Resolution 455-1988 RESOLUTION NO. 455 - 1988 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION No. 415-1988 WHEREAS. Resolution No. 415-1988 heretofore enacted for the purpose of transferring funds. contains certain erroneous account numbers. and WHEREAS. it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors. now. therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA. that the following items: Transfer from DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515130-01068. DCA Salaries Temp. For the Amount of $4.656.77 Into DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515140-01068 O.T. Salaries Transfer from DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515130-01068. DCA Salaries Temp. For the Amount of $432.53 Into DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515210-01068 O.T. Fica Taxes Transfer from DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515130-01068. DCA Salaries Temp. For the Amount of $ .39 Into DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515260-01068 O.T. Medicare Taxes Transfer from 716 Contingency Item #716-920000-584990-00000. Contingency For the Amount of $7.568.00 Into Planning Item #716-100100-515510 Office Supplies Transfer from Parks & Beaches. Unincorporated Item #717-092001-572230. Group Insurance For the Amount of $3.00 Into Parks & Beaches Item #717-920002-572230 Group Insurannce 3: ~ " a c; r :z ~"J"1 "1 ,- i. CJ _.... 8 ' . ...... 'I - ) - J -0 'I ~ ~) ~:) - CJ - C.:J are hereby aaended to read as follows: Transfer from DCA Grant Item #716-100112-515130-01068. DCA Salaries Temp. For the Amount of $4.656.77 Into DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515140-01068 O.T. Salaries Transfer from DCA Grant Item #716-100112-515130-01068. DCA Salaries Temp. For the Amount of $432.53 Into DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515210-01068 O.T. Fica Taxes Transfer from DCA Grant Item #716-100112-515130-01068. DCA Salaries Temp. For the Amount of $ .39 Into DCA Grant Item #716-100113-515260-01068 O.T. Medicare Taxes Transfer from 716 Contingency Item #716-920000-584990-00000. Contingency For the Amount of $6.568.00 Into Planning Item #716-100100-515510 Office Supplies Transfer from Parks & Beaches. Unincorporated Item #717-920001-572230. Group Insurance For the Amount of $3.00 Into Parks & Beaches Item #717-920002-572230 Group Insurannce IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be. upon the receipt of the above. he is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of September. A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA B g~~2L;~,.. t~ y__,__,__--!' J/I -. Mayor/C~n (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk ~~~ APP~r~J TO ,cORM AN)("t/~ BY .. Attorr (~:l':; Clf,iC.:'!"