Resolution 458-1988 \. Jeff Fisher, Director Extension Services c' 00 cr c;:? C N C 5: L. C: co 0 N r" ~ u. C u-i 5B , --' \.L... o:.~ ..J I,:_"~ >: RESOLUTION NO. 458 -1988 r-- .'2 ::'1\:2 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- ~$10NERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING ...~._'MD AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF SAID ~'!RD TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN ~ NK KEEVAN & SONS, INC., AND THE BOARD OF C NTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPAIRING DAYBEACONS IN SUMMERLAND AND KEMP CHANNELS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: That the Mayor/Chairman of said Board is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Frank Keevan & Sons, Inc., and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purpose of repairing daybeacons in Summerland and Kemp Channels. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of September, A. D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By &~, .t a a1rman (Seal) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -L2A~~I1/ syk Attorney's Office A G R E E MEN T AGREEMENT, MADE THIS day of 1988, by and between, FRANK KEEVAN & SONS, INC., , ("Contractor"), and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, of the County of Monroe, State of Florida ("Board"). The Contractor and the Board, for the consideration named, agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all the materials and perform all the work as required by the Specifications for Boating Improvement Fund Project located at Summerland Key Monroe County, Florida, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The work to be performed und~r the contract shall commence within 60 days from date--Board provides Notice to ~ Proceed and shall be completed within 120 days of that date. 3. If the Notice to Proceed has not been given by Board to Contractor on or before December 1, 1988, then this Agreement shall be null and void. 4. The work to be performed under the contract is contin- gent upon receipt of appropriate grant monies from the State Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund. If this grant is denied, this Agreement shall be null and void. The Contractor understands the rules of the Depart- ment of Natural Resources Boating Improvement Fund and shall comply with said rules, along with the rules and procedures instituted by the Board to ensure an orderly progress to the project. 5. The Board shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of the contract the sum of Seventeen thousand, two hundred and sixty-seven dollars (17,267.UU), upon completion by Contractor ana a~ceptance by Board, subject to the terms and conditions of paragraphs one through four above. 6. The attached Specifications and Plans, together with this Agreement, form the Contract. \ They are as fully a ,part of this Contract as if repeated herein verbatim. 7. The Contractor shall indemnity the Board from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including attorney fees, arising out of, connected with, or resulting from this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year first written above. (Seal) At,~es_t: '--x/ ' >> G{ , . /v ' ct:'tX y/' / /.' ; / ..--. _e . .- . . -. . ,.-/. e-- ,,~, .t: I.