Resolution 476-1988 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 476 -1988 C" 0\ a c;:? c:' c, _"" ~ " )- f..J.- -~.- C ~WH~~, the area known as Old Boca Chica Road has for many (\ N . C"yea~ be~~8an area of recreation and bathing activity for the C"~' ,i": '.~ a:: ~eopJe ici ~nroe County; and _t 1iS o:r: ~ . WHEREAS, Monroe County has recently decided not to vacate a A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE UNITED STATES NAVY TO MAKE OLD BOCA CHICA ROAD AVAILABLE TO THE CITIZENS OF MONROE COUNTY FOR kECREATIONAL PURPOSES. road in the area in order to facilitate the use of the area for recreational purposes; and ~~EREAS, the United States Navy is currently the title holder to certain described real estate as reflected in the attached maps, which real estate is utilized by the people of Monroe County for recreational purposes; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the County of Monroe does hereby request the United States Navy to make available to the people of Monroe County the property described in the attached maps for the purposes of recreational uses not inconsistent with the activ- ities of the Navy in adjacent areas. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of September, A.D., 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /? ,.---.... BY~~ ~yor rman .? (SEAL) Attest: DANNY 1.. KOLHAGE, Clerk -/2L~"1.J)~ er ,. BY J Q - , 1. Z -~,., :1 5 .t"J <( o 3 )- Q ro).. ~ ct W D "7 Zf/) 2 J d:: \- 3 o Z u. 2 <J 11. 'Cl I \) 0 c( ,.. z 3 ... c:J. 1. 1 'Cl ':) ~5 \- ~ 0 01. 0 :j."i () ~ ~~ Q.. . . I -- --- ------ -- \I ~ii ~~. ,.\yj','"/' ~' I .\.1 o 7' ill OOrr0 C\J J rt') hJC'2/'IIHGr -, r T.' V ^ .\ '., , ., N\ m, N C\! -0 ~;;) ~li) i:::r-!. l1.Ili) ~I <l:- l>..O OZ~ U)u .... ~.....;~- ~ :0' ( ~.J., S ",0 If..' ~~ c' I:~ 7 w 1. ~ '.._ . .1 u-rr)It):4l :1\.1.) a U} It) ;J :r: U) r\J C)I l- ~1-11l '~a. -I ~ ~ It) -J c.:l '" ~ .~ ~ ')' C'jJ t- ~ I' ~I U) ,... f'., > '" ~ r 'fl 0 ""t ~ D ty ~ ( ~ w~ Ee C) rT) I\H o 1-0Ql-l")N,!" 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