Resolution 582-1988 Donald L. Craig Assistant County Administrator For Growth Management RESOLUTION NO. 582 -1988 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZ- ING THE MAYOR/CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD TO EXECUTE RENTAL LEASE AGREEMENT NO. 306280 AND ADDENDUM TO LEASE AND RENTAL LEASE AGREEMENT NO. 306281 AND ADDENDUM TO LEASE BY AND BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND MODULAIRE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor/Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute Rental Lease Agreement No. 306280 and Addendum to Lease and Rental Lease Agreement No. 306281 and Addendum to Lease by and between Monroe County and Modulaire, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purpose of leasing trailers for temporary office space for the Growth Management Division during the remodeling of Wing III of the Public Service Building located on Stock Island, Monroe County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the J.t.tlt. day of -Ot..~ ~f!.r- , A. D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By g4~'~ t- v .a /Chairman (Seal) Attest :DANNY: 1.. KOLHAGE, Clerk -.a-L f//-.~ ""1 ! 11\;NOW /J A""ROVE~~:::' AND(ttJ~ BY I Attorney'- Office va: Uti V- ^ON 8B. Jj" (.:i ~_.i...) _., ,-_,' ) II J -> , "~' .:J APPRdVE~ 4s ~ORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By /~_ L....; ~ . Attornee'5 ~~~~ II JI'~E RENTAL/LEAS ~''''~'''~II~~ ~ AGREEMENT 306280 CONTRACT NO. n.w! CUST. NO. 4011891 0 NEW CUST. P. O. NO. @ AWMIService PARTIES Lessee: Monroe C oun t y - GXJlJUxkxMaIUI!l!lJlttNXxi:hcKS:XllIllI Billing Authority Robert Herman. Deputy Dir 06illlng Address 5825 Jr. College Road City Stock Island State Florida Zip 33041 (Area Code) ,Telephone (305 )294-4641 Lessor Modulairel 3501 South State Road 7 Ext. 129 City Ft. Lauderdale State Florida Zip 33314 (AreaCOde)-Telephone(305)587-3680 PROPERTY MODULAIRE hereby leases to Lessee the following property upon the terms written below. Type of Property Year Size Stock No, '1.2 Office + Reception 12' x 60' 11029 '2with Restroom '3Customer understands he is responsible nook u sand lnsurance. See insu INFORMATION 020 Order Placed By Ron Binns /Don Stock Island Lead Source (Code) RECURRING CHARGES Each and every month, Lessee shall pay to MODULAIRE, monthly in advance, the total charges shown below at MODULAIRE'S remittance address as shown on the invoice. 4 (Four) 11-28-88 . . . . , $ 1000. 00 Guarantee Lease Term From 7-29-88 To X] '1. Rental Rate Per contract. months. [~ '2. Per $ $ $ $ $ TAX EXEMPTCERTIFICAfE EXEMPT RECEl;VE.D 8-:25-88.. . $ .... $ .. $ $ . . " $ 1000.00 C-= *3. Per C Approx. Property I License Fee Per L:' l~ State Tax Local Tax Transportation Tax Sub Total % [j Comp. Waiver for Phys. Damage per TOTAL RECURRING CHARGES ADDITIONAL CHARGES AT INCEPTION X:XDelivery (up to X:Xlnstallation miles) .$1482.66 $Included [~ Skirting (Type: )(j{Anchors (# _ Type: r--= $ ... $ Included $ $ TAX E~EMPTCER'I:rfIG,A'EE EXEMPT RECE1YED 8-:-25-~8. Asphalt State Tax Local Tax .. $ $ ...