~ I . '.... -. . Witness BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ . BY: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attest: ................... Clerk ,'PpfUjv~1 AS to FORM ANf)fGi SjJf.i ~CIE~~Y. "l' r I --'(./ :/. /' Ilttorney's OfficB Page 2 of 2 COUNTY OF MONROE KEY WEST, FLORIDA SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPAIR OF DAYBEACONS TO MARK SUMMERLAND KEY (TOPPINO) CHANNEL AND KEMP CHANNEL, SUMMERLAND KEY, FLORIDA KEYS MONROE COUNTY Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Key West, Florida ** . All bids will be opened at a meeting between the County Attorney, County Administrator, Clerk of Courts, and Extension Director, or their representatives, for the above referenced project. Specifications for installation of treated wood piles complete with U.S. Coast Guard approved Daybeacons, in the locations indicated are in the enclosed materials. 1. PILES: (A) Pile shall be of timber treated with chromated copper arsenate (C.C.A.). (B) Pile shall be of timber which will stand the driving for which they are intended. (C) A straight line drawn from the center of the butt to the center of the tip shall not at any point face further away from center of the pile than a distance equal to 1% of the length of the pile. (D) Minimum_butt diameter = 1211 measured 3' from en6. Minimum tip diameter = 811. (E) Pile shall be driven and best installation practices used. 2. LENGTH OF PILES: piles to be of sufficient length to provide a minimum of four feet penetration into existing sea floor and an elevation of eight feet above mean high water. 3. DAYBEACONS: Daybeacons to be constructed and erected as indicated on the enclosed sketches. There are two daybeacons per daymark. ** Bids were opened July 29, 1988 (A) Replace in Summerland (AKA ~oppino) Channel daybeacon markers Nos. 1 (green square) and 2 (red triangle). (B) In Kemp Channel, replace and install daybeacon markers Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, according to Coast Guard permit. Even numbers are red triangles; odd numbers are green squares. Use existing dimensions and as noted in remaining documents. Straighten pile Nos. 11 and 14. (C) Replace and install marker "Obstruction" daybeacon. 4. DEMOLITION: Replace and install new piles in Kemp Channel at marker Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 17. Straighten piles at marker Nos. 11 and 14. Replace obstruction daybeacon pile. Replace and install new daybeacon markers on all new piles. 5. CERTIFICATION: (A) Bidder will certify in the bid that the plans and specifications of the project will comply with the project design criteria established by the Department of Natural Resources and will, if carried out, result in completed facilities incor- porating acceptable engineering design standards, which facilities will be structurally sound, safe and suitable for their location and intended use. (B) Bidder must also certify completion of the project in accordance with 5(A), and in accordance with Coat Guard Require- ments and the Coast Guard Permit enclosed. (C) Bidder will certify locations of installed pile by latitude and longitude upon completion of the work. 6. Bidder shall specify number of days required to complete actual construction work. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. All bids to remain valid for 120 days after bid selection by the Board of County Commissioners or until contract is in effect allowing for new dates, whichever comes sooner. Performance Bond required in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 255. If your bid or propsal exceeds $100,000, it will be necessary to post a Performance Bond. KEMP AND SUMMERLAND KEY CHANNELS SUMMARY OF WORK Summerland Key (Toppino) Channel #l--replace daymarker signs only #2--replace daymarker signs only Kemp Channel #l--replace daymarker #2--replace daymarker #3--replace daymarker #4--replace daymarker #5--replace daymarker #6--replace daymarker #7--replace daymarker #9--replace daymarker --replace pile --relocate pile to better mark channel to hump in direction on #12 #ll--replace daymarker signs, straighten existing pile #12--replace daymarker signs only #14--replace daymarker signs, straighten existing pile #17--replace daymarker signs, replace pile #18--replace daymarker signs only #20--replace daymarker signs only #22--replace daymarker signs only #24--replace daymarker signs only "Obstruction daybeacon"--replace and install marker signs signs, replace signs only signs, replace signs, replace signs, replace signs, replace signs only signs pile pile pile pile pile c ( c. /- -... .. . " II . MEAN HIGH WATER MUD LINE l' ~ENERAL SCHEMATIC ......