Resolution 437-1988 RESOLUTION NO. 437 - 1988 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS. it is necessary to increase items under the Airport 0 & M Fund of the Monroe County Budget for fiscal year 1987 - 1988 for unanticipated funds received from Windstorm Premium Refund. now. therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA. as follows: That the Airport 0 & M Fund of Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year 1988. be and the same is hereby increased by the sum of $2.400.90 follows: Revenues: Amount: 004-000000-369907-0 Refunds prior years Insurance $2.400.90 Total Revenues $2.400.90 Appropriations: Amount: 004-910200-581900-0 Transfer to Risk Management $2.400.90 Total Appropriations $2.400.90 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be. upon the receipt of the above unanticipated funds. he is hereby authorized and ~;dire~ed to p~Jce funds in said items. as set forth above. CJ .. .....,.- ~PAssiH AND~PTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. c' ..1"'. r-:- ;. , ---'., fFlor~a. at acregular meeting of said Board held on the l-- ~ !.U c.A. D . C::P988 .,' C:J Lo. n::: ". 00"; Z _J ao C:l 0 l.L ~ tl 20th day of ::t o CJ z .' ~c. \....-J('" " f"""r'"" September. ...,.., ~ F5 --I I" -" '-"--"'1 ~.... (-'I - --" ...... ,J :".1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSfQNERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA a - ":0 " ') ':) 'u ':J o ~~'<, - ,...-:,--'"/ ,,c,,-- g;- 7)f-~{/ .~" Ma. or7CIi.a~~~~r~" '--1 By (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk ~-~~J.~ Clerk' f~ APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ,J::EG!tLt'Ff!cIENCY. \/ )L--/ BY "\ Attorney's Office