$1482.66 Transportation Tax TOTAL % MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES [' Secunty Deposit (C;OV 'T AG,ENCY)., $ $ $ State Tax % . $ Local Tax % $ Transportation Tax % . . . $ TOTAL . $ WAIVED WAIVED Serial No. K11065 David Reed Markel Info. (S.I.C.) College 991 Road (305)294-2908 or-8417 INITIAL PAYMENT DUE ON EXECUTION OF LEASE (INCLUDES APPLICABLE TAXES) Total Four Months MlXtlXg Charges . . . . . . . . . . Additional Charges at Inception Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL . ... $ 1000.00 .... $ 1482.66 . . $ WAIVED .. $ 2482.66 ADDITIONAL (;HARGES AT TERMINATION :K~eturn Freight t~~~H~~~~ Included ~hiSmantle .. $ Included. ~kleaning Fee (If Applicable) ... $ 100.00 ~~nreturned Keys (Charge per door) (If. ApP:""$ 30.00 D licable~ n Alterations will be charged back ~JJ.~f~M~oi 'aa,pproved in wri ting by Less r. INSURANCE Lessee, at its expense. will obtain and keep in force fire and extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief insurance covering all equipment in the amount of $ 18. 500 . 00, with a loss payable clause protecting Lessor as its interests may appear. A copy of the insurance certificate must be provided to Lessor prior to or concurrent with delivery of the leased equipment. Lessee will indemnify Lessor with respect to all liability in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 5 and 15 on the reverse side hereof. COMPREHENSIVE WAIVER FOR PHYSICAL DAMAGE In lieu of providing Lessor with a certificate of insurance covering loss or phys- ical damage to the leased equipment, Lessee may accept the Comprehensive Waiver for Physical Damage by initialing the "accepts" block. Lessee or it's agent I I accepts I I declines to pay an additional fee of $ 45.00 per mon th until termination of lease. This fee will be charged until Lessor is in receipt of a valid insurance certificate as speci- fied above, See Paragraphs 5 and 6 under Conditions of Lease Agreement for further information. RENEWAL Lessee may renew this Agreement for an additional period of month to month at the Lessor's then current rate per month, by giving written notice of renewal to MODULAIRE not less than 30 days before the expiration of the term of this lease. ACCEPTANCE This Agreement includes the general terms and conditions on the reverse side hereof and is the entire agreement between the parties. There are no warranties which extend beyond the description contained in this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date set opposite their respective signatures. Lessee: Monr5l:oe countY-~XIllWX~lt N<m~ OOXetll:tLessor: MODULAIREI Signature ~~ ~ ~~___ Signature Name ~...~ Title _-JPo-~Name David Reed ~~ ~ MODX 8 Title Manager OJUr.INIII GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS I Re'J'- "'9 ail k",., ~u LeSSEe '{; :;LEANiNG ;~.:;~(':'~et1t - ()n ~L":\'r'llr<11ion of Lp3se. th0 leased equipment (i~lcl:Jd^ "~,~ L LESSCF-i THE S!...ME CONDJTION as when delivered " .;xc,:ptea LESSEE Sfi,\lL REiMBURSE LESSOR FOR I,NY :,:::,<r:!',G C.;:; REr'AiR Cf1MiCE:S UPON RECEIPT OF iNVOICE LesseE' l""; _<':, ';'1 ~'<~ 7errnir:ation ' retains possession Of !rh) 18,;,sed proper written ;lotice Of renewal, th-:? prqy-rty at anv time ""J,U lout '~lG"~:! tefla~':cy ur~on th~~ il"n: \/Jiiich :~hail be char~;ed ::;! tho ::~;TC Lcss ':" ~ < . ~~ L(}Ca~I"~" ot LF:~'-sed Ccwiorner,t _ Si~e u::t ,J . ~ ;11 V;? AsSiJr'r:~~:.n~ !