Resolution 544-1988 iI Planning Director RESOLUTION NO. 544..1988 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 15" RE 92120 Acreage on Plantation Key BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 15 dated September 30, 1988 attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3 (m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the lH day of October , A.D., 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY&~'~~ Mayor rman (SEAL) Attest :DAJYNY L. KOLIIAGE 1, Clerk --I1J.. fJ ~.J ~,t. lerk ""l1 ,,-c: c; RW/jh " )1 APPLICATION FOR LAND USE DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Rain BarrellCarol Cutshall PHONE # 852-3084 ADDRESS 86700 Overseas Highway Tavernier, FL 33070 KEY Plantation MM 86.8 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Bayside SUBDIVISION Acreage - lengthy legal - see deed - RE #92120 PLAT BOOK PAGE BLOCK LOT(S) MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) Approximately 90' x 250' strip along west side of Rain Barrel property. REQUEST CHANGE FROM NA TO SR REASON FOR REQUEST: Where does the native boundary fall? Owner purchased property to achieve necessary F.A.R. for expan- sion. Permit application on file with Building Department. PRESENT LAND USE: Vacant DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SIGNATURE DATE Fee paid $100.00 6/1/88 MEMORANDUM DATE: September 30, 1988 TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald Craig RE: Boundary Determination for Plantation Key Acreage - S13-T63S-R37E ----------------------------------------------------------------- Background: Thi s half acre dlbla Rain Barrel expansion. of property was acquired by Carol Cutshall to achieve necessary floor area ratio for Recommendation: Extend the SR boundary south to U.S. 1, to include all the upland property as generally shown in attachment 6. This will place the SRjNA boundary on the uplandlwetland line which is approximately 95' west of the existing west property line of the Rain Barrel. Alternatives: Allow the strip to inconsistent with the and wetlands. remain in intent to the Native Area. This would be distinguish between the upland Findings of Fact: Native Area is consistent with submerged biota and no part of this tract is submerged. This tract of land has an elevation consistent with upland biota. This is a low hammock. The designation as Suburban Residential would be consistent with the hammock behind this, also designa.ted Suburban Residential, and with the mangroves on the west side designated Native Area. Attachments: 1. Application 2. Current Land Use District Map 3. Aerial Photo 4. Zoning pre-1986 5. Land Use District Map effective Sept. 15, 1986 (Pattison) 6. Proposed boundary change M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AIA Assistant County Administrator for Growth Management Division Department:Planni~____ by: Jeanne DuBois SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Plantation Key, Acreage S13-T63S-R37E, Real Estate No. 92120 MEETING DATE: Previous Relevant Board Action: I I ( ) Referral: Yes____No~ Commissioners District Recommended Action:Extend the Suburban Residential boundary south to U.S. 1 to include all the upland property as generally shown in attached proposed boundary change map. This will place the SRINA boundary on the uplandlwetland line which is approximately 95 feet west of the existing west property line of the Rain Barrel. Summary of Request/Report This half