Resolution 511-1988 -' ~ Planning Director RESOLUTION NO. 511 -1988 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 11, HAWAIIAN VILLAGE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 11, dated September 13, 1988, attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3(m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 4th day of October, A.D., 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By gr7r:r-~'.. .t Mayor/~al.rman (SEAL) Attest: .pAl~NX L. KOLlli\.G:G, Clerk L2L r//!!r~j/ C er ~ ~ .." - 0 CJ r z 'J '1 ;0 ...- :J c .' 8 i'f"1 '1 -f ~) ,- - ;.J \:::. --- - ;z: :::, ':J ;a 'I -~ -) - ::; 0 0 ~. , UJ :J RW/jh APPROVEDAS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. ~~. 7 6Y ~/:??'_~. Attorney'.O q r .. M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Monroe County Board of County FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA Assist nt Administrator for Growth Management Divis1 Department: Planning ~ SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Hawaiian Village MEETING DATE: October 4, 1988 Previous Relevant Board Action: / / ( ) Referral: Yes____No~ Commissioners District Recommended Action:Move the SC/IS boundary from the east boundary line of Block F to include all of Block F, Lot 1 of Block C, the dock, and Lot 11 of Block B in the SC District as shown on the attached map. Summary of RequestjReport The Royal Hawaiian Boatel Motel has been operating on site for thirty years. Air-Tite Sales and Service has been on site since 1980. The land use designation of these sites is Improved Subdivision. Anaylsis of the existing uses and surrounding properties, the purpose and uses allowed within the Improved Subdivision and Subur- ban Commercial land use district support the determination to designate the above property as Suburban Commercial. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement Yes~No____ Attached Agreement/Contract - No. N/A Approved by County Attorney as to Legality___Yes~N.A. Standard Form Approved by Risk Management___Yes~Not Applicable Approved by Office Fiscal Management N/A Funding Source N/A Current Year Cost Annual Cost N/A Budgeted___Yes___No Will Proposal Require Additional personnel?N/A l!LLNo If Yes State Number____ Permanent___ Temporary___ Other Board Policy(ies) Applicable Planning Commission Action Taken Yes Date~N.A. Alternatives:Allow the above properties to remain in the Improved Subdi vi sion land use di strict which makes the ten unit bui lding, pool and dock of the Royal Hawaiian Boatel Motel nonconforming uses which can neither be extended nor replaced, and the building of Air-Tite Sales and Service a nonconforming structure. Attached Documentation~Yes___No MEMORANDUM DATE: September 13, 1988 TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald Craig RE: Boundary Determination for Hawaiian Village Block B, Lot IIi Block C, Lot Ii Block F ----------------------------------------------------------------- Background: The Royal Hawaiian Boatel Motel has been operating on site for almost thirty years. Some of it is in the Suburban Commercial (SC) land use district. A ten unit building on Block F, the pool and patio on Lot 1 of Block C, and the dock are in the Improved Subdivision (IS) land use district. Air-Tite Sales and Service has been on Block B, Lot 11 since 1980. The zoning maps in use before the Land Use Plan show Block F and Block B, Lot 11 as BU-l. Recommendation: Move the SC/IS boundary from the east boundary line of Block F to include all of Block F, Lot 1 of Block C, the dock, and Lot 11 of Block B in the SC District as shown on the attached map. Alternatives: Allow Lot 11 of Block B, Lot 1 of Block C, and Block F to remain in the IS district, which makes the ten unit building, pool and dock of the Royal Hawaiian Boatel Motel nonconforming uses which can neither be extended nor replaced, and the building of Air-Tite Sales and Service a nonconforming structure. Findings of Fact: 1. The designation of the above property as Suburban Commercial (SC) rather than Improved Subdivision (IS) will be consistent wi th Section 9.5-206, Purpose of the Suburban Commercial District, and the uses allowed within the district, Section 9.5-235. 