-~. Ll.-'G:r' P ('.>-. ;:{L,Yl ~.':. (.~, --, \j :H C.' ":c..., , ,';":t...:"- ';ch' ojl: ;;' 5 ,n"c;a,: !.~ ' .Ar'~ ~..,hJ~.n ~; r L'1~':l- I', ) tJ \.', ,-,<, --" 9 ~);:::0- 10 '/IL): ::::H.^'.~' - i <~E l c "iC .,~~. \Jf-; ,u\!.j.,L .-;:-;:)PEH I,L\.\E~) ,.\hJ[) ,,;:,I>jC, r,ND REGISH1ATION FEES AND ALL .cc-, '., ',TAL CHARGES WHATSOEVER AND BY COS " OTHEF1 A, ASSES', ':;,1:- OPF;--::/,- CC: 'X' NET 11,1', FOR ~ SHA~ L P'::,_\( FEDEFi/..i_ i\NlJ STATE I\J" ':C," ., if' ,;--'t-' !.'-~~~S I :- !-.r-~ C;SUGr' ;!(-.):"'1 Z 'F j f::)~~EE CH;'Yj;; HEFT, ' 12 ~:,"-jl:1t,_:-, r. ~" ;j . , ,'''90 J . '-,tt,....' -,lFU T \..~ ~ ~- ',~' t. :: /"~.L~., (>':\. .~- i:--, . ''f~qUired frorn normal use to tho roof. doors. WIT1dows, :I~;hl f'xtlJrec;, heati:ig, ana air conditioning systems. except that LESSEE Sf'IALL FlEPLACT HEAr!t'JG. LATING AND AIR CONDITIONiNG FilTERS AND BURNED OU f lA~1PS .t,S f'EC"ifi' D AND PAY FOR ANY DAMACE CAUSED BY LESSEE, LESSEE SHALL BE/,R Tf1E LJI. PESPONSIBILITY EOIi PHOIECTING THE EQUIPMENT AGAI~)ST THE: RISK ,\r r;'iMAGE. THFFT OR DESTRUCTION OF THE LE/\SED EOUIPMENT nUM EV:'il' CAUSE. AND SHALL MAKE I,LL HEPLACEMENTS. REPAIRS OR SUBSTiTUTION or f'AFHS OF EOUIPMENT;HEIll.:ON lIT ITS EXPENSE. ALL OF WHICH ~;HI\LL CO~I' 'lTrJ In E AN /\CCESSI'm TO THE LEASED EOU:f'MENT, Ir LESSEE DOI:S I'JOT ,'I.[iE au.; Tel '-, RE~}AFl ,'\NY D/\i ::;CL FOFi WH1CH lESSEE IS ilF.:SPOf\JS!HLE L [:;;8:" SHALL HA.VE THE OrJTj(.Ji'; T.,=i f)FRFOHM THE MA;NTEr~ANCE or~ F1E~\<.,\-;1 !...E>~SF'.E'S EXPFNSE_ ;\NY c)!.,:.1AC;F CAUSED t'':Y t'~EGL!CFNCf OF l.ESSOFi \/.' L" ;IF:'^\IHEDAT THE l.:X;',cNS" OF THf:'. LESS'::JR LES.St:F' SHALL AT II S EXf'ENS f"';'iU/:U\:' ;,\Ul:CUATE JAf'J : OH!':,J 3ER\/lCE rc; KE:FP r~iF i.J-_t\~:;E EOU!pr\~[~~'; (':!'J!JITJ~)r'~. FA!;l \/.:~="',,Fl AND TE;\F~ F,x,CEPTr:::-) 13. Inspection 0"1 Lessor - l....CSSOf !(](:l.i ;n~-)pect the 102sf~( ;in-1F {.::dU~~:~'i(] f':,Jt /lClt !!~ll:i:-,j I_C'. C ti~ne the re:.lSt~..J L' ." -j 0tat~.~:~, (;'r~~l st,~,P n ,t:i"I--' n:uh--r':"'1 ~ L';-').'_-;'.d ~hall '.'\I:1:1:;i ,-'.', 'N I' 18. Miscellaneous - L~T;e the eS~ence regardIng tillS Lease This Lf\ase shali bt' construdd dnd ;nlerpreted undl;r tho laws of the state of California, and may b8 signed ~:):,!;I :1;J d:~;li:;i)i.1j;':) 0 (-\~:<l:Y to cornp\ it\':Hl tne ;Ho'../:s'nn~; Of ar~y ':PpIICtlb t' the rocnr;~',I1S1 or ~i!;ng of lhis ir;as~! or .l1.~O;,)i the \~of 0f .E''v ;,;"lato l..ii pOi:t:c31 SL~)dl\;lSion, drl'.'! t CSSPf.' Cf<;rgE::.. :~i1po5ed oy ;<1.;'... !vr a::y suer, :-l,(:n-Jatory liLng r.~.^ tho dmour:! 0f tlny starnps or c1uc,;r:ientary taxes F8:;i-.;I,:\i or SLltd 1_8...' '"[ !i~' relal1onsh;p beh\'80n Pi'lrtit'':s ~~f!ft'tO IS !r::'l: e;t Le::~sor i'lf~rejn is as a LE~SSt?O. THE:: L.L!\S[D FGUIPMEI'JT r1L~;1A;:-J PbRSCN/\: PPOPr::RTY n[GARfJU::::SS Of. li~) USE C);:1 ~,':;\!"H'~~;f'1 ~-;-\C'h\~FNT 1 0 n[/\L .-l~-;C';:-)F;:::Tv, T!:'s ;rl-:~\ tJc :-HHt:>ide,j T!nd:t ,: 1:. ~',g~lln:;~ 1'pn! or nHA!;~'(:ail"'r' .~) lS r>Vl, ;~'()fl::-:; 01 1 flt; L ~~ci~)C ,1;;r1 Ut"rJOSi" '(; "--: U:':') Ur1!k'.: 51 ll-' ':. t.' :>8 !nf'imF1fjo[l for U$f" uf Least~d Equipmt'nt _ l ~ ", .t.