Resolution 423-1988 .) Commissioner John Stormont C} a:" c c. LI, Ct', co c;:? N 5: RESOLUTION NO. 423 -1988 . A.-~ RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE HONORABLE RON '.: SAUNDERS TO PREPARE AND TO PRESENT A SPECIAL - nA'tT TO THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF "FLoRIDA TO PROVIDE FOR THE CREATION OF A 'SGLID WASTE AUTHORITY CONSISTING OF THE CQUNTY OF MONROE AND THE CITY OF KEY WEST. " w. L <X) N 0- ~ C. LLj _I ~n ,W ..::. 0::: ~E~~, the Florida Resource Recovery and Management Act of l..L.. 1: 1988 requires counties and cities to plan to provide efficient solid waste services, and WHEREAS, Florida Statutes Chapter 403.706 states that counties have the responsibility to provide disposal facilities for use by both county and city residents, and WHEREAS, Florida Statutes Chapter 403 encourages counties and cities to form cooperative recycling programs, with counties insuring, to the maximum extent possible, that cities participate in the design and implementation of recycling and waste manage- ment programs through inter local agreements or other means provided by law, and WHEREAS, local governments which do not comply with the requirements of recycling programs and waste management plans shall not be eligible for grants from the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund, and WHEREAS, joint City of Key West and County of Monroe repre- sentatives have been authorized by both legislative bodies to investigate and propose joint solid waste programs and solutions to common solid waste disposal in the Florida Keys, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. To request the Honorable Ron Saunders, State Representative, to draft and petition the Legislature of the State of Florida to enact a Special Act for the County of Monroe, enabling it to form a Solid Waste Management Authority with the City of Key West, and to perform all necessary activities associ- ated with the intent of the Florida Resource Recovery and Manage- ment Act of 1988 under a regional system. Section 2. To direct staff of Monroe County to draw and present for both legislative bodies certain interim interlocal agreements dealing with common solid waste and recycling programs mandated by the Florida Resource Recovery and Management Act of 1988, as determined necessary by the joint City/County Solid Waste Committee of the two bodies. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of September, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By g<o~. .t tJ M a1rnlaI'l. (Seal) DANNY L. l';:'OLIlAGE, Cler~ Attest: - ~.. 4r4-j fJ.~ flY 2