2. The determination was based on the following relevant data: The zoning maps in use before the Land Use Plan show Block B, Lot IIi Block C, Lot Ii and Block F as BU-l, The Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison and dated February 28, 1986, imprecisely show the SC/IS boundary. The Land Use District Maps signed by Donald Craig and dated January 19, 1988, show Block B, Lot 11; Block C, Lot 1; and Block F as IS. Block F, Hawaiian Village is developed with a ten unit motel building. Block C, Lot 1 is developed with the motel pool and patio. Block B, Lot 11 is developed with a 4,250 square foot commercial building. Motels are not permitted in IS. Commercial Retail uses are limited to 2,500 square feet. 3. Analysis of the existing uses of the property and surrounding properties indicate that the essential neighborhood characteristics support the determination to designate the above Block B, Lot 11; Block C, Lot 1, the dock and Block F as SC. Attachments: 1. Application 2. Current Land Use District Map 3. Aerial Photo 4. Zoning pre-1986 5. Land Use District Map effective Sept. 15, 1986 (Pattison) 6. Proposed boundary change ~ APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Denis Galindo PHONE #(305)579-6105 ADDRESS 12921 Oleander Road North Miami, Florida 33181 KEY Fat Deer Key MM 54 OCEANSIDE OR BAYSIDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Hawaiian Village PLAT BOOK 4 PAGE 70 BLOCK C, Lot I, part of Lot 2; BLOCK D, west 30 ft of Lot 1; BLOCK G, west 30 ft of Lot 1; BLOCK F MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM REASON FOR REQUEST: IS TO SC Ten unit building, Royal Hawaiian Motel, operating on site since 1960, nonconforming according to land development regulations. Ten unit building located on Block F, pool and patio on Block C, lot I, and dock, located in "IS" dis- trict. Other property in SC. PRESENT LAND USE: Royal Hawaiian Boatel Motel DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SIGNATURE DATE I l .. ~ I , , ,- , " " , " , " , " , ,,' , " J' I I I I I ,^I I t-<;} \ ''1" \ (.p \ \ CRAWL KEY IIIIl\ m\\ N land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Panel or Sheet# 2-'"J-Lf Appllc ant: (:r1H-1 NDo Key : flLl--lKer @'"'" l- i ;,". . /-vr ,/.,I~IICP $/ccIcF;u'r (.+ N'Cc' FII . # Mt.U), u; /) ( II.'d;e / I r-200' I Mile Marker: N I 1-"600' I Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 13~1> Edition,19 Panel or Sheet II t? t Applicant: Gtllidu Key: ht./- !Per kr i)/~,Ic C, (ur/ __ 1!od f}, LCT,I;dL.K (- File II <"(jJ..UU/a.'11 tl,1(a~e Mile Marker: t;t/ Cu 0- cD ~ tT) _\ \.. 'd C\ \ L\..\ ) ~. r' \ \ 1~0 r- 'A \'\ \j \ ~ ~ r \ \j-\\j\}A\\r \ -J(J r ,?P / _ J _J ,;\. t2 l ~ t;,; fe, I' L , ,. ;" ")(. ? t:1cr- ()~ z~ 2~. ~'.0 S:CS: .0 ~. I '"" - 'JJ Iji. t{.,.. o ~ J) ~- . ... - ' , . ., " ,. N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 ~ \!di I 1"=2.00' I Panel or Sheet# 2-J. L Applicant: ~i'/),jo Key: Hd- }rer Kerf File # L ',rc 'Dck. J3.Lf(;li xL,r(~ ':'0" Mile Marker:~_ , I -. M U \ .# l. l5 , . . , . --- ...... ...' t\ . ~ .. ; ,\ \ ' , ~ '~- .-.~-,~ -- . N land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., Panel or Sheet# 12- of 2-1 App lie ant: GaL/III 0 Key: F'fL..f P-eer-. ,(~ @ . Februaty", ~8, 1986 Brucie a L.cjT"!/ 8Ict"i', WJT ( File # 1.f(L;,utUlti11 V,'fI(lfC_ I 1"=600' I Mile Marker:~c{_~ ~ ,:J .. / / / / / / / / / .-- .-- .-- ~ .-- .-- / / / -/ / /I\~ ~@ \ ~t- T" \ \ \ . , ',' , .-- .-- --( .-- .-- .--'-- \ \ .-- .-- .-- .-- .-- \ \ .--'-- \ .--'-- .--'-- \ .--'-- V ACA KEY cur IS Pwauant to Section 1.5-24(aH2Hh) of the Monroe Co_t, CoM, the boundarlea of the Land U.e Dlatrlct Map are Interpreted to be located .. Indicated above and briefly deacrlbed as: :n.nn mllnnrlrip south of Lot 2, around dock, around Lot 1 of Block C, Block F, and Lot 11 of Block B. Delete boundaries as shown. N ~ Director. Growth Management Sheet# ??4 Key-Fat Deer Date BOCC ....otutlon 1-.200'