-',' ",-".Ill' 'l } ,;, \PPROvtD "AS I ' 3y \' r TO F~RM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY f r . _/ RErNAtott~SE AGREEMENT O~HcllRODUllllRE.. 306281 CONTRACT NO. ~~~ CUST. NO. 4011948 0 NEW CUST. P. O. NO. @ AWMIService PARTIES Lessee: Monroe County Billing Authority Robert Herman. Stock Island Lessor: Modularre I 3 501 Sou t h Ft. Lauderdale - iXMXxkxMxNa~Km~mkxBt~t~toc<< Deputy DiriillingAddreSs 5825 Jr. College Road State Florida Zip 33041 (Area COde),TelePhonJ: 305) 294-4641 State Road 7 Ext. 129 State Florida Zip 33314 (AreaCOde)-Telephone(305)587-3680 City City PROPERTY Serial No. MODULAIRE hereby teases to Lessee the following property upon the terms written below. Type of Property Year Size '1. 2 Office + Reception 12' x 60' '2. with Restroom '3. Customer understands he hook-u sand lnsurance. Stock No, 11028 (United 11977) is re~ponsible for permits, stepst ramps1 utili y ~ee lnsurance and walver lntorma lon De ow. K11064 RECURRING CHARGES Each and every month. Lessee shall pay to MODULAIRE. monthly in advance, the total charges shown below at MODULAIRE'S remittance address as shown on the invorce. 4 (Four) 12-2-88 1000.00 Guarantee Lease Term From 8-3-88 To ~ '1. Rental Rate Per contrac.t. months. C .2. C .3 $ $ $ $ $ $ TAX E~EMI>l'CERrXFlC.ATsE; RECEIiED8~25~a8~ EXEMPT Per Per C Approx. Property I License Fee Per C ~ State Tax Local Tax .$ ..... $ ...,. $ $ $ Transportation Tax Sub Total [J Compo Waiver for Phys. Damage per TOTAL RECURRING CHARGES % 1000.00 ADDITIONAL CHARGES AT INCEPTION X Delivery (up to ~ Installation C Skirting (Type: ~ Anchors (,,_ Type: miles) . 1482.66 Included r-- L $ $ .. $ $ $ $ TAX E~EMPT CER~IFI9A~ RECEIiED 8-25-~Q~ EXEMPT Asphalt Included State Tax Local Tax . .. $ $ ...$ 1482.66 Transportation Tax TOTAL % MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES C:: Security Deposit (GOV'1' AGENGX) . $ $ $ .. . . . , $ ..,. $ $ .. $ WAIVED ,- State Tax % Local Tax % Transportation Tax % WAIVED TOTAL INITIAL PAYMENT DUE ON EXECUTION OF LEASE (INCLUDES APPLICABLE TAXES) Total Four Months QV~i9 Charges . . . . . . . . . . . 1000.00 1482.66 WAIVED 2482.66 Additional Charges a' Inception .. Miscellaneous Charges TOTAL $ $ .$ . .. . $ ADDITIONAL t:HARGES AT TERMINATION Return Freight~~~~~~~~~. Dismantle .. " .,................... ... . $ Cleaning Fee. ( :r f. . App,l:icable ) $ . Unreturned Keys (Charge per door)(lf App-:- $ C licable~ [J Alterations will be cha~ed back. .;MPJ,lre~~lax~pproved in writing by Les Included Included 100.00. 30.00 . or. INSURANCE Lessee, at its expense, will ob'ain and keep in force fire and extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief insurance covering all equipment in the amount of $ 18 J 5 00 . 