Resolution 345-1994 F : L E [J !:: Ie ;n (' I) r,: Public Works Director '94 NOV -4 P 3 :33 RESOLUTION NO. 345-1994 " i1", eLl'. L,lf,' P1"I~SeILIJ1!)jj(j)$ i9V THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. RESERVING STICKNEY LANE (A COUNTY OWNED ROAD NEAR THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE IN KEY WEST) FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEE PARKING AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. as follows: Section 1. This resolution is adopted under the authori- ty granted in Sec. 316.006(3)(b)(3), Fla. Stat. Section 2. Parking on Stickney Lane - a County owned road in the vicinity of the Public Works garage in Key West - is reserved for County employees. No person not an employee of Monroe County may park any vehicle in the area designated employee parking only depicted on the maps attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A" of this resolu- tion. The Public Works Director must post the employee parking area with signs conforming to the manual and specifications of the Florida Department of Transportation in sufficient number to adequately apprise members of the public of the employee only parking area. The Public Works Director must provide vehicle stickers that identify vehicles as belonging to employees whose jobs require that they park on the area depicted in Exhibit A. Any person parking a vehicle without such a sticker within the area described in Exhibit A will be presumed to be in violation of this resolution. Section 3. If any section. subsection, sentence. clause or provision of this reSOl\ltion is held invalid. the remainder of this resolution shall not be affected by such invalidity. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe COllnty. Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 20th day of October. 1994. Mayor London absent Mayor Pro Tem Cheal yes Commissioner Freeman yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Reich yes (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By a. ~ ~ Mayor a rman viiparking ---:}",J,,-:J'19 T'" r-"""'~ r \ <: lJ~-:"~ '" ] 6' 0 ;Y;:-~--f(7---'- .. 1~,_J- - -"-~'"' \ '~"'':I ".: t:-"\.@1 ~ 50.00' J @ \ PL S88032'28"E 2000.00' \ \ , ::I ::I I) ~ 100' JC 4800' Ii. tj . I o ' ~k;. - - ' I , , \L Afl J \Y- I -- - ,. -~---- n( 0( k{Vi';.iiiit;;M.'i;i;; 1, '.' ....,'....,.... A~I~':~~I!f~ll~'1~1lIJ:j~ S8050' l' 140." ~ 0- N o o . <9 T " o F FLORIOA I . III~I(I NUS AilE BAS FI' SYRTRM OF THf<; EAST :I \ -0- I NIlICATES ,\ , SilT IN CONCH!.! ~ ,', - ~an1 EXHIBIT A 5 . . .. 3 4/38,' UPDA TE LEASI::S ~' , , ,1 PROPERTY MAP T= ~C':'e7 ADIJED "METES & SQWNQ::;