Resolution 636-1988 Planning Director RESOLUTION NO. 636-1988 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR IN LAND USE DISTRICT MAP BOUNDARY INTERPRETATION NUMBER 12, Cutthroat Harbor Estaes, B18,Lts 15 & 16 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: The administrative decision of the Planning Director in Land Use District Map Boundary Interpretation Number 12 dated November 2, 1988 attached and incorporated by reference, is hereby acknowledged, found to be in conformance with the standards set forth in Sec. 9.5-3 (m), Monroe County Code, and approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~ day of Nnm>mh",,. , A. D., 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By /JII~#/~ Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: . ""T1 :x - 0 . r 0 rT1 'Z J> :;:gCjz 0 or-2 ~ ~ rr"I ;.r.' 0 Cj' - Xl an' 'C) c--y X) z::Oc -0 :..., -' - CJ :-<S'c \.lJ 0 -T' .. :.u - I N 0 ~r::~ '-I2L 'f~~L APPROVED AS TO rOFf:, AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY. /"7 BY RW/jh MEMORANDUM _0: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald L. Craig, AICP, Assoc. AlA Assistant Administrator for Growth Management Division Department: Planning by: Jeanne DuBois SUBJECT: Boundary Determination for Cutthroat Harbor Estates Block 8, Lots 15 and 16 MEETING DATE: November 15, 1988 Previous Relevant Board Action:7/17/85 Referral: Yes No Commissioners District Recommended Action:Change the land use district boundaries in order to include Block 8, Lots 15 and 16 in the Commercial Fishing Area (CFA) land use district on Cudjoe Key. Summary of RequestjReport Action by:___Ordinance -1l_Resolution Citizens Committee Statement Yes No Attached Agreement/Contract - No. Approved by County Attorney as to Legality___Yes.--lLN.A. Standard Form Approved by Risk Management___Yes~Not Applicable Approved by Office Fiscal Management N/A Funding Source Current Year Cost Annual Cost Budgeted Yes____No Will Proposal Require Additional Personnel? X No If Yes State Number Permanent___ Temporary__ Other Board Policy(ies) Applicable Planning Commission Action Taken Yes Date__N.A. Alternatives:Allow Lots 15 and 16 to remain in the Suburban Commercial land use district which would make uses essential to the commerical fishing industry, such as sales and service of fishing equipment and supplies as well as manufacture of fishing equipment, nonconforming uses. Attached Documentation X Yes No MEMORANDUM DATE: November 2, 1988 TO: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Donald Craig RE: Boundary Determination for Cutthroat Harbor Estates Block 8, Lots 15 and 16 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Background: On the Land Use District Maps dated January 19, 1988, Cutthroat Harbor Estates, Block 8, Lots 12, 13 and 14 are designated Commercial Fishing Area (CFA). Block 8, Lots 15 and 16 are designated Sub Urban Commercial (SC). Cudj oe Sales has been operating a business essential to the commercial fishing industry on Lots 15 and part of 16 since before the land use plan went into effect. Recommendation: Change the land use district boundaries in order to include Lots 15 and 16 in the Commercial Fishing Area (CFA) land use district. Findings of Fact: 1. The designation of the above property as Commercial Fishing Area (CFA) rather than Suburban Commercial (SC) will be consistent with Section 9.5-216, Purpose of the Commercial Fishing Area District, and the uses allowed within the district, Section 9.5-245. 