00 , with a loss payable clause protecting Lessor as its interests may appear. PI copy of the insurance certificate must be provided to Lessor prior to or concurrent with delivery of the leased equipment. Lessee will indemnify Lessor with respect to all liability in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 5 and 15 on the reverse side hereof COMPREHENSIVE WAIVER FOR PHYSICAL DAMAGE In lieu of providing Lessor with a certifica'e of insurance covering loss or phys- ical damage to the leased equipment, Lessee may accept the Comprehensive Waiver for Physical Damage by initialing the "accepts" block. Lessee or it's agent I I accepts I I declines to pay an additional fee of $ 45.00 permon th until termination of lease. This fee will be charged until Lessor is In receipt of a valid insurance certificate as speci- fied above, See Paragraphs 5 and 6 under Conditions of Lease Agreement for further information. RENEWAL Lessee may renew this Agreement for an additional period of month to month at the Lessor's then current rate per month, by giving written notice of renewal to MODULAIRE not less than 30 days before the expiration of the term of this lease. ACCEPTANCE This Agreement includes the general terms and conditions on the reverse side hereof and is the entire agreemen' between the parties. There are no warranties which extend beyond the description contained in 'his Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date set opposite their respective signatures. ...,~Monroe counti~"~~" ~ Lessor: MODULAtREI Signature -X~ ~~ _ Signature N'~' J( N;do__, - P. ' ".. ~"':: 1iRo~:. David Reed 9Ht\s~: 1 e: ler1< Title Manager MODX 8 ORIGINAl MODUlAIRE INDUSTRIES A WMI Service 306280 ADDENDUM TO LEASE #NN<<~lX DATED this 1 s t day of Augu s t ,19 88 , by and between MODULAIRE INDUSTRIES. Lessor, and Monroe County - ~nj)x~x)'>>'lOO)tl~x)'xx1)1n~t>>>> ,Lessee, covering mobile office stock # 11029 (Uni ted #976), SIN K1106~ Both parties agree that pursuant to Paragraph One (1), the trailer will be returned at the end of the lease in as good condition as delivered, less normal wear. Providing the trailer is returned in a damaged condition, Lessee shall pay Lessor for any damages according to the following rates: Labor per hour .."",.".".."""..",,",.,""" 25.00 Window handles (each) ",'.',......'"".,'.'",... 5,00 Exterior panels (each) "".,."",.,."......,',.".. 32.00 Interior panels (each) ....,..",..".",."...".,.,.. 32,00 Nail holes or clean paneling .",."""",....,..., (Hourly) Cleanup of unit .."".,.,...,...,..,..".,',., 50.00 - 100.00 Paint ceiling per room ,....,....,....,......,..,...., 75.00 (or 12 x 12 area) Replace ceiling panel (each) ""..'.:.".".'.'...." 75.00 Repair floor deck. "...,...,..,.,.,..""..,""',.," 100.00 (labor & materials) Minimum Replace floor tile .",."..."..,.",..",.,"""',., 10.00 (per sq. yd.) Replace carpet (per sq. yd.) ,."..,.,.""".,',.,'" 15.00 Clean carpet "",.",.".,."..""..",..".".,.". 100.00 Replace window ""..,."".""".,.",.".. 75.00 - 250.00 Replace screen (each) .,.""",."..,.".",.,',..,' 18.00 DATED this 1st August day of Replace glass sliding door ""..,.""".'"",..", 350,00 Replace standard door ..'",...','.,.'.'""...,"" 200.00 Replace double door ,."....".""",.""",....... 575.00 Top or bottom trim (per ft.) ,..'"...,.".""".,',', 3,00 Clean AIC ,.."...".,.."....,.".""",."..,"',. 90,00 Replace AIC filter "."",.,...'""'.',,.,..,',.,." 30.00 Steam clean exterior 8' or 10' Wides ..""...".."..",.,."",,"" 100.00 12' or 14' Wides ",."",."",.""",....,',.,. 150,00 Missing keys (each) ....,....",....".,.",.,.,',.., 15.00 Door lock (each) ",..,..."".""""".""