Resolution 686-1988 , . Monroe County Commission RESOLUTION NO. 686 -1988 a 0:: o U \.I.. 0.:: a: o u o W ....J u... N N 0'\ ex:: A. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- S50NERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING At;m ADOPTING THE FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLU- ,sroNS OF LAW AND ORDER CONCERNING THE VESTED . )......-. ?:~HTS HEARING OF KEY COLONY BEACH CLUB, ~ .-:-tSC., JOHN AND RALPH SMITH. 'L-.- c.;) :e::, . LLJ \............ o ''''''-0 ~c (-) a::: <t Z ~EREA', on October 25, 1988, a vested rights hearing was held in Key West, Monroe County, Florida, concerning Key Colony Beach Club, Inc., John and Ralph Smith, and WHEREAS, in accordance with said hearing, John E. Bigler, Jr., Hearing Officer for Monroe County, Florida, entered a Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order concerning said Key Colony Beach Club, Inc., John and Ralph Smith, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, now desires to accept and adopt said Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order concerning said Key Colony Beach Club, Inc., John and Ralph Smith, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Board hereby accepts and adopts, pursuant to Section 8-302(b)(5) of the Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan's Land Development Regulations, the said Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order entered by John E. Bigler, Jr., Hearing Officer, concerning Key Colony Beach Club, Inc., John and Ralph Smith, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Department of Community Affairs, P.O. Box 990, Key West, Florida 33041. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of December, A.D. 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY, ~~~~ M R I N (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk APPROVED AS TO'" ANDLEGALSU~_~ 8a~L:;:P.~ .~/ Attorney's 0IIice ~,~~.~~L ::H- . "..-<>> STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Petitioners, --.. (I.' '-' " ...... n REC t. \.\1 'r_ \J .. :\J '2. ~ '<l,~?>,. .' \~G.. ,',ill ..", f".'I ., \. \ . "1\~Or: ..,,<-: '..a' MOi''',~... '""":::._ I'. nl ~ !\If', r""i'" ~ KEY COLONY BEACH CLUB, INC., JOHN and RALPH SMITH, vs. 8'1 MONROE COUNTY, Respondent. / FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW, AND ORDER Pursuant to notice, this cause was heard before John E. Bigler, Jr., A duly designated hearing officer, on Tuesday, October 25, 1988, at 10:00 a.m. in the Grand Jury Room in Key West, Florida. Appearances were: For Petitioners: Ralph F. Smith Key Colony Beach Club, Inc. P.O. Box 716 Key Colony Beach, FL 33051 For Respondent: Ruth Grover County Planner 5825 Junior College Road Key West, FL 33040 George W. Quinnell, Esq. Assistant County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, FL 33040 This cause arose upon the filing of an application for determination of vested rights on September 2, 1987, amended on October 25, 1988, by Ralph F. Smith on behalf of Petitioners, who claim ownership of Lot 13, Block 13 and Lot 11, Block 14 of Coco Palm Beach, a subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 166, Monroe County records. The hearing was held pursuant to Section 4-107 and Chapter 8, Volume 3, Florida Keys Comprehensive Plan and was conducted under the rules of procedure set forth in Chapter 28-5 of the Florida Administrative Code and Chapter 120 of the Florida statutes. The hearing was open to the public, and Petitioners called Ralph F. Smith as their only witness. Exhibits introduced into evidence were: 1. Maps of subject property; ot - 2. Mac of state lands; 1. Map of dike removal; 4. E:~hibi t H (bJO applic<:1ticns); 5. Pro forma p~esentation; 6. Letter dated 9/2/87; 7. Letter dated 10/18/u8; 8. Amended application; 9. Affidavit of notice; 10. Photograph of site, 1972; 11. Photograph of site, 1985; 12. Composite - four deeds to state of Florida; 13. Diagram of Avenue K. Lots 12-20 inclusive; The issue to be resolved was whether Petitioners had met the standards for vested rights as set forth in Chapter 9.5, Article VI, Division 3 of the Monroe County Code. Ralph F. SMith, a non-attorney, presented his case and personally testified. Every courtesy was extended to Mr. Smith to reopen his case, make additions, to cross examine and to fully express himself as he saw fit. Great liberality