Resolution 550-1988 '-___ .._:!I County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 550 -1988 WHEREAS, the Florida State Legislators have, for over ten years, ignored and violated the provisions of Section 11.076 F . S.; and c ~EREAS~ the Legislature's lack of courage and commitment to c CV) ~ouna:fiscal~management has forced counties to continuously raise C, a.. - 'local::r taxes:.and user fees to pay for unfunded State mandated - I prog~ms;~ a~ L~. \.J.... costs on to its citizenry already overburdened with ad valorem ~E~~ County government is forced to pass these increased . :I: LL and special district taxes; and WHEREAS, it is irresponsible for one level of government to mandate unfunded programs on another level of government without bearing the fiscal responsibility or facing the political conse- quences; and WHEREAS, there is no certainty and predictability in the growth planning process if the State can continue to mandate new and expensive programs without regard to adequate funding; and WHEREAS, the priorities and programs of local citizens and local governments have often been curtailed when limited local funds have to be diverted to pay for a State mandated program which contravenes the legislative intent of Section 163.3177(10)(b) F.S. and other discretionary authority vesting in local government; and WHEREAS, the State Constitution "preempts" all taxing powers to the State (other than local property taxes) and the State has been unwilling to allow local discretionary taxing powers to counties and, in fact have tied the hands of local governments and then shifted programs to them without funding; and WHEREAS, unfunded mandates are not fair to the local proper- ty owner or the locally elected official who is trying to address local priorities and problems with a limited amount of financial resources; and WHEREAS, since 1980 more than 200 unfunded local mandates have been passed by the Legislature and 87% have had an "unde- termined" fiscal impact on local government; and WHEREAS, 1988 marks the 10th anniversary that the State Legislature has cavalierly ignored Florida Statute 11.076 which provides that the State will not mandate programs on cities and counties without funding or designating a funding source; and WHEREAS, the 1988 State Legislature failed to pass legis- lation which would have allowed the voters to determine if the State Legislature should be allowed to continue to fund State priorities through local property tax dollars when there is an overwhelming State interest, goal or agenda. now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Florida State Association of Counties calls upon the electorate of this State to become aware of the serious- ness of unfunded mandates and be prepared to support either a petition to the 1989 Legislature seeking a remedy, or, in the event that effort is not successful, actively support a citizen's petition drive to secure sufficient signatures to place this matter on the ballot in November 1990. 2. That the Legislative Delegation of Monroe County, namely Senator Larry Plummer and Representative Ron Saunders, provide their sponsorship and maximum support and effort in this critical resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 1st day of November, A. D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY&~ " {/ ai.nn (Seal) Attest :pANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk -:B.L:, ~l1,Jflr ~~EDAS raFORM AN} /14 SUFF. CIENC'I. BY ! \' 2