..,.,.,' 35.00 WheelslTires (if missing) ,..',."",.".....,.,..,". 75.00 Holes in roof ",.,.",.",.,.,.,.."""',,.," 75,00 - 750.00 Frame damage . , , , , . ' , , " . , . , , , , . , . , , , . , " (labor. material & cost of welder) APYtLP AS: TO FORM AND ~ ~JFFICIENCY. ,_ _/o/L~ BY 19 88 MODULAIRE INDUSTRIES Attorney'. Office A WMI Service ~~~ j,~~ ~ By: X ////~ ~ ~~ By' LESSEE: onro ounty~:hx:McXlXl:gexrexot LESSOR: Modulaire Industries ~x Mayor Pro Tern Attest: Clerk . ,"~ '-":"':' ".'. ,~,,~. -,r----.,,:'7_::- GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1, Return of Equip'1lent - 0.1 ~:"'m"'ation of this Lease. the leased equipment (includ. 1')9 all kefS) S:'o'i "'.:'.0,,'.1 to LESSOR IN THE SAME CONDITION as when delivered to Les;c.' '''''.vedr and lear excepted lESSEE SHALL REIMfJURSE LESSOR FOR ANY CLE^",jI'J~; ;:;FKEYI~JG OR HEPAIR CHARGES UPON .RECEIPT OF INVOICE. 2. Less",.. ''',.' eqw;:nne!':t "" Lessrr " r'IlJtice c Sa"""'lfl L,d~}'-<~' 3. lac;!t:c" ::.~te uni . _ mer't : i-..~t I", WRITT'-, (') 4. Assig~' .t-nf 11\ ::.0';: (..V"""d___ 3SSIC.':" auatarr1toii' ;, t:/ <:"'1)' u. Uy t Dr~ 0: ~, Lessee f.," au~,es ~: srld1i [ :~-=:,,?,ief ,:-,-: ;:ropc-"} 5. Ins', ; 1'-" ~> >""r'Tl ,i :r:f:: ' ':,"H' !~ ~:,.L :S0 ::.,1 tn.,' Ie'. 'I") .:).;iie> ~~ U-, - :t.:;~ L '/ , -; S~,~:.' ',<.: " Fl. W,~iv>:.. '''jS .~ - ~ e';~>" '-'(:t 'J:, ;111-: ." 7. eel;",!;>. "':-G,~ ,_' . ;":iA\.' ~D[:i -:-r~::: : - ,)~!"(Y: t,;~\i ;). '~.GUi-" ''<,:'';;'-i>: :, ~ '- \ ,-:. ~~ ';t. ~.~ h'. ~HE ~,;: "ie:. :):T!\"}< 3. ;"H ".r".\If=" c )1::: L: ~ t..:.~:- 9. Dt ,'~ Clb~c:i ~..ESS ~:~ ORDc) TIS ,,' IV. Tol'. /iDE.;:::;' ; .':;rlAFi,.o, 'HE if: COST OTHEr; ASSESS,VE." , . " :- ~\.,.. SHIP. O;oER.;' COME NET ii'hJ\...-" 0 FOR ,<, ':~ C~AR(~L S ; /\:" HEREUi\ '. :::n 11. Lawful Use :>-:t:; ~82Sc~ r:f:reiiao.:,. , .....~~J.<1 d .~;~' f' d'~ '/ ;" r. ':. J. ',.' rlalf: :"'\ '.€::':.)C.'r ,~11d sri'~ , :h",,"cp l.. S _~ i: ~ ""'r, "mmat!on l1 Lessee retains possession of the leac;.~e(J ;"--;!,nn oa:G'~~ Without giviIlg proper written notice of renewaL ,:~'g po:;session of the prOpHrty at any time .....ilhout ;t rC.1E'\'Jed as a month to montn tenancy upor: the '": l=;xr:epling rent which shaH be charqec' ,11 L.8 ....: the rer:pwal penod. ~', 'I' ,', ~'rl5,~:j !,,"~~qlrJ l"?nt - ';";8 IC__2s~~;j equipment sha;; r0JT1atl1 at the du;'very "r Nhl:h time Lessor sha!: plck:.-p thE~ leased ':.::~{Jip~ >..:.U~ ~\OT BE MO\/~D WI rHOUT I_ESSOn s ~:;HiOt1 '\ !.. C'SS'H - .,.t ',~or :l)'~y :).~,s;9n thls'lc;!se, o'r the sums . ~, "i-:. '1 W' q~',i ~"dicn tilpreof ~C3see shalf 'n L€S'30r ur Its aSSlqnec. shaH pot tIe ''':: ,.,"'.' :.ie'8rlS:: setcff, counlerciamL (Y r(',-ou.Jn~,-~;lt y ~.~1. :',1),: "J 'I,)~s (jr <-!estructiO'1 of the !eas::;o eq;Jic':iit"'nt. any: l'at:S'3 \l:hat(,:~ver ,n thE~ use, possession, ,~',J}nm( ," :;!),,~ij ;,.;>:el.-:se Lesser ,",f hiS ~r,..:l;ll'(} ,.,:,I,~LJtcJ 1.') f.)f::fo~:-;12""\i rh{~t il()f~' 'tl"j cont;-lIf1ed In thl~ d{;:rs'~..' i:~\nt f:o'l': 5('1) ng 2 ,,; Ie th :' Hen\i:.Led"~~ /IC[~~ hE"~l A,i_ PA VrAE:t\iTS Pt=1(). EXPENSES FEES AND He U.J\SED EQU:i"JMFi\1 DLJni:J(; ; i',.1:'A'1 Ie;:, TOLL S. F!nE,~. SFRV!C!