Resolution 543-1988 Planning Director RESOLUTION NO. 543 -1988 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 13, Calle Uno Trailer Park, Parcels 1-19, Pt. I;t. 4 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 13 dated September 28, 1988 attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec, 9.5-3 (m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18 day of October , A.D" 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /7~ 4 BY~<' . ~/.~, b/ ayor a1rman (SEAL) Attest : DANNY L. KOLHAGE, ~lerk #.(. ~L&Jf/)/. rei ,-C',;'." " !W"!'J'HjCniliU~ ..~/(:t. . L- ~ , / An","". ~c. t/ RW / j h M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning by:Jeanne DuBois SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Calle Uno Trailer Park, East Rockland Key, pt Lot 4, Parcels 1-19 MEETING DATE: October 18, 1988 Previous Relevant Board Action: I I ( ) Referral: Yes_No~ Commissioners District Recommended Action: Draw a boundary along the road known as Calle Uno and designate the area to the west as Improved Subdivision (IS) and area to the east as Urban Residential-Mobile Home (URM) as shown on the at- tached proposed boundary map. Summary of Request/Report The land use district maps signed by Charles Pattison show the area as URM. The area is developed with seven- teen mobile homes. The current land use district maps show the subject area as IS, Improved Subdivision. Mobile homes are not a permitted use in the IS district. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement Yes___No~ Attached AgreementlContract - No. N/A Approved by County Attorney as to Legality___Yes___N.A. Standard Form Approved by Risk Management_Yes_____Not Applicable Approved by Office Fiscal Management Funding Source N/A Current Year Cost Annual Cost N/A Budgeted____Ye s _No Will Proposal Require Additional Personnel? ~No If Yes State Number Permanent___ Temporary___ Other Board Policy(ies) Applicable Planning Commission Action Taken____Yes Alternatives:Proceed with a Map Amendment. Attached Documentation X Yes No Date~N.A. MEMORANDUM DATE: September 28, 1988 TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald Craig RE: Boundary Determination for Calle Uno Trailer Park East Rockland Key, pt Lot 4 Parcels 1 - 19 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Background: The land use district maps signed by Charles Pattison show the area as URM, Urban Residential - Mobile Home. The area is developed with seventeen mobile homes and two single family detached dwellings. The current land use district maps show the subject area as IS, Improved Subdivision. Mobile homes are not a permitted use in the IS district. Recommendation: Draw a boundary along the road known as Calle Uno and designate the area to the west as Improved Subdi vi sion and the area to the east as Urban Residential - Mobile Home as shown on the attached proposed boundary map. Alternatives: Proceed with a Map Amendment. Findinqs of Fact: 1. The designation of the above property as Urban Residential - Mobile Home (URM) rather than Improved Subdivision (IS) will be consi stent with the purpose of the Urban Residential Mobile Home District, Section 9.5-205, and the uses allowed within that district, Section 9.5-234. 2. The determination was based on the following: On the zoning maps before the Land Use Plan the area was zoned RU-5P. The Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison and dated February 28, 1986, show the area as URM. The Land Use District Maps signed by Donald Craig and dated January 19, 1988, show the area as IS. The area is developed with Mobile Homes. Mobile Homes are not a permitted use in the IS district. 