- FOR DA YBEACONS . . i3j: . . . . . . . . : ~~ ----TOPOF PILES', \ CREOSOTED PI lE '. -'I ~" . ~ \\, ",;!!. ;::".\ ,.. .~~'" ...-:, ;;.01/:::. !'~ ~/'\\i;," 1/. ~'/I,... .\\~:II'_";,- .,.. :0-....... MINIMUM REQUIRED PENE- TRATION FOUR FEF.T ELEVATION PORT SIDE ELEVATION STARBOARD SIDE ..'~~ ....,;_.r__. Single pile wood beacon structure (unlighted). .' . '. V~JtI~. t; '.~' .;". <-' j-___. 15""-0'__ rll .. _-.1 'r~~iJj ~.,j,~. I "i~" I '''-'~I ~ j,O "1 "1 o 3 . 'I % o "' 1'1 !" ,.c...~ < "I" "'~~N. ~ = ~ :.. ~4:.'Z~ ::!..uF o~~~ ~~~- ''II: tilt" 5J~ u.-_:X r ...~..r ::~nr.: g;J~~ :c n ,.... :;,.. :~ :s"'u " .. f'-f~<.:D tlO "'''' 'f 0> ~ ~I ~ s:)Io ~'"",Irt ; Z ~' '" j: ~ 1- 0 ~ "r. i 10 ;.: !.:; f;: ';? ,OOIft';f~ :~~tj(l~ .00)').... . V' ,11 I ~, ~ ~~ U n Orn"vp '11 1.4'" -< !,...~iJo< ... CJ L ", V . 0 r;: (" ~ ~ ;~ "o~Lf) r....<~(j ~ n ~ n ~~ 0........ -. < / ~.~ I) ;;;~~g;'" c:: ~~ IU ~ :: 1'1 /- - f. . nll:-" .... 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'1\) eor"ect t~~ pror...;t;lInS of ~.,1HGcrsiz(;{! and f:1jC(: ~nym:r.':~: ~;cu s;~u~d ,~o t:1~ foi1owing: 1.) In..c;ta.ll 1 m',1-e SG (;ayma."~~3 on Dc.'lbcaeoruJ ~t 3):) 7, S, ,,~ 2t; ,~3. 25 and St1m:ncri~.nd K(:7 Dnybco:.:.co;1 '. :~5 ~7. ~..:..., :r: !:;st:lE .r. miic rR ':',1ym:lc!~ on D:~y=.)~~OI!S 2, :\, :5. ..2; q :9~ ~O. 2:t :>~.' ~~5 Imc Sl.!mm~I';,9.nc~ J{e~r Dnjbe~cc-=1 :1. '"~ .. '.'_'1._"-:. . ..,;) .'."...'- "',' .." '-. ,~{~~~ .. ..' .. !;~';,:~ ..:~..r.:~;;' ....-. ...;-.; -:~.~."":;'~-''''''. .... ..' .':~:.~. ..;~!~~~~ ....::.~~ ,.- :;)518 S-::r-i!ll: 1058 , G Junuary lS81 Subj: Privata Aids to N~vigat!o!1. NO".f'E: Eac?1 D.'lybt:!l.\t!On :s to 00 C<]u:.pp2d .,:;t~l h';'.,) D:.l~'mn.:;(S. You ar.e also reminded that c-aymarks on the Obsu'uctlon Day~eacon are faced. P!case chtlnge to 1 mIla N'~ daymarks !!Vo!"ded DANGER SUBMERGED PI!.ES. Si1lCe{'e~J" , A. C. DEMPSEY Captain. U. S. COdst Gum'a Chicf. Aids to Na'/:g~tfon R'f1l'i.cn .!3y dif (;cti:)1l of Le Di3t~ i;::t Com:n~:1de:: Eno!: (J) CG-255:i !2; Dnyrnlll"l< Pac:~et COp:'.: Comm~der. COt.lSt Gu.:l~d G:ou~. :Key 1'kst, FL Off:"€r i..'1 C~1t:ll1~c. Ai~.s to Nav::.!fit:0n 'l'('Hm, Kc~,' ;';e.;t. FI. Co:'tn of EngineeI's. Jac~oonV1!..Z.e. F1J (::13. H~'lin) " 'U :D .l'l < o C II> 1'l o ~ o 2 ... l> J:l l'l o III II> o r l'l ~ fI'I tIl ." I'lO :D :D ?~ ~:;; < o en ~ :D n ~ n o ~ ~ :I> Z o m :D '" a n n ~ ~ tIl II> H;; Hn l> ~ o Z o ." l> o tIl r n :D Z ~ ~ ~ ~ !J ~fIl'" (t) ..... 0 '< 0 llJ ::3 1'1 ~(l)o- (l) 1'1 fIl fIl 0 "- H\ 3:n ~OO t'"4::3C 1'1 ::l Won W(l)'< o +:-onn 000 a ~ rT ..... '< fIl I - .... A o O"'~-i 'tl:D-:r I'lo-il'l :D~:r::> l>-i:D'tl -i m'tl o~~!: Zl>mn Ornl> 'Tlr-iZ m-i-i :tC'l0l> I'lml>C'l l>OZ::e 'tlZ<~ ~~nll> orr-i <-l>0 m~~1I> OZO::> l>nIl< -1'1 1'1 20p:;! ~"~m . :t~n 1'1 1'111>0 ...... -i l> -_g -:'-'~.:r~ ,..- l>l>-. ~ ,."' 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(, 5 4 2 4 6 5 AI 2 2 (:::- 3 I 3f " 2 .. ~UI ,III I ' '.. ..4 ~ 1 5 __ \ II 7 ....;:....--;, . , 7 7 / ....---.... _____' J . - ...... .. 7 3/ /trr "" :; II _ J ~ v ,,, \') .~ .4 I.., .5 ,!l ,3 " ~ :" _ 13 IR of, '9 @) 19 20 0 ; ,9 ''l .' .,,;.. 