>:(3 ",I. c)'~ HAL PROPEr, ry I/;XES. I\~ "NO HEGISH1ATlON f-EES AND ,;LL -' "::C1 uv,L,:c\;,;C:'JTAL CHARGES WHATSOEVER AND flY r,: .~ :<~~"~: n' O~ eN THE -r i1i\' .S~'ORrf;TlmJ. DELlVEflY Ofl : '.i :>~r'; L p/W i"EDERAL AND ST!IT[ IN. ,":; 'W,;ilL" HEREUNDEr, OR THF Hi-;'-.iH'.JG:;F- l ESSOH UPON Ji: Mi\NiJ '1- ,\ " , L"Xt)tj\lS::::'; r Axes FE:E:~ t- ,-:'~~Cd~ ~'.'~l'CH COi'~ST:! t)TF f\['J OSUGATIOhi (', J1S:;lg~n f!nt, ann Subletting - i_elst:..~~ ...;n~dl U~(' (.'1 :l.\11.! ;'U':iCSE'S altd :~t)cl;i Keep;l at lfle .\JCdtl(;' ~' 'C- 1':'<lS(~:' dFI t,:"L'lt st1a!: . . , "i :\.', ,; c: J~~ 'sul(..lIOIl f' ~~jh: ,1~ .......J.et"fr:('nt ot tr~e Ip,JseLi equipment. i e~.) :.t:e d. .;:'., '.'r" sr1d:: . ~,.') , ~ . ._{ : ,..., .0) ;':. ,',;l" ~- r~, >-;... I.ul t~j".;ge. n y~Jut~ ~t:cale. or Gther'N~SP encurlloer ,!i,:IC:-<:' f:0'e:jnl1e~ 12. Mnln:t:>r::.'J:..e Dam :S'F: and Destruction - Except as specIfically olnc'vvise "' .~ 'r ' ~ E SS;~~: E,!-i.^: i\' L~ '~::;'r C 'S OVv"J FX~[NS~ AT .\L L ": 0n".'Fi~ ~~: required from normal use to the roof. doors. windows, 1'9ht fixtures. heating. venl':,-~.i and air condiliOn'n9 systems, except that LESSEE SHALL REPLACl- HEATING, VE'.'; U\TING AND AIR CONDITIONING FILTERS AND BURNED OUT LA~.1P3 AS REOU'I,. I\ND PAY FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY LESSEE. LESSEL, SHI\!.l BEAR THF ,- HESi'ONSIBILlTY FOR PROTECTING THE EOUIPMENT AGAinST If'!:: DAMAGE. THEFT OR DESTRUCTION OF THE LEI>.SED EQUIP!VENT Fill CAUSE, AND SHALL MAKE ALL REPLACEMENTS REPAIRS OR SUBSTI'd' 'U', PNHS OF EOUIPMENT THEREON AT ITS EXPE:,SE, ALL OF WHICH SnilL L ~. STI1UTr: An ACClCSSION TO TH'= LEASED EQUIPMENT, IF l ESSE" f)OI:~'; J<~" ',' :iU,\Tf'C Y R;:PA!R ,;NY [;AMAGE FOR WHICH lESSEE If; flES'':.),';,~:r.u , ,:;lil'.I.,!. I~A\/L THE OPI ION TO PERFORM THE ~~il.ll~TENf<NCE Oil r:,'I' \'11 I [S~'[F t, LXITNSE MN DM.~AGE CAUSED BY NEGLiGHICE OF I Fe, '::.:'1 '.\":_' dE REi 'Aij~ED AT THE t:XPENSE OF THE LESSOR, LE.SSE;: SHALL AT ITS [X')f:~i:'f, PI1UVj[Y~ fV-~[:O!JATE JAi\!lTOfilAL SERVICE TO r<E~P THE L[ ASE EOl' {" ',~~~f\J f If: (-ilY)[~ :',U!'Ji-)1 r !CN, FAIR VI/FA;; !V~D rE;\R EXC[i'T~::-[' 13. fnspection by lessor - i Gf)SC,' rn:JY ,n::-.:peci the j8a!~:~d t;q;1'~Jrr1<;' (lnc!u(k;~j, bUl 'Iot ;i!11I:f1,'i t::' Uh.: 1i[nB <:..:Zl','c!n pr:u,pr--:en! I, OJ '1hn Lp'-)sPI;-' :1f~:j u~JOn I'll:; ~~?~l~'ri '.': ~ht It:::J.~:PCi oqu:;, .1)Hli Ie Les~)c', ':.:Ilt:;" (e~;l.:'(lL.);'~; of :lny ,FJ2nr",';1' ~hc' U.,.tcd Sta!es, and Sild.:l ui C' nH)(!t c:e lJ~n1c'c!!r' J It', idW 13. ;'~liscerli:n00US - T i!lle JS of t~;:=; ~';:,sencc ft)ga; (J:r ,9 U-, s ~_t' co~:;.,t u(",d and Interpreted under the laws of {he state of C31Iic,r~ co l:Ci...d"':Cr;..;.sr:s 8' (~ ~:dCr :;haii ':"01',';) i t".' . U)',~"':utP ,f re;:jL11~C J. <h....V"":C'....JCdgc ,~uch id, L<t;; CCullt(;fr;~'.r lS ht.::'eL': (j: d:,y ,cl,rr:-.:(]L (.:S rnay tJfJ (;8CessC1ry to cornp:y With Uie prOVlsiOrJs of .:in't arplJcahlt! t;--l..'~ '1"')' l :Tlf..> HI L)i"CfJ \\;liCh ri:'qulrE:S the rEJcorcj;n~l 0' of HliS !t:as~~ ;~ :0PV qH~rl.!l); In <Illy ~Ju:)l:, o17icc (;( tt":e U;lltcd SidlE'S lY any ~)!ate ,)( sundlV1SICii ,if](J l.,CSSt~e ,(~ t() 1.'