2. The determination was based on the following relevant data: a. On July 17, 1985, The Board of County Commissioners approved a designation of CFA on the Land Use District Map for E. Fish Co. and Cudjoe Sales. b. On the Land Use District Maps signed by Charles Pattison, effective September IS, 1986, the area designated CFA is imprecisely drawn and appears to the west of the actual location of E. Fi sh Co. and Cudj oe Sales. c. On the strip maps there is an error in the lot numbers of Block 8, Cutthroat Harbor Estates. E. Fish Co. is identified by an arrow to Lot 12, incorrectly identified on the map as Lot 14. d. On the current Land Use District Maps, the CFA land use district includes Lots 12, 13 and 14. e. E. Fi sh Co. owns Block 8, Lot 14, of Cutthroat Harbor Estates. f. Cudjoe Sales owns Block 8, Lots 15 and 16, of Cutthroat Harbor Estates. 3. Analysis of the existing uses on the property and surrounding properties indicate that the essential neighborhood characteristics support the determination to designate the parcel as CFA. Attachments: 1. Application 2. Current Land Use District Map 3. Aerial Photo 4. Land Use District Map effective Sept. IS, 1986 (Pattison) 5. Strip Map 6. Exhibit "A" - Commercial Fishing Site Designation 7. Proposed boundary change APPLICATION FOR LAND USE,DISTRICT MAP DETERMINATION APPLICANT Randy Skiver PHONE # 745-3667 ADDRESS Rt. 2, Box 199 Summerland Key, FL 33042 KEY Cudjoe Key MM 22 OCEANSIDE OR BAYS IDE? Oceanside SUBDIVISION Cutthroat Harbor Estates PLAT BOOK 4 PAGE 165 BLOCK 8 LOT(S) 15 and 16 MISC. LOCATION INFORMATION (ATTACH EXTRA SHEET IF NECESSARY) REQUEST CHANGE FROM SC TO CFA REASON FOR REQUEST: Cudjoe Sales is operating on Lots 15 and 16. E. Fish is operating on Lot 14. The CFA district was meant to include those two businesses. The current land use district map shows lots 12, 13, and 14 as CFA , Lots 15 and 16 as SC. PRESENT LAND USE: Cudjoe Sales DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE SUPPORTING REQUEST: SIGNATURE _______DATE ~ . I I I 1- - - ., 1 . I 1_ _ _ .J 1 I 1 t1' I 1- - - -t I . I -----------_,__J___J I I I 1 1 i1 . I I I I I I ---J, 1 I --..J I --..,J -- --- - -- --- -- I I I I 1 I I I '0: I - --I I -- --- . 41 tI . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . AI C , .. . .. 8 . .. . ... , .. i , .. I .. . . . . 4 4' .. I .. I .. 4 .. . . . . . .. . ., I. N --- --- No ----- " 4A .., OVIllt.-----_ eAa "'.aa. .,.. - _ _ .---,-., ---- a.. No . l"'-__ . I ----__ I --.... Land Use District Maps Monroe County, Florida Ja......ary 19,1988 Panel or Sheelll :';89 Appllc ant: !?1indrg sKiler / Key: Cue/Joe.-. .. I c ~ c . E . . , I c ~ o . .. .. I , . I a N 1"= 200' t IfTf"t\ ~~tI'"'...... , II @ Blft. l..{}i-..+/6,t'/b Flle:# 6UTllJRf)/fT fI#R;4/JR Mile MIIrker: .2..2.. '---... I -~_ J N I 1"=600' I ".-..-......'".-~:..~~~~......."~.~~"....-..._..,._"_......,,.,~... ~ .,----~..,~~,..._~. '''-'.., /1 Aerial Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc. 2~fJ.l> Edition, 19 0 Panel or Sheet# =?2 Applicant: Lf'4tz4 ~K/I/it; , Key: f!tt~/oe &.!.~. '-oT$/~ -1-/4> File # 7!7I,.ljJA-I 1I~t1,e Mile Marker: ~, __~_ / ~ / ~~ ,..- r--'J ~-- '-___/_. I , \ \ J J J -' I j /? J I ~ \ ),-----/~ ~, J1 ~~ I I ~ l....~ - ~----? ''"''----- // / / I ,. s cD DJOE ) ~ - ~ ~c --- ::;-"t~A - I - I I rc-sc -- ...... ' . ~ ~-.. -~ --- ~ ;;~:Tnlr-i _ I i I I I ~ ~- U II i I U 1 II . . , ~ ---..- -~ \ \ \ \ ~ .- " , \ \ , . /--17LY-~ I' f'\ ~ L, I .N.A sc Land Use District Maps Monroe Cou nty, Florida Approved by B.O.C.C., February 28,1986 / f;(/ !)J.! Il' LOTs /S'+/I::> Panel or She.t# 00 FII.# 'L71If<'()-t'J-N,J'UJal~ Applicant: R1WI4S,b/ler ~C:-_ - Key: ~d/C/ e N 1"- 600' I @ Mil. Mark.r:~_:2 _".,::-_ C'-;""'~;',.~:""",.;'_' ':A.i<~J."-'\"~~-~ '.~ ~. No.2 " ('>';; 3 -.......'._--- :t~\ t. l'UoP- ~ r~"io~" .... o~ & -I~' ",-'to! 1b" A' 2'1. 77 ....\"1~ (,(,;.1'1 THlr"T$ .. ,..,,($ .._ II. ~'"'~.'''..T'''O''' oa. e<.o "", .. CU-,.-/" 'h . "(-;Jr ;::;" '"', . J!..: I I /'\ 'C /1 r /' , -r -J"',. .t;. 17: _ 0.:.; ::J.::J9 ....