Resolution 626-1988 Grants Manager RESOLUTION NO. 626 - 1988 WHEREAS, Monroe County has recently purchased a parcel of real property located on Big Pine Key, in Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the said parcel of real property was funded by monies acquired by a grant application which was, itself, approved by Resolution No. 488-1987, and WHEREAS, the transfer of funds used for the purchase of said parcel of real property was approved by Resolution No. 465-1988; and WHEREAS, the Mayor/Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County executed a contract on December 24, 1987, for the purchase of said parcel of real property; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Mayor/Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized, nunc pro tunc to execute such a contract. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ,J~,.,- day of -A1 fj~L* be....- , A. D., 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~~~ ayor a1rman (SEAL) AttestPMiNX 4 ,KOLHAGE, .clerk L:).L~1.12r er ,. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. '!fc~ Attorne s Office BY '- .... .. .!3 OM~'~.~~~~:lt~~'::.~Wl(: ~. CONTRACT FO_~~AL~ AND PURC!:!.AS~ ... 'Wt ...., ... , ... ..:: uu~ ~ \~,) HIES' Walker h...,_____, (..~ellor..), (Phone ____ I, , {"Bu'/~r"!, C~ne bytton Mayor of Monroe Cour~__ 'I:V Clfr.. thet the Stller Ihall Mil ana Buyer Ihall buy the lollowing pro~rty ("Proi,erty'.l UPOll the lollowinlllerml and,cOllrJlllon, .,'\'/',(;h fNCLUOE the \cl.rd. For Real EIUltt 1"rlnsaction. wt'lurth on the rllverae lide hereol or IIt~chod hereto ("Stondard(s)"', IPhone l. DJSCAI'T10N: ea' Lagal descriPtion 01 PropertY located in Tr~rtc; QC, 111074-070, Monroe County Records M.Jnroe OIl', OX~ i'lrlrl RbI ne# l11n7'l-055. lJJ...D.14-0f)9 110 4-095, Pine Key Acre~a2 recorded in County, F.londa: Buulevard Key Deer .:.1 StrMt IIddre", if eny, of the Proptrty beinll conveyed is ;1;) PtrlOnal pro~rty I"Paraonalw'" incluoed: None Vacant L3nd.. This offer Governmanta1 aqencies. iJUftCHA$l! "RICE: , PA YMENT: I" DePO.:t!l) to be held in elcrow by Mil e 'I Rea 1 Est ate (tll Subject to AND ...umptian 01 Mortgage in good standing III lovor at is CO rl t i.~19 e n t upon a p p r O\J<,.d by ::dl ._--_._--~..__._-_._-- $ ~"1i-;, ~~9JLq"~QQ'-c in the anlouflt of $ ---- -.--.---------- ---. having an lIPproKimolc present principa: balanc!' !If \d PurchlUt 0101'10'1' murtiiillle "dd note bearinll intercst at __ ,>, on ;/lrms Sill lorth he,ei" belOW, in the principal.mount of '" . . . . - . - ,$____.__,__,______________ (I!' Other U p 0 n a 0 Q r 0 val b 'I a 11 G 0 v ern ITI e n tal A s...r: n ,; i e ::3 _____ s _......='i.t. () Cl O_!-.QD __ __h Ie; Belonc:a to clo.. IU.S, cash, LOCALL Y DRAWN cert!tied or cashel 's check I, "cbject to "dJu'trnents and prorat'OIH, $ ___6 0 ill U 0 !JlC' . _______ -rIME FOR ACCEPTANCE; EFFECTIVI: DATE: If thi, olter II nOt executed by all partlc,. and tha FACT OF EXECUTION cornmu,)ioted 1;1 wril.ny or ,ll:)hiully bott~.n thll p<inies on or before 0 e c em b e r 24, 1. 9 ~2, the alore,ald d<JIIOsids) shall be, at (lPtion of Buyer, relurnel lo 11",1;, :11oJ offer lIIIithdrawn and duerned nuli and ~old. The dale of Contract (" EffectIve l)Jte") sllal i be the datr, ... han the fa.t all" of Seller and Buyer 113\ .,qned .,1.1\ (Jlbr. s ------------.