any such work or materials furnished by the CONSULTANTS without such written authorization first being given shall be at their own risk, cost, and expense, and the CONSULTANTS hereby agree that without such \\'ri tten authorization, that they will make no claim for compensation for such work or materials furnished. Section 2. Curtailment or Termination of Services. Except as it may be ,restricted by Art. I, the COUNTY and the CONSULTANTS hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants contained herein. The COUNTY reserves the right, at its discretion, to terminate or curtail the services provided in this CONTRACT for any misfeasance, malfeasance or nonperformance of the CONTRACT by the CONSULTANTS. In the event the COUNTY shall terminate or curtail the ser- vices or any part of the services of the CONTRACT after the ap- propriate go head of Art. ii, Sec. 2 has occurred, the COUNTY shall notify the CONSULTANTS in writing and the CONSULTANTS shall discontinue performing the services under this CONTRACT thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice. Where such termination is due to negligent performance or failure to perform the CONTRACT, the CONSULTANTS will be liable to the COUNTY for damages caused thereby, and all sums due the CONSULTANTS shall be stopped. Upon such termination, the CONSULTANTS shall deliver to the COUNTY all drawings, illustrations, text, data and other docu- ments entirely or partially completed, together with all unused materials supplied by the COUNTY. Upon termination, the CONSULTANTS shall appraise the work they have, completed and submit their appraisal to the COUNTY for their evaluation and determination of payment as herein de- f scribed. The CONSULTANTS shall rE!cei~~ ,their compensation in full for services performed to the date of- such .termination or curtail- ment. This payment shall consist of -the appropriate percentage . of the total compensation that the task satisfactorily completed 23 . bears to the total W9rk required in Article II, and shall be, in the amount to be agreed mutually by the CONSULTANTS and the COUNTY. If there is no mutual agreement, the CONSULTANTS shall provide the COUNTY with records, and the COUNTY will employ the same method as a guide in the final determination. The COUNTY shall make this final payment within sixty (60) days after the CONSULTANTS have delivered the last of the partially completed documents together with any records that may be required to determine the amount due, unless either party has served the other with a written request to arbitrate a dispute. When the work is terminated because of Art. I, or by mutual consent, or when the termination is due to negligent performance or failure to perform the CONTRACT, there shall be no limitation upon the COUNTY as to the subsequent use of documents or ideas incorporated therein for the preparation of final studies, plans and/or documents, and the COUNTY reserves the right after thirty (30) days following a written termination notice to the CONSULTANTS, to take over the services and follow them to completion by contract with others, or otherwise. Article VI - Miscellaneous Provisions. Section 1. Non-discrimination. The CONSULTANTS agrees that it will not discriminate against any of their employees or applicants for employment because of their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and to abide by all Federal and State laws regarding non-discrimination. The CONSULTANTS' further agree to insert the foregoing, . provisions in all subcontracts hereunder, except subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. Any violation of such provisions sha1i constitute a material breach of this CONTRACT. " " Section 2. . Arbi tration of Disp\1tes.' . 24 . Any dispute aris~ng under this CONTRACT which is not settled by the COUNTY and the CONSULTANTS in ten (10) days shall be de- cided by an arbitration board composed of a representative of the COUNTY, a representative of the CONSULTANTS, and a represen- tative mutually acceptable to the COUNTY and the CONSULTANTS. The CONSULTANTS shall continue to render all services requested in this CONTRACT without interruption, notwithstanding the provisions of this section. Section 3. Ownership of Documents. All documents including, but not limited to, tracings, draw- ings, illustrations, estimates, field notes, investigations, design analysis, studies, and other data or documents which are obtained or prepared in the performance of this CONTRACT are to be and will remain the property of the COUNTY and are to be de- livered to the Director of Planning before the final payment is made to the CONSULTANTS. The CONSULTANTS may retain originals and prepare copies of any of these documents for the COUNTY provided the copies are produced at the CONSULTANTS' own expense. Section 4. Provision of Documents, Maps, and Graphics. The CONSULTANT will provide the COUNTY with two camera-ready originals or easily reproducible copies of any documents produced pursuant to this CONTRACT, as well as, two originals of all base maps, base map overlays, and graphics. Base maps, map overlays, and all graphics shall be produced using composite b1ack1ine mylar. Documents should be produced on a word processor or another electronic data processing system. The CONSULT~' shall provide provide to the COUNTY software copies of these documents in a format compatib1~ with the COUNTY's IBM Model 36 computer system or, at the COuNTY's discretion, its IBM based Graphic Information System~ .. Section 5. . Assignment of CONTRhCT. . 25 . /OM, 4 - Imo `.. This CONTRACT shall not be assignable in whole or in part without the written consent of the parties hereto, and it shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Section 6. Anti-kickback. The CONSULTANTS warrants that no person has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this CONTRACT upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contin- gent fee and that no member of the COUNTY has any interest, fi- nancially or otherwise, in the CONSULTANTS or its subcontrac- tors. For breach or violation of this warranty, the COUNTY shall have the right to annul this CONTRACT without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from the CONTRACT price or consideration, the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee. Section 7. Department of Community Affairs Contract. The CONSULTANTS hereby understands that they are bound by all contracts between the COUNTY and the Department of Community Affairs which serve to provide funding for this project. Section 8. Claims. The CONSULTANTS agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the COUNTY and the Department of Community Affairs against all claims of whatever nature arising out of the performance of work under this CONTRACT whether in contract, tort or otherwise and whether claimed by third parties or the CONSULTANTS themselves. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT on the date and year first written above. b.z7 �.rr, O'lekBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST:DANNY L. KOL IA rOF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By 1,11,L /L ' 142[ , BY Clerk Mayor ai m • (SEAL) 26 AO �►,1��\ h1�J� .. ~ ~ Iff (W (!JpJJ. Witness ~...; ~ ~ 'j),~~ R.. U ness SEDWA Y COOKE ASSOCIATES "- , 27