- ~ TA if::' '" --0~ s A '( N Strip Maps, Monroe County, Florida Real Estate Data, Inc_.2;)nd Edition,19V I 1""" Panel or Sheet# lf31 Applicant: j;:tlndLj~~I(//Jer, '1 . Key: i{.(d,jcJt~. 1f1Y;, J!!5 /"fl~ File # C ct f/ Ifk.I}l1r !f A!<Alk!. ~ Mile Marker: 22..._ '. "EXH' ., 1\" COMMERCIAL FISHING SITE DESIGNATION CHANGES PURSUANT TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING JULY 17, 1985 :lo. Site Designation on District Boundary Map Transmitted July 2, 1985 N~w Designation qn Hap per BCC Decisions July 17, 1985* STOCK ISLAND 1. Southeast quadrant of Stock Island MI/SPA MU BOCA CHICA 2. Canals on NE side of Boca Chica CFA(SPA) CFA;MU/MI CUDJOE KEY 3. E. Fish Co. and Cudjoe Sales CFA(SPA) CFA 4 . Cudjoe Key Ferry Site NA,IS CFA S U ~1 MER LAN D KEY 5. \Vest End, N. [, S. of US 1 CF~/SPA 6 . Summerland Yacht Harbor CF BIG TORCH 7. Bluefish canal CFR MU CFA CFR reSCinded; new designation still to be determined by BCC *See notes on attached photocopied portions of the District Boundary Maps. _ _ltl. -._JJ::l F,]e: t~aps.T"~llst Report: "'W.l i st ='~ Loca~lon ~~ y --- ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------_.- ----------------- ---------- ----------------.------------------ DaU. CO!TlIT,en t s 11 Cud10P FHn;lt~ Cudjoe Kev ~1 Cu~jo2 ~erry ~ te Cudjoe Key ; 1 C,,';!JQ(' Fe;!y 51;e CudJoe Key l' CudJoe Gardens Cudj:oe Key 11 CudJo~ Key-Oceanside Cudjoe Key II Cud,oe Dce an Shore s Cudjoe Key 11 Cutthroat Harbor Estates Cudjoe Key 11 Cutthroat Harbor Estates, Sayside Cudjoe Key 11 Cutthroat Harbor Estates, 8ayside CudJoe Key E. FiSh. Cudjoe Sahs Cudjoe Key II E. FIS~, Cudjoe Sales and Service Cudjoe Key 11 HarrnGcV. N. of US 1 Cudjoe Key 11 Hamock N. of LIS 1 Cudjoe Key 11 Hamock N. of US 1 Cudjoe Key 11 RalnbCflls Lij Trailer Park Cudjoe Key 11 Redflsh Lane Fishing Village Cudjoe Key 11 Saeaiflla Subdiuls:on Cudjoe Key 11 Sacafiu..Llf2 lot 19, Cudjoe Key 11 hnOjilpfl Irati"" hrk Cudjoe Key 11 5~oonblll Sound Cudjoe Key 11 Spoonbill Sound Cudjoe Key 11 Venture Out Cudjoe Key 11 Venture Out Cudjoe Key Vista Del Mar Cudjoe Key 11 West of Spanish Main Dr, CudJoe Key Chango trco Chac",f' to CPJ CFA CFA IS SR t~ SR ~ t~ SC CFV SR SR SR SR PUIS) SR SC SR 740.1 SIUt~ SR DR-RV SR IS CFV CFA CFSDII S IS SRJ1~ Pl(J S) NA t~ r~ CFA CFV SR SR SR URN Remain IS SC SC SClURN 426 SRJl'~ DR/RV URN URN IS P ago 4 Ja~ 9 86 Lot 19, CUdjOf J:ean Shores, Tract ~an 30 86 POSTPONED for elarlflcat10r Feb 1886 IS-Bl 9, lot 16, CUdjOf Ocean Shor Dee 12 85 Denied SC Jun 6 85 Correct boundaries Jun 6 85 Correct boundaries Apr 18 85 2 hOUSfS Dec 12 85 Denied IS, 2 lots Jan 986 81 1, lots 17,19 -Denied IS Jun 6 85 Cutthroat Harbor Estates, 81 8, Lo Jan 9 86 Denied SC Jan 9 86 Postponed Jan 30 86 Feb 18 86 Jun 6 85 Jun 6 85 Requested CFV Jun 6 85 Jan 9 86 Jun 6 85 Se to be along US 1 Dee 1285 Jan 9 86 Jun 6 85 Dee 12 85 8CC Pol icy Dee ision Jun 6 85 Jan 986 81,29,7-1Ii81.30,H . ,. 1 I ,- - - -1 I . I ~------------,--~___J I I I 1 I I ......__ 11 I I . I 15> -__ I I I ~-- -----..1 I I ---- --~ I 1- ---_ ---..J -- I I 1 1 I I I I I I I ---.I... --- . 1 I I 1 I I I I '0: I ---_I 7 I i I i .. . . 41 . . 7 41 , 41 41 . 41 . .7 ., . 7 . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . - I . . .. . . . 1 I .. . .. . .. . . I t . 1 '- ,---_ 4~ o -- l'IIt~. ';;"-,.;;; _ _ _ _ _ __ ... Aro . "r-___ . -,---_ I --... . It I I . C 7 ... .. ,. j 7 . . I . . . . , -.&. Purl...nt to Seetlon 'o5-24(e)(2Hh) of the Moft,oe Cewtty eode, the boundarle. of the Lend U.e Ol.trlet Map .... Int.rpret.d to b. located a. Indicated above end briefly delerlbed U: T"lPlpt-p boundary between lots 14 and 15. Add boundary bet~en lots 16 and 17 rl~ ~'h()wn Director, Growth Men..em.nt Sheet # 41g K.y Cudjoe N 1 Oet. .OCC ...........,. '"- 200'