------ fINANCING: lal II the purchue price or any part tnereol is 10 be' financed by ~ t""d lJ~rry loan, Ihls CO!lt'iJ<:t for SJlc and Purr:l1a," ('Caror,a,;t'" II I!,io:wd upon the Buver otltaining .Iirm commitmenl for sili<;lloiJr, with"'__d~y, from Elfec:l'lc Di,lte, nt all Inlerest late nut 10 e"':eed______..___,'l-., ot_ yeer,; and ill the principii amount ot $ . BO'ier vvlillTlake JppllCJlioil wlthin___d,'YI fr:Jrll EfteCljv~ Date. ~I'" liS" l.-n!)la dilillenc:a to Obtain said lOin, Should Buver lalito obtain lama or ~(J wa,ve BlIver's rights herel,nder wlthi" laid time, erlk.- party Ina'fcance.1 Cc,nt'J:;1 I.-ll Tho axisting mortgage deacribed in Peragraph ll(b) above hilS (ChECK (I) Or (2)), (1) [J a vJriable Interest rarc OR U l U a lixed IIIICit'Sr r al" uf,___,._.._..._,. ',~ .Jll~ym, At ti",. 01 title tr.osl., lomll fixed interell rales are subJe(;t to Increase, IllnCreJled, rhe rote shal: not cxeccd________ % rer ''''','Jm. SeliC: !''dlJ, iH.._ daYllrom Effoctive Date, lurnilh a statement 110m all morlgagees stating prlncipi,ll tlalaneei, me thol! I; I payment, intereSt I Dre "lid slatul of .nono,,~e, ,\'.r bas ~rMd to aSlume a mortllitQ'l which requirel approval of Buyer by the mortyagee lor ilSSUIflptlOll, Ihen Seller shall prornptl'l ObU"1 Jnu del!ver to BUYI" qllirCd eppiic:alion, and Buyer Ihall diligent IV complete and relurn same io the rnortgallee, Ar,y rnortQagee charge not to excee(j S _'_______,_,.______ !.r,all b., ..4...~...... J:.al'''''- -.. IJ~~~..-U-t~..Q,,~.._no..-.c~p~~rt?,.':9og"~ ot"'.the "~lIirC'rnelltt for onum;.;~;cr: ar,~ flot i:1 aCC1rd;Jrl";f~ ",it" t1\.~ tt~flri~ c;f COfltr.Jct Olle~~ maku. cn.r"e in OKeen of the Slated GffiOunt, Selll:r 'or Ouy'er may rescind Contr"ct bv prompt writtcn not'e~ to tr,c vlher ~alt\ unl,,~; either pJrt', ,.,.. paV anv increase in interest r.te or excess mortgage charge. The iirnount 01 any escrow depoSIts held by. mortgagec .hall be cr'Jd'ICd to Seil(:r al CIOSII\~, T1'o'LE EVIDENCE: Within 'in daYI learn Eltective Dilte, Soller shGlI, at Seller's expense, d,liver trJ BUYN Dr Buver'~ atl(,)rncy, In a;',:orda,l(;a WIt" d:rd A, ICHECK 11)or (211: (1) 0 ,bllrect of tille OR (2).lO titfe ins...ranc~ c,.<<rnm.'tment .'ViihJee~wners tllle poliCY ;JlCmium rri IlC P.,)"d by S~ller a~ (.10:11"1 wlthln'3u (Jays or Llovernmerl( apprO\Joi CI.",)$ING DATE: Thil trans.ction Ihall be clOled 'Old the deed and other closi..g pa>:e,s del, ,eled on the day of . 19 , u"leH )c.<Id by other provilionl of Conl"ct, ---- -----, ----- ___ ___, FIESTAICTIONS; EASEME~TS; LIMITATIONS: The Buver Ihall take 1IIIe subject to. 10'""g, reurictiuns, p.utllu,tiollS ~lld tlltle: 'cCi"' " "r:,,,,,ts 'lIlpu;e,:J tly "('ment,! .uthoritv: lonriCl,on, and nlatter$ appe~nn9 (.,In the plat or othcrwi$d CiJtr:lllon to tne SlJbdiviSlon: PublIC util;(y east!rnant.i r,;"t ~,,:,pd,Ca$t'I-r.~'!t\'E$ are . ioccted contiQUOI.J1 1Q Pro;>>rty 'ioes anQ iHe not more than 10 feet 10 WIdth a1 to rhe rcar or f({.Jflf hrlus and 7:~ reet HI wjdth JS UJ thr~ $lcJf' iHIt~~. l;ll!r:.iS \..)ther lP'cif,ed h<lre,n); tGltel for yellr of clOSing end subsequellt years; issurnco inollgJge\ and pur Cf,,~,.~ ;liur:ey mortgaS':s, d any: ,lll\,.)( __ _h__ _____'_____ Those of record ,pr:n,deo,r'o".e.cr,th.,:t'lo"" , et:loling nu viOlatIon 01 the foregoing and same does not prevent use of PrOrl<:rly hH _--.!l~l. Pre s e!.u:l L.l.f;" 11 e _~1-_.__..