Resolution 427-1988 Civil Defense RESOLUTIO~ ~O. 427 -1988 A RESOLUTIO~ OF THE BOARD OF COU~TY COMMIS- SIO~ERS OF MO~ROE COU~TY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- I~G THE MAYOR/CHAIRMA~ OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE A BUDGET MODIFICATION TO A~ AGREEME~T BY A~D BETWEEN MO~ROE COU~TY A~D THE DEPARTME~T OF COMMU~ITY AFFAIRS CO~CERNING RADIOLOGICAL EMERGE~CY PREPAREDNESS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO~ERS OF MONROE COU~TY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute a budget modification to an Agreement by and between Monroe County and the State of Florida Department of Connnunity Affairs, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning radiological emergency preparedness. PASSED A~D ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of September, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By g~'l.? May a1.rman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~/~~ c , AN1C~'!;","""", " "<. ...),i.h'/~/j.' . . BY _! Attorney's Office ,,(%:~~L~~r~;?f " i''''t'l: . > ~-:.. ~~". i.,..." -...1-- fT",--'-,w \~',~7ti'~},~~(7";~: .t;l'\:il:!, ~f;.,", .:: \.,,:...-~~,,;.,' -'" ~l" .,.JIIfl:.,....,J..,..... ~". /:.(d!,,~.~.,.\~; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 BOB MARTINEZ Governor THOMAS G. PELHAM Secretary August 19, 1988 Mr. William A. Wagner, Director Monroe County Civil Defense 5192 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 Dear Mr. Wagner: In response to Monroe County's letter dated July 14, 1988, requesting a budget modification to your Radiological Emergency Preparedness agreement (88EM-06-11-54-10-002), approval is hereby granted to amend the budget as indicated below: Current Approved Change Revised Cateflorv Budget Requested Budget Salaries & Fringe $54,205 $ -0- $54,205 Benefits Contractual Services 10,988 (4,200) 6,788 Communication 21,206 4,200 25,406 Travel 6,185 -0- 6,185 Supplies 2,450 -0- 2,450 Capital Outlay 334 -0- 334 Insurance 1.500 -0- 1.500 Total $96,868 $ -0- $96,868 Total funds in this agreement remain at $96,868. This approval represents Modification ~1 to the referenced agreement. Please have the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners sign all three copies in the space provided, and return two copies to this office and retain one copy for your files. This modification will enable you to pay recurring ~elephone costs for the remainder of the agreement period. Officials at Florida Power and Light have been contacted and are in concurrence. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT · RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT Mr. William A. Wagner August 19, 1988 Page Two If further assistance is needed in this matter, please call Ms. Pat Smith at (904) 487-4918. SincerelY" ~ ~~ ~?~~ Gordon L. Guthrie Director GLG:ahp cc: Jay Maisler Rod Westall Cha~~M~~Y -:a:d of Commissioners ATTEST: Date ;~::;, at ~~~~~~:y '\ r" 7=-.,} [~ Attornoy'. Office