11 . ;-) ~'" '.Y 9 20 22 s 21 n 2-'" ;- 22 21 2\ 2'" c--; 2'" 24 23 --;;---- " 23 ~ 21 i3--' - 23 , -'- - - _.-# -7 ! ~ ~ ~......, 22 /1/ 0 2:$ <4 20 ,.. ,,> , -SSh 2J 2\ ." 2'> 5 5 .' 'l Commander Seventh Coast Guard District leral Bldg. ;)1 S.W. 1st Ave. Miami, FL 33130 Staff Symbol: (oan) Phone: (305) 536-5621 JUl 1 1986 16518/37 Serial: 0870 Mr. Jeffery A. Fisher Florida Cooperative Extension Service P.o. Box 2545 Key West, FL 33045 PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION, LONG KEy:'-IG~UMMERLAND K~ - I am pleased to enclose the approved Private Aid ApplicatIons (CG-2554) authorizing the establishment of Layton Channel Daybeacons 1, 2, 3, and Summer land Key Channel Daybeacons 4 and 5. This authorization is issued under the following conditions: (1) Compliance with these conditions is essential. You must not deviate from the application unless a request for a modification is submitted to and approved by us. (2) You must advise us immediately when these aids are actually established. At that time, we will issue appropriate notice to mariners that will update the Light List and nautical charts. (3) The establishment of any unpermitted aid or the changing of any permitted aid, without the authority and approval of this office, is a violation of 14 D.S.C. 83. Violators of this section may be fined up to $100 per day per unpermitted aid. (4) Private aid; to navigation must be maintained in proper condition at all times. We will conduct an inspection after these aids are established. After the initial inspection, future inspections will be conducted without prior notice to you. (5) A discrepancy exists whenever an aid is not as described in the approved application. Any discrepancy in the operation of an aid at any time shall be reported to us by telephone or other rapid means of communication in order that notices to mariners may be issued. Discrepancies are to be corrected at once and we must be notified by telephone when you have done so. During normal working hours our phone number is (305) 536-5621. After hours please call (305) 536-5611. (6) Our authorization of private aids to navigation does not authorize any invasion of private rights, not' grant any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any other federal, state or local laws or regulations. .. 16518/37 Serial: 0870 (7) The applicant agrees to save the Coast Guard harmless with respect to any claim or claims that may result from the alleged negligence of the maintenance or operation of an approved aid. (8) Discontinuance or change in ownership of aids must be approved by us. (9) The enclosed Private Aid Application is valid for one year from the approved date. If we are not notified of the establishment of these aids in writing within this one year period our approval will lapse and you will be required to submit another application. You are invited to review conditions 4 and 5 of this authorization. It must be understood that when any aid to navigation is established, whether federal or private, this information is published immediately and then carried on future editions of appropriate charts and in the Light List. Thereafter, mariners have the right to expect the aid to display the advertised signal. Discrepancies left uncorrected may result in marine casualties and resultant litigation. Sincerely, ~.~..~,~ Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Coast Guard Chief, Aids to Navigation Branch Acting Seventh Coast Guard District By direction of the District Commander Encl: (1) Private Aid Application (CG-2554) Copy: Officer in Charge, Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Team Key West Commander, Coast Guard Group Key West Commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville 2