Resolution 465-1988 RESOLUTION NO .465-1988 RESOLUTION CONCERNING TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal year 1987-88 and to create new items under said budget, and BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. that the budgeted transfers previously setup in the Monroe County Budget for the fiscal year 1987-88 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL FUND ---'- . " 85 r rrI ':::J ~ -, -.::) I <.-' v.> :J -0 '1 ') - 0 . . :0 - - .J Transfer from Middle Key Garage Item # 001-090400-519521-0. Gas. Oil & Lube For the amount of $4.000,00 Into Lower Keys Garage Item # 001-090100-519521-0 Gas. Oil & Lube 3 o '--' ::z: - -y- ::v ~. --- ;T1~ Transfer from County Home Item # 001-180300-564491. Food and Dietary For the amount of $15.000.00 Into Welfare Services Item # 001-180200-564311 Medicaid Hospital Req. "J".J Transfer from County Home Item # 001-180300-564430. Utilities For the amount of $5.000.00 Into Welfare Services Item # 001-180200-564312 Medicaid Nursing Home Transfer from Budgeted Reserves Item # 001-920000-584996-0. Reserve for Trauma For the amount of $125.000.00 Into Trauma Care Item # 001-150300-561341-0 Baptist Hospital SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE #002 Transfer from 002 Contingency Item # 002-920000-584990, Reserve Contingency For the amount of $9,493.00 Into Key West Library Item # 002-260002-571461 Capital Outlay Transfer from Library-Bookmobile Item # 002-260003-571462. Maint of Equip For the amount of $1.500.00 Into Key West Library Item # 002-260002-571461 Maint of Buildings Transfer from Library-Marathon Item # 002-260004-571660, Marathon Materials For the amount of $1,500.00 Into Key West Library Item # 002-260002-571461 Maitn of Buildings Transfer from Library-Islamorada Item I 002-260005-571461. Islamorada Maint og Bldgs For the amount of $3.000.00 Into Key West Library Item # 002-260002-571461 Maint of Buildings Transfer from Library Administration Support Item I 002-260001-571510. Admin. Supp. Ofc. Sup. For the amount of $1.407.00 Into Key West Library Item # 002-260002-571461 Capital Outlay Transfer from Library-Key Largo Item # 002-260006-571640. Capital Outlay Equip For the amount of $5,000,00 Into Key West Library Item # 002-260002-571461 Capi tal Outlay Transfer from Library-Administrative Support Item # 002-260001-571462. Admin. Supp, Maint. of Equip. For the amount of $600.00 Into Key West Library Item # 002-260002-571461 Capital Outlay CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1301 Transfer from Capital Projects Item # 301-920000-584994-0, Contingency For the amount of $80.000.00 Into Capital Projects Item # 301-421001-572610-0 Big Pine Key Recreation Area BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD the Clerk of said Board be. he is hereby authorized and directed to place said funds in said items. as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County COllllllissioners of Monroe County. Florida. at a special meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of September. A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA By .€f~.? (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk ~~L?L~~L [)~ Cler~-~ App~t~lo FORM AN6t~ BY ___L._ /1 tt,,;:~,::~;;':'._--;~:-~:-,~.':;'----