.1',' :il':~ fl)~)~, ch,irge:; :mposf)d by I:\W ;('~ .l:'l}! :,,~:..fl r1"1drlcb,:l.:"'y" ,)i It" <l'~('unt ('1 any ~tamps or nc:\uQien1d'y tdxOS f:0~fp':l! I ' Lt:'d~'~~ 'oiatiJflst'lIP butv\lpen p;jri:es helerr~ it' f ',.t u s only Ultere~\t he:"em is as a L~":~:)l~e. THE LEASED E:(JU:PM~-i"~T SH/',!...L :i!.MAIN PEHSONAI. PROPERTY RfGARD:'ESS or ITS USF OH t,~ANrc C":r= J,\T"r/\(:HMENT r(l HEAL pr~OFERTY ThiS 2glee~nent Play be ~irr:t'ndod Or rY1Ud!~ied w a v'1~ltlr;~,J SJfF't'C by :rh i-":Yi'y dgainst ....110m the :l'YJe:,Clment p; 'nOU'fIL',itl(:,n t.) enh."'u:' j l' ' 1 g. No~, ;c~s - t\)! ,~h . ,1 ~: .)CL'jr'ne 8f'" ,'.t: U'. addressed 10 the part,e~ dt SLiCh ,e,' /J0...1'Jc' dUOlt;'~S(~S o!h(~r adaresses either parry rnay from !lrnc to !~me noti~Y 20, Inf<'lr!rLt;cn for Uher of Le3sed Equipment _ l U::-:(:>'S {,r MODUlAIRE INDUSTRIES A WMI Service 306281 ADDENDUM TO LEASE IlCm<<cxn DATED this 1 s t day of Augu s t ,19 88 I by and between MODULAIRE INDUSTRIES, Lessor, and Monroe County - ~~ft~x~~N:J€W. ,Lessee, covering mobile office stock # 11028 (Uni ted 11977), SIN KII064. Both parties agree that pursuant to Paragraph One (1), the trailer will be returned at the end of the lease in as good condition as delivered, less normal wear. Providing the trailer is returned in a damaged condition, Lessee shall pay Lessor for any damages according to the following rates: Labor per hour ,'....,.",..",'....."",'.,.,.".., 25.00 Window handles (each) ',.,..."."""."".""." 5.00 Exterior panels (each) '.,....,'..'.........."""", 32.00 Interior panels (each) ..,....,........................ 32,00 Nail holes or clean paneling"".,..,.""",..,... (Hourly) Cleanup of unit """'...."",'..,.,,..,...,. 50.00 - 100.00 Paint ceiling per room "..,..",'.'.........",.,.", 75.00 (or 12 x 12 area) Replace ceiling panel (each) "'.....:.""".'....... 75.00 Repair floor deck, ,'..""""'.....'...,...""",,,. 100,00 (labor & materials) Minimum Replace floor tile "'.'.......",..."..'....""",,, 10.00 (per sq, yd.) Replace carpet (per sq. yd.) ,'.'.....",."...'...... 15,00 Clean carpet ".,'.'"""."",..'"."...."",.'.,. 100.00 Replace window "",.."""".,...""""" 75.00 - 250,00 Replace screen (each) ......'..'......'.............. 18.00 DATED this 1st day of August MODULAIRE INDUSTRIES A WMI Service Replace glass sliding door ',.,..".."",.".""", 350.00 Replace standard door """,."."".""."".,.,. 200,00 Replace double door. , . ,. , , . . . , . " , , . , , , " , , . . . , , , , " 575.00 Top or bottom trim (per ft.) "",."""."""""", 3.00 Clean AIC "",.,"""".,.,.""."..",..."..,." 90.00 Replace AIC filter ,.,',.,.....".""."""",."", 30.00 Steam clean exterior 8' or 10' Wides ."...",...""",...."...",., 100.00 12' or 14' Wides .."...,..,.,."..""..,.,.,.". 150.00 Missing keys (each) "",..,",.."",.,."",.".". 15.00 Door lock (each) ',.,.,',.,',..,."..."""".".,." 35.00 Ii t I .1 i! I ! WheelslTires (if missing) ..,.,',.,.."",.,..,.".... 75.00 Holes in roof ,...,"",.",."".."".""",. 75.00 - 750.00 Frame damage,."...".,.,.""",..".,. (labor. material & cost of welder) APPROVEO:t:~':~M ~~ flY I ~ f_ Attornfl'/_ OHi'c. , I ,I l, i ! 19 88 ~~~ By' X - B . . LESSEE: onroe ounty - XotXk<<xN~~~~~'X m~RlxR*x*~*otRx Mayor Pro Tern Attest: Clerk LESSOR: Modulaire Industries . ','~. .