Resolution 397-1988 Commissioner Hernandez RESOLUTION NO. 397 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS REQUESTING THAT GOVERNOR MARTINEZ FINANCE THE DRUG AZT PROGRAM FOR PERSONS SUFFERING FROM AIDS IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, AIDS has become a disease of maj or concern in Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Monroe County have previously been receiving the drug AZT through a federally funded program; and WHEREAS, that funding is no longer available; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County desire that people in need of the said drug AZT continue to receive the same; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Monroe County urges Governor Martinez to transfer funds immediately to finance the AZT program for persons suffering from the disease AIDS who are unable to finance the medication them- selves. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of August, A.D., 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By g~, " Mayor an (SEAL) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ...I2t~~..&~ er ' Au g . 11, 1988 ~\ AIDS HElP~ ,,~ The Honorable Bob Martinez Governor of The State of Florida State Cap i tol Tallahassee, FL 32399 Dear Gov. Martinez: The Board of Directors of AIDS Help, Inc. (Monroe County~s Provider for State of Florida's Patient Care Grant) is very concerned about AZT being denied to new PWAs unable to be Medicaid qual ified. The Board of Directors is composed of over 20 members of the community representing medical" judicial, legal and business leaders. Under the federally funded program, AZT was available - at no cost - to those financially screened with a doctor's prescription. When the federally funded program ran short, the State of Florida appropriated $300,000 to continue AZT for those without medicaid who were currently receiving AZT. The State of Florida designated AZT as a Medicaid approved drug as of 7/1/88. What is needed now is funding for those ~ individuals not able to pay for AZT, who are inel igible for Medicaid, due to some assets or abil ity to worK full-time or part-time. In Monroe County, we have individuals worKing, paying taxes, yet not earning enough to pay for AZT ($8,000 yearly). Do we instruct them to quit.. ..apply for SSI and be covered by Medicaid? What happens to someone receiving $600-700 monthly from Social Security Disability (with no Medicaid coverage). How do they eat, pay rent and find $800 monthly to pay for AZT? Funds need to be transferred immediately to Keep these PWAs al ive. Please advise what can be accompl ished to assist those who's very 1 ife depends upon a speedy infusion of funds. On behalf of the Board of Directors, C~~g~ President, Board of Directors cc Hon. Gregory Coler Secretary of Health and Rehabil itative Services (30S) 296-6196 p,O, Box 4374, Key West, FL 33041 Sponsored by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and the State of Florida