3. Analysis of the existing use of the property and the surrounding properties indicate that the essential neighborhood characterisitics support the determination to redesignate the above property as URM. Attachments: 1. Application 2. Current Land Use District Map 3. Aerial Photo 4. Zoning pre-1986 5. Land Use District Map effective Sept. 15, 1986 (Pattison) 6. Proposed boundary change APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT ADDRESS Planning Staff KEY East Rockland OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? ____Bays ide SUBDIVISION NIA LEGAL DESCRIPTION - pt Lot 4, Section 21, Township 67, Range 26 RE Numbers 121950-000100 through 121950-000190, Parcels 1-19 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) MM 10 Calle Uno Trailer Park REQUEST CHANGE FROM IS TO URM REASON FOR REQUEST: Error on current land use district map. Pattison maps showed as URM, developed with 17 mobile homes, 2 single family detached dwellings. PRESENT LAND USE: Mobile Homes DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SIGNATURE DATE . POND ~ r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- _ ~ .. lit, o ---- --.. . I NA , . IIii 11 . N Land Use District Maps @,""_'.,' Monroe County, Florida . JaraJary 19,1988 PII ne I or Sheet # ---i..6~ File # Appllc ant: ~lqJ1i1I'lj )'h1<< Key: E:CI>+ lcu;ldahd Mile Marker: iO I I 1"8200' i ::! '1 I :l J I . . I D . . I . I . . I . I ~ . .. . I - I . . I I . . I I I ,,0 I ft I . I I . I . . I ROCKLAND I I PQtlIO I , I I . I I . II . I I . It . L______~ . ~~ \ ~ \ . II ~ \ I \ I II \ t \ t r \ 17 \ I Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Pllnel or Sheet# !)S/f Appllc ant: f(""''''''jSftJff Key: fu~+-(2.odr l:v.,J N I 1"-200' I @~./"""'.., ... " "-....::: .7 File # _~_____ Mile Merker: 10 (~ I . . . - j ~ N I 1--100' f A....I M.pa, Monroe County, Florida R.., Eat.te Data, Inc. ~/I) Edltlon,19 8 ......1 or ".1# 9 ~eaftt: plal1";'~'JS~ Key: HS+- /)oCf((fUld File # .....- Mile "'rkar: !a W ...J - <[ a: ~ 0 7 Z <( 6 -..J :::.:= 5 U 0 Q: ! 2 5 GOVT LOT PT, LOT 4 5 21.43 taC. ,. ~ N Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 @ . , 1"=200' f Panel or Sheet#...2L Appll cant: f/q~11 i"J St,+e Key: fn ~If R.tJcJr t IJAd File # I Mile Marker: (f) . N I 1"=200' t Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-Septerrber 15,1986 t Panel or Sheet# ",C> Appllcant:fltt"", '~5 Sh.(( Key: ftl ~t R.ft'Jt Jruui File # \ @ """. .... Mile Marker: 10 ). .> T.. .. -- -- ....- - Ti . 1 m_~ I R M~ I - ~~~ It __ - ____. I ! -- - ---' I I c.__~.~, i ' ~ 1_____- \ I , /~ '-,J \~ i , . .rJf-~~~~Q~ i~t - ~/- rr1m -", >,,~ I, /- ______ ' 1, ~,.- u~ --- II )1 ~ , I , I I I ~ \1: iil, ~ . . r Ji, I; -~ I! I I I v ~ ! ~ I' "') /,", .. t~;/~ -; N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 P.nel or Sheet# :><? I> {' 2( Flle# _______ I J Applicant: pl~tllt;" ~Shlff 1"=600'. Key: ra~r~[kIAruJ . - ---. " \ .. ........ ~-, , '~'. - ("'7 (J /' " ( rs I 1- NA - llOICl~ \8 @ Mt Ie Marker: /1)_ POND ~ NA ItOCI<LNID CHANN M Pur...nt to SectlOft 1.5-24<aHIHh) .f the ...... CewII, c... the bOuMarle. of the Land U.. DI.trlct ... .e Interpreted to be located aa Indicated aboye and briefly de.crlbe" -: DriilW iil 00'100- ary line south alonq the road known as Calle Uno. Designate the area to the west IS, the area to the east as URM. N 1 Ohactor, Growth Management Slteet # 553 Key F.a!':r R~kl ;:lnn Date .acc ............. 1"= 200' -4if4.,;,;.~~:;,.;??;?-t~~;<;;:;j;~";''';';;.r;;~'f,'f<~'~'''''''_ ( ~ POND . tr . . ,,0 . . . . .. . . . . . , . . . . . . t . . t . r I ______J ~ I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I 1fOCI<L.AND CH. I I I I I I I I I L______~ M ;';' \ ;' \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ f1/1. ~~ Pur...nt t. Section 1.1-24(a)(I)(") .f the .....r.. c...., C.M, the boundarl.. of tho LaM u.. DI.trlct Map are Int.r..r.t84 to 1M loe.t.d .. Indlcat.d .bov. and wl.fly d..crlb.d M: Draw a bound- ary line south along the road known as Calle Uno. Designate the area to the west IS, the area to the east as URM. , Director, Growth Man...m.nt Sh..t# .554 K.y F.~~r R~kl~nn D.t. .OCC ....ohItl.n N 1 1"- 200'