___._ _ "_ PL" :),~", I,i OC....UPANCY: Seller represents that there ilre 110 parlies 10 occupancy other thall Sefl~r, but ,(Propertv IS Inl,"d~J to be rel,led or 0CClJp:e(j :":YCI<O ,:'0;ln'J, ict lIod terml thervol shall ~ naled herein, and the tenant(s) 5hall be disclO:iCrj purouant to Slandard F, Seller ~"'(:C~ to tkllVer oee,"p.1llCY CJ! P.elPUl,' ,,: tilT'" >>in, unlo.. otherwise stared herein, Jl occopancv IS to be delivered prior to closir,g, Buyer ilSSUrlle~ all risk ul loss to Property all() P~IH'rl~:!\. I".,:n oate l;1 ,~'.cy, Ihall ~ responsible and liable for maintenance thereof Irom laid date, an<.lshall be Oeemed to hii.e "ce"Pted PI opP.rt I and Pef>oll"!ty ':1 ,~1e" "i.I't",,] ti'\.s of t,mo 01 takin~ occupancy unless oth~rwl~e ~tated herein ur in sepirllte wri:"'9, "\~'SIGNAHII.ITY: ICHECt: III or (21): Buyer (1);0 mav assign OR (2) 0 milY not assign COIl~ral;t, T't?EWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten prOVisions inserted herem or allacl'ed heretrJ os JJdc".;:J "li,II "',,'" ~,I ,oj "ro.ilionl of Contr",ct in ct.nll,ct thereWith iN;;ULATION RIDER: If C"ntract il utilized lor the sale 01 a new residence, the In,ulallon Hider ,hail be iHtactlecJ I,creto Dlld "'<I,je pJrt 11~ICi)! SPfCIAl ClAUSl:S; (~;c'~ Adjondu,n IItached horeto and mlde a Purt hereol by reterence) ( - - - - - - - - - - - THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A lEGALL Y BINDING CONTRACT, IF NOT FUll Y UNDERSTOOD. SEEK THE ADVICe OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOn TO SIGNING. THIS FOAM HAS ElEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF HEAL TOR:'; M~D THE fLOfIID.A. [j/l,I\, ..,..I do., not comtleutl1lm OI':'llon th,u lI"y of ehtl tltrrns .nd condieinns in this COr/tri!ce .IIauld I>e BC'Ceprf.iu ,?'; Che PM';". In 8 J)JrC1culiJr tr,j,IS;jCI'ij{' Tcrllll' .lId condieions c/Jc-u:d b8 nll9vriattiJ basc"<i upon chit rUSIJfH;/ille imeresrs, obll1crwes "fld I,,'rgllmifl'l {HiSiliollS of "II ill r('lt.red prd,vil" COpyroght 1~!!l5 by The Flor'da Bllr ~nd It", Flollda A~'OClJ!IOIi uf REAL TOft;:;, hlc - .- _.. +-. .-. -- -. - - -- .+ !;::SES: lTwo recomm~'lded but NOT reQu"edl DJ!O ~ 5SES; (Two reCOrl\mo.lnc:cd t,...t NOT required) SL.f261-~ C74-~ (l Lf...t'O LISTING AGREEMENT ISCUAAENTL Y IN EFFECT): 3:i;!( &liIr_ to P8V the Broker named below, at time 01 clOling,from the disburaemeilt' ultha pro~eds of s~le, compen$atlon in the arne.unt el' (COMPLETE ':'~lE'--" of lira" purch... price OR $ _ for Broke,'s If<' ,.,ces in effecting th~ ,,"e tv findino a Buyer read',!. wlli"'g ~"rJ able to AIIo) po.irauvnt to the foregoing CCHltrect, In the o.ent Buyer f,ill to perform and depCIIt(s)15 retained, 50% thereol, but nQt eXc'eed'ng thl! Broker's f!e ~b.:),.'" ,.:1, ,,".11 be pafd to The Braker, 8S ful: conlide'ation lor Broker'l ~rvlcts includlflil CO,lS expended by Brtlio;er. and the bal""ee stail be POI,J to Soller 11m. Cl~O=" ahall not be cioaed bocaUI. of retu,.I or f41lur~ of S~iJef to perfoun. th!' SeUcr thai. pay S"II(! tee in full t'J tjfoker un dl'llland In an)' ;,tl~a(iI_jl' ar1lilllH .ihl Contract, CQnC8fning the Broker's f':f:. th<.: ~'I.:'~'.Jliln~ ".It)' '~-';uIJ be eritl\lcd iC r~';'J'..:e' f-::.J:.,..::;;:"t.: dr~olnt!1 tn') .,)fld CI.i$ti _l}'i.ll$l)l RRAl r~t::.tf' :i, m Mint of Broker) ----------.---..--------,.. (nerno of coop.:r"tlng lull.auent! (:)r.llerJ .."';\.~_...-_.... -;- --- ~ - .