acre of property was acquired by Carol Cutshall d/b/a Rain Barrel 1.:0 achieve necessary floor area ratio for expansion. Action by:___Ordinance ~Resolution Citizens Committee Statement Yes No X Attached Agreement/Contract - No. N/A Approved by County Attorney as to Legality___Yes___N.A. Standard Form Approved by Risk Management___Yes___Not Applicable Approved by Office Fiscal Management Funding Source_ N/A N/A Current Year Cost Annual Cost Budgeted__Yes_No Will Proposal Require Additional Personnel? _JLNo If Yes State Number Permanent___ Temporary__ Other Board Policy(ies) Applicable N/A Planning Commission Action Taken__Yes Date X N.A. Alternatives:Allow the strip to remain in the Native Area. This would be inconsistent with the intent to distinguish between the upland and wetlands. Attached Documentation X Yes No NA , , , I I I I , , , , , I I I l-..... ..- - - - - - - - - -......... - - - - .......... .......... .......... SR DR 4 I t 4 . N Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Jaooary 19,1988 Pllnel or Sheet# It(;, Applicant: CorOl (J4~h,'11 Key: f!f{"t clAM) ~ ~ File # I 1"- 200' t Mile Marker: 5(,~ ~,.- ~v.... .~'''''''' -. - N A..I Mapa, Monroe County, Florida Real Eatate D8ta, Inc. c93;QD Ecltlon, 19 ~ I 1-.100' I Panel or ...et# o:J- Applicant: c.a",~ ( ~~hd-u Key: ?lllM..(.,. 1t,1h1 Mile _r.r: g(,.g File # _'~"^.......:,,,..::..,~.}X.~.,..... '... ""__~~'_'f<:~""- ""'~-" -,,"W I I .. . - ~ f ~ ~ J, ~ , fII c-J ~ ;:t - ~~~ "J q""' . ;) 0 ... ~ .....1 Q.... c.L ~..O( ~ 0 U - ~ ./ /' /" ","1 ",/ /" -. /' ",'" "",'" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Monroe County Zoning Maps Pre-September 15,1986 o o GU~ ~ ...... a- -9 ~ J- > o o v \JJ l.\J ~ ~ ~ ~ <t 1tj " ~ --.~ o o ) - - _ ..w~ _ 0 j U 2 I ~ ..t: f ,v -l ~ 0 oc ~ r:i 0 ),0 " ~L.r) I~ N I 1"=200' I Panel or Sheet# 21l~ Appll cant: el1rt.i 6.t~h~4 Key: ()laMh;~'1N\ ,"",," , 3. 11) ...... ~ ~ -~ t ~ 'V~J. <(c:. 0,. ' tri~ " _ I . .:> ~ .. z o~ tOtO 0,... lit. 1..... u. -t-- ~, 1II,t) %~ %~ o~ ~ ( \ ~-. ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~j ~< .2 B!. ,. 1- '01 , --,--{l(4 r L I... . -- --'I"'l--e- ~~g.~ I ,~ --- - , @ File # Mile Marker: :<ft.K '*,",,~;,~~~~~..JiIiIi \ // .' V"~ .::J~ "- \ / \ " \ \ \ 4 "" ..., / / I ~~ < '- I '-, I , .----\ \ / Land Use District Maps Monroe Cou nty, Florida ~':~ Approvetlby B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 Panel or Sheet# I{ t>f ~l File II _____ . Applicant: 1:.1n>{ Cu i-}hrdJ Key: Pt~~ll'(Jn -- -- I """"- -- ~, """-/ ' --... "' , / <-J / / I \.l_ I J I I J ~ I , I ~I I ~ -- --.... 0 MDIO lOWtI ~I I "'"" ".... - (11ft ""' fV, I , I ". - . ~ ( ,C:> p I , .. ... , , g 0- ... )0. ~-tion~ r ~~,/ ---- , '--' ~ ',0 / - / I ~), /' /' /' N @ .... 1"= 600' Mile Marker: ~1 i "- '-' 'y ./- :: \ , I I I I I I NA! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ _______l~~,------ ___ _______----- I "" " I "~~ I . I . I I I ' I t I., , ,- I ,~~ I k.4 .l ..~~ SR DR ~ ,-'- " ,-'- ,-,1 ,t" ' I , I I I I I I I 1 I " Pur.ue"t t. Section 1.1-24(a)(2)ch) .f the .....,.. c..My c.., the boUft4lalI.. of the Land u.. DI.trlct Map .. Int.rpr.t" to b. locat.d a. I ndlcat.d above and ....I.fly d..crlb.d M: 'Rxt-pnn t-hp SR boundary south to US 1 along the upland/wetland line, approx imatel y 95 feet west of west boundary of SC district. N ~ Director, Growth U.n...m.nt Sh..t # 166 K.y Plantation D.t. BOCC Ro........" 1"- 200' ,.....;."..;~,... ,_ ........t. -