was granted by the Hearing Officer in permitting Mr. Smith to express his frustration with his perception of the bureaucratic process in his attempts to use his property as he saw fit. At the conclusion of the hearing, Mr. Smith was invited to present his own proposed findings and conclusions to the Hearing Officer and was given until 15 November 1988 to do so. Mr. Smith was encouraged to review his presentation and consult with an attorney to present his proposed findings and conclusions. This Hearing Officer made it amply clear that the official file, with exhibits, was available at all times for this preparation. Petitioners failed and/or did not elect to present any proposed findings or conclusions for consideration by Officer. this Hearing FINDINGS OF FACT Ralph F. Smith testified as follows in response to questions posed by the County: 1. In 1972 Petitioners received a dredge-and-fill permit / Y / .: for two canals in the vicinity of the 1974 received an additional permit for area; however a permit authorizing subject prop~rty and in furthsr di"edging . , . J,n 'cne the specific property has never been issued. 2. The application was incomplete in that the documentation required in paragraph E of the .l\pplication for Determination of Vested Rights was not attached. 3. No act~al construction had begun. 4. Petitioners h3ve incurred no expenses or obligations which are unique to the proposed development. 5. No feasibility studies with respect to the proposed development have been made. Petitioners have hired no architects, engineers, or economists to assist them in determining whether the proposed development is economically viable. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Hearing Officer finds as follows: 1. As a result of Petitioners' failure to attach the supporting documentation required in paragraph E of their Application, it cannot be concluded that they even own the subject property and because of the incompleteness of their Application they were not entitled to a hearing. 2. Petitioners have failed to satisfy any of the criteria set forth in Section 9.5-183, to wit: a) They failed to show there was a valid, unexpired governmental act of Monroe County authorizing the specific development. \~ . 3. The Petitioners have also failed to satisfy any of the following minimum requirements: j' a) That expenditures or obligations. were made or incurred in reliance upon the authorizing act that are not reasonably usable in a development permitted by Chapter 9.5; b) That it would be highly inequitable to deny the applicant the opportunity to complete the previously approved development. 4. Other factors which were considered and which were not , ~hO\'ln to .::l::i3t .J~l t.:~3 :?:~:r~::"~:t_C1181: t:'~;:8: u) ~'J :10 t:.~.: 1: ':;'~'c.:.~ ;~~.L C 2 ~:::'Co :"~~'. -,-')"::~ ~.J. 11;:lS C(~~-l-:'~': :::'.. ':.'; Co ~.~ ..... i,..""' \,..__ .-J. t'lhether the e:~psnses or obligut~ons ia~~~~~~ :.:1:0 l.~.''-l:~'~_l_'>.~ '::.~I . . . ~:_ ~-3 development previously ap?roved ano 11C)':': :rQ~fJC!lf'.~j_I.."') ~ - -. ~::'.J:j :,)_ (.; ~: oJ:." r~ development permitted by Chaptc= 9.5; b) t'lhether the alleged injury ou';':\';eighs 'i:!lO r;ublic cost of allowing the e3velopmcnt to go forw~~d; c) Whether the e?plica~t has dem~n3tratGd thut the development t'las e.::onor:1ically v iClblc \oJnen app:-oved; d) Whether the expenses or obligations were made or incurred with notice of a change in regulations; e) Whether the applicant can make a reasonable return on the expended expenses or obligations by development authorized by the plan. 5. There was a veritable complete lack of proof by the petitioner for a finding of vested rights even with every possible consideration and benefit of any doubt being given to the Petitioners presentation and possible claim. ORDER Upon the evidence, findings, and conclusions having been considered, it is ordered that the Petitioners are not entitled to a favorable determination, and their application is therefore denied. DONE AND ORDERED this ,;T 21 -day of November, 1988, in Key West, Florida. '0:. ?!trL ~ /kA t J9BN E. BIGELR, JR. Hearing Officer 604 Whitehead street Key West, FL 33040 (305) 294-8363 Copies to: Honorable Gene Lytton, Mayor Captain Tom Brown, County Administrator Mr. Ralph Smith, Petitioner George W. Quinnell, Esq. Ruth Grover, Planning Department . ~~ ,Co